Seeing as the past few have been popular enough, I figure that we should do one last simulation before the prerelease. Then I'll probably give a rest for a while.
If you feel like taking part, go ahead and suggest a pick.
Seeing as the past few have been popular enough, I figure that we should do one last simulation before the prerelease. Then I'll probably give a rest for a while.
If you feel like taking part, go ahead and suggest a pick.
Other urls found in this thread:
Take Walk. It's the most constantly good spell and lets you go into pirates or vampires.
Blossom dryad is second pick as being able to have 5 mana on 4 is really good for RG aggro.
Here's a link to a draft sim sense OP failed to post one:
What's your first pick from this pack?
Walk the Plank. Even dedicated Merfolk decks ought to have some decent Dino or Pirate targets for it.
The purpose of this exercise is to complete a draft together, not just to post first picks, just so you know.
Walk the Plank is fairly easy as a #1, followed by Armasaur and then I think Shaper Apprentice, but that depends on how valuable 2-drops are.
Captivating Crew, with Air Elemental second, and I want to say Deeproot Warrior third. I think I'm just really big on Merfolk, but it beats a bunch of 2 and 3 drops while attacking.
Walk the Plane is the first pick.
Could someone post links to the last threads/pics of the finished decks?
Plank rather than plane, you get what I mean.
Naya Dinosaurs: UB Pirates: GW Trash:
Kitesail I think. It goes well with our first pick and disrupts the opponent at the same time as it's a raid enabler.
Freebooter is an obvious follow up pick as it keeps us in B, and both synergies with raid and pirates. It would be fun to see Favorable rotate to try and force UB fliers.
If Favorable doesn't rotate Deadeye or Ruse would be a nice rotate. Even the cutlass wouldn't be awful if we stay pirates.
Thank you.
Kitesail Freebooter picked.
I like squire more then Desperate Castaways as we don't have anything that cares about pirates yet, and not being able to attack is awkward.
Run Aground is pretty good too if we are a tempo deck. I think it's the pick.
Heartstopper, squire, and fire are the best this pack has. Leaning towards squire just for a free land or 2/3 for 2.
Either Seeker's Squire OR Skittering Heartstopper looks like decent pickups, but neither is super exciting. I suspect our deck might lean towards the aggressive consider we're looking hit people with flying 1/2s.
So that said, my pick is Run Aground as a way to keep the tempo up.
Let's narrow it down.
Choose one of the following:
>Seeker's Squire
>Skittering Heartstopper
>Unfriendly Fire
>Run Aground
The next three posts decide the pick. If there's a tie, I'll cast the final vote.
Squire. Either we draw a land or get a 2/3, either of which are nice early in the game.
Squire's too good to pass up.
Squire is def the safest pick, but I still really like run aground.
Seeker's Squire picked.
Dire-Fleet Captain, without question.
Orc pirate captain. Would sure be good with unfriendly fire
Why exactly does a four-damage-for-five-mana instant have synergy with Dire Fleet Captain? I'm curious.
Dire Fleet Captain picked.
Skymarch Bloodletter. Solid flyer.
Its a red card. And a removal spell that can go to the face. I just consider that to a be a high priority and I don't want to send a signal that red's open
Blood letter
>I don't want to send a signal that red's open
Don't overvalue sending signals. It's only relevant in one out of three packs, and chances are that someone else reaps the benefits of your hard work in pack 2 anyway.
Skymarch guy for sure
yeah, but I consider Unfriendly fire a better card than squire. I might be wrong, because I havent played with explore, but thats how Im grading them right now. Fire pulls me into red and captain makes me feel like Im making the right call.
Skymarch Bloodletter picked.
Dreadmaw is great but siren is what I take
Looks like red dried up quick. Skullduggery looks nice, the alternative would be to look into blue with either Sailor or Siren. Siren looks like it's a little bit more replacable, while Sailor - and other treasure producers - might allow us to go Grixis.
Sailor of Mean for me.
Next three posts decide, then.
Sailor of Means or Siren Lookout?
Siren. We don't have anything big to ramp into so why get treasure.
Because there's a subtheme in the pirate tribe concerning treasures and artifacts.
Siren Lookout picked.
Dug that Skull.
Easy skulduggery. Card is busted.
Skulduggery is a nice way to force combats in your favor, but I really like Shore Keeper as a late-game back up.
I think Mark is the pick actually though. We have a lot of evasive threats and +2/+2 and lifelink gets great on those.
OP dead?
Planning to go to my first prerelease event Saturday. Any tips, besides the basic BREAD?
listen to limited resources limited review.
The review is really helpful, but it's focused on Draft not Sealed, and as far as I know most pre-release events are Sealed. Still worth listening to but keep that distinction in mind.
Ended a draft with 5 headstrong brutes. We menacing boys.
How do you kill the nigger dino with hexproof?
Might as well just scoop.
Isn't that an ability as well?
It would still kill it
Draft your Skittering Heartstoppers
Hexproof means it can't be targeted. There are killy things that doesn't target.
That's what I thought as a noob but doesn't hexproof grant protection from abilities like deathtouch?
I can only imagine some dumb kid all excited for casting the 7/6 mofo dino only to get killed by a freaking 1/2 centipede.
Now imagine if they gave Heartstopper flash. That would have been an amazing card.
>destroy target creature
Hexproof stops this because it targets
>destroy all creature
Hexproof doesn't stop this because it doesn't target.
Hexproof only means it can't be targeted.
Guess I'm gonna run it then, considering almost everyone will most certainly go with dinos.
No, hexproof doesn't target. You couldn't bounce it with something like Run Aground though
Sorry for the delay.
Skulduggery picked.
>hexproof doesn't target
Hurr durr I meant deathtouch. Jeez I need more coffee
Shipwreck Looter.
Shipwreck Looter it is.
Is sword point worth it, in limited?
Mark of the Vampire, maybe the Dryad if we see some cool green stuff later.
Why would you ever go for a four-mana +2/+2 aura?
Annointed Deacon.
Anoited Deacon was picked.
siren's ruse
Pirate's Prize picked.
Desperate Castaways picked.
One with the Wind.
Sren Lookout.
Hmm I'd go one with the wind to give something else flying, but siren is just 1 more for a potential 2/3 with flying.
Safe choice is With the wind
Siren Lookout. What's with you retards and auras?
To be fair, One With the Wind is likely good in our kind of pirate deck with a lot of two drops. That said, many of our dudes already fly on their own and I'd rather pick a flyer over it even though Siren doesn't look all that good to me.
Siren Lookout it is.
Prize. Plunder would be interesting if we had more ways to produce treasures.
Prize. We don't have the fastest deck, drawing cards is good, and we're in U/B anyway.
Prize. Plunder would be good later if we get more teasure tokens.
A second Pirate's Prize, followed by a Costly Plunder on the final pick.
Here's what you've drafted from the first pack. Just a reminder, you're not past the point of no return yet. There's enough picks left that you can choose to drop blue or even black - although I wouldn't advise dropping both. So keep an open mind, the second pack is the one that cements the color identity.