What properties do you think could be turned into fantastic war-games? Be they vidya, books, TV shows, or any other medium you can think of, what are the great potential war-games out there?
I put my vote in for the Earth Defense Force series as a large scale battle game, possibly similar to Epic. I think there are a lot of neat mechanics you could have there:
>Ravagers are like the Tyranids; swarms of weak crappy guys supported by big monsters
>EDF are small, but elite
>Ravagers have a large unit variety
>EDF have low unit variety, but can equip their soldiers with a greater range of weapons
>Terrain destruction would play a major part. Need to get to an enemy unit on the other side of a building? Bring down the building.
>Scenarios for fighting in the city, countryside, beach fronts, giant bug hives and more.
>Epic battles between Erginus and Walking Fortress Balams
>Could play around with how weapons work. Missiles could be guaranteed damage that always hits, but takes one or more turns until it takes effect, representing the missile closing in on the enemy
>Wide range of varied models, especially on the Ravager side
What about you Veeky Forums? What would you want to see turned into a war-game?