Tell us of noteworthy moments involving your True Neutral characters.
Tell us of noteworthy moments involving your True Neutral characters
I'm ambivalent on the matter
Can't say I have a strong opinion about this. Hasn't come up much. I wouldn't stress over it, just let it happen.
But if it doesn't happen, that's fine.
Indeed. Everything is basically alright.
it was ok
meh, we did what we had to.
they asked if we should kill the BBEG or spare him, I said maybe.
Filthy neutrals
(Seriously though, anyone got any interesting tales?)
Playing True Neutrals is not great, but not horrible either.
He stopped a war by effectively telling everyone involved to shut the fuck up, they're all in the wrong, they're all horrible people, and he'd wipe their entire countries off the map if they kept it up.
He was the "judge all sides simultaneously" True Neutral rather than the "literally cares for nothing" True Neutral.
>if you disagree with me i will commit genocide
sure sounds neutral
>He stopped a war by effectively telling everyone involved to shut the fuck up, they're all in the wrong, they're all horrible people, and he'd wipe their entire countries off the map if they kept it up.
Remember that "True Neutral" in D&D can be "neither Good nor Evil nor Lawful nor Chaotic" and also "Incredibly Good and incredibly Evil and incredibly Lawful and incredibly Chaotic"
We had this town of undead just trying to live their undead lives.
Half the party wanted to kill them.
Half wanted them to be free.
My monk kinda flip flopped between both tasks that I played off as "im just trying to help my friends" while remaining ignorant to the whole situation.
Eventually though they all ded.
I can't say I care to.
No. If they did anything of note they would de-facto not be True Neutral.
t. "I have never played D&D"
Pug is LN surely