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Room for a few more books; making one last call for (children/young adult) books you really want to see on here, because I'm not going to be adding to it once I fill up a single image (10,000 pixels long).
Few more I'm considering are listed at the very bottom, but I'll consider others as well. Speak now of your favorite book as a kid or forever hold your peace.
Expect to have the powers written by next weekend.
>Plans for v.3.0
Change resource from Gold to Wood/Stone/Labour
Fix some of the text not being entirely in the boxes
Add some naval allies, enemies, and troop options
Add more allies and foes in general
Add more magic choices
Balance allies and foes a bit
(Maybe) Put allies and foes on a separate page to let me get more indepth on them
(Maybe) Add waifus and husbandos you can marry to secure an alliance without needing a boon.
I certainly wouldn't mind some ideas, /cyoag/, if you have any.
I think this one was getting an expansion. Should put in a choice for if you deny any genetic treatments. I wouldn't pick it, but it'd be popular.
Lady Frose
Queen Crysta
Duchess Sigil - Not sure on her or Princess Aqui
Ethia - I just like trees, this place has no economic value for this group, since I don't like the plant girls.
The only planets hospitible to Tundians are worthless hells, especially Nai which doesn't even have life. Cargon is just mundanely hellish, it has mining but any of the other two mining locations are less unlivable, even the asteroids. No reason to live on these two planets that Tundians are adapted for, then.
Another planet I liked for aesthetic reasons, Magen, was a poor choice because low gravity means all of your bones and muscles would be hilariously weak and you'd get snapped like a twig by people from other planets. No resources either, but I already established that's not my first priority.
Command Frame (2k)
Average Tech (2k)
Superior Thrust (8k)
Nuclear Gen (16k) - No good fuel on this planet and no sun.
Life Support (2k)
Biodome (10k)
The Intergalactic Alliance sounds like it's begging for war. If it's this authoritarian a rebellion wouldn't be hard to instigate.
This looks really cool
The Spiderwick Chronicles or A Series of Unfortunate Events would be great from some kind of dark powers.
Some of my favorite books as a kid.
Why are CYOAs so companion-oriented these days?
Because waifus.
No Watership Down and Redwall?
The fuck is a tesseract? And Sherlock had crippling social difficulties?
Literally google it you uneducated shit.
>The fuck is a tesseract?
A 4-dimensional cube.
>And Sherlock had crippling social difficulties?
He did kind of come of as a bit of an Aspie.
In the book it was a method of teleportation.
Will definitely put those on the list to look at, thanks.
Redwall, geeze, how did I miss that. Thanks.
As correctly says, in the context of that story it was a teleportation device, essentially. All of the powers will be elaborated and explained clearly in the final version; for now I'm just trying to finalize the book list.
Magical girls have scientifically proven that love/friendship increases your power greatly.
can someone post the bladedancer/assassin cyoa?
>Change resource from Gold to Wood/Stone/Labour
Sounds good
>Add some naval allies, enemies, and troop options
Rule Britannia!
>Add more magic choices
Sounds fun, if you're trying to keep low fantasy I suggest alchemy, with less healing potions and more poisons, maybe liquid fire and valuable inks and dyes. And maybe some kind of spirit/summoning magic, less summoning demons to destroy your enemy, and more bribing spirits to give you favorable conditions.
>(Maybe) Put allies and foes on a separate page to let me get more indepth on them
Sounds good
>(Maybe) Add waifus and husbandos you can marry to secure an alliance without needing a boon.
I like the idea of this, but I might find it annoying instead in practice, this kind of thing is thematic, and waifus are always popular, but it's not that much fun if you can't find one you like.
As far as naval specific options I must suggest a harbor chain or boom, though where you would get a good picture of one I don't know.
Human, spike shoot and chaos sight
Command frame, hi-tech, superior thrust, combustion gen, biodome
Bioware took over
These are the books that legitimately helped me learn to read despite my dyslexia and I adore them.
Plus, they're all ridiculously short, if that helps.
Oh shit I haven't seen this one before. Tzimisce build.
>>Giver of Sanctuary
>>Raiser of the Dead
>>Natural Philosopher
>>One and Many
I know Unspeakable or Twister of Minds would be more in flavor but I think this would be their most likely choice. All about that hivemind.
>> Accessory - Ring
>>Bonded Spirit
Considered my back up plan all else fails.
So spend my time making armies of homunculi, if it dies raise it from the dead and study what its flaws were. Natural philosopher is doubled by Keeper of silence, as is Medicus providing myself in battles the relatively cushy job of healing my teammates and commanding my armies. I wonder how far my reanimation skills can go with Keeper of Silence..
If possible, totally going to go around reanimating the land itself from the dead after horrible situations for the environment, and stock it with new animals and hopefully some that are extinct. Perhaps I can make some conspiratorial squirrels.
And slowly create more and more of myself taking out champions during battle after they are weakened via the ring. Spreading myself through the universe similar to Ego, collecting the biological designs of every plant animal or other form of life and claiming their dead.
Maybe one of the Discworld novels? Theyre nice.
Are you insane? Look at the CYOA name. Look at her powers and what the robot tells you. That chick is either never human and is merely aping one, or she's been twisted into something else for the purposes of the thing that attacked your ship. Do NOT.
Also, I fucking love DiTerlizzi's style.
I'm never been as happy about buying a book as I was about buying this one.
That's two anons for Spiderwick; almost a sure thing now.
The Wee Free Men, already in there, is the YA book series for Discworld.
A Series of Unfortunate Events is great, and I always had a soft spot for Amelia Bedelia.
I stand by my choices
But you're right, I should have wrote "human"
This is an incredible CYOA! Really great idea! Here are some suggestions for powers to go with the books.
>Lion, Witch, Wardrobe
More adventure-y version of 100 Acre Wood? You get a pocket dimension where you're guaranteed to find great, sometimes perilous adventure, with the reward of a honorable kingship if you succeed.
>Wee Free Men
Extremely strong sense of will. Great for leadership, especially when your subordinates are thick-headed, or for seeing through the glamor and trickery of supernatural beings.
>Cat in the Hat
I have no idea, but this is a great one.
>Artemis Fowl
Either an intelligence boost or you get a Butler.
>Roald Dahl
>Possibly dark
Matilda's telekinesis?
>20,000 Leagues
Get your own Nautilus, the sea becomes an exciting world of adventure?
>Town Sawyer
>A Connecticut Yankee
You get bursts of knowledge from the future. Just enough to save your life, like predicting the date of an eclipse to scare people.
>The Giver
Any societal rule created primarily to oppress people just doesn't apply to you. You could walk around North Korea and be totally safe unless you started attacking people.
RIP human, you will surely die.
Nice, 20,000 leagues and robin hood got in! Though I remember reading the reader's digest version where hood fuckin dies
My nigga, these books were responsible for my autistic genuinely believed mythical creatures existed phase, love them to death.
>A Series of Unfortunate Events
Your wit and thinking speed increase with the level of danger you're in. Your survivability is off the charts.
Gregor the over lander
Don't cry for me.
ops. Totally missed it was already in there. Well nevermind then.
Anyone have the CYOA where giants come from another world and you pick one to keep an eye on
Noted ideas, thanks.
I will accept that compliment only when it is finished. Thank you for the suggestions; I will likely use some of them.
Glad you're pleased.
Another Gregor fan; will take that into consideration.
>New Terra
>Clean Gen.
>Stealth Frame
>Standard Thrust
>Combustion Gen.
>Life Support
Gonna re-establish the "Human" race with Lena on our new homeworld. Since I had some extra credits I figured I'd need a versatile ship to assist with establishing the colony.
I definitely like the Daemon version of golden compass (IIRC it's basically a familiar except that your lives are linked),
Tuck Everlasting can't be anything but immortality, and "complete" immortality at that (immune to all physical changes). That might be way too powerful for the theme, so you might just end up dropping it.
A classic in New Zealand. Not a person living here who doesn't know about Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy.
Peter Pan
Judy Blume books. mostly coming of age and dealing with childhood issues or puberty issues. Here are some..
* Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
* Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
* Deenie
* Blubber
A dark book but Lord of the Flies. Read that in jr high as a must from an english teacher.
Treasure Island! Classic book.
3 Muskateers & Robinson Crusoe are classic books too for young adults.
>Tuck Everlasting
I thought about that extensively; complete immortality won't be on the table, period. My thought was for it to grant a weaker version (not eternal, and not truly invincible), and be expensive in terms of points. Not every power on there will be at "full strength"; will depend on the book.
But, yeah, I may end up dropping it. We'll see.
See The fuck is wrong with you people?
Comfy OC from last bread.
The first link to Treasure Island is so cute and also it reminded me of the Misadventures of Flapjack
Did you miss the part where you literally turn into that race/species? Why would it want to attack one of its own? Besides, being "Human" gives the best abilities anyway.
Can this be any more /v/?
No, but that thing is a fucking monster and it has dark and evil designs for the galaxy.
Thanks for the suggestions. Will probably pass on Lord of the Flies because no power occurs to me, and it's not a book you'd EVER want to visit. The rest are contenders. Robinson Crusoe would have to replace Swiss Family Robinson, though.
>Will probably pass on Lord of the Flies because no power occurs to me
Allows you to go hog wild.
Dunno if the author knows this but he accidentally spelled out WIP with the rows.
I don't know if anyone noticed but the "humans" and Rath are connected. So there is two things that could be happening here.
>The things come from rath (unlikely)
>"Humans" have a strange relation with the Seros(for some reason)/Rath past
Why should I care? I've become whatever "it" is anyway, so it's not like I'm in any danger. Even if I was in some form of danger, there's also the fact that I'm also now the one being who's most capable of fighting "it."
Narnia could be a key to any door that opens to any alternate dimension from pop culture
I'm not seeing that indication. Any kind of species could build town squares.
So you're a sociopath that doesn't care about becoming part of some evil interdimensional horror?
A thought I will write down; thanks.
IDEAS: Gain more resources from specific alliances; "quests" to get more gold or resources; enemies grant more allies, while "curses" grant more magic; choice of size of population: more means harder to defend, but more troops/money; choice of attitude (expansionist/isolationist/mercantile/diplomatic, etc.) Diplomat means another friend, mercantile means more money, isolationist means fewer enemies, expansionist means more farmland?
Forget Narnia. What about the world between? With the water pools and rings and shit.
I got the vibe the moon just caused time travel, not reality phasing.
Actually I'm trying to waifu some potentially evil interdimensional horror, and father an entirely new race with it.
Well you're part of its race, so you are it.
You're making an awful lot of assumptions for something that is supposed to be an unknowable interdimensional being.
>Eldritch horrors building town squares
Who said it's their planet?
>Will probably pass on Lord of the Flies because no power occurs to me.
Allows you to make people realize when they are taking things too far?
It's made by Beri, not Quiet.
There's a 90% chance that she's actually human, but got enhanced by SPEEDFOR-time crystals, and that last 10% is "getting replaced by a doppelganger is a separate process from gaining time magic"
>no power
Your very own Conch Of Authority - when you hold it up high, anybody who sees it will listen to what you have to say (so long as you aren't actively wasting their time)
>Young adult books.
How about this one.
Except he specifically made a major background element of this to be eldritch horror. That girl was torn to shreds and mutated by a horrible monster and jettisoned into space. What happened to her is unrelated to those rocks.
I'd rather you keep Swiss Family Robinson, as I suggested both. Just figured you might need more. The swiss family had more interesting stuff like the house they built.
Lord of the Flies, could let you sense danger and survive it, but yeah not a happy place at all when the stupid ones went feral. Poor Piggy.
Too funny. I thought it was a pretty appropriate cover and liked it myself.
So I suppose it's just a complete coincidence that Lena just so happens to have blue minerals inside blood that gave her the ability to reality warp, and that the planet Rath just so happens to be covered in blue minerals that cause reality warping?
>Magic space rocks can revert objects to a previous state
>Magic space rocks can teleport objects to the future
>Lena, who was dead long ago, is now alive, physically younger than before, and with no memory of the intervening time
>"She's a doppelganger, user! It's not like there's any way she was magically reverted to when she was alive and sent into the future or something!"
Twas done intentionally
I don't go on /v/ much so this goes over my head.
If they're connected at all, that just means that the eldrtich horrors incorporate that mineral into themselves, and that's how she got it. Not something so harmless as you suggest.
You weren't even near a planet when you got attacked, else you wouldn't need to drift towards a sun for power.
Except it was the moon of Rath that was made out of the blue mineral, the moon which crashed into Rath which would have send out a massive amount of debris into space. Frankly, the eldritch angle seems incredibly forced and doesn't have evidence in support.
Little Cottontail, please. Or is it to small?
>Debris into space
Do you know how massive space is?
>Frankly, the eldritch angle seems incredibly forced and doesn't have evidence in support.
Except that one attacked and mutated her? It's stated in the opening.
She's a space ghost, coast to coast. 99% herself, 1% Cthulu.
>Muh Narrative
>Muh Worldbuilding & Lore
>Muh Waifus
>Muh Choice
Pick any one of these. Also CYOAs are more narrative based now than being the shitty, You got dumped on Island X pick X also here is fan expansion with different X for you to pick.
>Except that one attacked and mutated her?
Why do you assume that's an eldritch abomination instead of just some run-of -the mill of alien horror?
Because of the whole mutation angle. That's more eldritch than simply alien.
Also did you ever see Event Horizon?
Honestly, the specific mechanics of it arising from random chance (Lena's corpse either landing somewhere she'd get doused then almost immediately picked up by someone who for some reason doesn't notice the other space magic shit, or getting caught in a cloud halfway through the voyage and spending the rest of the time in a slowly reverting, half-alive half-dying state before landing and stabilizing) makes me leery of that explanation, but the fact that this is the same author for whom the Royal Revival DLC (in which two people you never met die, and one actual character is held in suspended animation) was dark and gritty makes me just as leery of any "trap" options.
>Because of the whole mutation angle. That's more eldritch than simply alien.
Bullshit, aliens mutating humans is staple of sci-fi.
>Also did you ever see Event Horizon?
You mean the movie where the ship itself was possessed by an evil interdimension presence? Yeah, you may want to check who's controlling/inside the ship in this CYOA, because it certainly isn't Lena.
Giving my vote for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, not sure if that really counts as a children's book though. Otherwise, Series of Unfortunate Events & Connecticut Yankee are my 2nd & 3rd votes. Might not want Connecticut Yankee though, since you already have Tom Sawyer on there? Both are by Mark Twain.
>Bullshit, aliens mutating humans is staple of sci-fi.
Only for things like the Flood or Necromorphs, who are essentially eldritch horrors without the interdimensional aspect.
Sure do. Here we go!
>Illusion Magic
>Enhanced Intelligence
>Sex Change
I'm pretty close to a mythical kitsune. Smart, clever, always fucking around with people, and a master of illusions.