Aren't role playing campaigns just shounen anime?

Aren't role playing campaigns just shounen anime?

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You mean hero gets stronger as they fight more? No, that's just how skills work.

>Pathfinder is all about becoming increasingly overpowered to fight bigger monsters
>Pathfinder general consists solely of anime shitposting

Thesis checks out

But shounen anime is just pro wrestling.
Think about it.
A series of caricatures with larger than life personalities, flashy costumes, silly moves with sillier names and grand entrances galore.
And then there's all the TWISTS in the pathetic attempt at a "story" that just strings together the battles.


well I legit thought this was a warhammer 40k picture till I clicked embiggen, so I guess you have a point

When your taste is this shit, yeah, I guess.

Do people actually know about Tormenta?

They should be seinen

What if I made a campaign that was a shoujo anime?


Only when you do it RIGHT!

The campaign would revolve around two stupid people that like eachother but will take 48 sessions to finally confess to one another.

>PCs trying to rape the heroine

If I'm doing my job right, it's a lot more like Dougram.

You don't know what you're talking about. Have you seen it recently?
There's an undead wizard that used to be a biker who's brother is possessed by a demon but has since given up fighting and works in general business but still comes out to fight again every once and a while.

Intimidate can be used for seduction purposes.

>a question as a thesis

I'm fucking triggered.

Taker retired at Mania and Kane hasn't been Corporate Kane for at least two years. Have YOU seen it recently?

I admit I have not. I was just describing the most anime plotline/characters I could remember in order to sarcastically agree with the sentiment.

Oh That's fair. Sorry. Now I kind of feel like an asshole

Don't forget the hillbilly cult that flat up steals people or how one of the most beloved characters of all times is a guy who dives on thumbtacks, tore his ear off in the ring and wears a weird leather mask.

Would rather have him say "theory"

I do, but I'm from Brazil. These guys here probably dont even know about it,

And that's just American wrestling.

That one guy wrestling himself against a blow up doll has some real skill.

Hey, don't talk shit about Cactus Jack.
He got a lot of respect because he will make people look good in ways most won't bother.

Well dragonball specifically was inspired by pro wrestling, and most modern shonen are inspired by dragonball.

Yeah that's Kenny Omega. He has also wrestled a 9 year old girl and made her look like a million bucks.

I saw that. That was fucking amazing.

Kenny is without a doubt the best in the world right now.

I wish I was at home so I could dump Japanese wrestling gifs in here. I have one where a guy rides a bicycle into another guy and a tower of folding chairs.

Wrestling is the best thing.

Some are more anime than others

People give wrestlers a lot of shit but goddamn do they put themselves through a lot just for scripted entertainment.


>but shonen anime is just teletubbies
>think about it
>A small group that faces challenges that teach them about the importance of friendship and never giving up, all just for the sake of the entertainment of some giant baby

>but shonen anime is just like baking a cake
>think about it
>combining a set of classic ingredients together, adding some whipping and beating, and then garishly decorating it, with enjoying too much of it being really unhealthy for you

Aside from you not really knowing anything about shonen anime, your flimsy style of vague comparison that hardly applies to most shonen series can be done with just about anything.

They are, they're silly entertainment where characters have close to zero chances of dying or losing, ruining any dramatic tension for anyone old enough to post here, thus making the characters and their zany antics the focus of the story.

Spotted the triggered /co/fag

Shounen is for little boys, so basicly yes.
But it can be Shoujo, or Seinen, Josei, Yaoi, Hentai, Futanari, whatever, it can all be made into a campaign, but most campaigns would fit the shounen description, yes.

>Tormenta RPG

Are you a HueBR?

No. I just found this picture one day and thought it was cool. I didn't know it was a piece of art from an RPG until yesterday.

Shit, i was asking myself the same when i saw the image.

that's superhero comics.
most anime characters don't have silly costumes.

>this is what weeaboos actually believe

That entire group of people is basically Sailor Moon and her bitches. They're all redundant with her there.

one has a normal martial artist jumpsuit, just normal spotsclothes in his setting. Another has a normal suit, 2 others have a military uniform, there's only 3 people who are in a costume.

So, you're saying if the Justice League contained a dude wearing full NFL gear, a man in a tux, a ghillie-suit-wearing guy, and a traditional Samurai in full armor, those wouldn't be costumes?

>You don't know what you're talking about. Have you seen it recently?
>There's an undead wizard that used to be a biker who's brother is possessed by a demon but has since given up fighting and works in general business but still comes out to fight again every once and a while.
Are you talking about pro wrestling or shonen anime? I can't tell.

Uh, if we're counting "that's a military uniform in his setting" then Captain Mar Vell is not wearing a silly costume.... except look at that fucking thing. Yes, Goku and Lupin are relatively normally dressed compared to the rest, but the other 5 are in costumes.

>2 others have a military uniform
Are you talking about the guy with a skull and crossbones clasp over his skull and crossbones shirt and the one next to him cosplaying as Eggman?
>b-but in setting they're traditional!
The classic "it shouldn't look ridiculous to the viewer because it's normal to the character" defense.

How can they be anime if the RPG campaign itself is not animated?
You could make a shonen anime BASED ON your campaign after it's done, but they are not the same thing.

I run mine as a mixture of get backers and CSI so its more seinen manga.

You have it backwards, OP.

Oh, I'm not talking shit about him. I'm one of those people who loves him.

No that's what sports and tournament battle manga are like, which should go without saying, wrestling is just "sports" and tournament battle.

"Shōnen" only referrers to the intended demographic of the magazine a series was published in, Koe no Karachi for example is technically a shōnen manga.

>if the Justice League contained a dude wearing full NFL gear, a man in a tux, a ghillie-suit-wearing guy, and a traditional Samurai in full armor, those wouldn't be costumes?
Depends on context.
If wear is part of hero persona and is recognizable then it is costume.
If we had superpower col. Corazon fighting evil in far away planet in military uniform that uniform is not costume as it have no real identification function.

Basically if you could put that shit on anyone and fool someone to think it is that person it is costume.
For example if you put average Joe in Iron Man suit, then he would pass for Iron Man, same with Batman or others.

However in this view Achilles's armor was also a costume.

>that's just how skills work
Only when you're a teenager, i.e. the Shounen target demographic. It's safe to say that, for instance, olympic athletes have gotten as good as they will ever get, and cannot improve with experience. That's why Goku never stops getting stronger, because he's a teenage power fantasy. He's other things as well, but he's definitely that.

Not all roleplaying campaigns involve dramatic levelling. Shadowrun for instance, after 20 sessions your character will not be significantly stronger than when you created them. DnD can be dramatic if you're going from lv1 to lv5, but less so if you're going from lv11 to lv13 on the same number of sessions.

Depends on the anime. No, wait, setting. Or was it the roleplay style of the group?

But in that case, how do I define that two year campaign which had both horror and comedy, psychoanalytic concepts and cake fights at different moments?

Keep it down, they don't have to know about it.

Are you saying Japanese high school blazers are silly costumes?

is Harlock even a battle shounen?

I'm sure there is a difference between distinctive uniform and costume, but let's use your definition:

I, and any reasonable person, can tell that pic related is not the real Sailor Moon. Therefore, he's not wearing a costume, but merely a distinctive outfit.
Because of this, Sailor Moon doesn't wear a costume.

You seem to be focusing too much on
and not enough on