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>How to Jumpchain
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Have you ever pushed the boundaries of science and morality? Have you ever gone too far?
Tell me about your houserules on time between Jumps, /jc/!
Speculative Evolution Gauntlet - I added another drawback, changed hostile colony to a drawback. I'm starting to reach the end of what can be done here but as always, I'm always open to criticism.
Posting the Skeleton of the Afrocentrism jump one more time to see if you have suggestions for the item and drawbacks sections.
If the plot is fixed and the next few years are a whole lot of nothing (no reconstruction needed, no dramas left unresolved, 'happily ever after' or whatnot), there's a big red 'SKIP' button in the Warehouse that will cut your time short and bring you to the next jump immediately.
You miss out on possible training/science time, though.
I felt pretty bad when banished someone to a fate far far worse than hell in essence of 'I have no mouth and I must scream'. Worst thing I did by far
This is actually too skeletal for me to even comment on it. Did you make this is ten minutes?
Yes, actually
I'm not actually sure what this jump is supposed to be.
Forgot to say, I am just looking for suggestions for the items sections, the skeleton is just there for people to look at the potential perks
Raksasha and Dragon Halfs only cost 400 now.
Quarters have a transcendental affinity, thus making their intro no longer a lie.
Upanis and Maras now actually have Attributes.
Non-Dragon Halfs now start with a slightly higher Transcendental Affinity.
Disgusting. And to think we can count a few of our jumpmakers as having undergone this kind of mutilation.
>Dragon Half
I'd jump that.
Black stereotype jump for ebic pol goodness
(Got tired of trip)
Afrocentrism is a movement about how black people are the ancestors behind every culture, how white people were created by them, yet they ended up being slaved and the power of their melanoid skin was forgotten. Today many black accomplishments have been forgotten and changed to be the accomplishments of white folk since they want to undermine and destroy black people
You should, he's on the best team ever. (Dude on the left is Agni, God of Fire, while right is Kasak, a Dragon Half.
Gat - fires near perfect shots when held side ways
Spray can - can never be painted over
Welfare check - gives you the equivalent of 500 dollars once a week
>Dragon Half
It really was a fun read, and there's a two episode anime if you want something fun and fast.
Give Drop-In a Record Label, a garish sports car that's pimped out to the point of being borderline unusable, and infinite purple drank+fried chicken.
Either Kang should have a pyramid, either to use as a resupply point for military campaigns (if it goes to Warriors) or as a college (if it goes to Phiolosophers).
Heretic should have a secret island that's like a mini-Africa, because I think the idea of The Island of Doctor Yakub is gilarious.
Huites should have a CIA-like organization, possibly the real deal if you start in the USA, alongside an item that makes a bunch of puppet cartels that you can use to funnel drugs into whatever community you want to corrupt.
Yeah, I'd be up for a jump of that too.
I'd suggest you find something in your life that fulfills you enough that you don't feel the need to post tired memes on an anonymous internet board so you can feel the thrill of people dancing around the maypole of controversy. But this is /jc/', so it's ultimately pretty stupid for me to expect anyone to have a fulfilling life.
>Getting triggered over a joke jump
>joke jump
I was referring to the random 90s anime OAV (and presumably the manga behind that) (See )
Yeah, I don't think there are many 90s anime fans who escaped the Random Oneshot OAV era without encountering it!
Chances of Nastika getting Anatman free to make them feel like they are getting a few free perks in like the Gods?
If it becomes a real jump, and you want to spend it elevating black people back to their rightful place as kings, that's also an option for you.
Excellent ideas anons
>Have you ever pushed the boundaries of science and morality?
Of course.
>Have you ever gone too far?
Consuming entire civilizations as a Tyranid during Stellaris and Warhammer may have been too far for some. To others, not enough.
Yup, realizing that now.
Nastika don't need Anatman, they're old enough to go "Haha, I'm older than you, your Insight can suck it" to anyone less than a Primeval God.
Oddly, I've never actually seen that, but have read the manga.
Got any parlor tricks you use your phenomenal cosmic power for?
I'm not angry and upset and outraged, if that's what you mean by "triggered". I'm just tired. It's so banal and pointless, like a little boy giggling at how he's saying words the grown ups told him were rude. Yeah, we get it, it's controversy. That doesn't make something inherently interesting, only people boring enough to call themselves "Chad Thundercock" would be interested in it.
and yet, here you are dwelling on it, rather than just ignoring it and letting it gutter out.
In all the lands you've been travelers, of all the people you've met.
who has the best parties?
who was there and how wild was it?
Sorry for being edgy, I'll change my trip to appease you.
Yay, thanks user Heart. Now just need that possible scenario you spoke of.
Mind if I ask but, why did you lower Rakshasa and Dragon Halfs anyway? Not complaining just curious.
Really? I didnt know we had any post ops in here. Neat. The process is disgusting but still neat.
The irony is that Kang is quite obviously Best Origin
I like to make everyones socks soggy, only the left one.
I also change their ID to say they are underage to drink alcohol.
can i punch obito with armament haki?
Like, I'm not going to judge their reasoning, but fucking OW.
That fucking webm had me wincing.
Do we have any perks that let us merge our combat styles and/or evolve them further?
Like Empty Hand Vanishes The Wicked from Kill Six Billion Demons or Hidden Forbidden Jumper in Samurai Deeper Kyo.
Someone pointed out to me that Raskasha + Stage Up x4 was 1000 CP, and you were still only equivalent to a Nastika, who still had a higher starting TA and free Hoti Jumper. Which was... somewhat ridiculous, so I lowered the price a bit. Nastika have their whole debuff thing going on though, so I figured that made up for the Raksasha having a bit less.
Slurms Mckenzie
Hey /jc/, is it acceptable to use the Disney wish to master a supernatural skill like another setting's magic system?
If you already have the magic system probably?
Perfectly possible but I wouldn't expect actual discussion if you brought that up as part of a combo or whatever. Assuming you already have the system, anyway.
If anyone remembers that Indian mysticism trick from old ass cartoons where the mystic caused some rope to stretch into the sky, climbed it, and disappeared into a cloud, I loved that one. Spawn rope and turn into fog at will so I was basically a master.
Yeah, as if this place wasn't bad enough, we've got a few mutilated freaks.
Ever since Animal Crossing I go back there for about six months after every jump, but that's not so much of a houserule as much as it is a real thing in the jump.
Choosing jump options takes place in a black void with floating holographic menus.
I mostly just make use of hammerspace, otherdimensions and stuff, to pull improbably large things out of nowhere. Or steal them. Y'know, whatever.
I'm not much of a partier.
I liked the ones in Night in the Woods, because they're mostly an excuse to stand around and drink while some douchey guy plays a guitar. Those are the kind of parties I like.
Adaptability from Generic Wuxia, New Sword Style from Katanagatari...?
Maybe something for saying the equivalent of the nigger-word without people getting butt-blasted? And if the 200 cp perk for drop in doesn't come with bbc I'll be very disappointed in your negro knowledge.
But how do you masturbate after that process?
Cool. I'm going to use a wish to master the First Magic.
Would there be any interest in a Princess Tutu jump? Just started rewatching the series and I've been thinking it might be a cool jump.
Whimmy wham wham wozzle!
The original party worm!
Of course.
He's just shitposting, user. Let him rot.
Any interesting combos Jumpers?
I only have One month tops between jumps to finish the next "episode treatment" and begin "production" or It counts as having chose to go home.
That's a good question. I imagine it's got something to do with the chemical aspect of reassignment?
/jc/, what's your opinion on deities?
Do you worship them? Express contempt for them? Fight them? Is it a live-and-let-live affair?
Welp, guess I'll take a shot at it then. After I finish rewatching the series, of course.
>More magical girls
Sure, I need an excuse to bust out the skirt again.
"always a chance perk available in several places" + Erwin Schrodinger From Petals of reincarnation+"immune to destiny perk"=Complete control over your future.
I do mad science all the time.
None. Or rather, a single meeting with the Benefactor to decide my choices, then off we go immediately.
What happens if you fight a drawback clone?
Depends on the deity. If they're both particularly repulsive to me and more powerful (I'm not that far in), I just undermine them in any covert way I can pull off.
>needing an excuse to bust out the skirt
What about, "its cute" motherfucker?
Why even jump if you're going to cobble together supreme power in three jumps?
You can't. I mean, you can go through the motions, but it's not going to do anything for you.
eight companions+ (skill books+"always a chance perk available in several places" + Erwin Schrodinger From Petals of reincarnation+"immune to destiny perk")+several extra life perks= they are Still outnumbered.
I've never actually thought to ask that question....
The Superman the animated series has a drawback clone with companions, how do you deal with that?
Maybe you should.
b-but why then?
I don't take those drawbacks,one of the reason drawback clones are Manageable for me is that I have "mercy knife" companions who can deal with my power set if necessary
That's a good question, user. Oh, I forgot to mention that in order to prevent the body from healing, ie closing the wound, you need to use a medical device, that totes isn't an over-priced dildo, on a regular basis.
Why not?
does that include items?
I think I will thank you anonymous
Prostate/ clitoris (which is just the tip of their former dick). Probably doesn't feel as good, though, but I never asked about that.
You really don't want to fuck with the nerves down there. I got too froggy at the gym and acquired an inguinal hernia that needed surgery. Several years later, I'm still numb in that area.
What are some jumps that can get me a classical angel or demon altform? I love classical art of them. Something with big wings would be nice.
How strong is the Ah My Goddess setting?
They think it'll make them happy and feel more like an actual girl.
Really, I've always been of the mind that it's not worth it until tech is at like Eclipse Phase levels
>Probably doesn't feel as good
A real clitoris has as many never endings as the entire head of a penis, so you've dropped the number of nerve endings to stimulate by a great deal.
well, the characters as described in the jump are country/continent level reality warpers basically (in the manga one changed the position of a star so bascially they're even stronger)
But mostly they never show all that power. It looks pretty street-level most of the time
The two gods in this world are basically all powerful
if you're MTF when you start jumping, and you take a Gender Swap option... what happens?
You become FTM, obviously.
Do we have any good precog powers? I know we can get one in Railgun but I do not want to always go there for my precog needs.
Seriously. That shit just goes to show we're fucking AGES away from being able to translate into the real thing.
Don't be an ass, you change your social construct.
Well, you see, let's consult the boxed cat on that.
Oh, wait, the box is locked. I guess we'll never know.
You become female
Depends, you could go to kingdoms of amalur and learn to be a fate reader. Or use magic from dnd. Or be a jedi.