A while ago we had a similar thread, and I've always admired the creativity that comes with this sort of thing. So let's discuss existing or original concepts then.
Fates worse than death
Have you a link to the thread you talk about ? I'm interested.
There's an anime called Shinsekai Yori where one of the characters is punished for his revolution and war crimes in a pretty horrific way.
Using Psionic powers, his captors make every cell in his body feel the most intense pain imaginable. At the same time, they heal his wounds and keep him alive with Psionics.
The idea is that he will be suffering the most horiffic pain imaginable for the rest of eternity, while never being able to slip away into death.
Here's a link to the characters trial and the actual explanation of his punishment. Obvious spoilers.
a state of constant back pain?
Other than that, I wouldn't say anything. I mean, at least you're still alive. That's better better than feeling nothing I guess (except you have back pain)
A life completely devoid of any meaning or justification is a fate worse than death. This is hard for us to conceptualize. Even when a human is extremely depressed and seems to not actually care about anything, they still have basic physical reasons to live at the very least.
Having absolutely no reason or meaning to go on, but being unable to end it is a fate worse than death. Someone who can feel no pain, have no attachments, feel no happiness. Someone who doesn't need to eat or sleep, and who can't even get any enjoyment out of it even if they did. Being forced to live and interact with the world without it doing anything for you.
That wasn't so bad until it showed him in a museum, still suffering, that affected me. A creative touch to be sure.
is that not a rather neutral fate?
And would you not first have to define what death is in the setting or, if you are talking about reality, what you think death is in comparison for this fate to be percievable as worse?
Reading into 40k lore, many times being trapped in the realm of the chaos gods entail unending punishment of horrific degrees. Since your soul is snagged the moment you die.
However, what is worse? To suffer such fates, or lose your sense of identity and embrace it as something you once hated?
For example, being turned into a Plague Bearer after a bout of Nurgle's Rot.
Personally, I think the worst fate would be to still be concious of everything while being unable to do anything, ie a comatose state where you are still aware every moment, able to feel, hear, taste, and smell but unable to move or talk.
Theres a couple of things similar to this in JoJo actually.
Glad you liked it. It's a great anime with a great setting. It's had a huge influence on one campaign I played in. I recommend you watch it if you like intrigue and cool settings. It's super Veeky Forumscore
Kars wandering into space forever and Diavolo's infinite death comes to mind
In all fairness, he completely deserved it. He tried to wipe out the master race of psychic demigods, and therefore deserved to suffer eternally.
Just look at their society. It's full of beautiful, powerful people. It's the dream of the ubermensch. That dream is worth defending, no matter who gets hurt.
I think this the exact counterpart to the idea.
SMBC still has some good new ones, huh?
Glorious, beautiful psychic demigods who kill children and rely on slave labour to sustain themselves
Unless the machines get the wrong order
now THAT is fucked up. Makes me wonder what caused things to reach this.
Two deaths
Holy shit
To be reincarnated as a cute girl in a hentai universe
The colonials was the saddest and brightest glimmer of hope for the descendants of humanity.
Daily reminder that bonobos.
This probably gets mentioned a lot, but Porky's fate in Mother 3 is pretty messed up. To live forever, being unable to move or die, to drift through the cosmos completely alone, all knowing there will never be an end. Suns will reach their end, galaxies, perhaps the rest of the universe will dissolve and there will be nothing. And still, he'll be alone with his thoughts, initially regretting his choices solely for his punishment but eventually realizing what a monster he was. And even then, even if he reaches total enlightenment, he can do nothing to change it.
Falling in love
No fate is worse than death, life is precious, life must always be protected, preserved, and sustained for as long as possible, by any means necessary!
You didn't watched it to the end, did you?
I have seen this picture before; what is it from?
In my setting, there's all sorts of subspaces with alternate laws of physics. In one of these subspaces, strong emotions generate a form of radiation which can be turned into energy, if the emotion is intense enough and you have enough people. Some of the denizens of this subspace realised this, and, facing the oncoming heat death of their universe, figured that the only way for their civilization to survive was to construct a huge energy generator that ran on emotional energy. And they also figured that the easiest and most energy efficient emotion to generate was intense suffering. A little bit of gene therapy to make those they kidnap immortal later, and they have an almost limitless power supply based off the endless torture of trillions of captured sentients.
After they captured everybody they could in their own subspace, they still needed more energy to prop up their endless population growth, so they started raiding other subspaces. Entering another subspace slowly kills you if you don't have the proper protections, so they don't bother to make those they grab from other subspaces immortal.
They do force them to breed and watch their children be consumed by the same contraption they are, though.
So yeah, getting captured by them is the baddest of bad ends in my setting.
The nature of all intelligent beings is to act with purpose. To lack a purpose but to be denied an exit is the most unnatural state of existence for anybody.
I haven't watched this one, but it seems like a conflict of a Dystopian-Utopia and a Greater-Gooder. I despise both, so I don't know whether to feel bad for him. I probably should watch this.
All Tomorrows. Its an interesting read, although the author's grasp on evolutionary pressures is a bit off, it doesn't really matter to the narrative he builds. pdfs are pretty easily found with a simple search.
I don't understand. Am I missing something, or just stupid?
Being permanently on fire and unable to die has got to be pretty awful.
You get used to it. Might take a while though.
I think any fate (that is, any life outcome) that doesn't INCLUDE death is inevitably a fate worse than one that does. Just like water torture, an unending life that contained even the most ordinary experiences would eventually become an unendurable torment, albeit at different rates for different individuals. Also, an eternal life of only good experiences would preclude the need for thought or action eventually, as removing the possibility of undesirable outcomes or experiences makes planning for or reflecting on one's life essentially pointless. It would be a vegetative state.
>Someone who can feel no pain, have no attachments, feel no happiness. Someone who doesn't need to eat or sleep, and who can't even get any enjoyment out of it even if they did. Being forced to live and interact with the world without it doing anything for you.
Buddhism preaches this sort of "detachment" as road to heaven. But then, that's after you die.
They uploaded everyone. Obviously you can't make more people if everyone is uploaded. Then they used their computers to stretch their upload's perception of time, and put them in a paradise. They lived effectively forever, but as the last generation of their species.
The line "to a human mind, a minute of terror is a billion times longer than a night of sleep" is very important.
You should watch it. It's more of a Dystopian-Utopia vs Freedom for those that the Dystopian Utopia exploits conflict.
Canonically that would feel very good. There's only the slight growing pains from abandoning the foolish worship of the corpse emperor and embracing the eternal love of Nurgle.
He manages to take his mind off of it by thinking about other things, but he never gets used to it (though he was only on fire for ten years). Thinking about revenge, punching his enemies, getting shot, and talking to his friends helps, but he screams in agony every night since he has nothing else to occupy himself with. The funny thing is that if he focuses he can weaken his regeneration (but can't stop it completely) enough to let the fire kill him. By the time he puts the fire out, he realizes the atrocities he's committed, loses all reason to live, and just wants to kill himself, but can't.
Perpetually taking a shit and there's nothing to wipe with, no sink or bath nearby.
Perception of time is entirely subjective. If we assume such unlikely things as mind uploading and resultant synthetic life forms to exist, having your new mind sped up to 100 times the processing speed of normal human meat brains would effectively slow down reality by that much from your perspective.
And if you accept the premise that some civilization is able to upload perfect copies of a sentient mind, you would pretty much have to accept that they're able to perfectly simulate experiences.
whats that?
>have to flush toilet every 30 seconds
>first day works out okay
>first night is difficult to stay awake
>can't stop flushing or buildup will cause a clog
>sleep deprivation catching up
>need a spotter so the toilet can be flushed while you sleep-shit without falling off the toilet
>Have to eat where you shit
>You will never have offspring. It's biologically possible, but no one will fuck the shitting man or shitting woman, and if you're the latter, good luck giving a healthy birth
>Eventually the pipes won't be able to handle it
>Trying to talk to a plumber as you are actively emitting a constant log of turd onto the floor
Being an eternal fuck-up.
When you're right, you're right. Fuck you for being right.
>A life completely devoid of any meaning
>This is hard for us to conceptualize
Y-yeah haha.
The same situation except you're on a date.
what's more terrifying
a fate worse than death
the knowledge that there is no fate worse than death
>Needing a shit spotter
If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself.
— Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Looking God in the Eye"
The former for sure. At least you know dying is as bad as it gets.
You are sitting on a subway train. It is crowded. Both people sat on either side of you smell awful, like a mixture of old sweat and ashtrays. They are also larger than you, and encroaching on your personal space. There is no room to stand up - the person standing in the space in front of you is morbidly obese, and is suffering from terrible flatulence. Someone further down the cab is playing obnoxious pop music from the shitty speakers of their iPhone. Furthere down in the opposite direction, a baby is crying.
The train ride lasts forever.
I'm more afraid of losing my life and ceasing to exist. There is nothing more scarier than oblivion.
Living a full life of meaning. A life where you formed bonds with others, found love, and saw things that amazed you to your very core.
Only to learn that your only purpose for existing is to serve a mundane task fora master race. That your life will be short, and that you are nothing but a machine created by someone else to serve. That all of your experiences are meaningless because you are a second class being who is not seen as being capable of experiencing real human emotion and wonder.
It's fair to note that their society is insanely evil and corrupt.
You'll be absolutely terrified of death until you either accomplish or give up everything you've ever wanted to do, then death doesn't seem so bad. I am the latter.
I like the idea of humanity deciding to upload our brains into a Matrioshka brain where we can experience a million years in the span of a day, and we can experience a virtual reality paradise. Eventually though, we end up experiencing every single thing that could possibly be experienced, and we grow bored with life. When our boredom starts to drive us insane, we opt out of life, deleting ourselves and effectively committing mass suicide.
w-what's the real text
unless course, what waits all after death is unimaginably more horrifying than any torture or punishment the human mind can think of
why not deleting your memory first and do it agian for all eternity?
I plan to live forever, of course, but barring that I'd settle for a couple thousand years. Even five hundred would be pretty nice.
If you plan to be an immortal amnesiac be careful that you don't end up as pic related.
eh his situation was only bad because his universe has an afterlife
I watched a movie last night called "The Hunger" (1983), a pretty weird, esoteric, erotic vampire romance. I liked it, though.
Anyway, what happens in "The Hunger" is that there's this vampire, Miriam, who takes a lover, John (played by David Bowie!). Miriam has lived for thousands of years, and John has been her lover for about 300 or 500. They've been eternally youthful, but then John begins to rapidly age. As in, years in hours. And then years in minutes.
Turns out that to be a vampire's lover is not to be a true immortal. You are given eternal LIFE, but not eternal YOUTH, and at some point, all of the age you have missed will catch up to you fast. Miriam can never bring herself to actually kill her lovers, so what she does is she takes John's body and carries it to her attic, where she places it in a coffin, next to coffins containing all the other lovers she failed to save over the years—where they still live, in isolated blackness, so decrepit they cannot move, aging every second but never actually being able to die or expire.
Like being forced to appreciate the abstract art form.
His multiverse also has the True Death, but I wasn't talking about afterlives or oblivion. I was talking about how amnesia further complicates things such as identity and the continuity of consciousness, not to mention it made him a perpetual fuck-up for many of his incarnations. If you put certain safeguards in place you can probably avoid his fuck-ups, but the other concerns of "am I me?" still stand, if that's something you care about.
Oh lads.
Linking that one because it has pictures. Also don't look at the pictures.
I have a billion and one horrific industrial accident stories because of my day job.
When you say don't look at the pictures we're of course gonna look at the pi-
>actually looks at the pictures
Huh, you know if he had lived he woulda been our worlds first ghoul
I did warn you.
The cosmic hilarity that the poor bastards was called Ouchi will always amuse me.
The guys died in this one as well so not sure it counts but
>have industrial bread oven.
>It's a big assembly line/conveyor thing that takes two hours to go from start to finish.
>There is no way to access it other than to lie on the conveyor and spend 2 hours on your back going through the machine cleaning it.
>leave oven on.
I have no mouth, and I must scream.
there's at least 7 Auschwitz jokes you can make with that article, I know it
>An expression of one's own physical pain. "Ouch! You stepped on my toe! That hurt!"
AM totally fucked up and killed the slug-thing after a few centuries
He was not a clever computer
This is awful and nobody deserves this
Punishments should always fit the crime
I have not had a real gf in 7 years and this made me laugh hysterically.
He farted himself out of a coma.
But he couldn't stop.
Itoi literally said he loves it c
Having no ass, but you must shitte.
Eternal life and no inner peace.
Centuries will pass and you will a experience a thousand wonders, people and events. You will learn much, but none of them will give you inner peace. You are at eternal war with yourself, too stupid, too stubborn, too cruel, to ever be able to obtain truth, no matter how long you live.
I created the original thread. Thanks for making a new one. I still need ideas for my upcoming game.
Whts this?
Porky kinda sounds like me
So basically AIs?
there is one best answer: solipsistic isolation
take a human and disconnect their ocular nerves. now they are blind. you can theoretically do this will a person's other senses as well. once a human being can't feel, see, hear, taste, or smell they become a flailing mass of desperation.
next you can cut their tendons which renders them unable to move. they won't even feel the cuts. strap them down and attach a method of administering nutrients and removing waste. a breathing apparatus is probably not a bad idea. the person will be alive and conscious in the most limited sense. they will be able to think and feel but not move or have any contact with the world. the difference between dreams and waking thoughts will become almost arbitrary. their days will stretch into years of unimaginable loneliness and boredom. they can't even kill themselves and when they do finally die their perception of time and life will probably have become so clouded by madness they will recognize it only as relief.
Watching your loved ones be slowly eradicated while having the power but not the ability to help them.
>Theres a couple of things similar to this in JoJo actually.
>Kars being eternally frozen in empty space
>Anubis stuck on the bottom of ocean for thousands of years until the sword he haunts is finally destroyed by water and he dies
>Diavolo eternally dying in different, more or less painful ways but never able to truly die
>That one minor villain from part 7 being stuck at the bottom of the river for decades beacuse if he deactivates his power that makes him invincible but unable to move he will just die there so he has to wait until someone finds him there, which is not going to happen soon
I never realised before how shitty fate people had in JoJo.
Fuck dude
Eh, get a colostomy bag.
Welp. Time to stop using the internet for today.
Being locked in an endless void, knowing that at any moment your people could let you out.
Knowing that even your own twin sister thinks this is the best place for you, and that you could have had true immortality and gave it up due to boredom.
Don't worry, you'll find them someday. Also I'm going to have to ask you to leave, 7 year olds are not allowed on this board.
Why not just skip all the edgy shit and just say put our heads in a jar? Fucking teens.
Watching this show now, thanks senpai.