Lost all of it

Lost all of my gains in the past days, even down to below initial investment, how should i feel better

>no gains
>lost money
>no friends
>alone new year

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if you're holding BTC, I don't know what to tell you

if you're holding alts, maybe panic sell a bit but keep most of it in hold

you have to be kidding, its literally impossible to have lost money in the last 3 months

Time to dust off that bible, user.

I'm down 80% in the the last 2 days alone.

All in it on casino roulette. Shit is already looking bleak, might as well go for broke.... anyways, you gonna make it if the roulette saves your ass

dont worry, think long term and dont panic. Start reading books

How the fuck, margin longs?

margin trading?

maybe don't buy high and sell low?

You must be new lol

Many more lost everything aswell, user. You guys just fell for a stupid massive pump and dump scheme. How about you use your frustration and learn how to actually trade, contrary to gambling your money.


i will be alone on new year too but at least i didnt lose my money haha

Re-evaluate your strategy.

I'm on the same boat.
I started going for easy 2% gains after losing. Gotta chip away at that net loss some how

I just lost 1/3 of my portfolio bc I was stupid on NXT. It's only internet funny money man. Just hold some bags and hope they go back up. Take a break and read a book or work out

Also don't panic sell too early. My monkey brain told me to sell NXT at 3400 in a moment of panic but you gotta quickly get back in control and think rationally.

don't worry no one is as dumb as you are

All he had to do was remain seated!

Thank you for filling my order user

I don't panic sell, I'm just retarded.

I too and below my initial investment. I want to nuke the fucking chinks. All my alts got destroyed a few days ago and stayed down. Before that I switched to bitcoin but had to go to bed to be a wagecuck. It hit my stop loss and then went up after (as it always does) so I bought back into bitcoin which is now $1000 less than that time. I tried to buy into some alts that dipped too, but they weren't dips, they were just falling.

Fuck slant eye yellow rice niggers.

look at the results page in here, it's really not that hard to make it all back

yes its the fault of the asians not your fault for wanting to make money by doing literally fucking nothing

Asians ruin everything. They dump because the big bad news man and government told them so.