Favourite marine chapter?
What chapters would you like to see as a finished painted army on the table?
Favourite marine chapter?
What chapters would you like to see as a finished painted army on the table?
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For those we cherish, we die in glory
Mentor marines
I'm also a fan of White Scars.
>Not the infinitely superior raptors
Enjoy your tacticool maneuvers while I teach other marines how to make plasma guns that don't explode.
but guilliman was the one who taught everyone how to shoot plasma without it exploding
>What chapters would you like to see as a finished painted army on the table?
Blood Jaguars
my favourite chapter is the Templars, but as far as seeing painted armies on the table top, I've always enjoyed people with big nice armies of lesser known chapters
Man, I have way too many chapters that I like to find a favorite, even though I play BT so I guess Sigi's sons.
As to one I would love to see as a pinted army, it'd be Sons of Antaeus. Litteraly the only Cursed Founding Chapter that didn't even get a proper color scheme. But now all hopes of seeing more of them are dashed as their thing was being bigger and more resistant than normal marines. With Primarines rolling around, they don't have any point being interesting anymore, unless GW would have them as tall as Custodes.
im a vanilla guy so i always liked imperial fists. which is what i chose for my army
I'm with this guy.
i've allways liked the solid defence part of their lore/legacy
Ultramarine descended templars with an extremely tasteful heraldic scheme.... very nice.
I'm personally a fan of the storm lords. Less bikes more jump packs! The emperor's lightning bolt.
>all the Marines have squad role on shoulder
>except carcharodon
>they have a second shark
>all Carcharodons have the squad role of shark
I unironically like and play Blood Ravens for the whole hoarding knowledge thing they have going on, and Dawn of War is what got me into 40k.
After that it's probably Smurfs, Fists, and Templars.
Im making a chapter thats not!Iron Warriors. What chapter fits that bill?
I play Bangles, but I love the colour scheme of the Imperial Fists and love to see an army of them on the table. However my painting them would look like absolute anus so I don't think I ever will.
Carcharodons are the only decent chapter out there.
Imperial Fists. The Emperor's Praetorians.
i saw cruddances. it was stunning.
>implying the mentors haven't since long absorbed the tactical doctrines if the raptors
Iron hand succesors who love big guns
For some reason I just love their scheme.
Challenge round:
Can we get actual model posts of all badab war chapters? I'll start with my wip Mantis Warriors.
>You see kaikuaŹ»ana, they expect just a Marine.
> Kumakaia never expect to fight shark.
> That's why they're never ready for us
The bro-est of bros. Not to mention great color scheme and overall themes.
I'm a huge fan of the Red Scorpions. If i ever paint up a killteam of marines i'm going to go Red Scorpions with pic related as banner.
Commander Kane lives in death
Iron Hands.
I just want a fucking Iron Father model, it doesn't even need to be a named character.
Are these yours? Are stormlords actually known for jump packs though?
Minotaurs have IW geneseed :^)
Marines Malevolent. They have exactly the same bitter mindset.
Have average pictures of my tabletop quality Carcharodons.
That's some clean grey right there, Very nice user.
Blood Magpies. Tarkus/Cyrus/Thaddeus for life
>What chapters would you like to see as a finished painted army on the table?
Blood Ravens, because I set myself the goal to paint about a company's worth of them, and it's taking a while.
Posting another user's Star Phantoms and the recipe along with it.
Thanks user, your Mantis are pretty cool as well. Hope to see more of them.
Taxi Cab Marines
I fucking hate trying to paint the checkers, I've stripped and redone my current army twice because of it.
Have some assistance.
Looks fucking awesome.
I remember seeing the concept developed in the thread. Turned out great.
Exorcists reporting in
We've practically got the whole Badab War in this thread.
>Commander Kane
How do you think Culln is pronounced?
None shall find us wanting.
Silver Skulls are implied to be descended from loyalist IW absorbed into the Ultramarines.
We're far from it actually, and I doubt we'll ever see some Fire Angels or Tiger Claws.
Martellus must be one hell of a fucking veteran by now. Survived a tyrannid fleet invasion, then survived a long time on his own in the jungle, then survived another invasion, a chaos one this time AND survived yet another invasion by several factions, with a demon prince to boot at the end.
Dude's worthy of being Master of the Forge and one of the best warriors in the Chapter.
I've been a fan of Grey Knights long before Ward fucked them up.
I also like the Doom Eagles because they're like 100% jump packs. I like the idea of "jump in, fuck shit up, then GTFO"
I can't believe I only just realised that they're influenced by NOD, C&C was the only game I played as a kid and I've missed this for so long.
I feel dumb now but Space Marines doesn't feel right for NOD, I feel they'd be more of a renegades and heretics force.
>Doom Eagles
>Not liking them for their humane yet grim side.
Shame on you user.
Tie between charcarodons and dark angels.
Iron snakes get a shout-out too!
we know user
I have to admit I don't get why you're implying user likes Uncle Adolf.
RS are suuuper into the 'genetic purity' shtick
Blood Swords all the way man. That dreadnought chapter master is a real boon.
He just talked about their scheme though.
Grey kinda looks like Wehrmacht/ss?
I dunno
Imperial Fists are my favorite, though I also dig the White Scars and Storm Wardens.
>I'm the bad guy?
Where did you get that sword on the middle marine, user?
You know who else is suuuper into genetic purity? Every space marine chapter in existance.
Also, are you seriously calling a guy a nazi for liking a specific SM chap when the entire Imperium is Catholic Space Nazis: the faction?
i hate pol autists as much as the next guy but people sending anons back to pol when not appropriate makes me 100% mad
more or less.
seems like sternguard sergeants sword to me
Dayum, user. Das SYEXY.
Pic Related.
What? You asked...
Would love to see some sable swords...
Would you use a chaplain dread to use the CM as a HQ in game?
Every Damn Time.
Huron deserves eternal torment for desecrating such a god-tier design with his chaos bullshit.
Awh come on. I haven't been on here in ages.
Unity in Defiance, Brother
I don't because rules and he was put in venerable dreadnought but you could (and should)
Black Templars all day every day.
I'd love to see the Astral Knights come back to life with Primaris Reinforcements.
Unironically, the Marines Malevolent
I like the dark angels but believe they would be happier if they came out of the closet
These guys or Flesh Tearers. I also have a soft spot for Black Templars.
if not my Emporers children then red Scorpions since their kinda close with the perfection thing.
>all the blood angels successors came to their aid , except the lamenters
>because they're already dead
man there not done yet, the NuMarines are probably filling there ranks.
WIP Minotaur Primaris Marine for my 5000+ points Minotaur army.
Will try to get a picture of all my painted stuff together but for now this is all I have on my phone.
so red scorpions I want to start an army but what should I get to make the list super fluffy?
I'm glad there's a caution stripe on that chainsword, I wouldn't have known the bloodthirsty, gore-spattered superhuman strapped to two jet turbines waving a chainsaw-sword and RPG machine pistol around was dangerous otherwise.
Apothecaries out the ass, mk4 armor etc
Lucky for you, apothecaries are great and mkIV is easy to come by
oh apothecaries sound cool get a bunch of chad marines with thier apothecary buds
Space Marines are basically old greek theatre actors. Glowing eyes, giant armour and red/hazard striped weapons is made to be visible and threatening.
Chainswords and boltguns are made to kill as messily as possible to cause fear and panic.
Hmm, actually did make me think