Warhammer 40,000 TT General /40kg/

Standardized Edition.

>Daily Duncan Playlist
[YouTube] WHTV Tip of the Day - Citadel Creeping Vines and Barbed Braken. (unembed)

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:


Old 40k General

40k RP General

40k Lore General

WIP General

>Codex: Talons of the Emperor releases
>Talon Tactics for various sub-factions look OP as shit
>Several high-tier stratagems

>Still no HQs

What would you do, /40kg/?

Shrug, not a interesting army.

Will Burna Boyz and other Orks get buffs/points reductions in their eventual new codex? If there is 1 plus to being near last to get one is that it increases our chances of new/updated models.

#Ask GW

Fifth for the Hammer of Olympia

The mods are gonna come down hard on the split generals just like they did when OWod/NWoD generals split.

The regular general seems sorta dead as a result. I was wondering what the hell was going on with the reply speed here.

There's 8 MTG threads.

For very distinct methods of play, similar to 30k v 40k v 40k rpgs.
This is the result of trolls trolling trolls on a board where people can't stop biting at bait like retards, on top of a influx of dedicated shitposters.

Any news out of them will be about Eldar, Tyranids, and Imperial Guard for a while what with their codexes being up next.


Hi /40kg/, I was planning on starting a shooty Death Guard army, with plague marines accompanied by blightbringers and tallymans, some blight-haulers for more shooty and cover, and plaguecasters for supports.
Does it look like a good idea to start? Any advice to improve?

Man I love Pertuabo and the IW but that book was so bad. Hamme of Olympia I mean, Angel Exterminatus is good shit.

Sorry if the list isn't perfectly formatted; I'm looking to increase to 2000 pts

I really want Plague Marines to be the focus of my Vectorum, as they're my main draw into the Death Guard. This is what I've come up with as a core list, based on what I already own or what I'm definitely purchasing. I don't have the time to paint loads of Poxwalkers or Cultists because of my lecturing job, so I'm looking for a more elite force right now.

I know they've got a lot of options available, but I'm finding it hard to choose what to stick in to make the list fun and all round at the same time. I keep finding glaring faults in the DG anti-tank - for example BS4 on Crawlers and Haulers (except in 3s, which is 400+ and a huge chunk of change), and the fact that even though a 2+ save for the Plague Marines sounds great from the haulers, it's still very situational since you're going to be holding a fast, short ranged unit back to stick next to much slower infantry, presumably after spending 400 points, and then when they die they mortal wound everything within the save range anyway

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [75 PL, 1424pts] ++

+ HQ +
Lord of Contagion [7 PL, 137pts]: Manreaper
Malignant Plaguecaster [6 PL, 110pts]

+ Troops +
7 Plague Marines [10 PL, 184pts]
Plague Champion: , Plasma gun, Power fist
Plague Marine w/ boltgun x4, Plasma gun x2

7 Plague Marines [10 PL, 184pts]
Plague Champion: Plasma gun, Power fist
Plague Marine w/ boltgun x4, Plasma gun x2

7 Plague Marines [10 PL, 186pts]
Plague Champion: Plasma gun, Power fist
Plague Marine w/ boltgun x4,Blight launcherx2

7 Plague Marines [10 PL, 186pts]
Plague Champion:Plasma gun, Power fist
Plague Marine w/ boltgun x4, Blight launcherx2

+ Elites +
5 Blightlord Terminator [14 PL, 290pts]
Bubotic Axe x5, Combi-plasma x4, 1 Reaper autocannon

Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts]
Noxious Blightbringer [4 PL, 70pts]

So what's better, many individual units of cultists or one huge unit

Why is thread kill

Markerlights should be able to target characters that the source has LOS on. But you should only be able to target them other weapons if you spend 10 - (Target max wounds) tokens on that character first, before even getting markerlight bonuses.

IE, a character with 8 wounds needs to have 2 MLs spent just on being allowed to shoot at it, while a character with 6 wounds would need 4 MLs on it.

Shooting officers is fluffy, like american militia snipers dishonorably targeting redcoat officers.

It wasn't linked, when the other guy made and linked his general.

It's shit

Poorfags btfo

Chinaman makes them too, you know...

No excuse not to run FW

Every single thread, despite it being a shit idea. Give up son.


Just played against Orks with my Stygies 8 Admech and tabled the fucker turn 3. They were hitting me on 6s, and I think shaved one wound off of me with shooting? Lord almighty Stygies 8 is good

Anybody have a pdf of the adeptus mechanicus codex? Pretty please.

I haven't played in years and have some 'Nids and Space Marines I want to sell. Is there an interest in older prebuilt models at all?

>help the store owner with shit
>gives me anniversary sgt for free
>haven't start my loyalist Marines yet
>they're Carcharodons
W-what do? I wasn't planning on running Primaris

Am I wrong here, or is the Foul Blightspawn fucking amazing? Getting d6 autohits at that to-wound profile and AP-3 D3 for 77 points on a T5 W4 3+/5+++ character seems like a pretty sweet deal.

This thread is 8 hours old, go to

What's your list?

Just let this thread die.

Grey Knights
Would a list that ran 20 interceptors instead of 20 strikes be worth the 80 point sink? Youd go from ~6 to ~5 CP, but it would allow you to deepstrike your entire army (pretty much)

404 m8y

Post cool IG conversions.


How are Death Korp in thier index? I notice they dont get first rank second rank orders



Be mods.
This general is dead(8 hours 30 posts)
No new links(like codex admech)
Lol delete new one instead of this dead one.

many huge units

one huge unit can benefit from the Tide of Traitors stratagem. small units are cheap and spammable - very useful for denying deep strikes and claiming objectives. IMO, unless you are taking a max sized squad for Tide of Traitors, you should probably take a min-sized squad - nothing in between.


>jones is acting strangely
That was such a cool rule, it's unlikely but I'd love it if they brought it back in some shape or form (a stratagem perhaps?) in the nid codex.

What did it do?

deredeo is fucking ugly

Can you shoot at the units embarked into an open topped vehicle?


You should read the open topped rules of the model you're trying to shoot. It tells you everything you need to know.

post that picture from deleted thread



One member of your squad pops causing damage to others in the unit.

The ap-3 Dam 3 at average strength of 7 makes him fucking hilarious at tank hunting

his only problem is moblity




I don't know if there is a old version of this rules with Jones instead of the sarge.

Im a Deldar player and I'm more asking for my friend who hates my Venoms and raiders with a burning passion, thanks for answers.


Only after summoning

Predators and melta blightlords are what I'm thinking about using for anti-tank.

If I remember correctly, one infantry model (may have been random, not sure) in the enemy army was harbouring a tyranid...something. Each turn there was a 1 in 6 chance they'd explode into a barbed strangler, damaging the rest of their squad.

To be clear, I wouldn't want it because it was powerful, but because it was just funny. It was part of a range of rules that tyranids had showing how the planet & enemy army were affected by the tyranid invasion.

That actually would be a really cool Stratagem for Nids

Neat. I wouldn't mind rules that only affect one model to come back.

Are forgeworld users P2W holocaust deniers?

Tell him to use shit that is actually good against them like fucking Autocannons and Heavy Bolters. ACs wound on 3s, do 2 damage, and waste very little AP on the 5++ save, and likewise Heavy Bolters are cheap as shit, wound on 4s, and waste 0 AP, and asscannons are the same except wound on 3s.

As for open topped, it literally says that it lets models shoot out in the shooting phase and that's it. You don't even get overwatch.

Who is this post for?

Just sub him in for a larger marine, make him look good enough and no one will give a shit if he isn't absolute wysiwyg

My, Void Brother.

Can you summon after disembarking?


He keeps trying to use melee on me and thinks hes so clever deep striking assault marines close to my venoms filled with blasterborn, I just dont want him to get too assblasted and stop playing with me.

Check out some cool conversion of Imperial Guard


We know.

I do like how the savlar chem-dog, being made from a company commander which you get only one of from the cadian HQ box, is utterly impractical to make an army out of.

>GW promoting kitbashing
>promoting your dudes
>straight up admitting they’re nerfing the shit out of conscripts
How is this not the best time to be alive?

post 40k pic you like

How do I make good use of this guy ? What do I play him with ?

Rolled 6, 2 = 8 (2d6)

On a 7, a new Great Unclean One and plastic Nurgle Daemon Prince are released.


That's one, I bet the regular Cadian legs would work fine.

Why doesn't GW ship products ordered on their web store internationally?

>General almost 9h old
Is 40kg dead?

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Damn, spending command point to reroll that 2.

I need a 1!


People kept making threads and ignoring this one.

Now we need special characters to be Errata'd to "with opponent's permission".

Rolled 6, 6 = 12 (2d6)

Well that sucks.

Do I at least get my 1 command point back?

Need a 7!


They've promoted kitbashing for years as long as you're using their bits. Hell the 200th Duncan video was him kitbashing some Spartans for some AoS shit. There's even a moment where you can tell he wants to say "You can get parts cheap on eBay" but just pauses and says something about trading bits with friends.

It's a pretty great time to be alive though.

some questions Veeky Forums
What is your faction?
What are you working on?
When do you have last game? And how was it?
When do you plan next game?
And hard question say something nice about faction you like least


Any suggestions for this list? Going against Chadmarines and Dark Eldar tommorow

Ahriman on disc
Exalted sorcerer

10x Rubric marines, 2x warpflamer, 1x soulreaper cannon
9x Rubric marines, 2x warpflamer, 1x soulreaper cannon
10x Tzaangors, chainswords and autopistols

2x Chaos rhino, combi-melta, havoc launcher

5x Scarab occult terminators, hellfire missile launcher, heavy warpflamer

Heavy Support:
1x Chaos predator, 4x lascannon, havoc launcher, combi-melta

Lord of war:
Magnus the Red

It's 2000pts battalion and super heavy auxiliary.

The obvious plan is to warptime Magnus and drop termies next to him. Sorcerer in the rhino supports the rubrics and ahriman flies around helping tzaangors and casting spells.

I don't have any other models, but I guess I can borrow some daemons from the store if necessary (although I'd rather not). Equipment can be swapped around.


If entire armies weren't dictated by special characters (Spooky Eldar) I'd agree. Still if someone is a faggot running Bobby G and three knights in casual play just don't play with him anymore.

He's on the right track, but he's thinking in the wrong edition. Then again, the venom hit penalty doesn't apply in melee, and both TH and LCs are capable of tearing open a measly T5 6W venom. However, shooting them down first ensures that they won't fly away, which makes a delayed Deepstrike a good option.
