>dm makes us roll 4d6 down the line DROP THE HIGHEST to "prevent powergaming"
>this is 5e LMOP and everyone else in the party except me's first time playing
why do people do this?
>dm makes us roll 4d6 down the line DROP THE HIGHEST to "prevent powergaming"
>this is 5e LMOP and everyone else in the party except me's first time playing
why do people do this?
LMoP is designed to be easy, who cares?
That's power gaming.
Real men roll 3d6, in order.
>4d6 fags should die
doesn't 4d6 drop the highest result in a lower average than 3d6?
With stats like that you're just going to have to powergame all the harder to stay alive and get shit done.
I dunno?
It sounds fishy to me and I want no part of it.
Nope. Think about it. Either way, you're ending with 3d6, but in one, you lower your chance of getting a low number.
You have to powergame even harder to keep up with 5e that way though. There are other systems that rely less on stats that would be much more appropriate for this style of stat rolling.
Drop the HIGHEST.
Read, fucker. Drop highest, not lowest.
They said drop highest of 4d6 not lowest, dumbass.
Fucking learn to read.
calm down you mongoloids
no. fuk u guys. I do enough of that in class.
I think your GM thinks lower stats make for a more gritty oriented game of impoverished, malnourished, conan the barbarian type characters. What it just ends up with is characters who can do a whole lot of nothing which isn't fun for anyone. What's the point of having a class if you can only unlock half of it's abilities? It feels like a paywall.
Sure in 5e this isn't as dramatic. If anything in 5e it just means suck saves. I'd be ok with it if I trusted the DM to reward good roleplaying and not put us in immediate danger unless we do something stupid like walk into a blatant trap or start shit with the local gang.
why not just have everyone use the standard scores in the PHB (15,14,13,12,10,8) instead?
>getting to roll your stats
Can I please get an invite to your group? My balance obsessed GM makes us use pre-gen statlines for everything.
Rolled 4, 5, 5 = 14 (3d6)
>calling other people mongoloids
>while being such a mongoloid that you can't comprehend the word "highest"
Rolled 3, 1, 5 = 9 (3d6)
I am not a native of this board, do your janitors not enforce the rules? Is it tolerated as long as you people keep discussing?
Are traps gay? :v
Rolled 6, 3, 4 = 13 (3d6)
Rolled 3, 6, 1 = 10 (3d6)
so far:
14, 9, 13
>absolutely what's wrong with being gay faggot?
Rolled 2, 6, 1 = 9 (3d6)
CROM wheres my satan roll already
so far:
14, 9, 13, 10
Rolled 4, 2, 1 = 7 (3d6)
nine again the dice hate me, last roll
14, 9, 13, 10, 9,
ok so I got
14, 9, 13, 10, 9, 7
What can my class be?
Yeah that's right, a farmer
>Are traps gay?
Themselves? Probably, no guarantee on that. Liking traps? Completely fucking gay and Baylee Jay will call you a fag.
Not that theres anything wrong with that.
your class can be anything you want it to be
you just won't be very good
>why do people do this?
Well, it makes standard human better, I guess?
You'd make a decent barbarian or fighter.
Hell, grab a +2str +1con race and you'd be downright acceptable.
GM's trying to scare new people out of the hobby.
>wants to "prevent powergaming"
>not using the default stat spread in the first fucking chapter of the PHB
I don't know if you noticed this
But your DM is a retard
Rolling for stats, no matter what method you use, promotes powergaming.
Might as well share my opinions on this, the best board on Veeky Forums. If the addition of a penis to a feminine figure increases how much that figure excites you, then that is definitely gay (as other anons have said, not that there's anything wrong with that), since it is the male-ness that is arousing.
If instead you are excited more by the idea that some person wants you / your approval so badly that they change their appearance, their mannerisms, and every other external aspect of themselves to be closer to what they think will arouse you... ...Then you've got problems, but you aren't necessarily gay.
fucking a trap is not gay.
getting fucked by a trap is gay.
It's not going to work, especially in 5e. Powergaming is reliant on abusing system knowledge, not a good initial stat. Although it helps.
>impoverished, malnourished, conan the barbarian type characters.
What the fuck am I reading
Roman/prison gay,I'll allow it.
Alright mister psychologist, hows about this one?
What if a feminine figure with a penis excites you less than a feminine figure with a vagina, but you are sexually excited by, and masturbate to, both as occasion arises?
Then you're a 1 or a 2 on the Kinsey scale, much like myself.
And so we now know exactly how gay Veeky Forums is.
Thats being Bi you dumb niggers. Still gay, just not solely the domain of it.
You're probably too young to be here then kiddo. If not in actual years then just mentally.
This is what constitutes a bad set to you fucking crybabies?
Listen to him. He knows shit.
Bisexuality is a fiction created by heterosexuals who just free pussy from fagchasers.
Bisexuality (equal attraction to both sexes) is a five on the Kinsey scale
That's shitty b8 m8
Also stop needlessly spoilering your discussion of traps. Janitors are a myth. Like regular updates to a play by post, or having fun.
>characters are 10% less good at skill checks and attack rolls
>"these characters can't do anything"
This is the mindset of a D&D player in 2017.
A -2 represents roughly a 25% decrease in success rate at low levels. It really hurts.
Care to explain how exactly? Because that doesnt check out given the d20s flat distribution.
I can't figure out how to export the graphs, but if you input
output 3d6
output [lowest 3 of 4d6]
on anydice.com, you'll see that the average roll for "4d6 drop highest" is 8.76, so significantly lower than the 10.5 expected from 3d6.
OP's GM is a raging faggot.
Dont give a shit, if it aint zero then it still counts. Kinsey can tongue my anus and I bet you think D&D alignment is good for rpgs.
You generally need a 13+ or so at shit level. That's 8 chances to not fuck up. -2 means a 15+ to not fuck up, which is 6 chances to not fuck up.
Hence, your not-fuck-up rate has gone from 8/20 to 6/20, which is a 25% decrease.
I mean, I'm spitballing numbers here but the point is that -10% flat is much higher relative.
As opposed to your views on alignment, which are either "good" or "bad", similar to your juvenile binary approach to sexuality?
Sure, but you can't be sure of that range of success until after you've rolled (or at least how my group has always done skill rolls), and your claim only works with that example.
Just roll 18d6, you flooding cunt.
If I was on /v/, this would be an excuse to post traps.
Rolled 3, 5, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 6, 2, 1, 3, 1, 6, 5, 5, 6, 2, 4, 1 = 82 (24d6)
Ok guys. So i have to roll up a dude for a one shot between my campaign that i normally dm. Ive been told 4d6 down the line pick a class before I roll and race after I roll. So here it goes i guess. Wildmage sorcerer
Rolled 6, 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 1, 5, 1, 4 = 62 (18d6)
What's my class then
Shit, found the D&D player. Lemme break it down for you. You have a bucket of red paint and a bucket of blue paint, put a drop of blue into the red, its still mostly red but also a little bit blue at the same time; thus still gay, if only just a little bit.
Suicide Bomber. Then roll up a new character.
>you can't be sure of that range of success until after you've rolled
>not being able to guess the general DC of an action
I mean, unless there's something the DM didn't make clear to the player(s) on purpose, there's no reason besides a bad DM that most simple seeming things for a low-level DnD character shouldn't be DC 10 or 15. Unless you're a retard who plays with crit-able DC checks and is going to try to jump over the entire castle because "they totally will if they roll a 20", most low-level players are going to know to only attempt things that should be around a DC 10 or 15.
Metagaming maybe, but you could easily just say your character knows their limits and is trying to play it safe.
Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't you pick a race, roll stats, and then decide your class?
The thing for me on stats is that if you end up playing a character that only has 11 or 12 in their main class stat, it just raises the question of how they got the training to become their class in the first place. While having a high ability score is less key in 5e thanks to bounded accuracy, it still isn't going to be very fun when your character doesn't have much reason to be there.
Generally I think it's
>pick race
>pick class
>roll numbers
>assign numbers to the stats of your choosing
That's how my group has done it when we decide not to do point-buys.
No, because that would be optimizing munchkin bullcrap, fucking powergamers I swear to god.
>Wanting a functional character.
No you idiot, red + blue equals purple.
It'd be a bit PURPLE, not blue.
Retake kindergarten you fuckup.
Rolled 3, 4, 4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 5, 1, 2, 6, 5 = 64 (18d6)
>dm makes us roll 4d6 down the line DROP THE HIGHEST to "prevent powergaming"
>this is 5e LMOP and everyone else in the party except me's first time playing
>why do people do this?
Sounds like the DM is either horrifically incompetent, sadistic, or both. Sounds like Mark Rein-Hagen is trying to run D&D again.
Rolled 5, 2, 5, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5, 2, 6, 4, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 = 76 (24d6)
Dropping the highest
Melfor, the Elven Warrior of the Feywanderer.
Depends on your approach. If you have a concept ready, you choose race and class first and then fit the stats to the concept (elite array or 4d6dl free), but if you go with random characters, you roll first and then go "hmm, what kind of a character would have these stats" and go from there.
Rolled 2, 3, 6, 6, 6, 5, 2, 6, 2, 5, 2, 4, 3, 4, 2, 5, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3 = 94 (24d6)
>drop the highest
Variant human warlock, taking Moderately Armored as my feat.
>ignores stated volume of bucket vs drop
>can't comprehend that without the blue there would be no purple
QED still gay gay and D&D is still a shit system
10 str, 11 dex AND 3 (!) con for a warrior, fucking nice.
Dont make assumptions about crit DCs. Literally irrelevant to the discussion.
On topic, relative success range is a non-factor in DCs. If your DC goes from 11(50%) to pass up to a 13(40%), your chance to pass still only went down 10%. Not 20%.
Rolled 2, 2, 6, 5, 5, 1, 6, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2, 3, 4 = 91 (24d6)
Elf 14yo loli, drop highest.
No, your chance to pass decreased by 20%. You will now fail 20% of the rolls you would have passed.
Rolled 5, 18, 17, 20, 7, 14 = 81 (6d20)
>not rolling 6d20 down the line
Not bad all in all, would have preferred a higher cha though.
Strength and intelligence are a distraction, gain wisdom, punch muslims.
You mean 6d16+2
Purple is blue and red
Therefore a shade of purple which is mostly red is still a bit blue
Therefore traps are still a bit gay
Rolled 3, 7, 11, 7, 8, 10 = 46 (6d16)
Not every soldier is a god of war, man. Some people are not the cream of the crop, but they still exist.
So Kinsey's 6 would be "straight" to you, even if they're relatively open to doing things with guys in the right circumstance? Because what you're saying is that 10 and only 10 is "straight" and everything else is gay.
Yeah, and those people tend to be NPCs rather than Fighters. Also, I would hardly classify 14 strength as 'god of war'.
A 10 is what you could expect off of any random person off the street. A 12 is what I would expect of a rank and file soldier. A 14 is what I would expect of a Fighter who is explicitly above the average rank and file in skill, hitpoints, etc.
Of course, if you wanted to play an all NPC class game, that'd be fine too, but honestly I'd rather play as NPC classes with half-decent stats over PC classes with 10s across the board. Less logically inconsistent that way.
My group always rolls for stat arrays regardless of who the DM is, locating the results afterwards. This is how everyone I've met does it, and nobody has an issue with it.
Why is it such taboo on this board?
Also, do you prefer point buy or 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 for initial stats in 5e?
Are you retarded?
You want to be a hero. A superstar, and that's fine. You shouldn't roll down-the-line, or play in games with people who do choose to. Some people are okay with being less than that, trusting in their ingenuity to carry them through.
Numbers aren't everything.
Playing really shitty characters in a dark and lethal campaign could be pretty fun though.
>not struggling through completely randomized digeons with nothing but your NPC class, your NPC tools, and your wit
Being bad at a job doesnt equate to having no reason to have/do that job.
I don't require Bill Gates to tell me how to build a PC, nor do I refuse to decorate my house just because I lack a degree in interior design.
In dnd, being a PC already makes you special seeing as you get classes and features and shit. Your wizard might not be able to cast greater wishomancy, nor may he be the pinnacle of his field. But by having feats and shit, he's already a cut above which is a core asspumtuon of things lile dnd.
You being colorblind does not mean traps are gay, user.
I could see myself doing down the line simply because of how out of control my character backlog has become but I wouldn't force it upon anyone.
And you only fail 10% more rolls overall.
Saying otherwise is just choosing to be a pessimist. Quit cherry picking.
You fail 20% more rolls.
This isn't hard, user.
Yeah, sure. It might be fun to have 8s in every stat and then have to go through a dungeon crawl using your real-life wisdom and intelligence to make up for your character's slight retardation. Personally, I would use a system that's actually based on doing that sort of freeform problem solving rather than a system that is heavily dependent on numbers, but if you find it fun, sure.
However, OP's DM seems to be doing this against his group's wishes just to try and grim things up.
>But by having feats and shit, he's already a cut above which is a core asspumtuon of things lile dnd.
But the only reason he has feats is because you wrote down 'wizard' on his sheet. But who taught him? Who looked at this 11 intelligence child and was like 'this seems like an apprentice with great potential' and decided to go through the arduous process of teaching someone with nearly average intelligence magic?