Who is the equivalent of hitler in your setting?

Who is the equivalent of hitler in your setting?

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Adolf hitler

the players

Thirl Feodal
anagram for Adolf Hitler, a lich trying to make a spell to create ubermensch humans that take the best of all races, then wiping out those races

There isn't just one Hitler-equivalent, there are multiple Lawful Good Paladins.

Not Hitler.
He isn't Hitler, but everyone is completely convinced that he's a clone or a regenerated version of old Adolf himself, so he's long since given up trying to correct people.

A nameless, ancient dwarvern king. His people were fighting the gnomes in the greatest war to ever be fought. It wasn't going well, so he commissioned a magical superweapon.

An entirely normal revolver and six bullets. Each bullet was enchanted with the most poweful magics available, with multiple elven spellcasters bought into silence and quietly assassinated later.

It was designed to kill species. Unsurprisingly, it has only been used once, and nobody has seen a gnome in millenia.

A council of six quasi-immortal humans who rule humanity from the moon.

Omnisarl the True Star, a hero of prophecy who was foretold to obtain great power and a legendary weapon and free the world from the dark grasp of a fiendish warlock.

Instead, after obtaining power and the weapon, he turned on everyone who helped him, slaying his allies, and joining forces with the warlock, who helped him transcend his mortal flesh to become a powerful demon, fueled by the same power that was supposed to save the world, he unleashed it on the capital city, laying it to waste along with every living being there, an erected his fortress ontop of the ruins.

Years later, in an ironic twist of fate, he was sealed beneath his fortress by the same warlock who he joined forces with, who became sickened by his mad lust for carnage and power.

Beedolf Punchler

God Emperor of Mankind

An extremely powerful assassin who is obsessive in regards to hygiene and beauty. She believes anyone ugly or unwashed is beyond saving and needs to die.

She leads an order which is slowly gaining support as a plague ravages the land. Her semi-religious, isolationist, cleanliness obsessed order is fairly safe from plague and pestilence so it is hard to not side with her.

It was the closest parallel I could make to Hitler while still being an original story.

An elf wizard who had decided instead of killing his enemies he is working on a spell that can cause humans to become sterile

The first Half-elf. He is also the "first"-ish Necromancer. Also the first Lich.

He comes along every few thousand years, just long enough that no one really remembers him, other then the Elves who stay the fuck away from him, and slaughters around 10 to 50 percent of all intelligent life on the pair of continents that make up the section of my world that is played upon. He harvest's the life force for a spell to waken/create beasts of legend that will one day, when their number is complete, rise up and slay the creators of the world. This will unmake creation and allow him to remake it in his image. Without the suffering and hate seemingly intrinsic in the current world.

Too bad, no one seems to know just how many of these beasts it will take to accomplish the task.

Literally Hitler. The game takes place in the real world in 2012.

I doubt it will come up though, they shouldn't have any reason to go to Argentina.

Are you telling me that Hitler rules humanity from the moon?

The head of the Spanish Inquisition who wants to exterminate all the Jews in Europe.

To be fair to him there are a handful of Jews with super powers who are trying to bring Christendom to its knees as payback for all the pogroms.

Seems pretty fine. Even if anything the common people over Europe would assist considering the massacres time to time of Jews.

>To be fair to him there are a handful of Jews with super powers

Usury is more of an ability.

Proof that jews are literallt satan spawn
The inquisitor is doing nothing wrong

A Lich in a lost technology setting. He's a person who has a mechanical body rebuilt for him every time he dies, his body downloaded into it. As the functions for the machine steadily breakdown, his appearance in the later incarnations has gotten worse and worse, until he's little more than a mechanical frame (skeleton). In his immortal ponies and slowly burgeoning insanity he's convinced if others were like him he wouldn't be alone any more, making everyone into "undead". I still haven't revealed they're in a LT setting and will keep holding my cards until they put it together for themselves.


...I can't remember what word I used, but it sure as fuck wasn't...

OH. Loneliness!

The queen of the fleshwarpers.
Basically eugenics and slavery of the "lesser" people. Which is decided trough a myriad of pseudoscience and really just depends on who these "greater" people like.

One of them has the ability to copy anything within a certain range of his left hand and then make a perfect atom for atom replica within a certain range on his right hand, overwriting anything that would "clip" in the process. This gives him infinite gold (as well as allowing him to delete huge hunks of anything by "overwriting" it with air) but he refuses to copy diamonds even if that would give him more money because he doesn't want to lower the price of diamonds and hurt Jewish diamond traders.

It's a pretty overpowered super power.

Other European countries, particularly Protestant ones, don't like a charismatic Catholic Spaniard riling up the native population and claiming authority on their turf. Jews make a lot of money for the countries that allow them to prosper, so even if the common man hates them the authorities are willing to be pretty tolerant up to a point.

It's not only Jews who have super powers in this setting, and it's only a tiny group who are trying to destroy Christendom.

Trying to exterminate all the Jews is just going to perpetuate the cycle of hatred. He's also trying to uncover a conspiracy that doesn't actually exist, and might start a European land war.

What about Schutzstaffel?Many Archvillains have guard unit for him.Do you have anything similar in your setting?And how do you make players feel that they're truly dedicated to him?

Me. The Paladin who restarted the Church of Zarus. The party wizard is Himmler if we're sticking with the hitler analogy. Though most of this is based on the campaign epilogue the GM wrote, Zarus didn't turn his eyes back to the world until near the campaigns end.


The Cannibal Prince

Hitler is still Hitler though the victorious Nazis managed to place blame on Stalin for some of the things they did.

>plausible in any way even with magic

I think if Britain surrendered or had lost the Battle of Britain, Hitler would of been able to consolidate his military and his invasion of Russia would of been a success (and it already almost was (ish)) and the Americans could of never gotten involved and if they had they would be mincemeat fighting both Germany and Japan with little help.

Except that doesn't deal with one of the biggest problems on the Eastern Front.

They kept running out of ammo, and yet their generals kept issuing more rapid fire guns which made them run out of ammo faster.

Walt Disney
>Fallout campaign set in Florida
>Disney's cryogenic stasis malfunctioned
>Was eventually interred in a pseudo dreadnought by his RobCo staff
>Rule the Magic Kingdoms with an iron fist
>Vows to rebuild humanity from the dredges it has devolved into

Disney was a cool guy, it would be pretty cool to have him back.

Speaking of a Fallout game, how did you get past no Vaults in Florida?

What do you mean by "equivalent of Hitler?"

Do you mean "a man who fought against all odds to free his people from destitute and debt slavery of international financiers, and sought to unify his kin into a strong and proud nation where his people could live free from foreign oppression. A man who succeeded in his ambition, only for the whole world to turn against him and destroy everything he and his movement had built, and bring his people back to slavery under the internationalist masters".

Or do you mean "warmongering madman satan incarnate who gassed 6 billion innocent jews for no reason?"

Because depending on what you mean, my answer will change.

By having no "official" vaults.
Obviously, Disney had his own, but other higher-ups had vaults of their own hidden from the public, for instance, one under Patrick.
Due to Florida's geography, these vaults were special in their advance water pumping and filtration systems.

As for regular people? There were none availaible to them. Explorers and raiders heard of "The Happiest Place on Earth" way after the fact, and went on pilgrimages. Rumors spread about the Kingdom's Keepers, a cult of crazed "paladins" who safeguard the land from those who would see it harmed.


If Poland had joined Hitler's anti communist pact like Hitler desired, the whole War would not have started, at least not the way it did.

>"a man who fought against all odds to free his people from destitute and debt slavery of international financiers, and sought to unify his kin into a strong and proud nation where his people could live free from foreign oppression. A man who succeeded in his ambition, only for the whole world to turn against him and destroy everything he and his movement had built, and bring his people back to slavery under the internationalist masters"
C'mon man I can sympathize with the whole "dragging Germany out of the shitter" mentality but don't try to sell me on that fucking cult of personality again. Hitler was a megalomaniac egoist who couldn't administrate himself out of a wet paper bag, much less do any of the required work to restore Germany.

p.s. you don't gas your undesirables, you work them to death in gulags like the fucking soviets did

Except he did restore Germany out of the shitter that was the Weimar republic. What the national socialists accomplished in the span of their reign was truly remarkable in terms of the quality of life of the average german people.

Also, most importantly, they freed their nation of the international banking cartels. I aspire to do the same to my people. Fuck the fucking international bankers. Hitler was spot on in his description of western "democracies".

This whole modern world order only serves the interests of the top 1% of the global population, the interests of the internationalist financial elites. Democracy, "freedom", capitalism, all are buzzwords trough which we are basically brainwashed into buying into a system that actively enslaves us trough debt. It is fucking sickening that you have to take a massive loan to even just BUY A FUCKING HOME for yourself and your family, because of how the housing prices are actively kept so high, that basically nobody can afford a home without a loan that ties them into debt slavery to a fucking bank for the next 20 years. And then people fucking wonder why birth rates in western world have collapsed. Having a family is insanely fucking expensive so no wonder why people don't breed. And then that fact is used to justify the ongoing demographic replacement of our people via mass migration. I am fucking sick of all of this, and day by day I grow more convinced that Hitler was fucking right.

>muh gassing
Sure, let's gas a bunch of people in the middle of a fucking war and burn their bodies when we are running thin on every resource on earth, instead of just fucking shooting them and dumping them to a shallow mass grave, or in actual logical world, use them as a free work force. It ain't the fault of the Germans that the allies bombed all the supply lines and a bunch of people on those camps starved to death and died of illnesses.

>inb4 I get banned again.

>I aspire to do the same to my people

Nice strawman.

The issues Hitler spoke of in Mein Kampf, in regards of parliamentary democracy's inherent flaws, and how we are all basically slaved to international financiers trough debt, actually resonate very well with people. Here in my university, I have basically directly fucking quoted Mein Kampf in discussions with my peers many of whom are basically braindead lefties, and time and time again, they have agreed with those points. If they knew whose words I was paraphrasing tho, they'd probably lynch me.

The greatest service the Allies did to the revival of National Socialism, was demonize it so utterly that basically only people who have studied the subject and know of it's tenets, have any fucking clue of what that political ideology and world view were about. To most people, national socialism means just "bad, wrong, evil thing" because most people are never fucking taught what that movement actually stood up for.
Perhaps because if they were taught what the goals of the national socialists actually were, they would end up agreeing with them.
That is what happened to me. I read the manifesto of the National Socialistic Nordic Resistance movement, and to my utter shock (at the time) I found myself agreeing with "literal nazis" because the stuff they actually advocate for, makes fucking sense.

Emperor Vizhat, current ruler in chief of the hobgoblin empire, who's attempted to further refine the eugenics program with applied biokinesis and outright conquer the empire's former vassals, who have risen in revolt over the involuntary labor camps and public burnings of political dissidents.

Hitler may have been an autistic, hateful retard with delusions of grandeur, but he genuinely believed he was doing what was best for his country, and I can respect that, I don't like him or his economics, but I can respect that.

Why is it set in 2012? I'll never understand this decision to set games in the near past

>I'm a shitty fucking Nazi and read a book that agreed with my internal hatred

Actually, I only became a "nazi" recently, because right now, it is the most logical worldview I can have, given all the information I know.

I became a "nazi" because of the things I read, and saw, which ultimately broke the conditioning and brainwashing I had been instilled with that painted the national socialists as devil incarnates.

Also, a genuine question to you: Why do you think that hatred is bad?
In my experience, hate is a great source of internal strength and fortitude, as well as an incredibly motivational force.

>People on the right are just irrational bigots! If they knew better, they'd be just as virtuous and enlightened as me.
Your worldview is incredibly childish.

He's nothing like this flat, cartoonish villain from the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>James Bond
>wonder, beauty and excitement

Hoo boy. If you have to ask that question, it's obvious you've never done more than two days of a 101 Philosophy course, so I'm pretty sure you're full of shit about being in any university setting outside of a bum in the library.

If you want to be a Nazi that's your decision, but the wrong one. Don't try to pretend you're remotely close to being educated and still find Nazism as defensible in any context outside of Devil's advocate arguments.

Well there is this one guy who's basically against the undead, giants, orcs and fairies living next to humans and so he exiled them all and has formed a militaristic dictatorship designed to repulse any threats to the Empire.

>Nazism is intrinsically about genocide
>I have never actually read anything about Nazism, National Socialism, or even Fascism in general
Pick both.

You basically just made his point for him.

>someone disagrees with my utopian egalitarian worldview, therefore they are uneducated

You did not answer my question m8.

And nope, I ain't talking shit. I am studying political science in the university of Helsinki right now.

My moral foundation stems from the realization that the largest group of people whom for I would be willing to sacrifice my own life, are my people, as in, ethnic Finns, and that should I be given a choice between saving the life of a Finn, or 10 non-Finns, I would always pick my fellow Finn, exactly for the same reason why I would save my own child, rather than the child of a stranger.

I am an ethnotribalist, and national socialism is basically a political platform built upon ethnotribalism. I utterly reject the universalist morality of the west and the idea that we are all equal, because neither are based on any actual evidence nor do they actually work if push comes to shove. Those ideas ignore the reality of human condition, the fact that we are tribal animals who instinctively are always inclined to work for the benefit of their own tribe, their ingroup, rather than serve all tribes equally. I cannot accept the notion that "we are all equal" because we very evidently are not, just in terms of physical and intellectual abilities, we differ tremendously thus making equality impossible, and in terms of my subjective view, non-Finns will never be equals to Finns in my eyes, simply because non-Finns do not belong to my tribe. Even if we restrict the notion of equality to just work as "equal under law" I still reject that notion. I see zero benefit for my tribe in treating members of outsider tribes as "equals" with actual members of my tribe. Non-Finns SHOULD be second class citizens in Finland if they decide to live here. There is absolutely no long term benefit for my people in us allowing non-Finns to migrate here freely and live among us as equals. That will only lead to the inevitable demographic replacement of my people in our ancestral homeland and thus the destruction of my people.

This i like

literally Hitler
the setting is basically an isekai of people from the real world getting sent to a medieval fantasy world

Donald D. Drumpf

You're reading it wrong, literally Hitler is the setting's Bismarck, and literally Jesus is this setting's Hitler.


My setting is real life.

That's hilarious, because the pogroms always followed the exact same pattern

>Jews commit horrible crimes beyond imagining of sane, normal people
>get thrown out of the country they are infesting
>go to a new nation
>tell tales of their persecution. The egyptians were horrible slave masters, everyone just hates us for no reason!
>people believe them on their word to some extent and grant them shelter
>Jews immediately start committing the worst kinds of crimes in the shadows again
>eventually they imagine themselves gods without a need to hide or they get careless and get caught
>pogroms commence
>Jews move to a new nation

You'd think 100+ times would be enough for people to recognize the pattern.


Oy vey goyim cattle, why do you prosecute us poor jews so?

Fuck off kike, Stalin is the one who committed the holodomor and faked the holocaust for Rothschild money. Hitler's "crime" was printing non-Jew owned money.


>though the victorious Nazis managed to place blame on Stalin for some of the things they did
I'm not even a Nazi but why the hell is supporting Communist okay in any way when it's killed far more people?

Equality is a false god. Communism can never work because money needs to represent a claim on value for it to work. Printing money is theft, because it dilutes the claim of total value divided by the total amount of currency in circulation. Giving people money who produce no value in return is utterly retarded, because all you're doing is turning money = value into money = nothing. Look at how that worked out in the Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe or more currently, Venezuela or Cuba or even North America.

I'm not for any kind of Socialism, not even National Socialism, but it is by far preferable to Communism in any way shape or form. Communism is a religion with the Government as its god, who can bestow WEALTH in the form of MONEY by giving it to people who produce no value. This Government creates something from nothing, and that's only something a God can do.

Religious nutbags tend to ruin things.

>Except he did restore Germany out of the shitter that was the Weimar republic
It's fucking Germany!
It didn't need Hitler to get it out of the shitter
there hasn't been a Hitler after ww2 and it still went from bombed out ruin of a half country to the premier power of Europe


Because they didn't specifically kill God's chosen people. :^)
Except they did.

Clearly you've never left your Leftist indoctrination camps, as you've moved from your childhood prison to your teen prison to your adolescent prison to your self-imposed prison of adulthood, all the while absorbing "information" to regurgitate without processing it.

You can have 50 PhDs and claim the earth is flat, it doesn't matter because it isn't. Anything that depends on government money to exist IS A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE. This is especially true for schools. Schools, dependent on government for a steady supply of students and money, are not going to criticize the current form of government.

>not an argument dot jee peg

You are a drone and hilariously unaware of your programming. If you care to learn who your owners are, watch the link. But I'm sure you'll have some witty "comeback" in your addled mind to dismiss it out of hand.

>youtube as a source
>it's too long
>blah blah blah

The man is a former high ranking KGB officer explaining how brainwashing works:

lel /pol/ thinkers at work here
mods please delet this shitfest

Because picture related.

All I'm hearing is "blah blah blah I didn't watch enough cartoons growing up and I think bulling is a-ok."

Justify your shit all you want, you are still an asshat that lives in an age where you can choose to not be an asshat because nothing you do really matters or will affect much. Are you gonna raise your people, free them from their shackles or w.e you've been going on about? No, you're gonna go to uni, learn more pointless crap, ramble on about it online, and occasionaly while drunk in person probably at a bar or house party, where someone who isn't a nazi will punch you in the face, and you'll go home and feel like you are right because you are being opressed blah blah

i have no idea what im talking about but at least I don't justify why its cool to hate.

sorry im drunk i deff shouldn't be getting involved in this

Having government print money and control it's value is helluva lot better than letting some privately owned fucking central bank do it for profit.

Fuck the bankers, they should be strung up. They have basically enslaved the whole world via this insane debt ridden pyramid scheme of a system.

Am I the only one that finds it ironic when people like this dude claim its EVERYONE ELSE that's brainwashed?

What hitler did was create infrastructure projects so he could introduce his new currency, where 1 hour of work represented 1 worker bond. After the great works, he stopped printing money altogether so the currency would remain stable.

Looking at the value of the USD before and after 1913, it's ridiculous.

Not an argument. All you're doing is justifying why it's okay for YOU to be on the side stealing money from others.

>I'm going to use YOUR MONEY for GOOD
>because I'm smarter than you, clearly
>I'm GOOD and you're BAD, that's why punching you and taking your money is okay

That's you, and you think this is a sane position.

>All I'm hearing is "blah blah blah I didn't watch enough cartoons growing up and I think bulling is a-ok."
Nice fucking projection.
I was bullied, but I grew stronger because of it. Bullying is fucking normal and should not be prevented unless it gets violent or excessive. Kids form their hierarchies that way and it benefits even the bullied kids to learn how social hierarchies function, because NEWSFLASH, we humans ALWAYS organize ourselves into hierarchies of one sort of another. There is no escaping hierarchies.

>Justify your shit all you want, you are still an asshat that lives in an age where you can choose to not be an asshat because nothing you do really matters or will affect much.
You are still trapped within nihilistic bullcrap. I sympathize with you, because I was once trapped within that same soul eating mentality. I do not choose to be an "asshat", I choose to side with the truth, however socially uncomfortable it may be in this day and age. And you are wrong on your assertion that nothing I do matters. Every action I do on this earth, will ripple across time for an eternity, no matter how minimal it may be. Only a coward would flee to nihilism under the immensity of such responsibility for the future.

>Are you gonna raise your people, free them from their shackles or w.e you've been going on about?
That is my goal. Nobody knows the future, other than the fact that it is not written in stone. Hitler did what you deem impossible for me to do.

>No, you're gonna go to uni, learn more pointless crap, ramble on about it online, and occasionaly while drunk in person probably at a bar or house party, where someone who isn't a nazi will punch you in the face, and you'll go home and feel like you are right because you are being opressed blah blah
You are attacking a strawman.

>i have no idea what im talking about but at least I don't justify why its cool to hate.
You still have not justified why hate is bad.

Yeah, I am not saying that you should endlessly print currency. I am saying that having government control the money supply, is far fucking better than letting private banks do that.

Not really, it's the same thing in the end. Just like religious wars for who would control the nation's state religion, you'll just end up with people vying for the ability to print the money.

Third party currencies which can be discarded and replaced are the only real solution, that's why Bitcoin and such are doing well.

I approve of this.
>Immortal ponies

Isn't Bitcoin crashing because Chinks went nuclear on the bitcoin farmers over there?

But yeah, what matters is that the monopoly of the international bankers is broken, because it is trough this debt economy, that they enslave us without most of us even fucking noticing. People treat taking loans like it is a normal fucking thing, and that utterly sickens me. Usury was a sin for a good fucking reason in Christianity and modern banks are basically criminal cartels that print out money from nothing when they give out loans.
>mfw people actually think that banks loan out the money they store in their accounts when they give out loans.


Crazy chick who runs a dicatorship where drinking water is illegal. To avoid dying of thirst, her subjects drink a hallucinogenic liquid they are provided with that is designed to keep them quiescent.

Adrian Thickdick

Not really, it has dipped but since the mining only limits the creation of bitcoin and there's a maximum of bitcoin which will ever be created, it will only go up in value as it will remain stable relative to endlessly printed fiat currencies.


I honestly do not understand much about economy, but even I can see that modern global financial system that is based on private banks printing new money is utterly flawed.
It is bound to collapse, and when it does, the whole modern world order goes with it.

Do you genuinely believe that things like bitcoin can be the salvation from this shit? That "money" is still backed up by nothing and I don't think that money that isn't backed up by anything, is a good thing.

Money's value should be tied to something, be it gold, or the productivity of your nation's workforce, but it should fucking be tied to something REAL.

Why is gold worth anything? Because it is of limited supply and it can't be created. Think of BitCoin as digital gold. Thanks to the blockchain, every single 0 and 1 is mapped across everyone who uses it. It cannot be created, or even moved to another account, without every other repository being notified of it. It is essentially fraud-proof in this sense.

Its major weakness is people who print money buying vast quantities of it, to crash the currency's value for a while afterward.

Money's value is always tied to something, otherwise it isn't money. It's very simple. Money is a claim on value. You accept money instead of immediate value because you know you can exchange it for someone you value later on. Maybe website for a baker, but you're gluten intolerant and bread is useless to you, but you want that new phone which you can't trade for bread. Money that represents no value is not money at all.

While gold has a myriad of uses, it's mostly valuable because it's effectively money. People know they can exchange money for value later, so they'll accept gold as a currency, because it is rare and can't be arbitrarily created. Also it's shiny and women like it. Again, mostly because it's perceived as having value.

Total value produced by a group using a shared currency / every unit of that currency = the worth of a unit of that currency. A 100 trillion zimbabwe dollars was worth like 0.43 USD because Zimbabwean black invaders murdered all the white farmers that had made Rhodesia rich in the first place.

Except modern money is not really backed by anything. It is printed out of nothing constantly thus diminishing whatever value it has.

You get the gist, I've been awake too long. Good night and maybe you'll enjoy this pdf? It does a better job of explaining this stuff than I currently can muster.

But yes, that's exactly the point. Fiat currencies only have value as long as people think it has value, and endless printing by privately owned banks like the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, is effectively theft.

The PDF and this documentary to a pretty good job of giving you an introduction to what is really happening:

These money printers believe themselves to be Gods and act accordingly. :

I want /pol/ to leave

Ah, the standard recourse of the Communist when he realizes his religion is retarded and he has no arguments. Just close the thread retard.


Cloned and bio-engineered by Japanese Neo-Nazis to lead Neo-Japan to global conquest. Given super strength and dexterity, and cybernetically enhanced body parts to make him the true Ubermensch.

The Neo-US, in retaliation, created their own Hitler clone. Exactly like the original in every day, except now he loves the Jews, hates violence and war, preaches tolerance and acceptance of all races, and can actually paint pretty decently. The party's goal is to assassinate Super-Hitler and replace him with Good Hitler to stop Neo-Japan from world domination.

Our campaigns are fucking retarded.

>everyone who isn't a literal Nazi is a communist

No, but everyone who uses Saul Alinsky and Soviet subversion tactics does, is usually a communist.

>"go away Nazi"
>Soviet subversion tactics

Based Harry Potter pasta poster

Cult leader named Hannibal Gwynnffor, sort of a cross between Hitler and Jesus, in that he inspires a racial purity-tinged religious mania.