Comfy edition
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Comfy edition
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you dumbshit
did you download the preview or something?
What are some in-progress CYOAs to look forward to?
See? Starting a new threg isn't that hard
This is good thread
Correct thread
Dont bump this shit.
since op is retarded
I got you senpai
Don't copy my posts, nigger
Don't copy my posts, nigger
Don't copy my posts, nigger
alright I take that back
Don't nigger my posts, copy
Don't copy my nigger, posts
Character image template for GIMP, if you're into that sort of thing:
Don't post my niggers, copy
Dont tell me what to do.
Nigger my copy posts, don't.
Whoops, I dropped my (You).
Don't nigger my posts, nigger
And the chemist drops you!
Don't nigger my nigger, nigger
Nigger nigger my nigger, nigger
Nigger nigger my nigger, nigger
Don't copy my post, nigger
Nigger don't copy, my posts.
Don't nigger my post, nigger
Fools! I was SDA the whole time!
Nigger nigger nigger nigger, nigger
Wait, SDA is black?
It's hopeless for me, isn't it?
Imposter. I'm actually SDA!
No, not tok, I know about tok, I'm asking about SDA
Can our niggerposting problem be solved with Yuri?
Find out in a couple seconds, I guess!
Yes, yes it can.
Yes. I'm literally retarded and got +30.
What exactly are you defining as literally retarded here?
Where's the love?
Tok raped it
That's just -3 on the CYOA isn't it
Up your ass.
Yeah, but it's an indicator of a lot worse
The thread raped Tok first
This thread is boring
Not-boring thread here
can someone post the Kancolle CYOA?
I would I guess. If I knew what it is.
>Face and General: Average +1
>Age: 20 +1
>Fat: Slightly Chubby +1
>Muscle: Definitly Built +4
>Penis Size: 6" +1
>Height: 6.5' +4
>Hair: Good Hairline +2
>Skin and Race:
White +2
Weak acne -1
Eczema (Just popped up a week ago, not sure if that counts, so I'll just -1)
>Fitness: Stand/walk a lot +1
Easily Sick -1
Mild Genetic Disease -3
>Other Cosmetic:
Scars -1
Beautiful hair +2
Very hairy body -2
>Interests and Politics:
>Minor interests:
Weapons +1
Game Programming +1
>Major interests:
Gaming +2
Conspiracy Theorist -2
Pedophilia -3
Necro or Zoophilia (Both) -3/6?
Furry -1
Community College degree 0
Impulsive -2
Reserved -1
Emotional -1
Aggressive Personality +2? (I thought this would be a negative)
Quiet -1
Kind +1
Good with animals/children +1
Spiteful -1
Cynical +1
Idealistic -1
Polite +1
Uncouth +1?
Thoughtful +1
Careless -2
Smug -1
(Christ I got nearly every trait here.)
Cooking +2
Handyman +2
Car Mechanic +1
Massage +1
>Sex drive/Sexuality:
Nymphomaniac -2
Slightly bi +1?
Other personality disorders -2
Phobias (Everyday) -3
Violent -3
>Social Skills:
Awkward but warms up -2
Humorous +2
Quick to anger (Though slow to show it) -1
Flatterer +1
Low self esteem -2
>Fashion Sense:
Some effort 0
>Sexual History:
Virgin -3
>Total Assets:
5-10k 0
0 -4
>Total: -12
Wow, not a big surprise to be honest.
Too much word, must separate.
2nd part
>Face and General: Average -1
>Age: 12-14 +6
>Fat: Normal 0
>Breast: A-C -1
>Hips/Ass: Feminine 0
>Height: 4-5ft -2
>Muscle: Untrained 0
>Skin and Race:
Other 0
Unusually pale +2
Flawless skin -3
>Fitness: Stand/Walk/Bike a lot 0
Easily Sick +1
Allergies +1
>Other Cosmetic:
Scars +1
Beautiful hair -2
Rare hair color (Dark red) -2
Permanent eye bags +2
>Interests and Politics:
>Minor Interest:
Gaming (Free)
Vegetarianism +2
Conspiracy Theorist +2
Pedophilia (free)
Choking +2
High School +3
Responsible (Free)
Good with animals/children -1
Smug +1
Cooking -2
Cleaning and Laundry -1
>Sex Drive/Sexuality:
Multiple times a day +2
Straight 0
>Social Skills:
Sometimes awkward +4
>Fashion Sense:
Some effort 0
>Sexual History:
Virgin -3
>Total Assets:
101k-300k (7+ years) +1
41-70k -2
>Points: 0
Surprised I managed to make something good, since I started with shit for points.
>Free Cities
Water-dancing always struck me as really awesome.
>The Blade (Higher Education)
Like I said, always wanted to be a water-dancer.
>Touched by Magic, Tools of the Trade.
Illusion magic will complement my already dangerously dexterous fighting style. Plus, a light Valyrian steel sword that will compliment my fighting style.
No strings attached fun, and someone who can help me keep my equipment in good shape between scraps and missions.
The way I see it, there will be plenty of challengers to keep my skills sharp, and plenty of demand for a highly skilled warrior as a bodyguard or champion in the Free Cities, and I will spend plenty of time traveling and living life to the fullest.
Why would you post shit into a good thread though?
I might as well
Tragedy is the best and only choice.
You are a heartless fiend
The chemist is dropping people left and right today.
Dancer. Great waifu limited danger as a rival, and 7-0... well that's trouble anyway.
>7-0... well that's trouble anyway.
>Roll 7
Don't worry user. I hear dancing is a lot of fun if you get into it. Especially for girls.
I'm not sure if there's too many good choices, or not enough. Anyway, I'll go with the Priest.
way to post a version with their feet cropped off asshole
>260 points
Ok, I can live with this.
Any other changes?
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Go eat toejam footfag.
Any updates besides the points? I don't have time to check the whole thing at the moment.
Did the author of Deepest Pit say they were going to make some small changes?
>CYOAs over 1 page long
Repostan, since it didn't get many builds last thread
Face & General- Average (1)
Age- 24-26
Fat- Normal/Slim
Muscle- Trained (2)
Dick- 6" (3)
Height- 6' (7)
Hair- Good Hairline (9)
Skin & Race- White (11)
Fitness- Cardio (13)
Health/Other- Good Immunity (14), Allergies (13)
Cosmetic/Other- Big Nose (12), Good Voice (14)
Interests/Politics- Nothing
Fetishes- Nothing. Why is choking -2, of all things?
Intellect- BS (17)
Traits- Responsible (19), Impulsive (17), Uncouth (18), Cynical (17), Good with Animals (18), Kind (19)
Skills- Cooking (21), Cleaning (22), Handyman (24), Hunting/Fishing (25), Massage & Pampering (26)
Sex Drive- Mulitple times a day (28)
Psychological- None
Social Skills- Charming (31), Confident (35), Good Flirter (40), Flatterer (41), Slow to Anger (42), Humorous (44)
I almost feel bad for this section, but I'm not selling myself short damnit
Fashion Sense- Some Effort
Sexual History- Promiscous (42)
Total Assets- 10k-100k (43)
Income- 41k-70k (45)
Face & General- Attractive (38)
Age- 24-26
Fat- Slightly Chubby (36)
Muscle- Untrained
Breast Size- E-H (29)
Hips & Ass- Head Turning (25)
Height- 5-5.5 Feet
Skin & Race- White (23)
Fitness- Walks a lot
Health/Other- Easily Sick (24), Allergies (25)
Cosmetic/Other- None
Interests/Politics- Minor Shared Interest (22), Deep Shared Interest (18), Pleb taste in media (22), Conspiracy theorist (24)
Fetishes- Deep Fetish you like x2 (14), Choking (16)
Intellect- Difficult BS (13)
Traits- Emotional (12), Kind (11), Idealstic (10), Thoughtful (9) Nice Laugh (8), Good with animals (7)
Skills- Cooking (5), Massage & Pampering (4)
Sex Drive- Multiple a day (2)
Psychological- None
Social Skills- Poor eye contact (5), Sometimes awkward (9), Low self-esteem (11), Charming (8), Humorous (6)
Fashion Sense- Good (3)
Sexual History- Promiscuous (5)
Total Assets- 10k-100k (4)
Income- 41-70k (2)
2 points to kill....let's give her glasses so I have 3 points, then bump her ass & thighs up a size
Round two! Not much has changed (almost certainly not worth changing a build for), but if you've played before, feel free to tweak your builds for whatever you want.
Talk about a Pocket Dimension!
I'm starting to think about my next project. Like I mentioned last thread, I definitely do revisit the setting later, but I've also been sitting on a separate concept I want to use: a "universal DLC" in the form of a City Guard CYOA. Which do I pursue?
The Internet here is so spotty I can hardly load a captcha. It makes image collection difficult
My nigger don't copy, post
Rolled 5 (1d21)
The fates have decided. The Lancer is mine.
that submarine one is looking pretty cool
Hey pocket dimension user you never answered what you want in a pocket dimension and what kind of setting it should be in.
me: 19
attractive (7)
slightly chubby (9)
C cup (10)
eye-catching (12)
Southeast Asian (11)
does cardio (13)
scars (12)
good voice (14)
fetish I like (19)
conspiracy theorist (17)
impulsive (15)
romantic (17)
normal drive (18)
terrible fashion sense (13)
sometimes awkward (9)
low self esteem (7)
promiscuous (5)
revolutionizer of her field (15)
150k/year (19)
I imagine choking can go wrong very easily, so it's seen as 'edgeplay'
Not going to change my build, I liked where I ended up
The Shafts
Maintenance Level
Mud Pits
Magforce- 5
Symbiosis- 1
Historian- 3
Spore Jungle
Biological Project "LGM"
Watcher in the Dark
>Mystery Box
I would love to explore this setting. Feels like a Shock game to me.
is there a pizza cyoa
At least one.
geo mancer
Dunno, tell us about the one you're making.