Titan Halls

Last Thread Shared Document; docs.google.com/document/d/1eJRyl-tmn-1-4hlw6ZaZ_Wzgv7d1Fcj2mI88O32YLqc/edit#
We're creating a megadungeon that's just a house for pseudo-gods.
If you have some ideas, add them, don't hold back.
We need rooms, residents and events.

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We really need to work on the people who own the house. We should put some ideas and how to work them so we can develop this:

1. The Colonels and Luietenants of some deity group that has fallen out of fashion, like the Egyptian pantheon or the Maya/Aztec one. These aren't the actual deities, but the beings that worked under them and still have considerable power.

2. Find a theme system like the Zodiac. Usually they have a lot to work with that can be used for Titans and their families

So as far as the titan race goes this house isn't particularly special. They're affluent people living in a mansion but they're not rulers or warriors. In titan society they're not very important and they don't star in any mythes. But to the humans living in their home, they're gods.

Yeah, that sounds good, you don't have to stick too closely to whatever spawned them. Something low rank enough that that you don't need to worry about lore too much, but still capable and important enough that they warrant this big house.

As far as the race of titans as a whole goes. Maybe they do deserve a bit more lore.
I figured they're beings so powerful they refuse to accept the gods as higher than them and therefore can't venture into areas presided over by gods of any alignment, explaining why they aren't wreaking havoc on human lands.

That sounds good. You're in a place of something powerful, strong enough that none of the deities want them near

The implication of this might be that clerical magic offends them in some way?

Each household (with their allies) could basically be a pantheon in and of themselves.
Just without the foothold over a universe's fundamental concepts.

Which is probably why Clerics and other religious characters are targeted. It would be like having a Rodent wearing a Swastika enter your favorite restaurant.

Maybe if the story involves teaming up with a friendly titan new clerics (multi-classers) could take them as their god.

I think that's a good addition, they're quasi divine things, maybe they were once in power, maybe they weren't, it doesn't matter now and they just live out their lives away from the domains of mortals and the divine

This is actually a good point, especially if it's from a deity they have a history with

I get the feeling that would violate the treaty somehow, like a human feeding their nascent divinity or something would piss off the gods, that doesn't mean you can't do it, just that they'd probably want it to stay secret until the worship starts paying out dividends on their end

Maybe VERY high up giants have whole cities of tinies hidden away in their palaces to worship them, or at least that's what a rumor the adventurers can overhear two servants talking about

A big factor in why the titans aren't as powerful as the gods is because they refuse to affiliate with mortal races. They don't take worshippers or start religions so their power of the mortal plane is non-existent.

They didn't individually war (and pit themselves at risk) to claim one of the limited number of celestial mantles, but they would be the same type of entity.

Otherwise assumes worship grants 'needed' power to feed/sustain rather than simply expand domain to better exert a god's influence. Influence l, not power. Without 'becoming' something like how Mystra is made into the weave of magic, titans would be more physical than conceptual yet still of internally metaphysical structure. Unascended gods rather than fallen, to put it more simple.

Keep this up bump bump bump

The triples speak.

i think this setting has a lot of potential,mthough it feels imo, that a castle or something like an Egyptian palace would suit the grand scale a bit better.

Could work as an alternate setting, don't know enough to get the right amount of clutter really

It wouldn't be such a bad idea for the mansion to contain nods to various religions, from egyptian to norse.
Like maybe the doors have scarabs on them.

Could look out of place though

Describe to me the head of the household, what does he/she/it do most of the day?

For the lulz, you could have Door ways marked with golden and/or diamond insects. Nothing specific, just something to mention if they look around

He holds himself up in his study, studying magic an ancient tome. He leaves the running of the household to his wife.
If he does come out of his mancave you know something serious has gone down.

Give me an interesting physical quirk of the Wife. If you spot her, what catches your eye first? What makes you freeze where you are?

Beetle like Body?
Dragon tail?

Shamelessly reposting my homebrew for feedback:

Satyr legs, cloven hooves and all.

Oooh, antlers sound cool. Really imposing.
One thing she could be have that emphasizes her authority is a booming voice, or maybe nobody else is able to speak while she's talking.

Alright. I get a kind of Kirin vibe from her. Or at least someone who could have designed the Unicorns but didn't show up to the design meeting.

If we're going with the imposing Titan angle, I think there are two we can take:

1. If anyone talks in her presence, she knows. And they get hurt.

2. Silence is imposed. Nothing is making noise at all. Nothing can in her presence.

Let's keep going. Head Maid and/or Butler. Minimum thatvwe should accept is that this person is European Extreme difficulties of hiding from.

Toss out some ideas. An interesting physical quirk about them. What would stand out to someone seeing a picture of them?

The head of the staff is going to be the first escalation point. There's this normal loop of having to deal with regular titan maids, cooks and such individually. But if the players decide that they want to make a difference and challenge the power of these giants they're introduced to the first boss. The leader of the pack so to speak.
The head maid becomes important when the house is aware of the player's existence and is making an organized effort towards extermination. They're the one all the staff go to for orders and to relay information on the human chase.
They probably have a version of the staff uniform that is slightly distinct to denote a higher rank and they're older.

You know what would be fun? Giving her some bug antennae. Give her a bit of a Queen attitude and the ability to know where the staff is.

Good, the Cook now. What sets him/her apart from the other Titans?

The cook takes his/her job very seriously, pumping out quality meals for the household always on time. Despite his/her excellence at their job, he/she isn't very picky when it comes to what they eat, and the humans of the household know to stay away from him/her lest they become a snack (this omnivorous tendency also makes the rest of the staff stay away from the cook, viewing him/her as a little creepy and depraved). Physical quirks include 4 arms and a weird hand-mouth thing. Usually seen wearing his/her signature cook's apron and clothing, covered in strange monster's blood.

I think making the Cook a Him is the best deal. Maybe he sings when he cooks, an early warning to the players to get out of sight when he starts looking for sauces and spices.

Speaking of sauces and spices, what about the Sauce Maker? This person works directly under the Cook but has their own room. It looks like an Alchemy lab, all manner of valuable, lootable reagents and catalysts lying around because Cooking is just applied Chemistry. Toss me an important physical description. What sets this person apart from the Cook and staff?

I think making the Sauce Maker the household alchemist would nicely combine the two roles. As for what the alchemist looks like, no one knows, they can't see him/her under his robes and mask, and no one knows his/her age or even gender (the humans assume the mask acts as a gas-mask preventing the chemical fumes from harming him)/

One more thing that would work. Stealing anything from the Saucer starts a countdown, the Saucer knows how much it uses to make stuff and will come looking for any bits that were taken while you are in the house. Simply relinquishing it causes the Sauce Maker to leave, but this is the equivalent of an adventurer chopping of a foot.

Let's keep going sideways. The General Contractor-like person, the one seen plugging manholes and fixing walls and furniture, toss out a description. Do they look the role, or the opposite of it? What would people's eyes be drawn to if someone made a video recording of the mm?

>Do they look the role, or the opposite of it?
Probably one of the odder Titans roaming these halls, the General Contractor is actually a giant automaton who seems to almost blend into the room when he is not actively working. He always seems to be changing in appearance as well from week to week, but the two things that always remain consistent are his mechanical nature and his humanoid shape. He has many smaller arms and tools that can pop out of his body, and he pays little attention to the day to day work of the humans, in fact he is one of the more benign Titans in the house. If you cut open a hole in the wall, or steal a nail from some furniture, he will simply attempt to take the pieces back and fix the damage, not putting any effort into killing you.

I think that would honestly make him more dangerous than most of the other denizens of the house. Sure the rest of the staff may try to step on you, but he's the only one that will be cutting off your escape routes and hounding you across the entire house for the sake of a nail.

A question for everyone here.
How many children should there be?
How many maids?

I kind of like the idea of it just existing to serve, in a way. Like if the Adventurers had a need to get on top of a cabinet, this Titan would be offering a hand, if it was active at the time.

In the mean time, I think a Laundry Maid would be a good thing to work on. They have access to the whole house, since according to Wikipedia, they usually washed and ironed EVERYONES clothing and bedding. This is someone who will probably have a particular smell, but a particular appearance is mandatory. Multiple limbs seems good, but cliche.

Maybe if it doesn't see you? It becomes a boss chase if it sees you grab his tools

Three children would probably be enough, Enough that you know they are around and have a reasonable chance of running into them but not so huge that it's weird if you don't. Whether they should vary in age or gender I'm not sure.

The number of maids...I'm not sure, would probably depend on the size of the mansion but probably four minimum including the head maid up to eight?

Since we're suggesting the laundry maid is multi-armed maybe she should be based on an asura or a marilith?

>Whether they should vary in age or gender I'm not sure.
You should have them switch between. You know who the three end up being, but you randomly encounter them being different ages and genders.

>Asura vs. Marilith
I think I'll give it to Asuras since they can be a lot of things, though I wouldn't mind giving it a Marilith's appearance. Make the joke that while it washes everyone's clothes, it can barely find ones that fit it and stay good.

How aggressive do you think the Laundry Maid would be towards Tinies?

I think it would all depend on how she encountered them. If she's say pulling sheets from a bed and finds some underneath she might just shoo them away. But if she ever finds them dirtying, trying to steal, or even worse cutting up the clothes/linens/towels...etc then she will become a monster with few equals.

Basically leave her alone and she's got a "live and let live" attitude, you're not disturbing her so she won't go out of her way to harm you or anything. But mess with her job and you will suffer slowly before she finally gets rid of you.

Alright, that sounds decent. Kind of fun that a scary looking monster that could probably oppose the gods is so blazé.

Let's do the lowest Maid on the rung. The one that gets all the bad jobs. What's something that makes her both physically recognizable and makes it clear she's at the bottom of the Maid order here? Besides the obvious amount of tools and equipment they have to carry.

Let's not get too weird with physical quirks. They're still basically human looking.
He could be fat or something.

Give the Maid at the bottom a description. Would she be the most Human looking?

I think most of them would look completely human except for their scale, being set apart by their uniforms and just general appearance.
For instance our youngest maid could be the shortest and clumsiest of the staff, but also the one that tries the hardest and dresses the most conservatively.
She has a friend that takes it slower, liking to goof of in-between dusting and doesn't do her best to get her uniform 100% in order.

I swear I remember something about castes of Titans in the earlier threads, but I might be wrong. I was thinking, since she is on the bottom-rung not only should she be the most human-looking but the least...divine out of the titans.

With every other titan there's an unconscious moment of fear or awe if you even get so much as a glance at them, a physical aura of power radiating off them for no reason than sheer size alone. But not only is that missing the lowest maid might also be less physically imposing than the other titans; mouseish, maybe standing only shoulder or chest height to the others.

I don't think of the lower castes as categorically different from the higher castes. Just less affluent.
Like, in any different plane of existence she'd be a godzilla or god, but here she's just a lowly maid, born into relative poverty compared to others of her kind.

Ah, so more like ecenomic classes, fair enough. My first thought since they were divine-esque beings was it would extend further than that, but that's perfectly fine.

There's a lot of kitchen stuff right now.
There needs to be more rooms that don't have anything to do with food.

I think we can all agree that the lower rung Maids are the most Humanish. I'm aiming for some Fae like aspect, but at their rank, it can be something simple to let you know you aren't dealing with a XXXXXXL Human, like some really noticeable fang teeth, neck and/or limb too long, something that stands out if you look closely or someone points out to you.

We've got:
The Head Honcho
His Wife
Head Maid
Cook and associated Sauce Maker/Alchemist
Laundry Maid
General Repairperson
Lowest Level Maid and her friend

We could use a few more Maids, but any other tasks are available. Nothing is super set in stone right now

Divinity is more often associated with beauty than warped disfigurement though. They're not demonic, they're roman god-esque.

I'm not aiming for Hephaestus or Vulcan, if that's what you're thinking. Just something otherworldly about them, like the Elves in the Hellboy movies. If the players ask about their appearance, they're still supermodels in whatever field they want.

How about a Tailor? What would the person who makes the clothes look like? Any interesting ideas you can think of?

Overworked, constantly sewing, surrounded by great heaps of fabric and thread
she has her own gallery of mannequins in various articles of clothing
she's a grey and pruny old woman and the maids constantly dote on her and are afraid she overstrains herself, but she stubbornly keeps on working
do they really have their own dedicated tailor? maybe that should be a responsibility blended together with some other stuff into a single job

Maybe the herder of some magical Alpaca? If you want good cloth, you gotta start at the source, right?

If one of the Maids asked the Tailor to sow them a pocket to carry a Human around, what would be their reaction?

We've still got the kids and plenty of staff to fill out. Keep the thread going overnight and sweet dreams

3 kids, a male toddler, male older sibling, and female middle sibling. Toddler is too young to be doing much of anything right now, but is still dangerous to humans (if he grabs them he treats them like toys, often accidentally breaking them). The eldest male sibling has little concern for the humans of the house, mostly wondering why they haven't been exterminated yet, but for the most part his ambitious eye is focused on other Titan affairs. The middle lady sibling is...interesting. She's as ambitious as her older brother, but being a female and not even the first in line to inheritance, she's taken to alternative routes to power. As such, she utilizes the humans to spy and gather information in exchange for tools and food, and has grown slightly sympathetic to them, although they can hardly count her as a friend. The ages of the children are hard to account for, because Titans take many years to mature, so the toddler has been a toddler for several years now, the lady child appears to be about 13 but could be 30 years or older in human age, and the eldest son looks 18 but might have already live several human lifespans.

The au pair is also their tailor, repairing clothes the kids would tear while playing around.
The parents are too busy being rich to raise their own children.

The servant's entrance, the staff's quarters and almost all servant's facilities are a level down from the entrance of the owning family, so the common folk aren't constantly using the foyer and halls and are only seen when needed

I could go for either/or on the giant humans vs inhuman traits

Personally I'd say one or just a handful of deviations from huge human each

So the middle child is unique in that she can be bargained with. (Although she might still use threats of violence for the most part in trying to get you to do things.)
Does she seak common? Do any of the titans?

I personally would have all of the Titans speak common, but have the titan's size make it difficult for any tinies to understand. That way the tinies aren't being completely blindsided by the events of the house (how else are they supposed to know an exterminator is coming until he's right on top of them?) However it would require the tinies to stop and actually concentrate on what's being said, a risky business to be sure so maybe when they're not paying attention the Titan's speech seems to be nothing more than a rumbling that works through their body.

>Sneak around in Servant areas where can you be seen and chased by the Staff but have plenty of ways to get away
>Go through the main areas which are quieter but immediately give you 5 stars if you are spotted

Yeah, that sounds good. Something that shows they could have been divine, but aren't.

Common is just a trade language, right?

>"Do this or get stepped on."
Seems like an easy deal to get through

>Common is just a trade language, right?
It depends on the setting. Sometimes it's the human language. Sometimes it's the main language of the starting location.
If the titans don't belong in the mortal world it wouldn't immediately be obvious that they would speak the trade language.

It just fits in my head with a lot of the stuff we've come up with, but I'm willing to bet the Common we hear is more liberally peppered with Titan words and vocabulary.

The kid napped people probably try communicating with their captors and settled on Common, which the Captors probably picked up on and used to give them instructions. Typical Giant story involves a fair Maiden being sold as a pet/toy/decoration, so a Common language for instructions is needed.

Plus, with all the Staff and Family being so different, they probably settled on some words and actions to specify things.

From a player perspective, the GM would describe the Titan conversations as "You understand that..." or "It seem this..." before eventually ignoring it and you just overhear their conversations

You're right and I don't think it strains the suspension of disbelief too much if they speak common.
The native humans hiding in the pantry are probably able to translate from giant too.


I'm just here for the giantess pics

I'm curious.

What kind of weapons would humans make to kill titans?

Weapons that would dwarf the Gods themselves.

I wrote a statblock in the docs. I included a line about reducing the hitpoints to zero not actually being murder, just temporary incapacitating, since the residents of the house are not warriors they have low pain resistance and mortal attacks can stun them long enough to be tied up. But you can't *really* hurt them.

Titans usually need the gods coming down in person to teach them a lesson when they start trouble, rather than mortals acting in name of that god.
That said, I always imagine armies fighting giant monsters to use harpoons.

Like the ideas and enjothe world building, but mostly here for that too

Poison, traps, ambushes, numbers, high level PCs

Monstrous pets, lifesize vermin and other large scale lifeforms?

The creatures wouldn't be upscaled Earth creatures, but different creatures entirely. They would likely fill the same roles (like giant rats, ants, birds, etc.) but look and be named differently.

I've got a list of giantess pics a mile long but I've avoided posting them

We've already tot a tame behir and a nest of humans. Suggest some other animal life.

Strong poison, ballistas, and lots of fire. The goal would really be to kill a Titan though, just get it to leave them alone.

Comically oversized bear traps.

>Comically oversized bear traps.

If you guys want to keep going, we still have a few things to add in so that we could PDF this up and ship it as a scenario.

The Head of the House is always in his room studying a Tome of Magic. With all his power, for what reason would he do so? What do the Maids bring him usually?

The Wife and the one usually calling the shots has a Satyr like appearance with Antlers, but mixed with a cleaner, more Unicorn/Kirin like appearance, not some Goat fresh from the woods. We've got some details on her, but not enough.

The Head Maid is someone you don't want to anger. She'll have the staff stop everything to hunt you down if you cross her. I thought some Queen Bee/Ant like antennae on her so she knows where the staff is located could be good, but there is plenty of work there to be done.

The Cook seems pretty monstrous, but pretty happy too. Why'd he join this house and stay there?

The Alchemist is putting their skills towards making sauces, but what magical potions is it trying to make in its spare time. And what lies under the mask?

The Laundry Maid is an extremely dangerous and combat capable being, so why is she here at all? Why do laundry? For something that could oppose the deities, why is she here?

The kids are also up in the air, sort of.

I can take the Youngest as is. It basically writes itself if you want an adventure.

The Middle Daughter, how good is she with the Tinies. Does she usually try to get her way with force with the Tinies, or does she know her way around with Diplomacy. Does she have a group of dedicated Human attendants? And what physical thing of hers would you notice when you land off the giant flying bat?

The Oldest son. What does he look like and what is he plotting? Does he want his own house, or is he aiming for something higher?

I think the lowliest Maids being the most Human in appearance is a real seller. But how does she react when she encounters a Tiny?

>For what reason would he do so?
Maybe a way around the treaty?

>What do the Maids bring him usually?
Snacks, drinks?

>Why'd he join this house and stay there?
Money? (or what passes for it among them), status, born into the position?

>but what magical potions is it trying to make in its spare time? And what lies under the mask?
Honestly think this sort of thing should be left up in the air

>The Laundry Maid is an extremely dangerous and combat capable being, so why is she here at all? Why do laundry? For something that could oppose the deities, why is she here?
See cook

>The Middle Daughter, how good is she with the Tinies. Does she usually try to get her way with force with the Tinies, or does she know her way around with Diplomacy. Does she have a group of dedicated Human attendants?
I'd say she tries diplomacy but she's still a child/teen, she doesn't like it when people say no, and probably has SOME human "pets"

>I think the lowliest Maids being the most Human in appearance is a real seller. But how does she react when she encounters a Tiny?
Some sympathy, but she's not going to risk her neck for them

I think the middle daughter would probably work with diplomacy, but it's a kind of aggressive diplomacy. After all what does she have to lose by making whatever demands she wishes it's not as if she and the tinies don't know she can't just switch to physical force if she wants.

I think she would probably have a group of human attendants, but it would be an honored position in her eyes, after all she is gracing them with her presence. Giving them the privelige of being near her even if it is just clipping her nails, aiding her in getting dressed...etc. So you could be "graced" with the position after performing some jobs for her. I do think it should have some benefits though, likr she treats her attendants somewhat like favored pets. Hiding them any who would do them harm, even if it's only for the reason that X attendant knows how to massage her shoulders just right, or Y attendant knows how to braid her hair just as she likes it.

As for what physical characteristic you first notice, well I could go with the obvious pair if I really wanted to. But I think it should be her face because unlike all the other titans she has eyes of liquid gold, not literal gold but her irises are these huge golden pools that any man would find themselves entranced in if he were to look into them. They possibly have a charming effect the middle daughter might or might not know about.

As for the lowliest maid. This is going to sund a bit cliche but I truly think she should be the most sympathetic to the tinies. She not only serves the masters/mistresses of the house but is also on the very bottom rung. Yet as bad as she has it she is still 100x better off than any human, her empathy coming from her understsnding of their plight. She's the only one willing to go out of her way to help the tinies albeit in minor ways (sweep the crumbs from a meal into one of their little holes for example)

You know, we haven't really established the technology level of the setting. Keep in mind, there would be 3 of them. The technology of the humans on Earth, the technology of the Titans, and the technology of the humans in the Titanlands. It sounds like it will be either a medieval setting in a noble household, or a renaissance era setting.

I think it's more of a victorian era setting, although don't quote me on that.

I think like someone else said it would probably be victoria era technology so lots of hand-washing for laundry. Heating up water...etc unless they use magic to act as technology.

Also post more giantess pics, they make the thread better.

>Also post more giantess pics, they make the thread better.
It's a little hard for me to find ones in my collection that are blue-board approved, but I'll try.

Now, moving on, what powers do the Titans have? I'm assuming that the gods of the setting have infinite power within their domain, so the god of lightning can really only do lightning stuff, but there is no limit to the amount of lightning he can do. I would assume that the Titans are more generalized in comparison, but also far less omnipotent. That being said, compared to a human they are still overwhelmingly powerful.

>A way around the treaty
Now I'm wondering why he'd want that. Does he want to reset everything so he can get a seat at the table of creation? Does he want to travel to the mortal realm freely?

>Middle Daughter
I like it, I think we can make that work. So, she is willing to use the Humans to achieve her ends, but what ends are those? Is she trying to move out? Does she want to usurp her brother's position?

>but what ends are those?
Maybe she's trying to be the Varys of the Titanlands, gaining power through information and blackmail. She can't be a king, but she can make her brother a king, and then use the dirt she has on him to manipulate him like a puppet.

Pride and ambition maybe would drive the father? Both reasons you mentioned would be simple ends to fulfilling his pride. Honestly I'm not sure it needs to be anything more than he feels chained because of the treaty and he feels like he is above it.

I think the middle daughter would be trying to move out, but at the same time she would be aiming for more than that. After all she was born and raised in luxury so she presumably would simultaneously be working to find a way to secure at least the level of luxury she grew up with for hersel when she does move out, more if she could have it. Maybe being diplomatic with the humans has also inflated her ego a bit and she secretly plots to find a way to the human realm so she can be worshipped as a goddess in her own right.

Haha didn't think of that, post what you can.

As for powers, i think it should be relatively simple stuff numerous "cantrip" level spells. But of course due to their massive size simple for them is devestating for tinies. A tiny flame conjured between their palms to help warm up on a cold winter's day is a raging inferno. An icy breee conjured to cool a drink could freeze any nearby tinies solid...etc.

You can probably cheat with magic. Make it look Victorian, but they're still sending messages remotely, the hand washing is to infuse the cloth with magic, etc.

I like that as a possibility for her. Using her Tiny contacts and spies to get information on others just seems so useful, but probably something she can't reward openly. It'd still be shameful for a Titan to rely on Tinies. I wonder if she had used them to sneak in cookies?

Maybe there's some kind of Cold War/Battle for prestige amongst all the Titans?

>Above the Treaty
I like it. Give him some capital P Pride that the staff speak in hushed tones about.

>Daughter wants to be above the Humans
Maybe later on, that's why she starts reading over the Treaty.

How many Human attendants should she have? A group of consistent Humans that approach her and that she feels belong to her and that they probably feel they belong to her. Wild caught Humans or did she buy these?

>I wonder if she had used them to sneak in cookies?
That's a cute idea. Perhaps at first she was jealous of her brother since he was the one who was going to get the inheritance and rule over their lands, so she tried to feel powerful by "ruling" over the humans instead, making them do stuff like get her food or clean her clothes. Later on though, she realized that she could utilize the humans to gain real power in the Titanlands (through the aforementioned information and blackmail).

None of them will have any real power in the titanlands.
The eldes son will inherit this house (one day in the far far future) and the daughter will be expected to marry a man of at least her own standing, but neither correspond to anything poltical.

If anybody of the titans would have a human pet it would be her, not a whole swarm of servants but a single singing doll in a cage she keeps hidden from everybody else.

I kind of wonder, what is The Treaty? It has to be strong enough to keep the Titans out of the Mortal realm, but something important enough for them to want to break out of it. Is bending and breaking it how they get 'social' power?

Maybe she's had a few Wild Tinies before? Like very intelligent Squirrels that can get into places she can't, she's been able to get a few Humans to do tasks for her in exchange for something worthless to her/ extremely valuable to Adventurers?

Perhaps this is her first purchased Tiny? Someone who can speak/understand Titanese better and won't panic much when picked up?

>Perhaps this is her first purchased Tiny? Someone who can speak/understand Titanese better and won't panic much when picked up?
This tiny needs a name and backstory if we're assuming that he's an NPC (although this could also be a pre-planned scenario if you prefer).

Oh, by the way, do the Titans call them tinies or humans? I've seen a lot of posts using the term "tinies" but humans seem more appropriate, and let's be honest, "tinies" is a /d/ term.

One more thing, while this would be a great setting for a PDF format or the like, it would also be a really interesting CYOA. Just saying, if anyone reading this is good with editing.

I didn't know it was a /d/ term, so I'll drop it.

Go ahead and name the NPC. Were they born in captivity? Was the NPC sold as a fancy toy, or did the Titan just buy one from the box?

>I didn't know it was a /d/ term, so I'll drop it.
It's a fine name if there was a race of tiny people, but it just seems a bit redundant for a race that calls themselves "Titans" which already implies a large size to then call the humans "tinies".

>Were they born in captivity? Was the NPC sold as a fancy toy, or did the Titan just buy one from the box?
Hmmm...lots of ways to go with this. If the Titans have their own language then he would have to either have been born a slave and later sold to the girl, or he'd have to have been a human who was exceptionally smart. Perhaps he learned the Titan language and was assigned by his tribe to attempt to negotiate with the girl, but instead she decided to keep him?

Or you could go the reverse and dat the grove consists out of escapes/forgotten about pets and their offspring

Have you followed the link in the OP yet? Anybody van edit.

A small group of Humans who escaped Titans over the years and then took their chances with her seems to fit. Having them swear loyalty to her probably have her an ego boost.

She might be thinking about buying a Human, though. Get that extra bit of Loyalty and attachment to her she can't get from these Wild Humans.

Where would the Middle Daughter move out too? Are there Numerous Titan households 'nearby'? Do they have guests frequently?

I don't know how much of a civilization you can have inside the walls. Maybe an Adventurer paradise, but everyone else here is probably trying to get out and get back to the Mortal World

>Maybe an Adventurer paradise, but everyone else here is probably trying to get out and get back to the Mortal World
I think the only people who would be strong and skilled enough to make it back to the Mortal World are the adventurers, leaving most of the peasants to try to scrape out a living under the noses of the Titans.

Have we ever actually discussed where these portals between realms are or what creates them?