What does a female dwarf sound like Veeky Forums? Trying to RP as one and I can't hear it in my head.
What does a female dwarf sound like Veeky Forums? Trying to RP as one and I can't hear it in my head
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Angela Merkel or Margaret Thatcher.
Look up a woman speaking with a thick Aberdeen accent.
meek, but quick to agiate
so they baa?
> (OP)
Unintelligible then.
It really depends, as per usual.
The scotsman's daughters are never a bad place to start tho
Angry Scottish woman.
scottish woman
Lauren Mayberry is Scottish but I don't think it's what you guys meant.
I would say "like a woman", but that probably won't help you.
Like a woman
>Worst recent female leader or best recent female leader
That's quite a big gap there mate.
It does sound like an interesting idea to not give Dwarves Scottish accents, though.
Alright, so what fantasy folk do we make the Greeks and how do we make the dwarves force them to dismantle their defenses against the orcish hordes?
Not even trying to be /pol/ here.... okay, kind of trying to be /pol/ here, but that'd unironically make for an interesting campaign. Dwarves fuck up, the civilized world is now overrun, you and your party are tasked with the total and merciless extermination of dwarves to secure the peace and prosperity of the civilized races.
I dunno about all that. I don't think Jew Dwarves is such a good idea, what with their already large noses and hunger for wealth.
The dwarves are supposed to be G*rmans though
I mean, that's one idea, but what I'd do is maybe give the Dwarves Russian accents or something. Something a little different, methinks.
Like a drunk Sarah Millican.
>What does a female dwarf sound like Veeky Forums?
>It would be hard to say without descending into accent clichés for no justifiable reas-
My Brain:
>Kate Mulgrew. The answer is Kate Mulgrew. No, you don't get to know why.
>Apparently, a dwarf woman sounds like Captain Janeway, for reasons.
Fuck Thatcher and fuck Mugabe and the rest of his communist horde