Gonna be playing a conquest pally soon, would like some art!

Gonna be playing a conquest pally soon, would like some art!


Boom shaka laka, it's dang a lang time




This one is a little bit of a stretch, but I like it.




Did Rapeman get a new adaptation or something? Why is he suddenly a meme?

This is probably more appropriate as a god of war, but it's the last relevant thing I have saved on this machine.

Why's conquest gotta look so evil? All the good empires are conquerors too

I mean, would you really want to make yourselves look worse by putting skulls on everything? You bring law and civilization; it's just an unfortunate necessity that some heads have to roll along the way.



















Great stuff. The character is a paladin of bane, the black hand.




I think he thought Paladin = Hero of Justice and Conquest included conquering women.

>Whip It


Building an empire by definition requires you to cause death and destruction. Conquest shouldn't be a paladin domain, really. It's an evil act.

>conquest paladin
>Nobody posts the original LE race

its like you got no taste at all