/wmg/ Warmachine/Hordes General

I'm Being Forced At Gunpoint To Play Theme Lists Edition

>Newest No Quarter: (NQ73)

New theme stuff:
youtube.com/watch?v=9mZLbyizm40 [Open]

Mk3 list building:conflictchamber.com

Warmahords chat:discord.gg/KmXzbwD

Warmachine/Hordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
textuploader com / d0thm

PP Youtube

Latest Errata: January 2017

Theme Forces:
files.privateerpress.com/op/errata/Theme Forces.pdf

Steamroller Rules

Table of contents for all NQ issues

Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Fluff wiki:


Warmachine/Hordes Army Creator (WHAC) .apk

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Salt-Cooking-worlds-popular-seasoning/dp/1845979125/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1506274302&sr=8-1&keywords=cooking with salt

WTF just happened in the Skorne facebook group?

Not part of it, explain

>It's another Cryx theme

Everyday I hate Privateer Press just a teeny tiny bit more.

Well, keep on stewing until you reach my level of apathetic zen

Long story short: Dude has a battle report posted that's got a poor choice in name(Trail of Tiers). Some people get offended.

Then some people get offended that people are offended. So shit starts going downhill from there.

It's a shit show, basically.

That's... pathetic on everyone

Looking into it more, I guess he made some personal attacks as well, which is what got him the ban.

But it's stupid and pointless, yes.

The followup one dude had was fucking amazing to read, though. And not in a good way.

friday night

Haven't played since mk2, but did Privateer Press fuck up theme lists again? Are they basically mandatory?

Even more so, yes

Not really, no. But they are sweet sweet candy if you can get it.

Which means yes

Nah. They're nice. It's nice to be rewarded for your model-choices. People certainly are kicking theme-force ass without them.

Anyone feel like sharing NQ Prime?

Whats the most glass canony build available?

Where do I find groups to play ikrpg online with

post it for those of us who dont subscribe to literal cancer

>every day

>People certainly are kicking theme-force ass without them.
Untrue, unless the player playing the theme is very, very bad and the other player is not.

Stop lying to newbs on the internet, user.

same question, but for warmachine.
vassal is a parody of its former self with only hardest-core competitive fags left. table top sim is awful. any other options?

In other words, it's just another day on facebook where white knights choose to fight unnecessary battles in order to make themselves look attractive to others.

Question is, when the people you're trying to impress are all stupid enough to use facebook in the first place, are you winning or losing?

What's the better social network platform?

That's like asking what's the best lawn-based shit-storage solution. I don't want to store shit on my lawn, so I'm not looking for an alternative.
If there was one, I imagine it'd be a subscription-based service so it could operate without basing everything it does around feeding you ads.

>all this R63
It's a good thing I play Ret and can't use any of these in game, otherwise I'd probably be $100 poorer already.

Jim Davies fucking destroyed Wintercon with Sorscha's 13 and Zerkova1 running double Shocktrooper boat.

>muh femes

Garryth with two Helios.

We can test this. Skorne's going to be getting a theme that fits one of their popular netlists like a glove any day now- check to see if an Immortal-boat player suddenly jumps some ranks in your meta between one moment and the next.

Well duh. If a theme releases that literally fits the exact list people are playing, they will use it.

But some lists are just too weird to theme. Like Haley3's weirdo build.

someone is a socially retarded neckbeard with no friends, and is embarassed about his toy soldier hobby. also has nothing worth sharing on social media.

Considering that Haley is his waifu, matt will push that for a theme I bet

>Are they basically mandatory?
Yup. If you want to win, that is.

They did. It's called Grace Diggers.

Hey guys, want to know what happened to this game (if anything). I bought an army a few years back but never got around to playing. I asked around now and was told they managed to kill the game so bad used miniatures go as low as 1/3 of retail. Wut.

Tell me where I can get those user.

Given that this weekend is the World Team Championships with players from all over the world, I'd say it can't be that dead.

Something about switching game designers resulting in some big fuckup that shed a bunch of players, within the last year or so. Yes, it's still a huge game obviously, bigger than anything else I play. Just wondering if I talked to someone with a grudge or not.

Well there's a new edition, which shook up a lot. In total it's a LOT better, but the start was really rough. It's far from dead though and as far as I can tell has resumed its slow groth.

They released a new edition a year or two ago, and the transition was rough for a few reasons. There's lots of stories of metas growing or shrinking, but the game has been in a bit of a lull while people wait to get some of the theme lists that have started to trickle out.

You just talked to a bitter neckbeard, user. Stick around and you'll meet a few more.

>Well duh. If a theme releases that literally fits the exact list people are playing, they will use it.

How many times does that precisely happen, though? It'll be good for performance data.

The "stock-lists" featuring Winter Guard Kommand, Jaws of the Wolf, Heavy Metal, Creator's Might, Forges of War, Hammer Strike, Will Work for Food and The Bones of Orboros are basically the same stuff people ran pre-theme, just with more free points and slight model swaps.

They fixed eveything already. The 1/3 is and was a bullshit.

Infernal Machines fit my usual Cryx lists down to a tee. I basically just get a free Warwitch and the 'Jack buff on top of what I'd field anyway.

Nah eBay was definitely 30 percent. That's why I didn't try to sell mine when it would barely make up the shipping.

>that concept art
Sculpt when?

Soonish apparently. Love me some Ashlynn.
Looks like someone at PP does too, that'll be her second variant.


The Immortal one is going to have no model swaps whatsoever.

7 months ago. Are you fucking stupid?

I hope this game gets big again.

I really miss it ;w;

I'm big right now, if you catch my meaning

Speaking of her...

I didn't read the new book, but based on the Llael theme, did she commit to allying with Cygnar against Khador now?


Did Cygnar and the protectorate conspire against Khador together or is that part of the theme just general fluff?


It reflects the various factions of the Resistance.

There's members of the Northern Crusade and Menites that are from Llael, there's Cygnar army there covertly, along with Llael born men and women serving in Cygnar's army.

That's super cool, anyone play with this theme yet?

What's with the size of the box that my Titan Gladiator came in, guys?

Xekaar and the Savage are getting a huge buff in DoA, and the Raider does decent work with Jalaam.

I know, I'm only dropping some epic meme bombs ;^)

My LGS was broken into a week or two ago and some of my heavies were stolen. £18 posted for the Mk3 box was the best way to get another Gladiator since I didn't have Xekaar. And now with three Savages I can spam harder with Naaresh. Jalaam with a Raider was already my plan. Just don't play Jalaam in theme, he's not what WoD needs.

You mean the box your Raider came in?

I haven't (never signed up for cid), but I'm super stoked to.

I'm thinking Trenchers and Tempest Blazers with Ashlynn, but didn't we lose the guest units counting as Llaelese? Gibbs was obviously designed to give Trenchers Feign Death and Reposition when the theme dropped and you guys fucked it up.

Anyone have a copy of the skorne pdf?

Just buy the thing:
amazon.com/Salt-Cooking-worlds-popular-seasoning/dp/1845979125/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1506274302&sr=8-1&keywords=cooking with salt

>Harpy and Siren are listed as two separate kits

any1 parse through the WTC winrates? I wonder what Cryx's was

Skorne had around 37%.

>does-WTC-matter-for-gauging-balance debate again inbound.

Some things never change

It doesn't matter, unless Skorne does well. If Skorne does well it's proof that salty Skorne players need to shut up. Otherwise it doesn't matter.

>bring the cancer to us

Hey guys, I'm looking for a definite, specific answer to to this question. I have heard conflicting things from multiple judges and tournament players as well as from you guys, and I'm looking for something to settle it once and for all:

Is a ranged/melee attack (not a spell, an attack) that deals magic damage considered a magical attack?

For example the Wraith Engine's Unhallowed ability reads:
"While in this model's command range, friendly Faction undead models gain +2 ARM against ranged and magical attacks."

So let's say you have Optifex Directive using Weapons Modulation to give an Inverter's weapons damage type magical for one turn. Do the Wraith Engine and the friendly undead faction models then gain the +2 ARM bonus against that Inverter's attacks?

I'm not looking for simple yes or no answers from you guys, as I said I've heard conflicting things from many different sources and I cannot seem to find any official examples or infernal rulings on this or anything. I'm looking for something from an official source that explicitly states the answer to this question one way or the other.

Can anyone help me out?

I love how Skorne is statistically tied for most successful faction in germany.

>Attacks made with weapons that cause magical damage are not magic attacks; magical ranged weapons make ranged attacks, and magical melee weapons make melee attacks.
Is literally what it says in rulebook.

You are misquoting Unhallowed, it actually reads
>Unhallowed - While in a Wraith Engine's CMD range, friendly Faction undead models gain +2 ARM against ranged and magic attacks.
>magic attacks.
Magic atracks are offensive spells, magical attacks are magic atracks AND melee or ranged attacks made with magical weapons.

Yes, but that's MAGIC attacks, not MAGICAL attacks.

I'm looking at the card in war room right now as I type this. It specifically says magical attacks, not magic attacks.



Did you work for you.

>you ask for sources cited
>guy posts with no source whatsoever

Fuck I love people on the internet.

I mean, the answer, by RAW, seems to be that there's no such thing as Magical Attacks in the game.

So Unhallowed actually doesn't apply it's ARM bonus to anything magical.

So, to answer your question, the Wraith Engine's ability, by RAW, doesn't work on anything but ranged attacks.

By common sense, of course, it works on ranged attacks and magic attacks and that's it.

Sorry but what is RAW?

Rules as Written.

Essentially, the goal of the rulebook is for it to read exactly as it works, with no ambiguity at all. That way, anyone reading the rules can come to the correct conclusion.

In this case, the problem here is that Unhallowed references Magical Attacks, which don't actually exist in the rulebook. Spells are magic attacks, and while weapons with DT:Magical do Magical damage, they are not magical attacks.

And wording matters.


Turns out this issue has come up.

Unhallowed is meant to reference magic attacks, not magical attacks.

For reference to if you've never dealt with the Rules forum before, purple names are Infernals, who provide official answers to rules questions. So that post can be considered official errata to the Unhallowed rule until actual errata comes out.

Hey anons, I've been out of this game basically since MK III dropped. I was one of the people who really did not enjoy the new edition.

I am, however, psyched for company of Iron and going to try and get back into the game as a whole once Company of Iron drops. I'm planning on army swapping my once beloved trollbloods for Circle and have someone lined up to do so now.

Question is, how the fuck do Circle play in this new edition? I've glanced over some of the cards. Staple units like shifting stones seem really vulnerable due to lacking stealth now and only having prowl. Druids don't have their signature ability and seem kinda shit. So what's this faction really do now?

Was hoping PP would have unfucked the Hordes side of the game and given it as much love as they gave Warmachine factions, but that is evidently not the case. What are the key units in Circle now? Their style seems to have changed a bit with those previously lynchpin models having been changed a lot.
And we're all about theme forces now, yeah? Are they on par with one another, or is there one busted one and the rest of them shit like it used to be?

They are attacks that deal magical damage, they're magical attacks. Page 2 or 3 in the rulebook deals with this shorthand.

Circle isn't in a good spot at the moment, our themes are average in a world of broken themes. The things you're going to crutch hardest on is Sentry Stones. Wurmwood was god tier but after his nerf he's good, but not the best caster. They don't really do "fast hit and run" anymore, they're SUPPOSED to be a terrain generation faction but that hasn't really borne itself out besides wurmwood. The shifting stone UA is worthless, the stones themselves don't do as much as they used to (it's a completely within warp now, it reduces threat ranges for all of our beasts except for the Guardian) Druids suck now, don't bother with them, despite Pagani's insistence that they're good.

Prowl as a rule is soooo much harder to proc now because of the Completely within clause.

Hordes in general isn't doing so well at the moment. There is going to be a big theme dump sometime next week that might make all of this advice useless if we get a good living beast theme.

Don't buy the Storm Raptor,

Damn, that's a little sad to hear. I was so disappointed with the way Trolls turned out in Mk 3. All the buffstacking and synergy removed, everything felt so boring and the scene died away. My old group is gigged for Company of Iron, though, and I always loved Circle's models and their dynamic playstyle. Shame that they're in a rough spot.

Oh well, I don't mind a challenge and mained trolls since the tail end of Mk1. They were never too great aside from their fuck off spammy tier lists which I refused to buy. I really hope the kinks in this game get worked out, it was by far the golden age of miniatures for me from 2010 to about 2013. Would love to see it return in my area.

Weapons with Damage Type: Magical deal magical damage. The Wraith Engine works against magical attacks, which is weird but accurate.

Dude. No. Attacks with Damage Type Magical are Magical attacks. It's right at the beginning of the rule book. That IS RAW.

>The Wraith Engine works against magical attacks, which is weird but accurate.
Correction: RAW it would, but Infernal overruled it thankfully:

It hardly matters, Unhallowed has been noted to be written incorrectly, and should say magic attacks.

That is true. Should probably be in the next dynamic update.

Anyone has the link to the NQ prime?

>That is true. Should probably be in the next dynamic update.
Yeah, probably. Some times minor errata like that take a couple rounds to get incorporated, but we'll see.

Speaking of which, do we have any idea when Northkin CID cards are supposed to drop? Assuming they are on schedule, I mean. I know we just got the trencher ones the other day, but IIRC they were quite late publishing due to some tech difficulties.

Trencher CID closed at the end of June, and Northkin CID closed at the end of July, right? And they posted the official trencher rules in the insider on 8/24, with the apology about the tech issue, 2 months after the CID closed. So logically, they were internal testing northkin for the past month, and if they hold the same schedule we should have cards right about... now.

I have a question everybody! are the Grymkin as a whole good,evil, or more of a grey alignment? i now the "Harvest" sinners and evil doers which could be good, but from what it sounds like, they want to harvest the world.

They are the "fey" of a setting, following they own inhuman rules, morals and logic, but from regular human perspective tyey are pretty damn evil with twisted and exaggerated punishments.

>They are the "niggers" of a setting, following they own inhuman rules, morals and logic, but from regular human perspective tyey are pretty damn evil with twisted and exaggerated punishments.

The humans would mostly consider them evil, but they are really more of an amoral force of nature type thing. The theology of Menoth paints them in a similar light to the RL idea of Lucifer and the fallen angels. But in actuality they are something closer to Hellraiser's Cenobites.

Mentioning the Cenobites, of course, reminds me of how badass the Grymkin's design could have been if the developers had put in even a small amount of effort. =(

Infernalist army would've been good.