Meanwhile in russia
ITT story from pre-release
Meanwhile in russia
ITT story from pre-release
1-1-2 with my bad BW vampire deck, played against Naya dinosaurs every single game. Fuck this set.
1-0-3 with Gruul Dinos
Only managed to play Regisaur once. Got fucked on mana like 3 times and tilted and misplayed here and there with a solid deck
Oh well, shit happens
2-2 WB Vampire/Dino/Pirates
Settle The Wreckage is literally Mirror Force. Saw a lot of Opt play and PG Merfolk/Dinos wrecked shit. Carnage Tyrant is a bitch in sealed.
2-1 with UR Pirates.
Had a bad matchup against WB vampires, crushed two kiddos playing dino decks before they could stabilize. One of the dino players ran Shaper's Sanctuary and drew about 4 cards per game but still couldn't stop UR tempo.
I didn't have any burn spells and my 3 drop slot was seriously crowded, I probably would have done better against vamps if I had pulled more playable 2-drops, but literally all I had was a Shipwreck Looter, Nest Robber, and an Otepec Huntmaster in my pool.
Went 3 wins and 1 draw yesterday with a W/B deck. Couple of spoilers, but all around solid deck with removals and escape creatures. Today I went 3 wins and 1 loss with a B/R deck. Less removal and more aggro than yesterday.
The one loss I got, one game I stayed on two lands for ~4 turns, and another one I mulligan down to 5, good CA from my opponent and it all went downhill from there. The worst was my opponent was taunting me throughout the whole game. Yeah guy, I didn't draw any lands and you won, don't think it warrants your gloating...
Shuffle and deckbuild better you fucking scrub
Thank you for your considerate advice.
>pay $30 to go 0-2 drop with UB pirates
why am I so bad
I should have just played GW dinos
>Look at sealed pool
>No tribes in any direction
>Rares were poo, best was the blue flip enchantment filtering my draws
>Shrug and go with ol reliable, UW fliers
>Curve out pretty well every game, 2 drop 3 drop, 4 drop and tempo with bounce/counter.
>Killed off 3 dino decks before they could stick a real fatty
>BW vamps almost got me in the finals, 2-1
This format is faster than I thought. I love it
went 3-4 with blue/red merfolk aggro
losses were pretty close and had fun.
What do I do with all these cards now?
>sealed pool has good amount of pirate stuff but it isnt enough
>splash red for removal since I got lighting strike, unfriendly fire, and the 3 mana for 3 that does 6 to a creature via raid
>throw in Tiolani Skinshifter as well
>think its really jank
>end up going 3-1 with only loss due to mana screw
I wanted to run GR dinos/aggro but there wasnt enough cards to really justify it. Didnt get anything exciting in sealed pool or prize pool either besides ending up with two promo cards; Dating Saboteur and Fell Flagship, which was kind of a bummer, but to be honest I'm glad its not a case where all the mythics save for one are pushed money cards.
Just got back from the store, went 1-0-2 and had a lot of fun with my WB deck. I started playing a month ago and this was my first time on a MTG event. Got some decent cards, also, so I hope I can use them in the coming future.
Went 5-1-0 at my prerelease with B/U pirates (with a tiny splash in white/red thanks).
Didnt even think my pool was that crazy
but Hostage Taker is some fun bullshit. Almost sad that I traded it away. Between Hostage, entrancing melody, and Tempest Caller mostly won my my games. With a special shoutout to Fathom Fleet Captian.
Undefeated with RG Dinos.
Best described as "aggro ramp"
shit my post looks like a mess, Splashes are thanks to treasures and the tribal land.
Also I was Dressed as a pirate and got to play a pirate deck, So I guess it was a flavor win.
Played WBG Vampires, Dinos, and Pirates, with ton of treasure for mana and a pair of Grim Captain's Call to squeeze the most out of it.
Wen't 3-1 in total.
Game one was against a chubby tumblr chick who was only there because her husband brought her along and shittly drafted mono green anything. Mavren Fein with Mark of the Vampire pretty much cleaned that game up by himself.
Second was against red black equipment pirates. He'd gotten three of the new rares that turn into weird crazy shit. Really close game but I got to make use of both of my Grim Captain's Call and outlasted him.
Pure W/B vampires came. I got all the good two drop black pirates out pretty quick, but Bishop of Rebirth curb stomped me.
Last game was verses RG Dinos and they sucked. I got Mark of the Vampire on Sunrise Seeker and mostly just traded every other creature with all the dinos. Rile Up is far worse than I ever expected it could be. Eventually when the dude ran out of dinos he transformed the new cannonball island fortress land card and then it became a DPS race of his cannon and haste dinos against my beefy beater with life link. The timely arrival of Legion's Landing saves my bacon and crush him.
Over all a good time.
In the second game of my first match I topdecked the X gain control spell and won the game by hijacking the hasty dinosaur. That was quite ebin.
In my second match my opponent got really mad after I explained that countering their explore creature wouldn't let them explore, and when I was trying to explain the stack she snapped "I KNOW HOW THE STACK WORKS!" at me and the guys playing next to us burst out laughing. After stomping her 2-0 (and blasting her for 8 with that 5 mana burn spell and the damage doubling creature) we did a last game for funsies and after I told her that she should have held onto her flash dino she got really mad and walked away.
Game 3 was really fucking tense and in the last round I only won because my opponent misplayed and attacked with something that I could easily kill with my dino that bolts when damaged.
Game 4 was really fun versus a dude who flew in from a midnight release in Denver to this 5PM San Diego Prerelease with a Sultai tempo deck that nearly got me. The last round had me make some great trades to clear the board with him at 2 life and I played the 3 mana dino that prevents lifegain to lock him out of a win. I accidentally stole his promo after I hijacked his promo and put it into my graveyard (we had similar sleeves so I didn't notice after I shuffled my graveyrd back in) and I'm feeling bad from that.
Overall fun times, got first in my LGS and pulled a Carnage Tyrant from a prize pack. Treasure was way better than I thought.
Anyone when when this set is live on mtgo? I know it's "september 25" but that's not really specific.
Went 2-3 with a very bare bones RUB pirate deck. Lost to 2 different RB pirates due to lack of removal (only got 2 vanquish the weak and an unfriendly fire) and a UW that got an Adanto Vanguard out on turn 2 and gave it flying and +2/+2 with and enchantment. He just kept paying 4 life to make it indestructible and hit me for 5 every turn I didn't throw out a flyer.
Overall not that great, got some timmy cards that I'll sell to somebody, traded for some good vamps which I'm hoping to brew into a deck. Also, since this is a new store, Wizards gives us less prizes than normal so everyone below 4th got only a walk the plank foil.
Played RG splash white for all my removal, which carried me hard. Had some solid 2s, 3s, and 5s, but mostly removal carried the day. I occasionally sided into UB skies which was good vs other greedy Dino decks.
Went 3-1, losing only to a temur deck (got mana screwed game 3 rip) but felt like I had game in all matches. Lots of good close matches. Best game was a comeback from 3 life to his 15, where he had Regisaur Alpha and a board vs my very much worse board. Luckily I outdrew and outplayed him. Was real happy with my play.
Played against st 1 fuckhead all day. Tool played his removal and tricks so I couldn't see them, would vaguely gesture at targets and blocks, grabbed my cards, and tried to skip through my 2nd main. He tried to tell me I had to reveal my sideboard plan, so I sided out my whole deck when he turned. Luckily he played like shit and had a shit deck.
I hoped you called a judge for that last guy.
Sadly no, we didn't have one. I'll be remembering his face in the future though.
>didn't have a judge
Where the hell is your LGS?
Went 3-0 with naya dinos. The people at the shop I went to were pretty bad though.
Taunting your opponent is not allowed at sanctioned events. Do not let them get away with it.
I wore a pirate hat to my pre-release. Proceeded to play Dinos (I didn't get any good fuckin' Pirates, alright? I had the ship at least). Lost every game. Still had fun, which, I know, we're not supposed to have.
2-2 Gruul dinos, got mana flooded like twice and had one game where all I got were mountains. I was running 15 lands.
10AM PT, from the latest weekly email.
4-0 on friday with grixis control. Had hostage taker, captivating crew, and rivers rebuke as rares which pretty much carried me, though the rest of the deck was pretty good. Today played uw flyers splashing the BW vamp that taps to kill permanents. Went 3-1 losing to an aggro deck that just happened to have carnage tyrant on curve all 3 games.
2-3 with B/U Pirates, with a splash of R or G depending on the match up, and to give me something at the top of my curve. The 2 rounds I won I was able to go wide and be aggressive both games. Helped getting Fathom Fleet Captain out on curve 3 of those 4 games. Lost to a R/W Dino deck, a G/W Dino deck (both had the damn 2/3 common that taps a creature when it attacks), and B/U/W Pirates/Vampires.
Kitesail Freebooter did work, and really slowed down games until I could build up treasures. Denying combat tricks or ramp always felt great. Overall I had fun, just wish I had had better end game threats.
Cheers. I found that time referring to when they're updating the treasure chest contents and assumed that was probably when everything happens. Good to have some confirmation.
Fathom Fleet Captain can get out of hand really quick and Hostage Taker is a powerhouse, i think those two could carry a serious tribal deck in standard, maybe with a red splash to add pirate granny and Lightning Strike
Did two events went 4~1 with simic good stuff and 2~2 with RB slow agrro. Was fun pulled new gieas craddle. Promos were shit though
Middle of nowhere, our town is famous for corn production
It's also the colors of most treasure producers, I don't know if any producers are good enough for standard but I feel like being able to crack a treasure for a revolted fatal push is probably really strong, at the very least it could be done for a swing with lannery storm.
Ended up 3-0 then top 6 split with BG tempo. River's rebuke was MVP and turn 4 air elemental with depths of desire, plus freeing up a solid attack to boot was nice too. And river's rebuke for when that game went long and all I needed was the one attack to win
Had a really good pool, but I only went 2-2 because I'm bad.
It was a fun time though.
I thought 10PT was now but it's actually three hours from now. No fair.
I won games when it got out of hand. Just too many guys with Menace to block. Also had ways to bounce him with Siren's Ruse, and March of the Drowned to bring my pirates back.
Sirins ruse is insane with a good target, at one point I cast a hostage taker, played the hostage, and then attacked and rused it to steal a second creature. I saw my opponent die a little on the inside.
>Store accidentally miscommunicated the time and about half of the players showed up an hour late, myself and my friends included
>flip through my pool, toss a deck together, play one round in the now in-shambles tournament and leave
Lost the round but got a foil growing rites, so I'm happy
I would use it to keep my Captain alive and to recur raid users. Was fun watching people get annoyed with me drawing two cards for two. In the last round my opponent asked if I was finally out of cards at one point. I lost the round but it felt good trolling people with stuff like that.
I did the same at least once. I baited my opponent into double blocking while I made a pirate and then rused to remove it from combat while he was forced to let everything else through. Between those cards, hostage taker, and alluring melody most people couldn't hold a defense.
I was actually thinking about brewing a janky UB Revel in Riches/Mechanized Production deck focussed on treasure and servo tokens to either win with mech production enchanting servos or treasures or saccing the servos and other creatures to pic related to get to 10 treasures quickly all of this while draining life with Marionette Master. It's stupid but has 3 viable ways to win.
Be sure to throw in an anointed Procession or 4, which treasures will allow you to splash. Doubt the deck could actually perform well but it seems like a fun idea.
Revel in Riches was my promo, (and no valuable cards aside from foil dual land, while everyone else at the table got multple cards worth lots of cash like planeswalkers and big dinos. Feelsbadman. MFW I still top 8 with a 5-1 record)
I contemplated dropping blue and going WB but Tezzeret got the best of me, here's what i came up with:
Treasure and Etherium cells let you splash the white. Bonus points because it doubles servos
Right i didn't thought about that, i also have Spire of Industry. Is Hidden Stockpile worth it too while i'm at it?
cracking a treasure will trigger revolt so it sounds spicy to me