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Humble Beginnings Edition

What did your character do before he became and adventurer? Does he wish to return to his humble origins one day?

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>Return to his humble origins
>Go back to the slums of a backwater city
>On the ass end of the civilized world
>Where he could only get gainful employment by putting on a disguise

Yeah, sounds like a great idea, don't it? Pic related.

A: She was adopted by a mercenary group, which was destroyed a few years back. She has nowhere to return.

B: She was an archaeologist with a trid show, and she still is. She'll keep delving into ruins even after this.

C: He worked on Eox. He might return, though he's not really attached to his apartment there.

Why must he wear a disguise?

To look like human guys.

The pawn of a pair of power hungry exiled nobles. Absolutely not, the prospect of returning to her past life, or becoming like her parents scares her more than anything.

>What did your character do before he became and adventurer?
He was an old quarry worker, worked the mines, just as his father did, as he had wanted his son to.

>Does he wish to return to his humble origins one day?
Yes, but that's not possible. His son ran away from home, not content to live his life stuck in thier little town. And his wife died in a mudslide while he was working. He ain't got anything lest to live for, no reason to keep working. All he has left is the companionship of his booze, a lot of anger and resentment in his heart, and a desire to die doing something useful for someone else.

Is his hometown particularly xenophobic, or is he just a particularly strange race?

What did they do that was so awful?

What is he currently doing? Why didn't he make machines so that no son would ever have to say, "My father worked into his grave?"

This seems like the better thread.

Highlord 2, the archetypes.
Pay attention man.

>What is he currently doing?
In game, he's working as the muscle for the PC party as they go around fighting the Aspis Consortium. In reality, he's sitting in limbo since the game ended after one adventure which we derailed the crap out of.

>Why didn't he make machines so that no son would ever have to say, "My father worked into his grave?"
Because he dumped Into, and he's a Drunken Brute Barbarian. His runaway son, meanwhile, is probably going on an adventure somewhere as a Wilder, and has no idea what happened back home.

>Is his hometown particularly xenophobic
Yes and no. Certain races despised elsewhere can go there for a new start, since everyone needs muscle. But where orcs are something distant an exotic rather than a constant rape-murder threat, his kind are a reminder of a problem closer to home.

>or is he just a particularly strange race?
You could say that. It doesn't help that there's just about one place in Avistan that really cares hardcore about whether you're born out of wedlock, which he was.

Alright faggots so I made the mistake of letting a guy in my group take paracosmist summoner (some 3pp shit) and at level 7 his eidolom can fly, and swallow whole with a +25 at least to CMB, large size, multiple attacks so basically nothing can defeat it that isn't at least large size. Honestly the rest of the party is pretty broken too, characters that deal out 50 damage per round consistently, the CR system is comptlely broken of course but they don't know that. One of the best players quit and another player keeps missing sessions. Also I am kinda getting sick of pathfinder anyway. So I'm thinking of just fucking ending it all. They are going to be up against a goblin tribe soon, one ruled by demons that killed the previous leader (legitimate way of gaining rulership among goblins). I've wanted to have a shitty mook fight for a while so I figure this I my chance. But I'm thinking the leader might be a hezrou demon. It has decent DR and can drop chaos hammer for a nice bit of pain. Alot of them are CN fuckers though. Or one is NE despite never doing anything evil and just acting edgy.

Tldr any demons in the CR 7 to 12 range that I could use as a goblin tribe leader to kill 2- 3 members of the party?

Just use a Devil, they may be E but they're also L so they may be able to take advantage of that, plus if they're devious enough it wouldn't matter to them that the goblins are C because Goblins are dumb and easy to manipulate.

>What did they do that was so awful?

Ran the city's crime syndicate, killed many, many people, forced her to participate in operations where they needed a "trusted" agent. On a personal level, both of them hated her for not being what they expected; her father wanted an accomplished duelist to carry on his legacy, and her mother wanted a mage to keep magic in the family. Instead they got an awkward, quiet daughter who had a bit of uncontrollable magic, and never really took to swordplay. Neither one was hesitant to show their disappointment, and both put her through sadistic training regimens in an attempt to mold her into the child they wanted.

Throw goblin troops at them. Can't be grappled, damage just by moving in, fun times.

As for your Demon question. Try the Coloxus? Open up with a Mind Fog from Invisibility, the Droning Wings, and then Confusion?

Any hope the game will be revived? What would he say if he ran into his son while adventuring?

That's rough. Does he have any fond memories of the place? Any people he will miss?

That's quite unfortunate. Are they okay with her being gone? Did they try to produce a more suitable offspring?

>Does he have any fond memories of the place?
>Any people he will miss?
The fond memories are tied up in people that have since passed away. Call it a cop-out or a cliche, but he's got nobody left in that town, just nostalgia and some painful memories.

That's fair. Not everybody has a strong bond to the place whence they come. Does he enjoy what he's doing now?

Yes. Adventuring has brought him more money than he's ever seen in one place, better companionship than he's had in years, and best of all, power!

Well maybe that's not actually the best thing in his life. But it's what he's wanted the longest.

They don't really care that she's gone, except that it screws up the plans they had to marry her off to noble with significant sway over the king. What they care about, is that she turned over proof of their illicit dealings to the guard.

They tried having more children, only one was carried to term, and he died before his first birthday. However, her mother was pregnant when she left.

Don't know whats happened since then, because the character has been cut off from the outside world since the start of the campaign.

thinking more on the drifters campaign it would be interesting, but the chargen could be really limiting

>in a lewd game
>logs other players have made get shared
>read them
>realize they're way better written then what I do
>lose all urge to do lewds
>seriously considering just dropping

Don't ask for the logs. You're a moron.

What logs, amigo? Surely they aren't that great.

It might be less that they are great and more they shined a lot on how much poor user sucked

You know that you're probably your own harshest critic, right?
You could just try and have fun with it rather than considering it a contest.

Then drop. Alternatively, practice and get better. It's not like writing isn't something we can just do without working to improve. You fuckstick.

Tell me some unconventional backgrounds and life stories for Rajahs. I love the mechanics, but I'm having a hard time not just making a cute princess.

So he gets along with his companions, then? Do any of them come from a place he could go to instead? A more tolerant city or town?

You aren't allowed to make a cute princess or something?

Let me guess, white kenku, goes by Boo?

I could, but...I dunno, isn't that really predictable? The class screams cute princess. Is there no way to get creative here?

Make a prince. Make somebody who feels they are destined to rule. Make somebody who IS destined to rule. Make a born leader. Make somebody with a sun or lion motif.

She studied the strange technology scattered around her homeland, under the tutelage of a local wizard who had also figured out some of how these nonmagical devices worked.

She's basically still at her origins, having only just started her first adventure to search for her missing mentor. If she really wanted to she could run home in under an hour still, get washed up and have dinner with her parents. But time seems pressing so it's onward into the caves.

>people talking about Voyager being super easy to kill in early levels.

Psionic Body can shore up on that quite a bit. Don't dump CON and you can easily start the game with 11-12 HP, 13-14 if you are playing a psionic race. It's a decent investment for mid levels as well, since you get 7 free psionic feats from Voyager alone over the course of it's career.

Furthermore, Doomsayer makes you close to immune to low level attacks 1/Round with it's DR free action.

You can be secret lord, someone of high birth in hiding. You can also take Batal if you would like for that hidden identity to be warrior based.

I was going to go with a leprosy-ridden Rajah one of these days that wears heavy clothing and a mask at all times.

So, in the campaign I'm playing in, there's an "allied" NPC that's clearly very evil, a vampire who married the ruler and is using the PCs as part of some evil scheme. My Chaotic Good Cleric isn't really okay with this, and next session I'd like to discuss the possibility of assassination with the rest of the party. The problem is, I have no idea what her level is and she may in fact be intended as the Final Boss. Is there any way to get an idea of how powerful an NPC is without making her hostile?

Of course not! He's a human, don't be silly!

The son of a necromancer. At first he thought that the Unseen Servants were ghosts that obeyed his commands, but then he realized that no, they're actually something far more amazing than the mere undead. He's a bit of a disappointment to his family; yeah he has the CHA and magical potential to be a great follower of the undead way, but his magic is just so WEIRD.

Detect Evil should give you some kind of read on the aura, I think.

He said without making her hostile. Casting Detect Evil on her is a huge clue that he suspects something, and if she's twice his hit dice he'll be stunned when he sees her making it even more obvious.

Furthermore, Paizo is of the opinion that ALL undead are evil, regardless of their own personal beliefs or actions. Some DMs interperate this as in spite of the alignment they actually act on, they always show up as evil through detecting due to their nature. Therefor, it's an unreliable method of seeing if she's actually going to screw them over.

Oh, my mistake! Apologies Sir, please carry on.

It was more to gauge her power level via the aura, but that likely will piss her off. I dunno, then. Challenge her to a friendly spar to see how badly she kicks your ass?

Make someone who's personality is Literally Gilgamesh From Fate.


You're not a prince or a noble. But you're destined to be. Whether you will start a revolution in your home country, make a mercenary band and conquer some other country or go to a new place and start your own country in the wilderness is up in the air, but by the gods you WILL be king.

Another idea, you are a noble, a second prince, but your older brother, the heir is not as charismatic or magically good at being a prince as you are. Despite your brother being a Fighter, you love him so instead of being a pawn in games of succession you go on adventures trying to find your way in the world, maybe a princess to marry and unite her kingdom with your your brothers.


Make Griffith.

[muffled My Brother in the distance]

If she's undead someone with Knowledge: Religion could attempt to make a roll on her to determine her Hit Die, that's a pretty good estimate on her power level if they already know she's a vampire.

>level 7
>their still fighting fucking goblins
Consider that maybe the Party isn't broken, but you're underselling encounters.

How would you guys feel about a campaign wherein you fight civilization's losing war against evil constructs? Like fantasy terminator, or the war scenes from the movie 9.

I wouldn't be interested, machines typically don't make compelling villains and the robot war plot has been done to death.

Is there a way to improve the range of bombs and thrown weapons? The group is pretty shooty and two of our guys have like 20~30 ft ranged increments which is sad.

I'm already in one.
>Intergalactic setting
>Humans used to be the top dog empire ruling the majority of the known universe
>Equally powerful alien empire (not!necrons) show up and wreck our shit and take our place
>Aliens indifferent to the shift, for them its just a different regime that they pay their taxes to
>Only one to roll a human in the party
>Literally everyone hates me and tells me about the time we oppressed their people
>Not!eldar party member who woke me up from stasis also hates me
>Only other member of the party that cares about me is the not!feylinid

Bomb Launcher and Bombchucker both add 10 feet to range increment. Belt of Mighty Hurling lesser also adds another 10 feet, but it's fuck expensive.

Splash Weapon Mastery reduces penalties for range increments to -1 as Far Shot.

Tossing at a -6 shouldn't be a problem vs. touch, and there's other issues if they're tossing at things 100+ ft. away.

Which skills would you consider the most useful for a Slayer character that works as a Bounty Hunter?

Survival for tracking down prey
Percep for seeing prey
Local for recognizing prey
Stealth or disguise or bluff for catching prey unaware
Heal for stabilizing/torturing/keeping them unconscious

If you're going for Live Capture, a Sap Master rogue might work better. Something to keep in mind, but that doesn't stop Slayer from being king of the kill when it comes to playing a pure bounty hunter. Only class I can think of that really competes with it on the whole bounties thing is the class literally named Hunter, and that's primarily because them picking an animal with scent lets them track in multiple ways.

Oh user. If I was in your game. I'd only hate you when others were looking, but tell you in private that yeah, I still hate you for what your people did to my people before either of us were even born.

A shield is used for defense primarily, a basic martial truth. It turns aside harm, and the shield of a disciple of the Iron Tortoise can do the same thing in ways that others cannot. The initiator makes an opposed attack roll as if making a shield bash attempt at his full base attack bonus plus his shield bonus to AC against his enemy’s attack roll to deflect a single enemy’s melee or missile attack (that is not a spell or power).

Is this JUST BaB+Shield Bonus, or is it your full bonus on an attack with said shield, PLUS a bonus equal to the shield bonus? If it's an enchanted shield, would that count for the bonus too?

Gulch Gunner. How best to do it? Obviously, needs a high AC/Con to avoid getting ruined by the AoOs. Any feats that trigger on getting hit by AoOs I should know about?

It's your full attack bonus + the AC from the shield.

An enchanted shield that has paid the gold to be both an enhanced weapon and armor would get both bonuses as a result. Just remember that the shield needs to pay for both bonuses, the armor and the weapon.

It's 'as if making a shield bash', so you would add stuff like you strength or whatever.

As for the shield bonus, armor and shield enhancement bonuses are applied to the base bonus itself, so the enhancement bonus applies too, yes.

What backup weapon would you suggest for a Slayer carrying a bardiche and a composite shortbow?

Morningstar is generally handy, since it offers both bludgeoning and piercing damage in melee.

So, just to make absolutely sure here, it'd be BaB+Str(Or Dex, if you're doing some sort of weird Dex-2h Zweihander Sentinel?)+Feats+Traits+Relevant Enchantment Bonuses+Shield Bonus

What kind of weapon/damage type for creatures damaged by silver/cold iron would you recommend?

Yup. It's pretty much an apposed attack roll with your shield + it's AC bonus, whatever that may be.

Keep in mind that your main weapon's attack bonus would not apply, unless you are using a shield as your main weapon. Only your shield's enchantment bonus matters, and getting +1 is going to be 3300G + the cost of the shield Kind of spendy.

Depends on the campaign, really. If you think you might get captured, something you can hide like a dagger might be best.

In this particular case, it's a Zweihander Sentinel's Armament Shield, which is their sword.

>not!eldar is a science expert
Something tells me you implanted a bomb in me and plan on pushing the killswitch the second I disobey.

Have anyone played as a band of bandits before? Be it heroic outlaws or robbing criminals. Please share your experience

A serbian elf.

1920-30 campaign, petty officer in Australian navy during WW1 doing joint operations with US navy when the submarine was disabled and sank for days before surfacing in other dimension (think lovecraft) and after going mad and being in a coma for 5 years he has psychic powers (mind blade magus) and a serious alcohol addiction during the prohibition

>Sleeve made from articulated plates
>of mail

Would it kill these artists to think about why things are shaped like they are for a change?

Is lvl 6 enough to be a captain or an higher officer in a military/mercenary company? What would be the lvl of a general or a conqueror?

Generals would be high level, but some generals are higher level than others even if they have the same rank, most officers would probably also be support oriented classes, but would all have levels in combat oriented classes, but likely less than a lot of veteran grunts.

Hey guys my wizard is about to hit level 4 and has around a grand saved up in gold.

I took the craft wondrous item feat at 3 but I wanted to get some advice.

Do you guys think it is worth making the small cheap magic items like 1st level pearls of power and +1 resist cloaks? Or should i just bank my cash until I have enough to make a +2 int headband?

Depends on the general level of the outfit(and the power level of the setting in general)? If the average soldier is level 1, a level 6 character could well be in command of a company or other unit of similar size. If the average soldier is level 3, I doubt a 6th level character would have sufficient experience to have been promoted all the way to a captain(barring special circumstances). In general I would say that mercenary grunts would probably be at least 3rd level if not higher.

As a general rule, I would say that someone who climbed rank the hard way would be at least a level or two above the general level of those he directly commands - so if common soldiers are level 1, their corporals and sergeants would be level 2 or 3, a lieutenant would be 4 or so, and a captain would be no lower than 5th level. If common soldiers are third level, a captain would probably be 7th or 8th level at least and a general around level 12. By the same math, field marshal/emperor/conqueror in charge of a large army would be mid or high teens.

This only applies to career soldiers, of course. A nobleman who is captain solely by the virtue of his title may well be level 1 aristocrat regardless of other factors, specialists may well have their rank solely by the virtue of their specialization without it reflecting in their level(though any specialists working with a mercenary/military outfit likely have at least a few levels), and there are other reasons why someone might be promoted faster than normal, especially in war time, such as field promotions or their commanding officer getting killed(although this should probably be relatively rare).

How do you punch people in the face without being otherwise useless?

Considering most games don't survive past lvl 5? yeah.

>Considering most games don't survive past lvl 5?
That's a non-factor unless you intend to remove everything above CR 8 from the campaign setting completely based on it.

You know what I made with a grand? I made a Ring of Cure Minor Wounds. As an action every turn, anyone wearing the ring can activate it to heal one hitpoint.

Its super munchkinny, tho.

"as an action"? Get back to /5eg/.

Pearl of power will always be useful but especially at that level.


Idea that higher rank must mean higher level is retarded. The general decides strategy, deals with logistics and gives orders, he doesn't fight, that's what he's got the army for.

A club is dirt cheap and can be fluffed really flexibly.

Sacred Fist warpriest? You get spells, which are surely helpful. Monk has good wisdom usually, giving you some choice skills like SM and perc. Always useful.

I'm unsure what you're asking. Make any weapon out of the material, and you should be good to go.

I just wonder about which weapons are the best for silver/cold iron, if monster damaged by silver are more vulnerable to slashing etc.

No no, this is the first time they have fought anything like that in a while. It's been mostly high level casters in the city. No encounter can stand up to the dude doing 50+ damage per round, or to the eidolon, but if I take away their toys with dismissal or deep slumber, it just means they are excluded from the game.

Where's the list of Veeky Forums games that will inevitably never proceed past chargan?

>Half-Elf Magus
Does being a lesser nobleman of the King's dynasty count as being humble? Before becoming an adventurer, he was busy learning magic and swordsmanship from his great-grandfather and uncle (respectively). He never really liked fussing about at court, so he decided to put his skills to use helping people. When his mother passes away or abdicates, either he or one of his siblings will take her place reigning over their Jarldom, so one day he might have to go home and be responsible.

>Orc-Bloodline Hobgoblin Sorcerer
When it comes to origins, being the bastard child of a Hobgoblin officer and an Orc slave-woman is pretty humble. He was fairly scrawny growing up, and was sensitive to sunlight. On top of all that, being a half-breed wasn't exactly a quick way to make him any friends in a community that literally sees all other races as potential slaves. When his powers manifested, others of his community began to treat him with a modicum of civility, since most knew better than to bully someone who could burn you alive with a word and a hand-motion. He DOES plan to return to his community one day, but on that day he intends to kill the Hobgoblin General, and probably take his place.

>What did your character do before he became and adventurer?
Farmer, conscripted into the army by force. Currently adventuring while hiding from said army that may or may not know he escaped barely alive when his entire unit was killed.

>Does he wish to return to his humble origins one day?

Yes, he has a wife and children he wants desperately to return to. But he has to stop the end of the world first so there's actually something to come home to.

He was a humble librarian and bookworm at a small town prior to the adventure

He's a private eye now, because he always wanted to write his own story.

Gathers inspiration for his own mystery novel along the adventurer.

Fully plans on going back home, getting his novel published, and settling down with his childhood sweetheart once the story has come to an end.

Shortspear is a cheap cold iron weapon and dagger is a cheap silver. Buy those until you can afford magic weapons.

Is Craft Rod worth it for wizards? I'm thinking about making some metamagic rods, but I already have Craft Wondrous so I could make metamagic gems instead and save the feat...

I've got a rod for you right here...
*unzips dick*

Depends, obviously you want something big like a lesser quicken early on and a medium quicken later. Mega gems on the other hand are a ridiculous deal so you probably shouldn't waste money on them.

Yeah, it all comes down to how often I expect to use them. I made metamagic gems in the last campaign I was in, but only right at the end as we were preparing to storm the BBEG's castle. I'm also concerned about how long it would take to actually craft any rods, let alone multiple ones (certainly, I don't think it's worth the feat if I only ever up crafting one rod). I can speed the process up, but metamagic rods can be pretty pricy and there's only so fast the process can be accelerated. The gems are a worse deal money-wise, but they're faster to craft and for metamagics I'm probably not using frequently it might not be an issue that they're consumable.