Does your setting have any female rulers? What's notable about them?
Does your setting have any female rulers? What's notable about them?
Does being a theocracy with high priestess at the top of it counts?
The notable part would be then the fact she's a religious figure and elevated to the position via divinations performed by previous high priestess.
A head of state is a head of state
Why would divinations raise her position? Fake prophesies?
My setting is a shameless amalgamation of references of things that I like, since its Dungeons the dragoning, it only made sense that the factions and characters were straight up taken from other media instead of being 100% original
To answer your question directly, the female leaders of factions vary wildly between one another, but now that I think of it there isn't anything about them that is inherently female. That is to say that "being a girl" isn't in any way part of the character in an obnoxious way, because I really fucking dread female leaders who are saying shit like "men can't do anything right", "I'm as strong as any man", "our people value women..." "my father wanted me to be a boy..." etc etc because its fucking boring, everyone much prefers something not realistic like a tiny woman being able to fight as well as men without nobody giving a shit in either way because its fucking dungeons the dragoning, so it can be bullshit with "lol exalted" or "lol magic"
what do we have?
A snob brat vampire girl, a mad scientist techpriest, a sheriff with a plasma pistol, a slutty mercenary leader, a milf witch, a surprisingly polite and wise champion of chaos united with her autistic secretary and a flamboyant blonde who loves to be praised for the most menial shit and is made a fool of in court. I guess there is also the director of an academy for ninjas who is desperate to find a good husband and a fox-girl who was close to destroying the entire kingdom and was the main antagonist of last campaign, now imprisoned in her own palace for attempting a coup d'etat
>there isn't anything about them that is inherently female
Nothing wrong with that as long as the characters are interesting
Actually no, this never occurred to me.
I've actually got three warring kingdoms all ruled by women. Rebellious maiden, controlling mother and vengeful crone.
No, they are all too busy in the kitchen.
I actually have a problem. My players like the NPCs I make so much that they end up inviting them on quests, so for example they have to go to a party for rich people (moderm rich people, so like pic related) and even if I had planned an encounter with some slaneesh assholes it was completely bullshited because the players decided to invite several NPC buddies, which included a pair of faction leaders
Didn't stop them because it was, to be fair, a lot of fun
Genuine prophecies. Part of the religions is being "chosen by the goddess". Hence the divination. It also cuts out political intrigue from the equation.
There are some related cultures in region X that are strictly matriarchal. They trace descendance through the female line and only daughters can inherit property, giving them substantial economic and cultural power. Men can rise to become fairly powerful military leaders, but these militias are always strictly subservient to the community, not the other way around. This balance of power is preserved through a thoroughly ingrained, cultural fear of women denying men children, Their ability to give birth is surrounded by a strong sense of mysticism, on par with forces of nature like the rebirth of the natural world in spring.
>being chosen by god cuts out political intruige
>laughing Cardinals
Do you want to see my human pig?
Well, I'm fairly certain that in real world history you'd find quite a few stretches of time when there were no female rulers
I mean I have nothing against it, maybe some royal queen NPC ruler of some such kingdom
That's the point, you dweeb - there are no cardinals.
Bestest girl
Never put your dick in homicidally crazy
Can't argue with dub dubs
Jesus H Christ, this woman's resume was terrifying. They didn't give her sainthood because she adopted Christianity. They just hoped it would keep her from coming back out of the grave
That bitch was so fucking legit, love her
She's done a lot to promote christianity in her lands, which half a century later led do total conversion of Rus. So I'm fairly certain that's the main reason she was made a saint.
But yes, the lady was brutal as they get
>flaming pidgeons
how the fuck
Dip their feet in pitch, then burn. Rinse and repeat until your out of birds, or everything's on fire.
Best part: she destroyed a tribe of people who dared to kill her precious husband for being a warmongering shithead, raiding and demanding tribute from them
By the end of her mad crusade she came to Iskorosten (Drevlian capital city) and demanded from them a tribute of three pigeons and three sparrows from each house.
When preovided, she tied bits of slow burning stuff (sulfur I think) tied on a long string. Birds were then released and came to their nests, which were inside the city, under thatched roofs and in haybales.
Guess what happened next
>strap oiled up pieces of cloth to pigeons
>set them on fire
>throw them to the direction of the town
I'm still not sure if it's ingenious or absolutely retarded but I love it. She was an ancient Russia's equivalent of a mad scientist
Usually either dumb or anormally wicked, you know, like irl female rulera
Of fuck, nvm, it was even more crazy and smart than I remembered it from school.
In all fairness all of this could have been avoided if they Prince Mal had just decided not to order the murder her husband. That's all it would have taken, just not being a dick. Prince Mal's face when.
It makes you wonder how he actually imagined this playing out. "Hi, I murdered your husband. Marry me". Yup, that should work.
It's all too clear what was going through her head; "what would father have done?"
There's two notable ones.
1. The Empress of one of the larger human domains. She's presently the only member of the ruling family around. The church and upper nobility hate her for basically putting off marriage and childbirth (she'd have to step down once her son came of age), but she knows how to weave dat nationalistic rhetoric, so the lower nobility, the army, and the people in general see her as their homeland incarnate almost. She stays in power through being an excellent judge of character and by placating the people with military gains.
2. An elf witch-queen who fell in love with a human alchemist ages ago. She taught him arcane secrets, and when he tried to share them with his homeland they hung him as an occultist. Mad with grief and rage, she tore open a gateway to the Abyss and conscripted an army of demons to raze the land to the ground. She now rules a cursed wasteland where the only occupants are demons and undead. For the last hundred years she's been building her strength to rip open an ever grander tear in reality, push her influence beyond the borders of her 'nation', and bring forth an even greater infernal army to continue her quest to end mankind.
That story is stolen DIRECTLY from one about Ghengis Khan
How could that happen if she lived before him?
Considering the annals describing this event are older than Ghengis by about 150 years...
The PC's boss (was supposed to be antagonist but they ended up liking her) is half-orc not!Genghis Khan, whose very remarkable name is Khan. Which just means "king" in orcish, because she grew up being very vocal about her ambitions of leading her clan someday. Since she was a nobody and women didn't get to lead in her tribe, she got mocked for it with the derisive nickname she fully embraced.
One day, she left to become an adventurer, found some like-minded spirits on the way and came back twenty years later with sweet loot and allies to murder everyone who didn't agree with her in her clan, and imposed herself as the king, for real this time. Then she started assimilating smaller tribes, and now she's assembled half of the steppes under the banner of the Mongrel Horde.
She's notable in that she's very charismatic but doesn't realize her whole conquest of the world thing rests upon her shoulders, and is going to crumble when she dies, unless the PCs manage to replace her.
The nation my players are in at the moment is ruled by Queen Orabela
Let's see... I've got a magocratic city ruled over by its founder, a gynosphinx, a gnoll empress who rules a gnoll empire (duh) because females are considered the leadership sex, the current warlike queen of an elven nation that can be described best as "swordmage & arcane archer amazon Valenar", a halfling mafia queen, assorted powerful and ambitious female nobles and merchants of various races...
>Kill entire tribes through extremely brutal methods over petty revenge
Orthodox Christians aren't bro tier. At all. /pol/ lied to me.
They both did it. Using animals +fire to destroy property wasn't even that rare of a thing.
There's nothing notable about them. Its male rulers that are the exception.
After all, its incredibly easy to keep track of matriarchal lines of succession. Male rulers can have all kinds of secret kids from one night stands even they don't know resulted in royal offspring. Its simply much too inconvenient to have such easy claims to the throne appear of out nowhere, real or fabricated. After the Empire of Iron fell due to internal rot and civil wars resulting from different factions playing musical chairs with 'sons of royal lineage', the solution that arose was simply to ignore all such unproveable claims and instead back a line of blood that no one had bothered to fake and was well recorded: the female lines.
Obviously, there are some fractures of the Empire that still use male heirs, but they are generally considered barbaric throwbacks at best or powerhungry renegades at worst.
Killing heathens is a good deed, so killing enormous numbers of them in metal-as-fuck ways makes you an exceptionally virtuous person.
You have to remember: all people deserve love in the eyes of god, but heathens are not people.
This is what happens when you print a new edition but don't stop quoting rules text from the older version.
I haven't really established the worldly personalities yet, but since the Earth Mother type goddess is also patron of civilization and government, it would seem natural for that to be more common than not, at least in the focus society where she's seen as the chief deity.
The fantasy Venice (with shades of the Delian League) of my setting is ruled by a tiefling wizard. The only really notable thing about her is that she's fairly new to the job and still a young woman, having only been elected a year before the PCs got there. She's sucked up in the same court politics as any other ruler, and she tries to be stern and kingly but its held up by the fact that she really wanted to be an adventurer when she was growing up so she gets excited whenever she gets to deal with them.
Quite a few saints were not saintly at all before conversion
>It makes you wonder how he actually imagined this playing out. "Hi, I murdered your husband. Marry me". Yup, that should work.
Women are passive creatures, his idea isn't really that weird and it has worked before.
Most women don't have an army. That sort of power play works when you have someone at your mercy. Not when you are facing someone with more power than you.
Mal made the mistake of assuming the reason this sort of plan worked before was because it was something inherent to women, not because of the other circumstances that usually leave women without the means to refuse.
So instead of getting what he wanted, he got made an example of.
Of course. Some of them are quite mad
So Olga of Kiev is some kind of Jaina who did shit done?
First this, then some user mentioned Gyorgy Dozsa's execution yesterday. How the fuck were these people so creative when murdering people but not when upping food production?
Because one is a slow iterative process and the other is a one and done deal?
I just want a long and detailed hentai manga based on this story. A man can dream.
A village girl who became the ruler of a republic of ogres
The notable thing is ruling a republic of ogres
>Does your setting have any female rulers?
Yes, though she's mostly a figurehead at this point.
>What's notable about them?
She was never intended to be a ruler, she got married off to an elf minor noble. Then her uncle (the previous monarch) and father both died in a war, and left her the sole heir to the kingdom. So now she's dealing with politics in a country that is so culturally different from the one she's spent half her life in, dealing with the fallout of her uncle trying to take over the world while her court takes away power from the crown to the "elected" officials.
>Does your setting have any female rulers? What's notable about them?
The main civilization is ruled by its living gods. three male, three female. They rose to power by defeating Tiamat who in my setting is original mother of monsters- dragons are just her most fearsome offspring.
In the south, Yuan-Ti mastered necromancy, slew their gods and stole their power. The ruler is a creepy snake queen lady who is unique in that she's the only person in the setting with the ability to raise the dead.
In the East, there are genie courts ruled by various rajahs and ranis. The Marid in particular are well versed in song and dance, making intoxicants, carnal pleasure, and courtly intrigue and often marry their sons/daughters off to other genie families to gain a measure of influence over them to compensate for the fact that they're among the least common genies.
Those are the most notable female rulers.
So Castlevania?
Historically, female rulers are notoriously warmongering
There are three of them, they rule the countries bordering the one my campaign takes place in. I haven't fleshed them out very much yet but their kingdoms are very big and they all have their own unique strain of megalomania.
>only person in the setting with the ability to raise the dead
You have to strike a bargain with a creepy lamia if you want your dead comrade back? That's a pretty cool detail.
>This is what happens when you print a new edition but don't discontinue rules text from the older version.
Sounds familiar
In my fantasy setting, my female ruler has obliterated the the evil pale orcs that ruled the land, created a state-sponsored (but guild friendly) care system for the smallfolk, and taken us all to Mars for ice cream. And she won the popular vote to be queen.
>obliterated pale people
>indulged in socialism
>"won" the popular vote
Get out of here Hillary.
This seems improbable. There are a lot of states in need of heads out there.
Those are the things that make someone a bro to /pol/.
>Matriarcal society
Men being rulers is considered odd, though the recent masculist movements have made enough ground in some countries that there have been a few.
Yeah that looks about right.
I approve of this, and shall waifu your NPC forevermore.
what, you think I only put her there because of her political skills and knowledge of astronomy?
... well, that was a point of it, but what I'm trying to get at is that she's basically been my idealization of a tiefling magic user waifu.
its not just this, he took a tribute, then on his way back to Kiev he decided he didn't get enough, so he returned to Korosten and demanded more. Got killed.
you guys have such a cool history before it becomes "lol Moscow owns your asses now"
she became a saint cus she converted to orthodoxy later in life, eventually starting the christian influence era in Kiev. She wasnt even ruthenian, she was still norse in culture.
>a slutty mercenary leader, a milf witch
Tell me more.
The only Castlevania game I've played seemed to be about werewolves fighting monsters. This was way back in the N64 age.
One of them has both
Food production takes years to fix. Cool executions can be done with a few minutes of planning, and maybe some ink.
while the character themselves are straight up taken from other media, I took heavy liberties in altering their personalities because fuck you its my setting, that's why
the slutty mercenary tries to act like a no-nonsense edgelord leader and, to be fair, she succeeds, but on the batlefield she gets sick kicks from being hurt and being a masochist, hence why she wears no armor (or armor that leaves conspicous zones of her body dangerously exposed) and her class and exaltation reward high-risk tactics and receiving damage
The milf witch is the director of the Academy of mages, an institution that has gotten so powerful that they have completely control over the court and country they'r from. She is an elf with exceptional power, but since the country they are from is Not!Central Asia mixed with Not!Arabia she has the infamy of having as servants very young boys, which she seems to like perhaps too much, since rumours says she takes her private baths with only a handful of these kids. As for her appearance she is pic related
you just made me realize, how the fuck did I get into my friend's magical realm? this isn't even my fetish
She just sounds adorable. A young, intellectual girl in a position of power who dreams of high adventure? Most of my characters would try to hug her on sight!
>St Olga of Kiev
>Sought revenge for the murder of her beloved husband by slaughtering the ruling class of a rival kingdom.
>Ended up genociding them out of existence.
>Lionized and Sainted for it.
Being a "good person" was hardly a requirement for sainthood in the past, especially in church militant like Orthodox Christianity.
The primary attribute needed to be Canonized by the Eastern Orthodox church was a willingness to participate in the Religious Genocide of the indigenous, pagan tribes.
Christians are the original Fascists.
>now imprisoned in her own palace for attempting a coup d'etat
What? Was she trying to coup herself?
she was the Chancellor
This kitsune lady had gained a fuckton of power and she just needed to get the king out of the way. She organized an enemy invasion and when all the ministers and nobles were taking shelter in the palace she would make it appear as if her army had arrived too late to save all of them, coincidentally dying everyone but the ones that were loyal to her and thus she would have seized complete control over the court and become queen
The PCs arrived just in time to prevent her from killing the king and her ambition came to an end. However, because she was still influential as fuck she didn't get the death penalty, although she has been stripped of all her privileges and is imprisoned in her luxurious palace-tower.
Her hobbies has been shifted from plotting and organizing murders to sun-bathing and mahjong, the PCs ofte visit her to play matches that inevitably develop in "who can cheat the most", which are really fucking fun considering we actually have a mahjong set
I built a setting with a matricarchical kingdom that exists becayse the local elves had a habit of fucking everything that moved, so the bloodlines would pass from mother to daughter. The region is now mostly human due to a shit ton of shit that happened between point A and point B but the traditions remain. The current "king" stole the soul of a Giant using their own magic against them and is now basically immortal, at least in human terms.
i gotta commission some art at some point. one of my recurring NPCs, a half-elf fighter, tries to keep her from getting too crazy and going off to adventure with every group that petitions her, but he has his hands full and he recognizes she wants a chance to experiencer the world from something outside of her castle walls or her old library haunts.
she has an entire section of her closet dedicated to wooden swords and shields and other weapons like a child would have. being a wizard she's not much of one for swinging them around, but its the way it makes he feel thats what special.
pic related, i was inspired to make her based on seeing that image
>be village girl
>live in shitty wilderness village in tippyverse-like elven lands
>ogre swamps right next door, humans here don't have the power to fight them
>get kidnapped one day, kept among slaves, get given shitty raw meat for food to last until slave markets
>at nearest stop, go into forest, gather herbs, cook up some dishes like grandma used to make
>ogre chief walks by, intrigued by smell, eats and likes it
>kept as personal cook for chief, along the way ogres plan to attack rival clan
>girl tells ogre that she doesn't like aggression and it would ruin her cooking if she is traumatized
>tells ogres to instead dig traps and disable them peacefully
>chief really loves his stomach, agrees
>after capturing the enemy clan, ogres prepare to eat their organs and drink from their skulls
>girl talks about home, dreams and a simple life, how it would be horrible to take it from others
>something sparks in the ogre chief and realizes there could be more to life than going meal to meal raiding
>communicates this to own and other tribe, beats those that disagree into submission
>the two tribes come together and appoint the girl as warchief
>girl says she agrees to lead them for one year, but they must pay attention to how she leads and choose again when the year is over
>they go around dispatching the other swamp tribes with minimum possible violence and at the end of the year the now united ogres reelect the girl
>she teaches them farming as she has learned and the rest of the human captives teach them handicraft
>thus begins the united ogre states
I noticed after the fact that most of the female rulers in my setting are childless, and dangerously so. They are the only members of their house left, but despite being at a childbearing age, they remain unwed. I didn't even plan it this way, but now that I think about it, a female ruler trying to have children would be a fucking bitch.
>most suitors are of lesser nobility; female biology simply cannot accept marrying down (inb4 pol)
>from said pool of suitors, many seek the title more so than the woman
>a good number are widowers with noble children of their own, so familial civil wars incoming
>a bunch of old men
Also considering the fact that many great men had no families of their own due to the strain of ruling a nation; a woman having to bear children and the burden of the nation as well sounds like a harrowing experience. My setting also takes place in a very rough part where leaders have to rule in a centralized manner, and that means leading troops to battle. Can't do that with a bun in the oven.
>Can't do that with a bun in the oven.
That's why you marry a capable noble and share the burden of rulership with them.
A better question would be "what's notable about your rulers"--I don't see what their gender would matter unless you made a point of having it matter.
You forgot to mention that the pagans dindu nuffin.
She got sainted for converting her fief, which happend to be in size of most of modern Ukraine, Belarus and outskirts of Russia.
Because female characters can have fun things and traits that male characters can't
For example, it isn't the same that a girl likes shoes than a guy likes shoes
Do you even write?
Let's see. The Junkers have a matriarch who gets the coolest weapons,
some Stained and some Twisted communities have women in a ruling role, mostly for their ability to reverse some of the more painful and hindering mutations,
and the Kingdom of Agnamarel has a queen in a matriarchal monarchy. Who's also a competent gunslinger, rides a Star Elf-made hoverbike and frequents the resident reputable bad guy bar.
Most great female rullers don't have kids and barely any have husband's, it's almost a prerequisite
>see OP thumbnail
>"Is that fucking Saint Olga?"
>open thread
>see filename
I would recognize that murderous frown anywhere.
> a girl likes shoes than a guy likes shoes
Sneaker heads exist. Take that, Candace Bushnell.
Why the fuck would you trust /pol/ to tell you whether or not someone is a decent human being user?
>most suitors are of lesser nobility; female biology simply cannot accept marrying down (inb4 pol)
Not /pol/, just idiot. Marrying an extremely good, handsome, rugged man from a lower social standing is a common female fantasy. Typically in this case the draw is that the man is highly capable despite his lower upbringing and has a hands-on manner unfamiliar to them, also muscles. For a modern woman, this fantasy involves marrying a farmboy type man, or Dean Winchester. For a fantasy queen, it could be something like marrying a powerful adventurer who has proven himself in many daring quests.
What you mean to say is that women can't abide marrying someone who seems pathetic, which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with social status.
Google's giving me nothing. Mind elaborating on the story?