The great character Trajaan Valoris surely needed his own thread, thanks OP

The great character Trajaan Valoris surely needed his own thread, thanks OP.

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>he was considered to be perhaps the deadliest individual warrior in the entire Imperium.

What I donĀ“t get is this, help me put plz, I understand that now, the continuos fight for 10k years against demons is not canon, so basically the custodes have been doing shopping mail security for thousands of years. In the meantime Space Marines, GK, Deathwatch, etc, have been fighting their asses against all kind of enemies. Once you got the training, practical experience is all. How can the custodes be so feared as warriors?

What about Kaldor Draigo and CATO SACARIUS

According to the novel they regularly kidnap daemons, chaos marines and aliens (tyranids and eldar included) and release them in cordoned/abandoned sections of the Palace to be hunted for sport.

>According to the novel they regularly kidnap daemons, chaos marines and aliens (tyranids and eldar included) and release them in cordoned/abandoned sections of the Palace to be hunted for sport.

Ok, that I understand. I still think that a more demanding sparring doesn`t top actual battle experience, but is better. What novel is this plz?


This seems like a bad idea, since all it'll take is fucking up and stealing one zoanthrope and the hive mind will know to head for Terra

Oh boy, another hulking armor-dude who is totally one of the bestest fightars evar you guys, for real.

So compelling.

So Kitten did a good job while Enos was sleeping

>butthurt IG baby

The book he's from, Watchers of the Throne, by Wraight, is actually pretty fucking good. Finished it today in the plane, there's some interesting fluff, Wraight is as great as usual and there's some serious couple vibes between the Custodes and SoS protagonist. She's so tsundere it's funny. I asked Wraight on twitter and he has plans for them if it works out well. Hope it does.

Pic related. We even get a very short glimpse of the Throne room and of (what's left of) Big E.

>posting about the book and the cover but not posting a copy of the book for us

Be ashamed.

You have to remember that the Custodes is a glorified temple guard. They're not meant for battlefield deployment, and although they look like Astartes, they are not - the process to create them is entirely different, and each Custodes is essentially custom-made, tailored for purpose, and specifically conditioned and trained. They also don't go through the process of induced loyalty and adherance to command that the Astartes does, and each Custodes are very much their own person, whereas the Astartes are made entirely to be replaceable and interchangeable.

They're not just "the space marines of the space marines", they're quite different, and pound-for-pound a lot more powerful. Any single Custodes could likely take on several high-ranking Astartes, even if they're acting in unison as a unit.

Now, the Custodes can't rival the Astartes in a battlefield capacity, but that's not their function - they exist to protect and serve the God-Emperor. It's like comparing a mix between The Terminator and Russel Crowe's The Gladiator assigned to be a bodyguard with a US marine soldier.

>Cadia's destruction

Thing is, if the book is good and recent, I believe the author earned my money and the money of others. It's exactly that, so here I am, recommending you to buy it, because I think it's worth its price.

Or just someone that isn't enough of a brainlet to like any modern 40k in general, kid.

You're so Last Millenium, old man.

I buy books after I read them if they are decent. If I can't get a free copy I just don't read them.

So 40k fluff has been shit for a long time now and it's perfect for the braindead perspectiveless with no eye for quality. Every character is the deadliest warrior in the entire galaxy when the spotlight is on them, in no way is this even an inside joke anymore.

What about Kitten?

>>the deadliest individual warrior in the entire Imperium

Thanks user

Im sad that Cadians are dead.

But they were the best for a long time. Its hard to top them in models.

You dont need to be sad,they are alive and wanting vengeance

>Implies Valdor died or became indeposed or went off looking for a way to cure the emperor ala russ.
HH isn't finished yet, anything can happen.

I think you got the concept backwards my man. But you do you.

There's plenty of Cadians going around that weren't on Cadia when it blew up. They have the raddest name now Orphans of the Storm.

That, and the fanfiction that Cadia has become imbued with warp power so that Cadians fight eternally the demons. Just like the orks on that demon world dying and being revived everyday.
But Cadians endure.

So that's his real name.

Isn't this the exact same guy who was the leader of the Custodes during the War of the Beast? They're all immortal and just change names at random right?

Where was this fucker during Carrion Throne though?

actually a recent (now buried) EU study found that apart from blockbusters, piracy in other media has not affected sales.

People that were never going to buy it still won't and those determined to not pay wont do so either, but free copies will make converts.

>actually a recent (now buried) EU study
>now buried

dull surprise

never change EU

its kinda funny, they started up the study so they'd have reason to pass new piracy laws...only to find that pirates ain't so bad.

But he is nothing like Trajan? He needed to beat the Necrons or something to match conquering persia.

the astronomican is already a huge lamp in the warp that the bugs will swarm like a bunch of moths

this guy IS kitten

>bringing daemons, heretics, and foul xenos onto Terra, the Imperial Palace no less
What the fuck? This is heresy of the highest order.

It is indeed.

What happened with Valdor?

Got a link? Sounds interesting.

this has been known since they whole piracy shit started in the late 90s

But haven't Custodes carved up Astartes on Battlefields, especially when teamed up with Sisters of Silence?

6,000 TSons couldn't beat 500 Custodes and 1,000 SoS, even with support from an armoured column. The Custodes beat the absolute ever living shit out of them. 4 times the numbers, fighting on home ground with an assload of Legion Heavy support

Oh shit, it was written by Chris Wraight. His stuff is always good. He writes a bunch of Space Wolves and all the 30k White Scars stuff (which are absolutely fantastic).

Supported by 50k strong wolves legion?

Not in that particular engagement they weren't.

Besides the Wolves had their hands fill with their whole assault falling apart.

>Not meant for battlefield deployment
>Literally fought side by side with The Emperor during the Great Crusade

My dude what.

What happened to Valdor then? I thought the Custodes were truly immortal unlike the Space Marines.

The Custodes got fucked when the sisters werent around. Seriously the SoS are the perfect counter to the TSons more than the custodes. You're also ignoring that the 500 out of the 1000 sisters died along with however many custodes fell as well in that fight.

As for the fighting on home ground, thats with no previous knowledge of them coming and being completely unprepared to being attacked. Theres a reason they were fighting in the middle of Tizca not in any sort of defenses.

>he was considered to be perhaps the deadliest individual warrior in the entire Imperium.
Now I haven't kept up with current lore but isn't Gorillaman kickin' about currently? Or did Cadia blow up before he got out of bed?

Probably means that they'd win battles but lose wars.

Sure they'll kick anyone's ass who's dumb enough to fight them. But they'll always be outnumbered and they can't be everywhere at once and they can't replenish themselves as fast as marines even if their casualty rates would be a thousand fold less.

Which means in a galactic war of sufficient size and time they'll slowly die a death of a thousand cuts.

However, using a Custodes as a mere soldier is spectacularly wasteful imo. They're not just badass warriors but superhumanly intelligent and creative. They'd be better used fixing the fucked up infrastructure of the imperium.

I understand that the custodes still retain more of their humanity then space marines but how the hell could a relationship work between a normal human female and a 9 foot tall demi-god?

Fucked seems weird way to describe it when it takes 4 Psyker-enhanced Terminators to put down a single Custodes.

Besides the TSons were still trained and as physically capable as any other Space Marine, and their martial skills were still considerable plus they had access to the laundry list that is a Legions armoury.

Most TSons aren't even Psykers anyway, so most of those that died were operating as well as they possibly could naturally.

And Sisters were always going to have relatively high casualties comparatively since they aren't enhanced. Doesn't really seem much of a mollifying condition for the TSons getting their faces dragged through the dirt and stomped through bedrock.

>it takes 4 Psyker-enhanced Terminators to put down a single Custodes.

>The Thousand Sons formed on their captains, a fighting wedge of lightning-wreathed killers, plunging into the body of the Space Wolf army like a lance. The Space Wolves and Custodes fell back before them, helpless without any means of combating the lethal powers of the Thousand Sons.

>Most TSons aren't even Psykers anyway
Incorrect. Almost all of them were down the the basic tactical marines. During the Great Crusade every unit was a part of the cults and they used their innate powers to enhance themselves. Most of these marines weren't librarians but they were more than simply latent psykers.

>Doesn't really seem much of a mollifying condition
>The perfect counter gets half their forces destroyed and it doesnt matter

>Sure they'll kick anyone's ass who's dumb enough to fight them. But they'll always be outnumbered and they can't be everywhere at once and they can't replenish themselves as fast as marines even if their casualty rates would be a thousand fold less.
>Which means in a galactic war of sufficient size and time they'll slowly die a death of a thousand cuts.
The Space Marine's problem in a nutshell. Gotta add a handful of zeros to every single fucking number put out by these incompetent hacks.

Yes, it from before Guilliman returned, it's also just the opinion of some faggot who's never been to war.


He isn't much off, tho. Most TS were rather weak psykers at best.

>So 40k fluff has been shit for a long time now
user, 40k fluff has ALWAYS been shit. Nothing has changed

>Most TSons aren't even Psykers anyway
>Most TS were rather weak psykers at best.
What you said disagrees with him too? The majority of the TSons were psykers with even those without controlled abilities able to help their brothers to work together.

>But it cannot be disputed that during this period what they lacked in numbers, they compensated for in effectiveness. The dominant majority of the Legion were now fully emerged psykers of some form, though of wildly differing levels of ability, and many of the rest seemed to harbour some lesser tendency. But though powerful, they remained few.

You know I'm curious why the emperor never made a psychic custodes. You'd think with the emperor to guide and train him he'd have perfect control and understanding of his powers.

>You know I'm curious why the emperor never made a psychic custodes.
Grey Knights.

But really thats not what the Custodes were developed for. He doesnt need psychic helps he's good enough at that by himself. Instead he travels around with ultra-loyal ubermensch and enough blanks to stop anyone else form even casting.

We still don't know.

Indeed. Him being the writer is what pushed me to buy it as he's pretty much always great and I was not disapointed.

With loads of patience and lube. In all seriousness, it'd be more like a platonic relationship than anything else, but I wouldn't be against the two of them getting a tiny bit closer than recommended in the Big E Employee's Handbook.

It's still GW books so there wouldn't be any boning, but there could be some feelings implied, in all their akwardness from a 9 feet tall warrior scholar and a souless woman.

Don't forget that the Guard counterattack during Dark Imperium and are taking the Gate back through sheer force of will.

Custards are cool
Marines are overdone

>Marines are overdone
>Marines + 2 are cool though!

Custards fulfill their unique role and haven't been driven into the ground

Cadians are like ork spores. The colonize any world they land on.!epQVTYTL!Thu6wtZRNJKeLNhDaRJIsCv_-xC6O3o2ZTzbLlj7Vfg

There you go. I shelled out for the limited edition gold book (it's fucking nice) + ebook, so I don't feel bad about sharing it.

>Seriously the SoS are the perfect counter to the TSons more than the custodes.

In the Drach'nyen POV sections of Master of Mankind, they're also treated as a far bigger threat to the webway daemons than the Custodes.

>But they'll always be outnumbered and they can't be everywhere at once and they can't replenish themselves as fast as marines

Can they even replenish themselves at all? Aren't the current Custodes still the same hand-crafted-by-the-Emperor-Himself badasses as seen in 30k? Is there even a way for new Custodes to be made since the Emperor got Horus'd?

The new book makes a point of stating custodes kill anything physical but synergize with the sisters so the two can kill anything

why is he standing in a sexy girl pose?

Someone post that screencap of Chapter Master bugging out, and producing a planet with quintillions of guardsmen and 1 Ork on it.

>I only quote what supports my argument.
I said wasn't far off first. Weak psyker powers are useless in battle. You implied that all Sons had battle relevant powers.
Which was not the case. See rubic marines in that regard.
The weak or non psykers gut rubic'd, thus there must've been quite some of them.

Custodes are stated to still be at legion strength. There's no way they'd still have that many custodes without replenishing them.

Funny thing, since Cadians have purple eyes because of staring into the Eye of Terror for so long, and because they one day just stay on the world they happen to be deployed at, the Heroes of the Imperium are actually spreading Chaos mutation all over the Imperium.

>>I only quote what supports my argument.
>I have no evidence so I'll just shit talk yours

>Weak psyker powers are useless in battle.
>You implied that all Sons had battle relevant powers.
Kine shields protecting basic tacticals is irrelevant? Units talking telepathically offers no tactical advantage? Are you retarded?

>The weak or non psykers gut rubic'd
Only the strongest psykers survived the Rubric, not just the weak willed or the latent psykers.

>thus there must've been quite some of them.
And yes there were? Whats your point? As I claimed the majority of the TSons were psykers something your not even disagreeing with so???

He is tapping that blue ass , why?

There's also that. Hope we get some fluff about them trying to get Cadia (or what's left of it) back.

Watchers emphasises on the fact that Custodes aren't just better Marines. They were never meant to be an army. If anything they're often described as the Guardians of Humanity or the heralds of what it could have been under Empy's tutelage. They're the best warriors possible, but they're also scholars, diplomats, assassins, bodyguards and more

It's not exactly one ork but still.

Custodes are named the Ten Thousands, that's far, very far from Legion Strength. It's like people arguing that the BT are at Legion Strength when AT BEST they have 6k warriors.

By all accounts, yes. The vast majority f the Custodes were dead after the Impossible War in the Webway in MoM, I think they had had something like less than 500 right?

In Watchers they're almost at 10k, but they lose 2k when Terra is attacked by Demons before being saved by Guiliman and the Terran Crusade. Which would out them at about 8k at the start of the Indomitus Crusade.

But yes, they can replenish. We just don't know how fast.