Due to the shitposting the division of /40kg/ was inevitable. So let's begin with a good lore favorite
Do you think Chaos will eventually win?
Due to the shitposting the division of /40kg/ was inevitable. So let's begin with a good lore favorite
Do you think Chaos will eventually win?
Other urls found in this thread:
>why 40kids should jump in an oil fire
t. everyone, even chaos
Why do you need 3 generals?
Still looking for primarch fangirls, hit me tf up
Chaos vs the Imperium? Yes.
Vs the other threats? No.
Nids and Crons especially.
I think the emperor will eventually be restored and will have to face HH 2.0, but this time he won't hesitaste
Can I summon after disembarking?
That is a rule question, it goes in the rule thread.
Here we go, the new way to shitpost on /40kg/
But it's list thread and I'm not asking about list.
Read the fucking rulebook
Try /40kg/
Next version will be general rules, but treat it as such for now.
For the sake of lore. Yeah I think you can.
Is the Ahriman trilogy good?
GW employee pointed me towards it for getting into the books.
I liked it
Is conscript spam OP or it's meme?
List thread is this way
Nice, thanks.
user accomplished what even Abbadon had great trouble with. He needed to destroy the pylons, destroy Cadia, so the Great Rift could divide the galaxy.
user just needed to solve a captcha to create a similar ravine in /40kg/. Well done, user, well done.
Hey curze, what is your thing? I've heard the curze meme and never seen it.
>Bane of the Forge Worlds
>Although there are many theories, none understands the reason for the Necron attacks upon forge world territories as well as Archmagos Belisarius Cawl. Both sides are seeking deposits of the strange material from which the Cadian pylons were fashioned, and many Adeptus Mechanicus strongholds have been erected upon sites containing this precious resource. Cawl sends his own agents – armies of Mars and House Taranis – across the stars in an effort to combat the growing danger, and hundreds of battles are fought as more and more forge worlds are drawn into the conflict to aid their beleaguered brethren. Even those Tech-Priests that begin to understand the reality of the dire situation are loath to call upon their Imperial allies for fear of being branded hereteks.
New stuff from the Ad Mech codex
>Storm of Metal
>All across the Imperium, primary holdings – from mining colonies to Knight worlds to forge worlds – find themselves under attack from Necrons. The influx of Chaos energies has triggered anti-warp protocols in every Necron tomb world, and things that have lain dormant for aeons stir once more. The infamous Technomandrites, struck down by the Silent King, return. Panic rises amongst the Tech-Priests, for they are already besieged from without, and the Necron threat is coming from within.
What do you mean
Maybe the admech are onto something and haven't shared with the rest of the imperium what it is. Necron Trump card?
So now you will copy everything from 40kg?
I've seen that name but never heard what it meant.
Cawl is working on anti chaos tech based on necron designs, so probably something to do with that.
Squats will win.
And they copied it from the Ad Mech codex. What's the problem?
Maybe cawl has got some necrons in his basement
Its almost like generals dont work
Maybe Cawl is a Cryptek, and the Primaris are Necrons' essences in their new fleshy shells as per the Silent King's wishes.
Well this just took a turn
Good Squats 8e fandex when?
>Do you think Chaos will eventually win?
Why did you leave a thread on account of shitposting and then ask this OP?
To get the lore shit out.
They eat this shit up.
And I made the list thread to get the competitive guys out, guess we're even.
I know that 1d4chan made a 7th but their 8th edition version is far from complete.
This is further supported by Trazyn's assistance in the 30k storyline, creating a treaty of sorts that is just now bearing fruit. Trazyn's dynasty is the most wealthy, so he would have the best resources to pull off the funding for the duality of the sciences (more resources attracts better crypteks).
I don't think Chaos would ever win ultimately without major plot armour.
They do have a chance, though. The only race I actively hate/wish would be massively nerfed in the lore is Tyranids. The whole "This is just a tiny part of what's coming" and "There's not enough bullets in the Galaxy to kill all of us" stuff is really fucking stupid. On top of this they have a natural bullshit defense to every faction with the exception of Necrons. Not sure what GW was thinking when greenlighting this lore.
>Chaos as a topic
>Buying into advancing the story
Love Chaos, but the writers needs to STFU for a while. Everything is so heavy handed.
Who is the best character in 40k, /40klore/?
Pic potentially related.
Chaosfag here, I don't think they will win. Mostly because every race except Nids has an interest in reality continuing and will band together when things get down to brass tacks, while Chaos is always quick to backstab one another, even the Primarchs. Second, Chaos "won" in Age of Smegmar and the Gods just moved on to torment somewhere else, and that's not really winning because there's no end. Archon just got a mega-horse and kept his job. Abbadabbadoo will I suspect do the same at some point in the future or just drink concentrated Chaos juice to make a big imposing model.
Is the Emperor an Old One?
That's a tough one so I'm just gonna go with my personal favorite
Yes. You can see how tricksy everyone in the Thousand Sons is at all times, while keeping a strong personal narrative of Ahriman battling with himself, even subconsciously, to move past his mistakes and atrocities.
Not the best, but John Grammatical had some really interesting psychic powers, was like a 40k Bond. I'd like to see more of psyches with unusual or specific powers making themselves useful. Kinda like JoJo really.
Your Dudes. The only true answer. Do you like to have Your Dudes interact with any characters even marginally or do they just do their own thing?
No, he's a thousand old men reincarned into one body after mass suicide.
I wonder how much the Emperor knows about the Old Ones if he was around during the height of the Eldar, I'm sure he chatted up their historians a bunch. He was in the process of building a Human Webway and had to have gotten that knowledge from somewhere.
No, they can't lose but they can't win either.
Only war and all that, grim darkness, yadda yadda.
That might be a good topic.
Tell us about your dudes, Veeky Forums.
Tell us about your dudes and add to the lore.
My dudes are just an Emperor's Children warband that use a Slaanesh Daemon World as a home base and have Vostroyan Renegades and Heretics as mortal allies.
Just, all three of my armies in one faction.
The Vostroyan Renegades do a lot of the grunt work, like building and fortifying shit, the chaos marines are the main fighting force and the daemons are supernatural psychic support.
I kind of wish Dark Mechanicum was a playable faction but I'm also glad they aren't because I'd bankrupt myself trying to build them alongside the other three.
I haven't put much thought into my dudes yet since all my lorefagging energy is going into an alternate timeline I'm working on.
>emps chatted up slaanesh to make the primarchs and webway
Probably with that hack ABD at the rear. Not that it would be a good move after End times.
I would be happier with freakin tyranids or Necrons winning if the Imperium has to lose. At least that would be intresting
I can't believe I'm saying this, but do tell.
He was pretty cool yeah. Shame the whole perpetual thing got way out of control.
My Sons of the Harvest warband tried to hide from the Inquisition in a Space Hulk which got dragged into the Warp and back to a Nurgle prison made of Space Hulks, where all Space Hulks wind up eventually. They were captured by the warden, Malodrox the Mindless, but managed to escape with the help of Alpha Legionnaires and a Warpsmith. In retaliation, the warden grabbed every space marine, terminator, and daemon he could find in all the space hulks, Nurglified them and sent them after the escapees. The Nurgle war band from Dark Imperium is now imaginatively named "The Hunt".
Okay, so, first, a little backstory. Some time ago, an online friend I no longer speak to showed me her self-insert OC, created for the purposes of shipping, and it inspired me to create a shipbait donutsteel of my own. And then I got way too into donutsteel-fagging and created similar characters for all the other legions. And then, because I'm a raging lore autist, I decided they exist in an alternate timeline and fleshed that out a bit. I've pretty much abandoned the original shipping/fetish-insertion intent and am now doing the whole thing as a serious setting.
Basically, this is a timeline where the human Webway was constructed alongside the Great Crusade, meaning the Heresy never happened. But the Webway also leaked Warp stuff and humans got way, way more psychic. And on top of all that the Emperor just straight up fucked off and disappeared. Since then, shit's been going down, including a century-long galactic civil war because Guilliman tried to have Ultramar secede from the Imperium. The "current day" of this timeline is at the end of M31, and the main faction is a force of meguca-esque psykers who fight alongside the Legions.
Cool so far! I'm always a slut for AUs.
Thanks man.
I have a more detailed backstory writeup I did with another friend, if you wanna check that out pastebin.com
>On top of this they have a natural bullshit defense to every faction with the exception of Necrons
What, eating biomass?
The Ketheric Brotherhood is a Thousand Sons warband, they wear the colours of the old legion, red and gold. Led by Sorcerers of the Corvidae Cult, they use their talents for divining fate to uncover hidden truths and plumb the depths of the warp for the answers to the mysteries of reality.
The particular leader of the Brotherhood used to change frequently, but the sorcerer Aiwass has held the position for the past century.
With his rise to power of the Ketheric Brotherhood, they marched out into the galaxy, turning from introspection and self-improvement to set about improving the galaxy at large.
Using their skills at acquiring hidden truths, the Brotherhood sets entire systems ablaze in uprisings and rebellion.
Rate my probably bad fluff.
"Demons magically can't touch us."
"Hivemind means we can't be corrupted."
"Psychers can't affect us well because of the hivemind."
"We evolve so fast no disease can touch us."
So on and so forth. It's retarded. Every other faction has real benefits and drawbacks except Tyranids. They get all of the bullshit bonuses at no cost.
Decent lore, but a horrible name. It just screams out generic made up fantasy.
I did enjoy that one fluff where the nids and Death Guard killed each other in a poison battle.
Seems that, eventually, the Tyranids managed to beat the Death Guard back, but the planet was so toxic that when the Hive Ship had a taste, it recoiled and looked for a different planet to eat.
Only with FW doors
Seekers of Truth
Illuminated Order of Prospero
Enlightened Sons
Grand Brotherhood of Nuit
Any of these sound good?
All of those are infinitely better.
Just for (You)
Thank, that's hilarious.
Great, thanks.
It feels like the Nids are most vulnerable in space, where they can be shot from long range and don't have boarding pods full of genestealers. But I never played Battlefleet Gothic, so I don't know.
shut the fuck up
Ka'bandha slaughtered the hive fleets over Baal by materialising entire legions of Bloodletters inside the tyranid hive ships.
The Iron Warrios used the obliterator virus to enslave a fucking splinter fleet,
a slaaneshi daemon world uses carnifexes as beasts of burden, and slaanesh personally kicked the Hive Mind in the balls to devour an eldar infinity circuit
A nurgle world melted a fucking hive ship.
Tyranids gets BTFO constantly, we are the worst treated army in 40k. The only thing nids get is numbers
Abject failures: Behemoth, Jormungandr, Kraken, Moloch, Leviathan, Hyrda (its only a matter of time)
Really interesting so far. I'm guessing Daemons start to show up next, or is Chaos MIA here? Does Angron still have Nails? The idea of neutral Primarchs really makes this cool. Because while some hated each other, many didn't even meet for most of the Crusades.
>We are the worst treated army in 40k
Who are the Orks?
A miserable pile o gits! But enuff yarpin, IT'S TIME TO SCRAP! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGH
nids pose such a threat that everybody in the 40k universe will unite to destroy them.
The Great Waaaaaaaaaagh!!!! includes all warriors.
Chaos is a thing. The Auxiliae are at a high risk of falling to Chaos because they use the power of the Warp so much. I was going for a "we took the darkness into ourselves to defeat the darkness" sort of thing because I love edge and anime tropes.
Angron still has nails, yes.
>Nurgle Prison
Fookin metal
What would be the GPMG(General Purpose Machine Gun) of the Imperial guard? I could image hellguns or hot shot volley guns being the squad automatic weapon, but what would be the platoon level automatic weapon
Squats are already back
What'd be the best army to use these guys as in 40k? Guard or maybe marines
I was severely dissapointed GW didn't release them as a dual game army like demons. I don't think they would work as Squats but they would be fine for the Demiurge Brotherhood. It would give the Tau someone they could actually ally with.
Heavy Stubbers
If we are to have a actualy 40 lore thread next time it bump limits we should have a OP with a mega link to the books and maybe a recommendation of essential or standout series?
shamelessly steal HHGs links
>Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore