The Thing get's dropped on to an average 40k Hive world. How far does it get?
Let's say it can infect any living thing other than the obvious (Chaos demons, Necrons, etc).
The Thing get's dropped on to an average 40k Hive world. How far does it get?
Let's say it can infect any living thing other than the obvious (Chaos demons, Necrons, etc).
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It's unstoppable. Exterminatus.
Seriously, the Thing is unstoppable by Imperium-level tech. If we go on Eclipse Phase or Culture level, it's another matter.
can telepathy discern between Thing(s) and Non-Thing(s) ?
Depends where on the hive world, in most cases it takes over the planet until it suffers an exterminatus.
I want to see it fight the Tyranids. Will one win over the other? or will they consume eachother untill they become an entirety different third creature?
Two different sets of scientists in the 80s management to beat for wing him to escape or left it stranded. It all depends on the location.
If you can discover it. If no one knows it arrived all it needs is for one cell to make it to a person, one might even jump in the food/water supply.
They could probably catch it fast enough to virus bomb the planet. Maybe.
Nurgle might take interest in it. Don't think much can stop a Chaotic thing.
>Two different sets of scientists in the 80s management to beat for wing him to escape or left it stranded.
Only because it had landed in an absolutely frigid place like Antarctica, which forced it into a state of hibernation. Had it landed -Anywhere- else, Earth would have been well and truly fucked.
The Thing 2 Electric Boogaloo
>Lands in Vostroya.
>pretending the prequel-remake counts
>reminding people it existed at all
Go fuck yourself, I've almost managed to forget that shit
>Caiphas Cain edition
It seems pretty great at dealing with diseases by being one. It would get beaten by warp magic but anywhere nurgle isnt magicking it up it'd lose.
If i recall the Carpenter movie... Wasnt the ending kinda open? Each of the survivors could have been infected/replaced
I mean James Cameron never made The Things in this reality so I think its safe to say that story is over.
Yeah either Macready, Childs, or both or neither could be the thing at the end. It's also kinda scary since its plan was to have everyone die and get 'rescued' by people the next thaw.
Rewatch the ending.
MacReady's breath is fogging in the cold. Childs' isn't.
A guy lets the dog thing slobber all over his face and doesn't get infected from it.
If it was so infectious that a single cell could turn someone into a thing, it wouldn't need to use stealth at all and there wouldn't be a movie.
No, because the Thing is Telepathic and can emulate the person perfectly, down to mental states. Some people didn't even know they were the thing.
>yfw it meets the Tyranids
Virus bombs won't work. It's cells are too adaptive.
Childs is a Thing. Macready is not.
Only a Thing would accept an offer of food or drink that has already been opened -
Maxcready was warned that no one should do so.
It can choose not to infect someone. You forget, Blair was infected by touching a single q-tip to the thing, and then his lip.
>It can choose not to infect someone.
But it wouldn't need to. If it could just breathe on people and turn them into things, why wouldn't it?
Because until the conversion is complete, it can still be detected and killed or at least prevented from spreading. An obvious infection after someone coughed on someone else is just as much a giveaway as infecting someone through tentacles - and these were all very intelligent people for the most part.
You forget, it's intelligent. The entire movie is about the Thing distracting everyone because it needs to get out of Antarctica. It Blair needed time and every instance of it's attacks is just that - buying time.
Not very far and dies to incredibly shitty ecology of the Hive
The thing was aware of it's own abilities and still remembered how to build a spaceship despite being a dog.
It's objective was to assimilate as many people as possible, starting with the Antarctic base crew.
If it knew itself to be infectious and wanted to infect the people at the base, but didn't just lick everyone once and turn them all into things, the only conclusion we can draw from this is that infecting a person is harder than just touching them once.
It has to transform and violently attack the dogs to assimilate them. It has to thaw and put it's tentacles into a guy to assimilate him. One guy isn't infected despite rubbing his head against the dog thing's fur and getting thousands of thing cells on him.
You realise that the thing's breath fogs up too, right?
Rewatch the bennings scene.
The real indication that they're both human is that childs was wearing s different jacket; the thing wouldn't make that mistake, but a human would.
The implication is that Childs is wearing a different jacket because his original jacket got torn up in a thing attack, indicating that Childs is now a thing (or at least fought one before meeting Macready)
It doesn't infect, it consumes. It's a hive of single cell creatures that each devour and then imitate its prey. This is why the head could detach from the body and try to defend itself and why the thing's blood reacted violently to heat. In general, even the smallest portion was capable of deep cunning. The only way to destroy it would be to destroy every single cell
It could have been anything, like him putting it down and grabbing a new one out of haste without considering the implications, or him surviving an attack and needing a new one.
However what makes me inclined to think he's human is that the Thing was usually a lot more meticulous about imitating people down to the clothing, whereas a human would be more likely to rush out with the first thing it grabbed.
If it was getting sloppy in that regard, it Probably wouldn't have bothered with much subterfuge at all.
That said, we'll likely never know, and that's s good thing. Thing threads are among the best on Veeky Forums, /v/ and /tv/, and giving an answer would ruin that.
It's funny that Carpernter keeps mercilessly trolling people about it on twitter, though
No it didn't. It infected someone ELSE before that but didn't want that to become known so it used the dogs as a distraction.
Worked really well too.
It becomes a regional threat.
If it has luck on its side, it can possibly infect multiple star systems before detection.
>Only a Thing would accept an offer of food or drink that has already been opened -
>Maxcready was warned that no one should do so.
But at that point they're both fucked regardless, and Childs wouldn't turn down a drink before his inevitable death.
>the Thing is unstoppable by Imperium-level tech
they have flamethrowers on every street corner
Where are you getting the idea that it could duplicate people's clothes from?
It's basically Legionstrasse all over again.
And that shit required multiple assassin Grand masters, Space Marines, and still came to a near-exterminatus, from memory. It was pure luck that they even managed to get her.
The prequel-remake most likely which, while it states that it can't replicate inorganic matter, clearly shows it doing just that.
Not so much duplicate the clothing, as much as making sure to dress EXACTLY like its victims or risk exposure.
Though I myself think that if Childs could panic and not quite remember WHICH jacket he was wearing a minute before, so too could the Thing. The ship was trashed, every aspect of it's plan was going wrong and it was in danger of dying out in the cold, again.
Plus, while I know the Remake isn't very popular here, it DID make a similar mistake with the boyfriend's earring.
>making sure to dress EXACTLY like its victims or risk exposure.
Thing is, the few times characters changed clothes in the movie it was usually a sign that they weren't human anymore.
This is the most retarded thing said in this thread.
How the fuck could you even know they don't know they're the thing?
This is part of why the movie is so effective as a horror film.
You really don't know anything about the Thing. All we know comes from conclusions made by the characters based on their own observations. They very well could be completely off the mark.
All we really know for sure about the Thing is it intended on leaving the base at one point or another.
the thing's ability to remain undetected relies on whether it can make more mass of itself (splitting into multiple people at once) or if it can only copy and replace, essentially changing disguises as it kills.
If it can make more things then it will ahve spread far and wide before it's even noticed, if not then it will still kill a alrge number of people before being noticed, but it WILL be noticed
I saw a video where the whole "different jacket" thing was bullshit. it only looks different because of lighting, and a layer of frost, or something
Remember the footage the practical effects studio released?
Feel more pain.
I feel like it would either be completely unstoppable or pyskers could root it out
>Earth would be fucked
Isn't it implied somewhere the thing just wanted to get the fuck away from us
>Isn't it implied somewhere the thing just wanted to get the fuck away from us
I don't think it -ever- was. If the Thing was just "misunderstood", and wanted to "get away from us", it wouldn't- need- to murder and assimilate the people it did to achieve that. It could have just gone about building it's escape ship, without murdering anyone since it was -obviously- intelligent enough to do that. It just wanted to kill us because it is utterly sadistic and revels in the terror and evil it sows.
>assimilate multiple solar systems using basic Imperial infrastructure
>gets detected on a planet with actual surveillance
>already has sub forms silently spreading across the galaxy on every normal form of interstellar travel
>unlike Genestealers which accumulate 'Nid phenotypes, openly change behavior, and blatant call down a hive fleet once they reach critical mass, the Thing's endgame is jumping silently from one host into another until no other life remains
Thing: 1
Imperium: 0
Genestealers: 0
>one of the worlds the thing is on get's attacked by nids
>the nids unkowingly drag the body of the thing into their reclamation pools
>an entire hive ship becomes a Thing
jesus OP
>drop the Thing and some Flood cells in the middle of a hive fleet
The thing was pretty shit tier in "who goes there". Fun ending though. Humanity fuck yeah done right
Well the blood didn't really have "deep cunning". That was the whole point, as it gets smaller it reverts to basic instinct. Yes the thing is absurd, but once you know what you're dealing with, spider heads and blood samples aren't too threatening.
A 40k hiveworld is fucked due to being a chaotic, beaurocratic mess that would never be able to organize an effective reaction in time. Unless they have protag macready and a bit of preptime, the planet is done. From there the thing likely builds/uses ships and becomes tyranids 2.0.
I'm thoroughly confused by this thread.
Wasn't The Thing a possessed evil car?
The main thing pointing to Childs being a Thing is the long shot of the room he was keeping a lookout from, where the door is for some reason open and all the coats are shuffled around as though they had all gotten knocked down.
The movie was VERY precise when it comes to little details like that, even with major plot points that aren't explicitly pointed out to the audience (a major one being one of the characters dropping the main set of keys, and the Thing later using those to sabotage the blood samples. You only hear the keys drop, and the two details aren't outright connected for the viewer)
No, the Thing is a shapeshifting alien that consumes people and pretends to be them.
Are you a mind reader? From what we've seen of the Thing it's predator in nature; we never see it doing anything sadistic, and it never shows any sort of recognizable emotion
Meant predatory
Isn't the changeling basically the thing
Even if it was intentionally made as a clue by the director, that doesn't actually prove anything by itself. Childs was freezing in the cold for a long time, and MacReady just left the warm burning building; besides, black people lose temperature quicker by breathing the cold air due to differences in the face structure. It is entirely expected that MacReady's breath is warmer and fogs up more.
youre thinking of christine
>implying it'd get off the first planet before an inquisitor came by, noticed how fucked the situation was, and ordered an exterminatus.
Maybe purity test can detect assimilated human?
>implying the inquisitor wouldn't just be Thing'd
>implying the inquisitor would be making it off the planet
100% complete infection, unless enough people fall to chaos out of desperation.
Just hope the Flesh Tearers, Blood Angels, Death Company, etc, don't get involved.
Within 72 hours the entire biosphere of the planet is assimilated. All of it. Every living thing large or small, is Thing. During this process it's likely assimilating beings that are moving off-world and quickly spreads to the local system, so on and so forth until all biological matter is Thing. It is clearly stated in the film that it would take 72 hours for total biosphere assimilation. Obviously there's gonna be some resistance and paranoia, possibly even a discovery or two, but against the general background of the Imperium that shit is gonna get lost. I literally cannot imagine what would happen if it got its cells on an Eldar, Ork, or Nid, but it sure as hell wouldn't be pretty, and once you're dealing with those kind of numbers it's pretty much game over, insert coin. While Necrons are probably the perfect organism to deal with the Thing they're not exactly going to be rescuing people, so best case scenario all life in the galaxy is wiped clean and can start over.
childs is also closer to the fire,
though according to the actors it was originally going to be less ambiguous and end on a shot of the flame thrower macready has hidden behind him still on
this could just be a sign of Macready's paranoia and he could just THINK Childs is the thing. I still think the different coat is the most obvious evidence, however
It said it would take 27,000 hours for biosphere assimilation. Over 3 years.
You're thinking of Maximum Overdrive.
What would happen if it got dropped on the tyranids?
The prequal had a few good things going, the part about proving someone was still human by them having a filling was clever.
Again, the offer of a drink from an open bottle readily accepted.
Childs, who was ultra paranoid, would NEVER accept the offer of a drink from an open bottle.
Yes, too bad they made the thing an idiot that had no qualms about busting apart it's own ship chasing after a helpless, unarmed, pretty fucking harmless human rather than just flying into space/to another location and infecting her any time it felt like.
you're thinking of the duel
>the part about proving someone was still human by them having a filling was clever
no it wasnt
it was just a ripoff of the t-1000's inability to make guns in t2
The problem is that the things cells are predatory and attack other cells, but what happens if the Tyranid cells start fighting back?
My favorite part about the fillings thing was how it was her idea and the only person who checked her was the guy who couldn't speak or understand English. That kind of subtlety is so lost in modern horror movies I think it might've just been a mistake.
You're also forgetting the whisky.
>Beginning of film, Macready can't beat an inhuman chess computer, pours whisky into it.
>End of film, Macready gives Childs whisky.
Or causing the helicopter that was leaving the base to crash. It had the goddamn chance to escape and didn't.
Either way that guy was another part of what I liked about the prequal, it did a good job of showing exactly how the Norwegian base ended up in it's current condition. That little bit showing how the axe got stuck in the wall for example.
meh I didn't really care about that. Ultimately it wasn't a story which needed to be told. We already know what happened to the Norwegian base because we see it happen to the American one.
Less is almost always more when it comes to horror films. We don't need to see what actually happened because the destroyed remains of the base and what's in it are creepy enough.
If you haven't read it, there's a short story told from the perspective of The Thing as it goes about the events of the movie, I love it and it makes the whole thing way creepier I think
To each their own I suppose. Admittedly I enjoy both less is more and the "oh that's what happened" style if they are done well which I feel it was in this case.
And then they completely ignored the thermite charges the Norwegians used to get the ship out of the ice in the first place. What the fuck was the point of keeping all that other continuity if they were just gonna ignore such an important scene anyway?
You're missing the symbolism there.
The symbolism for destroying the computer is showing that Mac would rather destroy the game than lose, which is why he simply firebombs the base at the end when he realises he's all along (which, incidentally, is one of the best shots of the film).
Offering Childs whiskey was just him indicating that he no longer cares either way, since he's dead no matter if he's human or not.
>he's all along
fuck, all alone*
One thing of note: I'm quite sure any psyker could detect the Thing. It's a humongous, alien mind. At the very least they'd know immediately that something was wrong with a human-shaped Thing apparatus.
That story is quite disturbing, and more than a bit sad. It makes me wonder how the Thing would react to the 'souls' of 40k Humanity.
>It is clearly stated in the film that it would take 72 hours for total biosphere assimilation
No it fucking doesn't, it says it would take 27,000 hours
Don't be so fucking stupid.
>one Thing of note.
>Tfw the thing was another old one bio wepon ment to deal with the Tyranids after they failed to deal with the orks after they failed to deal with the necrons in time
It should be fairly obvious to a psyker who is a thing, it's the people who don't have a single mind.
The Inquisitor had to notice first, and the thing only needs to infect one person who call leave planet in his first attack
I see it going one of two ways
>one of the men is the thing
Macready left a log explaining the whole thing to future rescuers. The person who isn't the thing would die, and the thing would go into hibernation again because of the cold. However, the rescuers would know about the thing, giving them an edge the previous team didn't have
>neither of the men is the thing
Macready and Childs die at peace knowing they pretty much saved the world by killing the thing.
They also have psyhic people to help detect things.
The thing is very powerful, but not invincible. You wouldn't even necessarily need exterminatus unless it was on a hive world or a argi world and it managed to get lucky. In both cases, psychics would detect things, quarantine the planet and burn the shit out of infestations.
The ended was intetionally left open. Most of the items that seem to point to Childs being a thing were more than likely accidental. The main one that is child changing his coat, which could indicate that he had to get clothes after ripping into his originals.
If I recall the VG sequel was considered by John Carpenter to be the true sequel had childs being human and simply freezing to death. This of course means nothing for the actual original vision. If anything that was good indicator Childs was a thing and was intentionally left in, it was just in there sow seeds of doubt not to actually say he was a thing. The guess is much more fun.
Every thing have single mind. They've never coordinated their actions with each other.