So I joined a table top gaming group for the first time this weekend and I let them know I had no idea what I was doing and was probably going to need some help because the character sheet looked like it was written in another language. The group told me my character concept was written informally and that they didn't really want to teach me the game (even after not bringing this up for two weeks while we planned a day). One of the people in the group mentioned finding game groups for online play here and I figured I would at least poke around. Is there a game group for less experienced people, or at least some kind of introduction to making a character? The edition was Pathfinder if that makes a difference, idk how different they get
So I joined a table top gaming group for the first time this weekend and I let them know I had no idea what I was doing...
Other urls found in this thread:
First off look here : Second off
Third off use Youtube to learn how to create a character
You will want to find a different group.
Pathfinder is one of the most beginner-unfriendly and all-around poorly designed games out there. It's a pain to learn and doesn't even pay off, because it has not been designed with any play-relevant goals in mind.
Spend some time looking at systems and see which ones look like fun. Mostly just play a game that you like thematically.
>The edition was Pathfinder if that makes a difference, idk how different they get
You might want to try 5e D&D instead. It's also popular, but less of a complicated clusterfuck, making it a better place to begin. Honestly, 5e is still a bit heavier than I'd like a noob system to be, but finding a group to play something outside of the D&D family can be a bit tricky.
start with 5e. it's simple, perfect for a new person to the hobby.
Pathfinder is like Go, whereas 5e in comparison is tictactoe
>The edition was Pathfinder if that makes a difference
It does. Pathfinder is a huge over inflated mess full of trap options and Monte Cooke Ivory Tower design. Unless you're someone like me who's obsessed with character builder minigame and imagining dozens of different builds, I wouldn't recommend starting with it.
>start with 5e. it's simple, perfect for a new person to the hobby.
It's rules-medium, which certainly makes it simpler than Pathfinder, but I wouldn't go as far as "simple". Simple is something like Barbarians of Lemuria
true, just remembered one of my 5e players still takes far too long to do an attack sometimes. His total bonus to hit is 1. It somehow takes 30 seconds.
That's an insult to Go. Go has very simple rules, and is complex thanks to number of variables on the board. Pathfinder, like so many game systems, is written by complete hacks who mistake complication for complexity and just slap separate rules for everything.
Anyone got the name of this artist?
>The group told me my character concept was written informally
Who the fuck cares? Why would this even be an issue, especially if they know you are just starting out? Those other players sound kind of a drag to play with.
Yeah, it's Image Search.
>implying I haven't tried that
In the spirit of opld Veeky Forums, rather than nu/tg/, I give you sauce.
Then you're a complete idiot, because it took me all of 10 seconds to find the artist along with 119 of their other images.
Sounds like a shitty group.
Also, what kinda pathfinder are they playing?
Do you remember what they where playing race and class, what level?
How about books they are using
>Sounds like a shitty group.
Hey, I wouldn't want to have to teach a noob the clusterfuck of rules that's Pathfinder either.
Take a moment to think about this.
"I joined a football team but didn't know how to play football."
If you don't know how to do something, you get coaching or educate yourself rather than turn up and demand others drop everything to teach you.
Not all established groups want to teach new players, in the same way as not all sports clubs offer coaching.
I'm not taking issue with them not wanting to teach the newbie how to play; I'm taking issue with the fact that they they criticised OP's character concept (not their character SHEET) for being "written informally", as if you need to submit a character concept written in 12pt Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing and no abbreviations, contractions or use of the word "I" like it's a fucking high school essay.
Here's how to d20 games:
1. You need to do something? Roll a 20 sided die and add your bonuses.
2. Need to know your bonuses? That's your stat modifier, usually, which is floor(STAT-10/2). So for example, a 10 is 0, 12 and 13 are 1, 18 and 19 are 4, etc.
3a. Was that an attack roll? Add the thing called Base Attack Bonus too.
3b. Was that a skill roll? Add your ranks in the skill to the result, and maybe an additional +3 more if it was ranked and tagged as a class skill.
That's really about all there is to it. You pick up the rest as you play.
Whoops, fixed.
Look for new group playing other game.
Not only you are stuck with playing one of the most unfriendly to greenhorns games imaginable, your party also consists of assholes unwilling to provide any aid with a game that DEMANDS specific knowledge about the rules to play it at all.
Also, pic related. It does help greatly with solving 3/4 of all imaginable issues ever encountered at the table and I'm not sarcastic here.
>Seriously thinking explaining rolls will solve anything when not knowing how to build a character in 3.PF
Words can not describe how obtuse you are.
>roll a d20 and add your stat.
So hard.
>chess is just moving figures around squares
>fpses are just clicking on things
>programming is just typing stuff
I'm not entirely sure on what books but they were starting at level 5. They asked me to write a synopsis of my character and I literally just wrote it as I would speak (at one point using the term "his pirate bros"). I have since been looking into other groups and think this is just something specific to this group I didnt know about, they all had short stories about the character and took it all very seriously, whereas I had a general outline of what I did before the game actually started
While it's possible there was a language barrier and they didn't understand that you were new to the game until you were about to start, it sounds mostly like they were cunts.
no, there was no possibility of a language barrier. I'm really not sure why they waited for the game to start
That picture isn't accurate, the Amazon's thighs aren't big enough
>the Amazon's thighs aren't big enough
you're thinking Elf
No, that is definitely the Amazon from Dragon's Crown
tummies are wonderful.
giving sauce is important.
as is thanking others when they are the ones giving you the sauce.
At least they're human sized as opposed to GIANT CHICKEN LEGS.
>Then you're a complete idiot, because it took me all of 10 seconds to find the artist along with 119 of their other images.
Pro-tip: Google filters results based on what he thinks you want to see. Image search doesn't return the same results for everyone.
Your group sounds extremely autistic.
I've noticed that some Pathfinder players though this can be true for other RPG players take the game extremely seriously and treat it with such serious dedication it's almost like a second job.
Sure, some people might like doing that, but groups like those are usually horrible with how they convey that idea because they think that every other RPG player plays with the same amount of sheer dedication.
I wish you luck in finding a new group, look for a 5e group it's one of the most mainstream TTRPGs out there and it's not that hard to get into.
Pro-tip: That's why you don't use Google and try the other option directly below it instead.
Pro-tip: iqdb is almost-completely useless at the best of times and needs to be removed in favor of a better search engine
I know that it sounds kinda stupid (and it probably is) but I have a hard time digesting the game as a whole. I need to find a group or even just a single person willing to sit down with me and answer questions. I'm sure there's forums for things like that and I'm not discouraged from playing the game just beca
Roll20 has plenty gms and players willing to teach the new guy the ropes, though quality may and will vary
If you are set on PF: learn the basics and leave the more complicated stuff for the assholes in your group to explain because fucking if you are not willing to help a new guy out with a system then you are what drives people away from this hobby. Also if writing is the biggest issue try the background generator St archives of nethys which uses tables from official books
If you have more choice on the system:I'd suggest on simpler systems. Cypher, Dnd 5e and shadow of the demonlord are considerably easier to learn since the variables are minimized in rolls and with Cypher and Shadow combat rules and skill rolls are also simplified.
>MikaQT best girl
As usual. She'd be perfect if she was a bit taller though.
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man how to construct a high-tech fishing rod and he starves collecting the materials.
Wow that OP pic is so bad!
Mikasa is 15 years old
Korra is 18-20 years old
Amazon is is her mid 20s and she is fucking HUGE, yet Mikasa has arguably wider hips than her.
I wanna make love to Amazon's abs
>please disable your adblocker
i want to see all of these girls pregnant, nothing is hotter than turning a buff tomboy into a breeding slut
what are we talking about?
Your taste is superb
Excellent taste sir, what other fine women would look good well breed?
that's Veeky Forums? this hotty with a body from POTA