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Pathfinder General /pfg/

What connections to your past do you bring along with you? Do they drag you down or lift you up?

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>Woman being sad because of a dead man

What the fuck is this bullshit, only men are allowed to feel angst over a dead spouse. Women just get over it.

That's her son.

And? He would've grown up to be a rapist or misogynist.

A: Grief for her dead first love and her family. It's a neutral aspect, as it happened some time ago. Still hurts from time to time.
B: A passion for the past. It lifts her.
C: Nothing of note. He leaves behind things that threaten to weigh him down. Life's too short.

1.Daddy issues. It fueled his endless rage and made him more afraid for the lives of others over his own. Take it as you will
2.Childhood trauma. They drag her down a lot. Can't run from the past if it's ahead of you.
3. Nothing. Remembering is for the weak
4. His heritage and his will to achieve once again something he lost once fills him with determination Meme not intended
5. Nah, things been fine.
6. Depends whether running as far away as fast one counts as lifting or dragging down.


What strange creatures has your party encountered recently?

Too swole, tone it back.

please post a picture of gloriana

Is there a reason you want one?

I'll do you one better
Spoiler goes here

Fuck off IKiD

she's very cute



Tell me anons, how good is specializing is Illusion (shadow) spells? What are some necessary feats and spells to take, aside from Shadow Conjuration/Evocation? I'm planning on building my first wizard, and also taking the Chronomancer archetype while I'm at it. How do you advise playing as one?

The metamagics to make the spells 20% more real, the spell Shades, 2 unqiue rods that makes y our shadow spells 20% more real.

Is there a patron god of thieves in the pathfinder pantheon like Olidammara was back in 3.5?

I'd suggest checking out Arshea, she sounds like what you're looking for.

Sivanah's about as close to what you're asking for as far as I know, user.

Cayden Caileen, God of Bravery and Wine. Also, I think there may be a few Empyreal Lords who specialise in revelry and joy. Also, Sun Wukong could work

Sivanah go and stay go!

Why don't you go fuck your sister, Zon Zon?

Wasn't there some kind of combination of feats and things to make illusions and shadow effects 120% real?

Because I'm too busy with yours, you wastrel worshipper of a secretive bint!

RAW more than 100% real does nothing so check with your GM. And yes it's possible, the highest i've gotten is 180%

I finally got back around to this, I know it still needs a ton of polish but I'ma share it here.

Harlequin v1, my attempt at a new subsystem and some other neat shit. Take a look if you want. Inspired by the Mesmer from Guild wars.

Is there a good way to make a divine rogue? Sanctified Rogue is garbage. I'm looking at Virtuous Bravo, but it doesn't bump up skill points and loses spells. The Inquisitor's Sanctified Slayer also seems kind of lame, giving up all your judgements for a half-assed sneak attack and a handful of talents.

How'd you manage that?

Sanctified Slayer is actually good, as the important part is Studied Target, not the sneak damage. Plus you can stack it with Cloaked Wolf if you wish.

However, I think the best Divine Rogue may be that one Vigilante Archetype, Zealot I think?

>However, I think the best Divine Rogue may be that one Vigilante Archetype, Zealot I think?

Can you elaborate on that? I was looking at it earlier until I noticed that it replaces the vigilante specialization so you can't get full BAB or Hidden Strike.

Monstrous physique into a 4 armed creature, hold a solid shadows rod for 20% more on the Shades spell for 100%, shadow wizard for another 20% (120%), a Crook of Cidhureen spending 5 charges for 170% so i was off by 10%. Gestalt with arcanist (with bloodline development) and fetchling FCB gets you over 200%

>34 pages

Now there's the autism I know /pfg/ for.

>The Inquisitor's Sanctified Slayer also seems kind of lame
Did you miss the part where you get studied target, which is fucking amazing?


Studied Target and the Inquisitor list make up for losing SA, given how finicky landing SA can be now. There's also Cult Leader/Mantis Zealot Warpriest, which is literally Divine Rogue.

Any lewd games recruiting?

I don't think anything is recruiting right now.

I just watched the Kingdom of Heaven.

How high in social rank you must be, in order to give knighthood regardless of the recipients' current social standing, like Valian did in the movie?

Maximilian Faust, illusionist here.
I use shadow magics a whole awful lot during my adventures, but I've found out that focusing on just those can limit the usefulness of illusions overall. Making your shadows real might fight against a shitty dc but that doesn't help phantasmal web be annoying. You sacrifice too much, so instead here are some quick tips I've been using to make my experience better.

>Hey get the meta magics to make them more real
I personally have focused on buffing the DC of my illusions instead, taking the spell focus feats and being an Arcanist for potent magic. It adds a +4 DC to my illusions, which has saved my buns more then once. The difference between 20 and 24 is crazy good. I'm level 12 now and most creatures sit on that nice 10~ will save. Maybe even a little higher or lower, so unless they roll 14 or higher they usually fail. This means that my Shadows are 100% effective because they fail the save, and any other saves that have to do with the Shadow Illusion has a high DC too. Most importantly this has allowed me to cast a myriad of other Illusion spells, with a high DC to boot.

You can make the DC irrelevant by having your shadows being 100% real, or double down on the DC and Debuffing to make them hate themselves. It's your choice.

(Also as a wizard, if you get the Resilient Illusions Arcane Discovery, down the line when you have that Robe of the Archmagi and other caster level bonuses, it can come in handy. a d20+20 dc on lower level illusions can be incredible. Just imagine, you'll roll that 20 sometimes and people can't escape your 40 DC silent image)

Depends on the setting. IRL if I remember right any knight could dub any other man a knight, and after taking a fatal wound a lot of knights would knight the soldier who wounded them so that they died to a knight instead of some random peasant conscript.

How do I minmax stealth? I want to be quiet!

Be a wizard

Is there any CHEAP way to acquire proficiency in a weapon other than Heirloom Weapon?

Ask your DM to roleplay your character getting training in the weapon you're looking to use by someone who's proficient with it?

Be invisible.
Pathfinder's merge of hide and move silently made stealth easy

Just like the pinkest pink and the blackest black.

How long, in seconds, is a standard action?

cracked opalescent pyramid is cheap enough

>Playing 3.5
>Duskblade 3
>1 level vigilante bushi from pathfinder
>Fools Errand, Scarlet Throne, Mithral Current
>Took a pathfinder class cause my DM approved it after I was half joking about a character idea, didn't fully plan this out
>Party gets put into a arena environment
>Decide this is a good place to test how much damage I can do since I now have stances, sneak attack and martial strikes along with spell channeling and another weapon enhance spell
>After buffing before the match and getting my full attack ready
>Combat begins
>I have +32 to hit
>Deal 62 damage due to 3d8+9d6+10
>My face when I realize I've made a monster at lv4 and made myself a huge target for future combats
>Party now calls me a min/maxxer
>This was truly unintentional
I really need to try and tone myself down for all future combats. Cause I really don't want to look like I was min maxxing on purpose, I just kinda went with a character idea and rolled with it and I wanted to test how much I could do in a single turn. I don't plan on blowing this huge load of damage every turn/combat

vigilante bushi stalker, I forgot to mention it was a stalker I took a level in

+32 to-hit reeks of 3.5 spell brokenness. This has nothing to do with PoW

Yah, most of it was the spell true strike which gave me +20 alone +3 BAB +2 inspire confidence +4STR and +1 for magic weapon and the DM allowed the +3 extra from shocking grasp since the enemy was in full plate so it was really +33 to hit. I didn't really need the +3 from shocking grasp but the DM gave it to me anyways

Any tips or advice for someone playing a divination wizard(Foresight/Human/level 3)? I've taken eldritch eye, spell focus divination and fortune teller(Harrow cards as my focus) as feats.

To note*
I was thinking of taking when I could.

What would Dirk Pitt do in your'`s character position?

>Party now calls me a min/maxxer
To wit, you did choose some of the strongest disciplines.
However, calling you a minmaxer is disingenuous; the other players clearly don't know how you work, and don't realize how much of your daily resource you must burn to do that once or twice a day. It would be like calling a charger paladin with Battle Blessing minmaxed because they can tag a chain devil for 100+ damage at level 5.

>However, calling you a minmaxer is disingenuous; the other players clearly don't know how you work, and don't realize how much of your daily resource you must burn to do that once or twice a day.
That's the essential difference between minmaxing and optimizing. Minmaxing means sacrificing things so you can be really good at something. In this case he sacrifices endurance(and some versatility) for some really high damage attacks once in a while.

However, he is really only using what he has available.
In this case, it is entirely due to the duskblades 1/day quickened spell that he has True Strike, and Shocking Grasp that his attack roll was so high.
What I wonder is whether OP used more than one swift action boost to get his damage up.

>However, he is really only using what he has available.
Well, yes. What he has available is entirely due to his character creation and advancement choices, however, instead of (for example) something that his GM handed the character. Spending a level or a feat on getting PoW maneuvers and stances is often a powerful option.

In his case, it was combination of things, but at it's base, the duskblade is still capable of a +30 to hit/7d6+8 attack at level 4, and that is ignoring any other buffs he would have had time to use like blood wind.
PoW is a strong addition to any melee character, but it's more in the face that melee is very hamstrung to do shit without gear, and PoW expressly allows you to excel without magic items and on class features alone.

How do you roleplay someone who is clearly a killing machine but has low skill in intimidate?

Give them a lisp.

Just because you are good in a fight doesn't mean you are intimidating.
Being intimidating is about posture, body language, personal carry and verve, not how well you fight.

Intimidate has conditional modifiers the DM can hand out for reasons. Being really really good at murdering might give big circumstance bonuses to the check if you apply it at the right time.

You terrify people but not in the way you want. Instead, it only makes you pick fight with idiots.

T-thanks guys

>it only makes you pick fight with idiots.

I mean you basically asked 'any tips on playing the most faggot of faggot ways?'

Should people give names to their horses?

Is there any reason not to?

Your playing a god damn roleplaying game,, if you want to, why not do it?


Yes. Named horses are more likely to have a personality, and are therefore more likely to be cared for by the party, which means they have greater odds of survival.

you got any actual advice or just more poor insults?

Shit like this is why I'm trying to kill off my pathfinder party. Nothing can stand up to them in combat, they abuse their powers and I'm too fucking tired of it to say no when the kineticist is disassembling buildings at will. Also allowing dumbass 3pp classes like paracosmist that end up with OP eidolon that can do 15th level shit at level 7. And detect magic fucking ruins everything in a political intrigue game that one of them said he wanted, then he leaves the table when we actually do that shit. I'm planning to throw a hezrou at them. Blasphemy ought to cut them down to size. Maybe I'll switch out one of its shit feats for ability focus or something just to make sure they have the least possible chance of making the save. Having half the group paralyzed them being swarmed by goblins and pissed off hezrou would be awesome. Though they regularly defeat encounters well over their CR without any issue. But I think this time someone might die.

My question is: how much shit am I going to get for throwing a CR 11 against the party of six level 7s? Need to make it their fault somehow.

Emergency rations.

All I'm hearing is
>I'm a DM with poor communication skills that would rather kill a campaign and piss off everyone than talk to my players about how they're over powered.

>I'm a retard that allowed content without knowing anything about it
>Me and my players are bad at communication

A CR11 would be an expected "hard encounter", if I recall.

>allowing 3pp content
>being surprised a party of 6 can take on encounters well above their CR without issue
>being upset about a kineticist

So is there any reason you would not be able to make a ranged attack through the Gate spell?

It says "anyone or anything that moves through is shunted instantly to the other side", you can see the other side, and in pathfinder teleportation conserves momentum.

I can't see a reason I shouldn't be able to?

You should be yes, whoever is telling you you can't should know that non living matter can pass through otherwise you'd end up naked if you went through every time.

>teleportation conserves momentum.
Strictly speaking Gate isn't teleportation, isn't it?

How much Am I tempting fate with a characters similar to Caska?

Well, technically speaking the planar travel version is a creation effect, but the wording of the environmental damage falling category is that 'teleportation -or similar spells' conserve momentum.
I would argue gate is a similar spell, considering it says it 'functions much like a plane shift spell', and teleportation/plane shift are pretty darn similar in scope.

Sword of Damocles levels.

So, I'm building a ninja kitsune for a game
I want to be a shadow Dancer at 7th level
I took slashing grace and that's why I have to wait til 7th level and not 6th.
I use a wakizashi in my build but I'm starting to wonder..

What is more effective for DMG output?
Dual wielding or Slashing grace?
And should I use katana instead of wakizashi?

Shadowdancer is hot garbage.
Ninja is hot garbage.
Give up.

play a vivisectionist alchemist instead. Call your extracts ninjustu scrolls, call your mutagen a sealing scroll for your inner demon.

See but also be sure to take beastmorph, so you can have your message REALLY sell your inner demon.

How exactly are you making them similar to Casca?

But they re not overpowered. The kineticist is fucking shit up and that's a tier 7 class. It's that I am just sick of pathfinder and what it considers OP and the fact that everyone needs to have a wizard to be any threat to the PCs.

Alright good. I figured level + 4 was the "hard" fight like it was in 3.5.

Yeah pretty much. That's why I'm ending it. I'm playing something where they aren't all super jacked up magic users. I'm honestly considering 5e but that's so fucking boring.

Actually I'm not planning to kill my whole PF party, just the two overpowered characters. They'll be targeted first and I have an excuse for doing so because the demon they are going against is going to have orders from the faction the PCs have been BTFOing the most. So they would know "these two guys are the biggest threat, kill them first, you might get banished to the abyss but take them down with you"

Shadow dancer is one of the worst PRC's in the game (Next to zero actual class features that aren't just fucking worse spell likes with much worse progression, obtained at much later levels).
Ninja's are bad ("rogues/ninjas/bards/alchemists/inquisitors etc etc etc all do basically the same thing except rogues and ninja's don't get 6th level spellcasting making them much worse").
Dual wielding is bad (barring exceptions like smite dual-wielding on a full BAB, but even then ranged > melee if you've got heaps of bonus dice / damage from stuff).

Congrats, you have managed to successfully fall for nearly every single fucking one of the retard traps in the game. Do as said and re-skin things and you have your ninja. Or you could play a shadow-pact avowed and re-skin it as a ninja with a more ninpo bent, Self-pact works too.

Pic related works quite well as a shadow-pact avowed.

Aren't PRCs in Pathfinder just generally shit?

Ugh, it's always the cool classes that are terrible, isn't it?

So long Griffith is not in the game...

Often, yes, because they tend to remove your ability to get class capstones, or delay progression on a lot of things. Some are pretty alright though, especially for small dips like hellknights / hellknight signifiers.

If you're still the same user, Shadow pact avowed gets you almost everything that is thematically cool about the shadowdancer, and avowed pulses / clauses / shapes can still let you be proficient in almost anything you'd like to have done as the ninja.

How can Casca exist without Griffith? She's very much his sword. That's her only reason for not being a nobleman's fucktoy.

user, if it's only 1 or 2 players tweaking the game, why don't you talk to them and ask them to either tone it down or bring in new pcs?
It's not unreasonable, especially if they are dominating the game to the point where other players are obsolete.

Prestige Classes are just not something Pathfinder's design philosophy works with. They're a vestigial tumor from when the system was just "3.5e v2".

Suggesting Avowed to anyone almost feels like some kind of bait anymore, since it's 3pp AND has a history of janky balance issues, but maybe I'm just jaded. If he can get it okayed, more power to him though.