Would you run him in your deck Veeky Forums?
Would you run him in your deck Veeky Forums?
>making a 2/2 for your opponent
>having to roll a 1w or higher to draw one card
>ult is just making four mediocre tokens
Fuck no
What are you talking about, that's my commander
>first ability gives your opponent a creature with no benefit to you
>second ability has a very small benefit for a 4cmc card and a 1/20 chance of losing you the game outright
>ultimate's wizard doesn't even have any wizardly abilities
>starting toughness is on average very mediocre
Not really? He's really fiddly, can be VERY slow to get to the ult and none of his abilities are very good.
There are planeswalkers who crap out bigger bodies than him as the + ability without the other player getting it (And you maybe getting some life, if it doesn't cost you creatures or cards to get rid of it).
Killing the 1/1 skeleton nets you 2 life
No, i would play Elspeth and get All the solder tokens.
Like I said, no benefit.
>Gaining life isn't a benefit
Alright guy
what an awful card
the answer is "No!"
In a competitive one, no. But I am sure I could build a deck to make him work.
>starting toughness is on average very mediocre
>Calling planeswalker loyalty 'toughness'
I had the biggest crush on the "acrobat" from this cartoon
It really isn't.
Life only matters when you run out.
Yeah, why not?
Probably would make a Commander Dungeon Master deck just for him with a lot of traps, political cards and thematic monsters.
It's a benefit, but only a small one, the only life point that matters is the last one.
Exactly. What if you never run out?
>still no mtg format thats a DnD session
Fucking why
Zendikar was basically a world of dungeons and adventuring parties before it got ruined by tentacle monsters.
My proud reddit-cuck deck!
it is quite le epic....
Why no green ranger? An ult that made 5 tokens might actually be worth it. Second ability sucks. First ability sucks.
>all this talk about lifegain and how relevant it is
Let's say there's an instant that costs {W} and reads "You gain N life."
What's the minimum N should be for you to consider the card constructed worthy?
7-10. We have all kinds of 2CMC that net that amount and saw no play or fringe sb at best. Lifegain only matters on a body, or something like sphynx rev where it acts as a fog.
Which a 1CMC lifegain card basically is. A worse fog.