What's an interesting backstory for a half-orc that's not "rape baby"?
What's an interesting backstory for a half-orc that's not "rape baby"?
Two barbarian tribes, one orcish, the other human, got together and sealed an alliance with a bunch of marriages.
I was a half-orc knight in a 3.5 campaign once. My backstory was that there was an orcish khan who was going to ravage the kingdom, but the king parleyed with him and offered him land to settle, titles of nobility and brides of noble birth to seal the deal. The khan agreed and ultimately my mother married one of the Khan's commanders. The marriage had a rocky start but she was able to get some culture into him and he was able to teach her the value of orcish life and soon I was born. My character had the refinement, etiquitte and social mores of my mom with the fighting spirit and love of mounted combat of my father. The perfect knight as it were.
refluff half orc into just orc
all this half-shit is way to grognardy
Gay Rape Baby, and it has everyone confused.
Literally a man and an orc got cut in half and swapped a respective half and were sewn together.
One is the PC, and the other is an evil NPC that constantly attempts to thwart you.
I can't tell if you're being intentionally stupid and fishing for (you)s, or you're genuinely stupid. Either way, grognard does not mean what you think it means.
Child of a famous prostitute who was known far and wide for turning down no one, not even an orc. Raised in the brothel. Learned both sexual arts and how to be a bouncer.
>alright girls, who wants to make A MAN out of my boy?
A human princess was kidnapped by a dragon, as dragons are wont to do. The dragon had a clan of orcs serving it. One of the orcs, who was supposed to guard the princess (and not harm her in any way lest he be killed by the dragon), ended up helping her escape. His intent was mostly to get her away from the dragon so he could assault her...but literally once they were far enough away to try, the prince's brother and his retinue, coming to save his sister, happened upon them.
The princess regaled the prince about how the orc had saved her, acting against his true nature (the orc passes a bluff check here). The prince begrudgingly accepts this, and is forced by his sister to take the orc back to the kingdom to be properly thanked and rewarded by the king and queen.
Once back there's a big ol' ceremony that no one really wants but the princess is insisting on, when the dragon shows up again, pissed off. The orc ends up helping the human kingdom against the dragon (since there's nowhere to run), and actually ends up landing the killing blow.
The orc gets another celebration from the kingdom, this one more heartfelt. The princess, that night and enamored of him, visits the guest-chamber where he's staying and says she's fallen in love with him. Her parents will never let them marry, but she wants to be with him.
The orc, mentally thinking "finally!", gets it on with the princess and shows her a pretty wild night.
Of course, the very next day is when all the other orcs show up, looking to attack the weakened human kingdom as well as slay the traitor. The orc really just wants to run away, but can't and so is once again forced to fight alongside the humans by circumstance. And once again, things play out so that he ends up killing the tribe's chieftain AND shaman. However, thinking quickly, he also fakes his own death in the process so that he can just get the hell out of dodge.
it means obsolete oldschool cruft like guisarmes and all the other sacred cows of heartbreaker games
if you were making a brand new fantasy game you would even dream of putting in the concept of a half-orc or half-elf except "that's what D&D does"
biggest red flag there is
After saving the princess, slaying the dragon, and fending off the orc horde, though, the orc is hailed as a hero in the kingdom, and so is honored with statues of songs. When the princess' pregnancy is realized, she makes up a story about how she was visited by the spirit of the orc, who had been redeemed in the eyes of the gods, who didn't want his line to die out. She passes the bluff check.
And THAT'S your half-orc character.
Sooner or later a good DM will have said character run into a crotchety old orc - your dad - who's been living innawoods and hears all this and just exclaims "Me not hero! Me just want to get laid! Weirdest week of me life!"
...it's bigger than a drow PC?
Human commoner went to an outhouse. Little did she know an orc "used" it a while before and didn't clean the toilet seat...
Rapist baby.
Baby rapist.
Baby-raping baby.
Baby rapist-raping rapist baby.
Orc bandit captures and "seduces" bored noblewoman.
>orc raider gets wounded on the battlefield and left behind.
>local widower takes pity on him and nurses him back to health in secret.
>during the months long healing process they both fall in love with each other.
>they both know that their time together is fleeting so they make the most of it.
>the orc eventually heals up enough to be able to go looking for his tribesmen
>they spend one last passionate night together
>they say their goodbyes in the morning
Why not a rape baby though?
Even better if it's a human marauder having their way with your thicc orc mommy.
Human adventurer and orcish raider get captured by evil wizard who's intent on experimenting on them.
Human steals the keys to the cages and figures he'll need some help to get out of here. Enters orcish raider, who's pissed off but also realizes she won't make it out on her own.
They get out, becoming fire-forged friends on the way, and celebrate their escape by getting drunk together, and stuff happens. They're not in love, but once they realize they're going to have a kid, they settle somewhere far away from civilization and raise him as two bumbling, awkward murderhobo buddies.
A good family life and completely normal upbringing, but still somehow turned into murder-crazed adventurer right out of high school
Just like hapas
Why is the orc scottish?
>human noble couple were expecting a child and were on their way home to deliver it in their ancestral hold
>contractions set in on the way while the carriage is in the midst of some no-name woods
>no one there to help, stillbirth
>old man comes out of the woods and sees the couple in distress
>"I can save your child... but you may not like the result."
>distraught couple agrees anyway
>druid casts Reincarnate on the child
...how did you extract "Scottish" from it? I'm not objecting to it, I just don't understand how you got there.
Wizard school frat-boy bets he can bed an orc. Steals a Tenser's Transformation scroll from one of his teachers and manages to beat the first female orc mercenary he could find in an arm-wrestling contest. She's impressed enough that she agrees to sleep with him.
The kid gets raised with very high expectations, but inherits his father's magical abilities. Hilarity ensues.
In my setting half-orcs are just a normal thing.
Couple hundred years ago, the world started ending just as an orcish horde was attacking a human empire. They had to join forces to survive. After centuries of intermarriage, orcbloods are just part of the empire. They're big in the military, and the cultural stereotype of "disciplined soldier" has replaced "rampaging barbarian.
Science experiment.
Consensual femdom between man and female orc.
Eventually pregnancy.
A really drunk party, that your mom barely remembers.
My half orcs parents were a female orc shaman and a human rogue. The backstory was a teenage orc shaman having trained from birth was far more intelligent then all the brutish orc males and found them unappealing. The other orc shaman girls were into the whole superior thing taking multiple mates but she hated it so she would sneak out to a nearby human town using illusion magic to interact with more intelligent people.
Quickly she befriended and fell in love with a young roguish 5th son of the local nobility with whom she would perform scams with using his slight of hand and her magic. He found out she was an orc when he stole a kiss and felt tusk behind the illusion but love overcame inborn prejudice and they happily ran away together, scamming and scheming across half the eastern continent before settling down as merchant lords and shitting out half a dozen brats.
Result of a long bout of fight club matches. Male orc vs. female human, both evenly matched due to their wildly different fighting styles and specialties. They formed a bond on the fight club floor and ended up fucking once they tumbled in to the locker room. They usually don't feel romantic unless they've been beating the shit out of each other.
Two half orc parents.
Orc/human alliance to breed super babies in order to fend off a common threat?
I think you mean widow, given that you described your orc as "he."
Child from a political marriage. They're like 5th or 6th child and can escape family obligations to pursue adventure. They're technically a count/countess (or equivalent title), and might be secretly packing a signet ring that has lot of pull when shown to the right people, but will never bring this up unless somebody's life is on the line.
He's not a half-orc.
Both his parents were pure blooded orcs.
He's a flat footed, asthmatic manlet orc that has had to compensate for all of the physical deficiencies by learning to read, learning a shit tonne of languages and generally learning to be the brains of the tribe because holy ever loving fuck he isn't going to be the brawns of the tribe.
Due to his proficiency with languages and that he can pass for a half-breed he is used by the tribe as one of it's informants and is highly prized for it. He is the right hand of the chiefs left hand man and as such always has a place at his table. Some way down the table admittedly but still on the table.
He claims to be a half-orc for the simple reason that it's easier and nicer than having to admit to being a deformed manlet with shitty little tusks.
True Love.
A human and an orc had consensual sex. Approximately 9 months later, character was born.
Yeah my bad. Meant widow, not widower. Don't drink and type people.
This sounds just right.
First time I ever played DnD, we had this for one of the party member's backstories, except it was more like a !not late Roman Empire setup, where the orcs married into a local human community after migrating there.
The human raped the orc instead
Would the child of two half-orcs also not be considered a half-orc?
Virgin birth.
Wizard falls for princess, but she instead goes for handsome chad knight. Wizard polymorphs knight into orc as revenge. Princess and knight go 'what the hell' and try to make it work anyway. Half orc baby is born.
Depends how it works exactly. If race is so simple you could put it on a punnett square then they'd have a 50% chance of being a half orc with the other two quarters being fully human and orc.
Orc princess is kidnapped and raped by evil human.
Damn, I think this hits some sort of record for "number of buzzwords in a single post"
Bad idea, there would immediately be some crazy cult rising around them for sure.
Works with reversed genders too.
10/10 would use
Elliot Rodger, the halforc
I like to just say that half-orcs are sterile
Orcs and Eastern/monk empire have been at war for generations, Monk General and Orc Cheifs daughter run off together in secret and have a kid. Share custody of the kid who grows up to become a spy for both sides, playing them against each other to avoid them fighting. We messed up a lot of stuff related to the dudes plot line (killed his orc grandpa) but he's been a really interesting character.
You fucking deviants disgust me.
Pic related
It is my understanding that, when it comes to races in humans and breeds in dogs, breeding between a particular mix will result in offspring that broadly share the same mix. Two half-dachshund half-beagles will have puppies that also share the general traits of a half-dachshund half-beagle.
Since speciation is maddeningly unclear in D&D, but you can generally find stats for a half-anything in at least one edition, it's worth considering the possibility that races function more like breeds.
So, yes, a race of true-breeding half-orcs would be an entirely viable possibility. It also opens the door for a mad eugenics project that seeks the perfect mix of different races in producing the strongest, most graceful, hardiest, smartest, most perceptive, and most charismatic race.
Plot twist Humans were the first attempt at this
>Literally a man and an orc got cut in half and swapped a respective half and were sewn together.
>One is the PC, and the other is an evil NPC that constantly attempts to thwart you.
Shit nigga this would be tremendous to play.
school teacher gets kidnapped by orcs to teach the orcish chiefs children falls in love.
Your parents were both half-orcs. It's such a novel concept that no matter how you pull it off it'll be interesting.
That's most likely a rape baby though
Nope. Her parents live together happily. It's even in the moon runes if you read them.
I was thinking more like that cute girl that got into facial abuse videos because she thought it would be fun
>green shota getting sexually bullied by haughty whores
I didn't know I wanted this, do orcs even have a shota phase?
>Orc mercenary leaves his Orcish son behind in some human brothel
>"What do you mean '10 gold per hour'? Sheesh, human daycare sure ain't cheap!"
Yeah but Elf-chan is a rapist.
What about an actual half orc society?
Like the the disowned half breeds of the orcs and humans build there own settlement somewhere.
They live with each other, they breed with each other.
Half orc PC is born into this society, raised by two half orc parents.
I do image at this point they might start calling themselves something other than half orcs though.
Can't remember her name, a cute half-asian girl with loving parents, rich, went to a good college, lots of friends, you name it.
She decided to star in a couple of those porn videos where the dude sticks his dick down the girl's throat till she pukes, slaps her around and spits on her, the whole nine yards. She did it because she thought it would be an interesting life experience.
The half-orc is kind of a slur for a sub-race of orcs. Kind of like goblinoids diverge into goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears, there's orcs and half-orcs as separate races.
Kind of like Uruk-Hai used the word "Snaga" (slave) to refer to lesser Uruks in LotR, you could have orcs use the term half-orc.
bad potion.
Eh, she's only seen one penis, and that's his.
I don't think she's got the spine to actually rape him.
For one thing, she wants him to rape her.
He's not entirely wrong. Half-orc is an oldschoolism from the Gygax days where the idea of you just playing an orc was unthinkable.
In vitro wizard experiments with cross breeding
What about an orcish-baby rapist?
Gnomish Conspiracy.
Human with polymorph magic...went around fucking the strongest female creatures he could find, so he could complete (x).
this comic sucks so fucking much jesus christ
Non-warhammer ork are so fucking boring, you guys discussing mixed races and shit like that like cucks
Fertility cult performs "sacred ceremony" on the full moon.
!rape baby?
What about half-orks in 40k?
Its impossible, Orks are not reproductivly compatible with any other race. due to the whole, being very advanced, very angry mushrooms.
Through the traditional means sure, but Orks don't give no fucks about logic and Dark Eldar are deviant enough to try.
Hot orcish slave who traded her exotic looks for political power in her pit. She later ran the prostitution and gambling rings inside the mines. The kid was just hostage and bargaining chip for concessions from her lover, whom she eventually usurped.
>implying that'd stop Slaanesh
Oh horrifically mutating and shoving the organs around sure, but actual half-orks? Why get rid of all the good bits for slavery, and replace it with more intelligence and urghhhh... hope?
>Not good for slavery
Absolutely Craftworlder.
Because its hot, like what other reason do you need? Besides they can suffer more if their capable of hope.
I've got humans for that. I want my slavemasters to pay for their suffering from my slaves, not get it for free from the Builders...
[Insert Race Here] and an orc end up stuck in the same defensible cubbyhole/neutral paramedical tent/torture chamber/victory parade and protect/rest and recover/escape/sneak away for drinks together. Love blooms for some reason. Maybe they've got much in common, maybe opposites attract. They move together, either into the same house or on the same trail and after a while sex happens and the two have a baby.
But listen to me man, like if we can get these half Ork Eldar things working right we aren't going to need humans anymore
Brutal war between men and orcs. Brave bold strong what have you human knight feels unappreciated by his king. Goes native, Dances with Wolves style, to get back at his people. Obsessed with lineage and leaving a legacy he knocks up the strongest Orc woman he can in hopes of creating the "strongest son the world will ever see." He plans for this offspring to be the ultimate tool of his vengeance upon the kingdom he feels overlooks him.
a human child entered an orc tribe's territory and was brought up by orcs
the child was treated as just another orc by the tribe, including orc rights of manhood etc
upon his death he was reincarnated as an orc baby
as part of his rights of manhood, he undergoes a ritual flashback to his past lives
human body, but orc soul and culture, or orc body with human soul and culture
Why are you implying a rape baby is an interesting backstory?
>Not m-preg
Shame on you