Best friends for life. We're gonna make it together bros.
Best friends for life. We're gonna make it together bros
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sonm mooned going to mars dcorp is next
anyone full on REQ with 0 LINKs? Stinky linkies don't want to go down alone or something?
Same but zero req here and all in link
Link has 1000x more potential and without any competition
Yep we’re here
Req is one of the examples of projects that will (partly) rely on Chainlink.
How people are missing this is beyond me.
Maybe, but REQ is likely to moon sooner.
Good luck, Buddy, but Universa is going to Kick your shitty coins ass
I'm exactly 50/50 on LINK and REQ.
REQ has obvious clear growth potential while LINK is more risky but far more ambitious.
LINK can 1000x in value while REQ seems more limited to 50x potential. Yet the chances that REQ actually accomplishes it are far higher than LINK.
100k REQ
0 Link
I dont think Link is a bad project though. Just not my taste
100k reqqer reporting in
Req is the cool older brother who will make it no matter what
LINK is the nerdy loser brother who might make it if he works hard
Universa is not decentralized, so no, it's a shitcoin.
I'm 60% Link and 40% Req and NOT FUCKING SELLING
It's going to be a painful ride but EOY 2018 it'll all be worth it.
Most retarded logic ever.
Req is using link, just like the world will be in 2020.
>2/3 in LINK, 1/3 in REQ
Got a stack of REQ so that I can buy more LINK with it later.
REQ is gay
Link is a meme
Dude you realise req is going to use link right?
you act like thats a fact but in reality its only one of three options
if REQ scratches paypal marketcap we are going to see 100$+ per REQ token
burning not considered
no keep in mind im not saying REQ will reach paypal marketcap but the possibility is there and that wouldnt even be the limit since REQ is far more than a simple payment tool
Don't associate req with your sad fucking shitcoin
Do you understand what Link is trying to do and its potential?
If you did understand - you would see it has far more potential.
Literally connects to every smart contract - think about that
You'd think after zeppelinOS's announcement that people would finally understand what link's gonna be worth in the future.
But ITT we have real, genuine people thinking that REQ is a better investment. Inconceivable.
No, because nobody knows or cares what zeppelinOS is.
im not denying that the goals are very ambitious and chainlink has a lot of potential but right now im not 100% convinced chainlink will succeed
its on my watch list but im waiting for progress to happen first
if sergey achieves his goals it wont even be too late to enter when were looking at 20$ LINK
R8, h8, humilli8
REQ/LINK bagholders can warm up around a drum fire under a bridge, talking about how if only more people UNDERSTOOD their cryptos...they just woudda made it.
Fair enough, solid answer. I wouldn't recommend selling all - keep a small stack because once news comes out it will go 0-100 real quick.
Dont forget your QSP req & link holders. The trio will get us there in 2018. I saw a dream about it. It is the vision from Satoshi Nakamoto & an I have the blessing of being one of hif profets.
Yes, QSP can come too
Good thing the users of REQ and LINK won't even know they are using crypto.
yea i wont wait until 20$ LINK i will join your ship as soon as i see progress being made
REQ and STRAT bout to get pumped
Fixed the picture
Red pill me on QSP. I already own plenty of REQ and LINK.
QSP is just used to pay for an audit on your Smart Contract, right? And that happens just once, at the implementation of the contract, right? So are we just counting on the sheer numbers of Smart Contracts that will need auditing to increase the value of QSP? Or am I missing something?
what was your initial investment?
my nigga
Realistically how much will REQ and LINK go up? 10x each?
QSP has joined Ycombinator (same as REQ) and QSP were visiting coinbase a few weeks ago.
That's cool and all, but how does the value increase? Any burn mechanism? I guess I just need to go read...
Link minimum 100x unless they fail to deliver for some reason
Rate you focking bastards
I'm not sure you understand LINK then.
REQ doesn't work without LINK (or something just like it).
Forgot the focking picture
need to get more QSP, as soon as KEY is tradeable
I think theoretically the idea is that smart contracts can still have security flaws, and QSP acts as an added layer of security. I'm frankly not 100% sure as to the validity of the need for smart contract audits, but if there is one and we assume the world is shifting to blockchain smart contracts as a means of data transfer, then I would think QSP has a future being the only player in te space. However, that future is likely acquisition by a company like LINK or ETH or another player with a larger vision who may be able to use QSP to secure their own tech.
Oh brother, my folio looks almost identical
>REQ 35k
>LINK 3k... I'd need it more lol
>not saying REQ will reach paypal marketcap but the possibility is there
ZRX is a good thing to hold too if you're a linkie
what's deluded about it? tell me why paypal is better than req.
shill me on why XLM wont make REQ obsolete?
60/30/10 LINK-REQ-XMR and my body is ready
the racism must stop. I live in Delhi and I have never heard of this "shit street" you guys talk about. We have modern sanitation techniques and are one of the most modernized countries in the world. We have a space program that has surpassed NASA and a GDP set to eclipse America by 2030. We have a nuclear program and more and more of our countrymen are graduating with degrees. Please, Indians are intelligent people who did not engage in such dishonorable actions as pump and dumps. Anyone who claims to be indian is probably just Pakis who are trying to ruin India, as they have time immemorial..
Req is using link as their oracle Dumbass
No its not this is only one of three proposed options
Stop spreading half truths
>three proposed options
For fiat to crypto exchange. They have already confirmed using LINK for other parts of the project.
I'll take the silence as admitting that req is going to get fucked by xlm :(
This. This is the beauty of these coins.
link and btc but too lazy to move to req