Taking bets for what gets nerfed the hardest, and what gets unintentionally buffed
Taking bets for what gets nerfed the hardest, and what gets unintentionally buffed
i really like these
its hearwarming when gw continues to encourage conversions and kitbashing
i also loved how they did the conversion, then commissioned the art,. and its cool art too
Landsknecht Guard are still best
I'm kind of surprised they're cool with just outright using the vanguard heads on something other than admech. I guess it makes sense they'd be very common sense Vanguard Skitarii are about the most common infantry force in the galaxy behind the Imperial Guard.
Another brightside, looks like Imperial Guard still has some sort of access to shotguns since this guy is modelled with one.
>Conscripts will obviously be nerfed and rightly so
>Bets on psykers to be unintentionally buffed with some bullshit that makes spamming them win you games. Failing that russes because everybody just went and sold all the ones they owned.
Why would they be against kitbashing?
What's wrong with them?
GW hasn't really been embracing of kitbashing in quite a while. This is really surprising, considering the recent death guard terminator kits range from slightly customisable, but completely incompatible with any other kits, to flat-out monopose. Now the guard codex is encouraging players to kitbash and convert your dudes again, like this is 3rd edition or something.
He's not nearly colorful enough to be a Landsknecht. He is best though.
I thought GW always liked kitbashing as it meant buying more kits.
so I hear the Felinids are getting official units?
What edition were the new DE models released? Cos they were specifically designed for kitbashing.
Nothing. People are just asspained they can't instantly delete infantry any more.
New Dark eldar were sixth I think?
Don't get me wrong, GW never abandoned it, they kept heads and shoulders the same size on primaris marines as on marinelets because those were the most popular parts to kitbash, but the recent DG release, and the trend of encouraging players to play standard chapters/forgeworlds/warbands/etc. kind of flew in the face of your dudes, which this codex seems to be going back to.
What kit is that helmet from?
Just bought my first batch of second-hand Steel Legion.
Dis gon b gud.
ignoring the trolling, it would be interesting to see beastmen come back.
I'm just crossing my fingers I can play my Catachans as a "pure" Deathworld Veterans army again.
Using Vets with forwards sentries and "Scions" as Catachan Devils with a few scout sentinels, mortor squads and ratlings worked surprisingly well with enough terrain.
Lack of communication between departments?
didn't they get exterminatus'd?
>there are people who actually use the imperial guard as a pure infantry army
You do realize that they're "holding the line" so that their heavy weapons can actually do damage, right?
The back of the 8th rulebook has a section on the status of various abhumans but I can't remember exactly what as I'm at work and it's not to hand.
Wait is the guard getting new models? Fucking sweet
The issue with them isn't so much them and more the huge amount of support you can give them and the large numbers they come in. Commisars make that block of men have morale that would make grey knights of sisters of battle blush and right now, very few armies have access to snipers that can reliably put commisars down fast enough to actually remove that morale protection.
A Temple Assassin sniper, for example, won't kill a commissar 2/3 times even if he hits and wounds because he can't do the 3 wounds needed. That temple assassin costs a lot more than the commissar.
This makes Conscripts ungodly difficult to remove in an edition when blast and flame templates also got hit hard with the number of hits they can apply to a unit, all while Conscripts can still benefit from Orders that do a lot of work with just how many dudes are in the unit.
tehy are on the Register of Proscribed Citizens (the shitlist) but are still registered abhumans.
I want combinable infantry squads back.
i want platoons back
nothing beats 150 models in a single standard slot
5th edition. But GW was very different back then. That was right during the chapterhouse bullshit that made them remove rules for things without models like anvil thawn and fucking vect.
becaues "slots" are so much worth in this edition right?
You are right, slots are worthless. I want platoons back because I think that this rule was really cool, not because of how useful it is.
That would make commisars even more powerful than they already are and there is already a lot of complaining about them.
Platoons wouldn't make commisars stronger, all units in a platoon are still different units, so he wouldn't be better than before
conscripts will get nerfed hard, not sure how they can make them even shittier but we will see, my guess is can't take orders.
as if it would make a fucking difference if you just blobbed up 5 squads of guardsmen and stuck a commissar in the middle
>my guess is can't take orders
It would be a huge nerf but I would make sense
Wanna explain how they are OP at the moment? I haven't really played/checked out the latest edition.
Cheap as chips, First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire order and they're basically immune to leadership with a Commissar. There might be more, but that's what I've managed to glean.
That's right. It was a cool rule. But there is no point in worthless rules for the rules sake.
It's just a thing you must now make in your head.
Just declare a few units as a platoon and other units as another platoon and play it like that.
It's the 8th. A lot of the narrative is now up to the player and not in the hand of some over-complicated rule constructs.
I'm personally okay with that.
mind you, they're literally unchanged from 7th edition, just with templates, and AP being reword they're alot more durable now
>Cheap as chips, First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire order and they're basically immune to leadership with a Commissar
was literally the exact same in 7th edition, focus on the shit that actually made them "OP" that being the changes to AP and the lack of templates
They're OP because you can't rely on template weapons to remove them by big chunks.
My 30 conscripts stack still get regularly btfo by a Dark Reaper exarch
the pimpest pimp to ever pimp.
Well, in 2e you could have the their player order you to execute your special weapons trooper. It wasn't quite as much upside as it is now.
That and 7e morale was rather a joke outside of melee. Even basic guard squads passed more than they failed. 8e morale got a LOT nastier for large squads, so the same sort of near-perfect morale is a hefty upgrade in comparison.
How does one nerf conscripts without making them wholly useless?
Without a commissar there is zero point in taking them, same as last edition.
6+ save?
No orders?
what else?
Looks like Freeguild Pistoliers
Empire pistoliers/outriders. Dunno what their age of sigmar name is now, though, probably freeguild outriders or something like that.
Orders only go off on a 4+/5+, representing no training?
it wasn't worthless, by making guard players take infantry in a certain structure it prevented them from cheesing it by spamming certain units, like conscripts.
One if the biggest reasons conscripts inspire so much bitching now is because they no longer have a "tax" of two infantry squads and a platoon command. When you take that away conscripts become one of the most insanely efficient units in the game, even though their cost and leadership with commissars are virtually unchanged from last edition. They have 130pts of mandatory allies cut out, which lets you just spam them and artillery.
Honestly even if conscripts lost orders entirely I wouldn't care, as long as commissars work with them and they can be taken on their own they will still be incredibly efficient units.
we don't roll for orders anymore though
That's the catch though, they're ONLY GOOD WITH COMMISSARS, and there are stupid motherfuckers who want to take that away. IF they do that we get 4th and 5th edition conscripts, useless hordes that run away the second something even looks at them, only useful with Chekhovs (RIP) Send in the next wave ability.
How the fuck could we possibly balance them without ruining the unit entirely? No orders is a start, but we both know it won't stop the whining.
I know that.
A teenager would be less likely to interpret an order than a guardsmen with a couple months training.
>Commissar forces barely trained humans to keep fighting by inflicting 1 mortal wound
>Warboss forces bloodthirsty orks to keep fighting by inflicting d3 mortal wounds.
bring back platoons for one, tourneyfags would bitch that they have to take "trash" to get the food stuff, even though infantry squads are pretty good as well.
From there I'd be cool with no orders and if they really still are too good then make the commissar have to pop a guy for every 10 models in the unit at starting strength or something, so if you bought a fifty man unit he'll pop 5 in every failed morale phase. That way they still have initial durability but it falls off over time, kind of like conscripts in real life would pribably lose it after a few minutes in a real battle.
With aura abilities and buffs I think it would be justified to make them the same price as squads. You just swap unit size for heavy weapons and BS. I think it would be borderline-fair.
I prefer tho 4pts and no orders.
No Orders would do a lot to help as just how much you can buff them is a lot of what makes them so nasty for the price.
make it like 5+ or 6+
>tourneyniggers think infantry squads are trash
That's stupid though, why the fuck bother taking Conscripts when you can take just as many Guardsmen (same price) with better WS, BS and LD?
>That's stupid though, why the fuck bother taking Conscripts when you can take just as many Guardsmen (same price) with better WS, BS and LD?
Did you read? Because they are easier to buff with conga or psychics or whatever.
What's to prevent you just blobbing them up anyway? At least for Aura buffs.
Doing away with platoons also made it my Dkok army much more affordable so I'm ok with that.
I sure hope all this kitbashing stuff means they're bringing back Doctrines in some form.
>why bother
Having a single unit of 50 men helps with deployment shenanigans and screening. 10 man squads are more difficult to trap enemy assault units like Genestealer since they have gaps and won't get pulled in as easily.
Numbers also help with objective holding, since they can weather more shots on an objective.
Nothing it is just harder to blob up a 10 man squad to bring them to a mission marker, in psychic barrier range and commissar and straken (or whatever) aura range than a 30 man squad.
Drop troops. Only artillery piece I got, outside of mortars, is a manticore.
I wish I could add something to this discussion. I have bought a few models a years back, but with time my motivation kinda dwindled as I realized that I won't be able to play them ever in my endworld settlement.
I don't even know the rules or which units are good and which are not.
But hey, at least my dudes live on in my heart.
I never understood of people can both say "slots don't matter" and yet bitch about not being able to put certain models in the same detachment, as if fielding multiple detachments was a no-no.
Warboss is stronger, thus causes more wounds.
Huh, these guys remind me of the Solar Auxilia for some reason.
Warboss is also more careless
Is there any chance of Wyrdvanes ever being a viable option without the Primaris Psyker being taken away?
Catacha confirmed for Veeky Forumsizens
+1 strength
this is some good shit
So no new kits? Just a repackaged codex?
So much for this new edition. As always they only care about marines
the ability to reroll random attack dice is even more powerful
>+1 strength
>this is some good shit
and this is even the worse part of the rule :3
>the changes to AP and the lack of templates
The problems with 8th Edition are fundamental. Removing templates with no replacements was one of the dumbest moves the rules team has ever come up with - if blast weapons were 1D6 hits per 5 or 10 guys, it would be perfectly fine. As it stands, cheap, massed infantry with morale immunity is always going to be amazing, unless they are just utter and complete irredeemable shit across the board. If they nerf conscripts, regular guardsmen, Ork Boyz or Gaunts will take their place.
Yeah, I'd have leaned something like:
1d6 per 10 guys: Small blast templates/Flamers
1d6 per 5 guys: Large Blast Templates/Heavy Flamers.
1d6 per 3 guys: Deathstrike Missile Launcher/Orbital Bombardment.
yes thats why it's the most popular edition in years, because it's fundamentally broken and not because you're ass blasted shooty fags
I play Orks, you drooling retard. I can win most of my games by closing my eyes and pushing a shitload of boyz forward. Doesn't change that the fundamentals of Hordes are fucked and it's amazing that nobody caught that during development.
Are we back yet?
That would be comically idiotic, more than minimum squad size and you'd be AVERAGING more hits than you could physically fit under old templates...
>I sure hope all this kitbashing stuff means they're bringing back Doctrines in some form.
Are you illiterate or something?
>You do realize that they're "holding the line" so that their heavy weapons can actually do damage, right?
The only non-infantry units in my army are Earthshaker Platforms, and I can hide those out of the way so NBD.
It's a cost-advantage sort of deal. Having a purely infantry force turns all of your opponent's anti-vehicle weapons into overcosted anti infantry weapons.
Also, who doesn't love seeing massed infantry on the field? It's really cool to see.
>That would be comically idiotic, more than minimum squad size and you'd be AVERAGING more hits than you could physically fit under old templates...
Getting rid of templates was unnecessary in the first place, but it's not like 40k rules have ever been realistic or simulationist in the first place. In doubt, a few dudes just got hit worse by the blast, which is represented by additional hits.
>artillery MOS fags pretending they're relevant again
oh boy lets all congratulate the mortarmen who sit around behind the wire jacking off while the real soldiers get stuck in
I think that falls under >what gets unintentionally buffed
Unless Guard squad costs go up, that's pretty damn strong
dude I'm so fucking hyped, that's a great regiment trait
u wot
yeah, i hope the others are as dope as the catachan one is. Catachas trait is definitly a top tier trait
Catachans are well known for their company and platoon commanders leading from the front. They are technically officers, but if you saw one you'd just think he's an incredibly badass vet.
catachan concripts with commissars are now s4 and ld9...
wait. commissars are not .
>tfw you used to run power blobs and now you realize your infantry squads have s4 power swords and your company commanders have s8 powerfists now
read "modifiers" again
it's not a modifier, read it again. They add 1 to their strength characteristic. It means they have S4 as a base.
Multiply and then add for characterstics.
However, the weapon mod takes place later, check the designers commentary for that little tidbit. Yes, this includes making dreadnaughts strenght 14 with Might of Heroes and DCW.
Now Harker have now Str of 5 and Straken have Str of 7! Now they become more bulked than before!
What's the point? Does someone actually play IG to go into melee?