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Space Marines edition

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>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Adeptus Mechanicus codex (thank you Vladimir)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for GKs


psykers are nice

Sleeping with a SoB must suck cause you know shes alwas got the emperor on her mind.

Psykers are the best.
One of my favourite games in 7th was my GKs vs 1ksons, there were so many fucking psychic dice being cast/denied/perils/etc it was hilarious.
I really look forward to our 8th Ed. rematch coming up soon.

Magnus did nothing, literally nothing wrong.

GW said so.

This is Iskandar Khayon, he is the head sorcerer of the Black Legion. Say something nice about him.


He has a nice hat.

Shame he's such a Mary Sue.

Daddy beats him.


Ad Mech sucks.
Mechanicum can run large army of robots with ease and all of them will do their tasks.
Mechanicus kastelan need floppy disc and datasmith to not attacking friends.

Autonomy is heresy.


Yeah, the Mechanicum could do that, and how did that go?

You Omnissiah damned heretek.


Well shit.

I-I dont understand

>Vects Gaurdian Constructs

Does that guy know how to throw bombs in the shape of pumpkins, per-chance?

Anything interesting in the AdMech codex that the leaks didn't show already?

20 point powerfists

Any new lore?

>Blood Ravens icon is actually a clever disguise
>just as planned
Captain Diomedes is Alpharius

oh, look what came today...

Links are in OP.


A scissors? Handy to have around the house, that's for sure.

when I can find the damned things. I never lose my keys, phone, or wallet but these scissors are never where they are supposed to be

>tfw LGS has more kits than shelf space so you have to dig through like 3 different products per shelf spot while trying to avoid toppling over the hazardous amount of huge kits/board games no one buys that are sitting on the ground in front
>tfw still no idea what lies in the far right part of the shelf because theres too much shit in front of it to look at that area
>tfw they have this fucktardedly large chadmarine cutout that is always sitting in front of something and you have to move it carefully

I like his waifu.


confirmed chinacast, enjoy your cancer neo nazi.

Holy shit you weren't even memeing.

He's wearing a dress but I've seen gayer?

Of course I wouldn't be memeing silly user. It was completely serious.

He describes the Eye of Terror very well. I like his musings about the nature of Chaos, especially because they are probably wrong, but emphasize his own perspective.

Guys, I have all the space Slann, except for Olassa. If someone wants to make a nice chunk of cash, hook me up. I will pay at least 50 leafbucks, more if you can convince me. Also, if anyone has a non-recast Johnny (Brother Craig) I will also buy that.

Plz hook a nigguh up, I've been searching for these guys for ages.

At least he goes unacknowledged by GW.

but user, that's not a change from the index. Powerfists in AdMech were always 20 points.

How have you guys modeled unique weapons and relics? Show me.

He's not the stupidest thing ADB's written.

Damn, that sucks. Means that the Power Fists are now nerfed back to costing 20 points for space marines. Oh well, was fun to use them for the brief period they were 12 points.

What is?

I'm having a problem painting my Skitarii. I've already painted and finished my bases. But I can't get to the inside my rangers robes without fudging up the legs too. Halp

but this is the AdMech codex? What connection to space marines does this have? Is there some sort of codex-consistency thing that GW does that I'm missing?

I'm confused here.

>Even before a shot had been fired, these actions doomed millions. Terra could not feed itself, and had not been able to do so for millennia. Its very existence was dependent on an endless rota of incoming cargo ships – any halt in that procession triggered starvation, and the effects would begin to be felt only a few days from now.
>That was our greatest weakness. The military installations had supply reserves for months, but for the civilian masses there was no such luxury. Once the multitudes realised that the cargo-drops were slowing due to the security cordon, an already restive populace would become ungovernable. If the authorities on this most priceless world had devoted just a tithe of the funds used to maintain their thousands of cathedrals on grain silos then our defence would have been so much less precarious, but such were the times we lived in.


How many times, paint then assemble! Especially with Skitarii.

Can you take it apart or did you use plastic glue?

So you glued them together?
You're kind of fucked then. It's agreed by anyone who's worked on them that sub assembly is required

Civilian Lives Matter!

its' an dip u meme

No I haven't glued them together yet. But is the only option to paint each part individually, basically? How am I supposed to hold them in my beefy hands and paint em like that

>50 leafbucks
So like 5 dollars?

Eat a salad every once in a while?

What would be the best take-all-comers loadout for blightlord (bloatlord lmao) terminators? I'm thinking reaper autocannons across the board.

Also, how are melee-equipped death guard, in particular slow fat terminators with no grenades, any good at all? M4 won't be doing them any favours, anything else could just walk away from them.

Have you tried asking on some oldhammer or lead adventure facebook groups? They would probably be your best bet.

And by reaper autocannons I meant combi plasma

Anyone seen some decent Alternative paint schemes for Morty?

My Khornate Lord I just finished, Barry the Blood-Surfer has The Murder Sword and an Imperial Fists librarian I'm still working on, can't decide what color his face should be.

This is intentionally bad, right?

Combi-plasma sounds solid, that's what I plan to use. The blight launchers are supposed to be great for Nurglite Marines, so I might magnetize those and the Reaper autocannons. It'll be the first time I ever use magnets.

What the fresh fuck are those from? Never seen em.

I'm waiting, user.

3rd party

FW. Off to your rally

Does running majority vets and infantry squads mitigate the cheese in IG?

What if I go absolutely mad and include chimeras and scout sentinels?

deepstriking termies want combiplas. blight launchers and RACs only have range over the plasma, which matters for footslogging plague marines but not deepstriking blightlords

Sorry... what is user supposedly wrong about?

You and your opponent have a fun game?

Sorry to disappoint, i'm going to work further on the Libby tomorrow once I get my new brushes. I know I'm not a great painter, which is why I don't have any Lords of War, wouldn't want to ruin such a good model. Still, I'm working on improving with washes and I'm happy with bright colors, even if that means the paint is thick. (I've been using a wet palette for the last year)

dude just
dip your brush in water and mix it into the paint on your palette
thinning is not hard

Enjoy my shittily painted Death Guard.

So TSons can +1 their save if the damage dealt is 1 and this effects invul

What the fuck has damage 1 but rend 3 or 4?

I have fun running a mechanized infantry company so I'm okay with it. There aren't any conscripts, only 1 commissar and only a reasonable amount of stormtroopers so assumably it's not frustrating to play against

I would enjoy a game against them
Better than the Gray Pox i see weekly


I've been doing that, but people keep saying my paint is too thick. :( It's just disappointing because no matter how hard I try it doesn't seem to be enough for tg, and I'm just looking for tabletop quality. We don't all have to be good at a hobby to enjoy it right?

Non overcharged plasma

Burning blade relics

Tier 1 Power weapons


Pictured earlier is a retard who argued wargear costs as much as the most recent codex says it does, and insisted that everyone had to buy said most recent codex to use that wargear no matter what army they played.

Since Admech predictably btfo'd him I don't expect him to ever return/acknowledge this but such is life on Veeky Forums.

Technique seems adequate, just make sure the paint is thin, the brush is focused, your hand is supported, and you have more then one colour to work with. I would personally avoid doing too much of a white undercoat, but it looks fine.
Look at youtube tutorials if you feel unsure.

I try to make my paint about as thick as milk on the palette, and I only go over one time with my first layer, even if it doesn't look like an even coat
Then you just wait for it to dry and do it again

Thanks user. I always believe that even poorly painted models are better than grey ones. Not that I ever rush to finish models. Sitting and painting lets me forget all the bad stuff.

Maxime Pastourel's death guard army, he sculpted the new death guard. They're probably something pretty close to scratch built.

Two unrelated questions.

1. Why does GW make models that are so inflexible in their design, a company master model (pictured) is not posed in a way that you could easily add or remove any wargear to it. I think it looks really cool, but why have a rule like ``all wargear must be represented on the character`` when so many characters simply not include ANY of the wargear they can take? Why would the Company Master come with a Power Sword (arguably also a Relic Blade) but not have anything you would call a Master-Crafted Boltgun or a Bolt Pistol? Shouldn't models come with at least the necessary bits for their default kit?

+++ Death Guard [100 PL, 1986pts] +++

++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Chaos - Death Guard) [24 PL, 470pts] ++

+ Lord of War [24 PL, 470pts] +

Mortarion [24 PL, 470pts]: Curse of the Leper, Gift of Contagion, Putrescent Vitality

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [76 PL, 1516pts] ++

+ HQ [24 PL, 481pts] +

Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour [6 PL, 126pts]: Balesword [6pts], Combi-plasma [15pts]

Daemon Prince of Nurgle [9 PL, 180pts]: Daemonic axe [10pts], Plague Wind, Wings [1 PL, 24pts]

Typhus [9 PL, 175pts]: Blades of Putrefaction, Putrescent Vitality

+ Troops [21 PL, 411pts] +

3x Plague Marines [7 PL, 137pts]
. Plague Champion [33pts]: Plaguesword [1pts], Plasma gun [13pts]
. 2x Plague Marine w/ boltgun [19pts]
. 2x Plague Marine w/ Special Weapon [33pts]: Blight launcher [14pts]

+ Elites [31 PL, 624pts] +

Blightlord Terminators [27 PL, 559pts]
. 2x Blightlord Terminator [48pts]: Flail of Corruption [10pts]
. 2x Blightlord Terminator [57pts]: Blight launcher [14pts], Bubotic Axe [5pts]
. 5x Blightlord Terminator [58pts]: Bubotic Axe [5pts], Combi-plasma [15pts]
. Blightlord Terminator Champion [59pts]: Balesword [6pts], Combi-plasma [15pts]

Plague Surgeon [4 PL, 65pts]: Balesword [6pts], Fugaris' Helm
Noxious Blightbringer [4 PL, 70pts]: Fugaris' Helm, Plasma pistol [7pts]

Typhus, Chaos Lord and Terminators drop in together. Buff the terminators.
Plague Marines are backed up by the Prince and surgeon/blightbringer for objectives.
Mortarion just wants to have fun with mortal wounds.

Vehicles might be my biggest problem? Except for being too elite, as usual.

The exhaust pipe looks like a top hat.

Yeah, I tried using a grey primer on my last librarian and it was ok. I was hoping a white primer would allow the blue and then the yellow shoulderpad to pop!

1: Ancient model

2: there is no 2

Wow! I love seeing GW guy's models, it makes my own conversions exciting.

I forgot the second question.

It was a good one, something to do with the Imperial Truth, or maybe it was Khorne...

He is probably my favourite sculpter/modeller of all time, out-edging blanche by a little bit because his aesthetic fits modern 40k a lot more while still being interesting/unique

>not have anything you would call a Master-Crafted Boltgun or a Bolt Pistol?

Bitch, are you blind? He has a holster RIGHT THERE.

>spend days lovingly converting burgle jetpack marines
>death guard codex doesn't have raptors

His head looks lovely mounted on an Inquisition trophy rack.

I love those green swords

That user was probably trolling anyway. He did discover some irresistible bait, and made full use of it.

Apparently I am, but unless it's big enough to hold a pistol, a fancy bolter, and enough chains, feathers, and purity seal to go between them, my point stands.

>only pretending to be retarded
If he was, he was seriously good at pretending to have autism. I'm not sure which outcome I find funnier.

Are these finished? Some seem like they have a wash while others don't.