Ixalan is a fucking terrible set, with virtually zero playable cards in any format aside Sealed. Even in Sealed, pray to God for Dinosaurs or you may as well go home. The entire set is unbalanced between literally unplayable Pirates and Merfolk, and still shitty but busted in Sealed Dinosaurs. The removal's shit, half the jank is functional reprints, the Planeswalkers are weak as fuck, the flavour is boring and stale, who the fuck makes Dinosaurs and Pirates boring? Wizards have done the impossible, and TOPPED BFZ for shit sets. Fuck this game, I was right to sell my cards.
Other urls found in this thread:
Quit then I fucking dare you.
and here we go again. Let me bite the bait.
>with virtually zero playable cards in any format
>ripjaw raptor
>check lands
>maybe rites
>unclaimed territory
>deathgorge scavenger
>spell swindle
>that one ugly hatebear
>walk the plank
All against RR, which survives rotation barely unscathed. The Commanders are weak, Pirates plain suck.
Just wait a week or two for the people who are qualified to build decks to show you what to do, sweetie.
I wish I could understand the humans who actually immediately get hype about this.
Like you say 'dinosaurs' and people legitimately are like "fuck yeah dinosaurs" or people who genuinely like pirates. There's this expected reaction to treat them like they are 'awesome' and I don't get it.
So I'm supposed to be excited about shit Preordain, reprinted weak duals, flip lands that'll never go off, strictly worse Go For The Throat.
I've already been over the lists. There's nothing viable until Rivals at the earliest.
Ok combined ability of all the best players in the world. Is Spain still around in the future where you are?
his point was:
> virtually zero playable cards in any format aside Sealed.
Check lands are standard playable, shitty preordain is 100% standard playable and maybe even modern playable. Ripjaw rapor is actually good against mono red.
When a company that relies on sets being sold to make money says a set is shit, you should probably listen.
So discounting duals, 2 cards, one at common being potentially playable. TFW BFZ had better cards, AND Expeditions.
>TFW BFZ had better card
BFZ had lands and chad +stasis snare.
These are all standard playable:
>ripjaw raptor
>check lands
>kopala (this one is modern playable while being shit in standard)
>maybe rites
>unclaimed territory
>deathgorge scavenger
>spell swindle
>that one ugly hatebear
>walk the plank
I forgot one more card:
>ramping raptors
As they're house against mono red. Dunno, about pirates, haven't touched them.
>day 1 Ixalan
>people already doomsaying because no one has spoonfed them with a deck using those cards
Oh im laffin
While I agree sealed is shitty, and draft will be 'who can get the most big butt dinos' and removal is too expensive, the art/setting is fun as fuck. I for one welcome more EDH sets.
I went 3-1 as BW Vampires during prerelease
Dinosaurs are just the easy thing to build
There isn't much for EDH in there though. Some of the flip cards are dope, but what else? Terrible Dinosaur/Pirate tribals for Timmies?
Vampire tribal for tokens and aristocrats strategy
Fun vampires, and yes dinos/pirates for timmies. Im sure next set will expand it.
A pirate tempo deck will def make standard. The counter spell is pretty good.
I'll be sure to post this in a month's time once the standard meta has settled.
Legion's Landing and that hellrider vampire are probably dope for Edgar.
>dinos/pirates for timmies
These are not good EDH cards though. Yeah sure Timmy has an old, fat lady to lead his terrible pirate tribal, but that doesn't make it even a decent card.
Kaladesh block introduced great number cards that fit into multiple archetypes, as well as some new staples. It was a good EDH set, a good standard and limited set as well. I don't know about standard, but in the other 2 Ixalan can't compete.
>Fuck this game, I was right to sell my cards.
But, you still bitch about a game you don't play anymore. I don't know if this is bait or autism, but you have no right to bitch since you don't play anymore. You're exactly the same kind of faggot who does't vote, but still think they have the right to bitch about who's in charge.
We still have to get half the block though. Remember when everyone was shitting on Hazoreth until HoD dropped and RDW in standard became a thing?
>tribal set
>2 out of 4 tribes don't have enough cards to support a constructed deck
>1 of the other tribes hardly has any actual tribal payoff
>last tribe has to compete with RDW and glorybringer for viability
This is literally just more whining about not being able to come up with anything clearly broken.
UB pirates look like they can get a competitive tribal deck going in standard, they got a lot of disruption, a nice curve and decent evasive bodies. Fathom Fleet Captain gives more evasive bodies each turn, Hostage Taker is just removal that can steal stuff on a body, Dreamcaller Siren can be a huge tempo swing if played right and finally we got basically Bob for 3 mana, access to the best single target removal, PW removal, counterspells and duress.
there's also a possibility for UB skies that would be heavily pirates, with favorable winds and several aggressive fliers.
Get rekdt, scrub
>buy up Ix cards while they're cheap
>Amonkhet rotates
>preorder prices
>still lower than Kaladesh
You can't make this shit up
Noice blog post friendo
Good discussion
Glad you quit the game :^)
Yes there is Bone Picker at least 5 flying pirates and the cycling Stifle bird from HoD and with so many pirates you could also include Fell Flagships to have 8 "lords".
also the bat, hope of ghirapur, and Siren Stormtamer give you up to 12 1-drop fliers if you just want balls-to-the wall aggro with favorable winds. with kitesail freebooter, stormfleet aerialist and skyship plunderer you could really make your fliers run low to the ground.
>I was right to sell my cards
Good for you. Goodbye.
Jimmie, it's past your bedtime.
Please I want to know
Well, do you have a Y chromosome? I've been told amazement over those two is more prevelant in tiny humans that do over those who don't.
There's a strong possibility that you have autism, seek help
>maybe even modern playable
It's almost certainly Modern playable.
Magic is terrible and has been so for a long ass time. You are just now realizing it, but most realized it a long time ago.
Been playing for a very long time.
Was made to market to kids, wait for masters or dominara if you don't like it, in the meantime buy mm3 while the packs are still 10 bucks
>ceratopsian with feathers
>on the frill
What the absolute fuck?
Ixalan's dinosaurs have feathers wherever the artists thought feathers would be most stylish and cool-looking.
Most of them look trash as a result
If you can do better, you can Bitch
Didn't we have exactly this thread like Two days ago?
Oh shit, nice get
The set is great for Standard, but Standard will continue to be held underwater by Kaladesh for another year.
Fun fact, every artifact block without fail has ruined the game.
The power alone with the land potential with all the explore, and there Is 2 cards that work really well, a pirate that makes opponent diacard a card, and an enchantment that makes opponent lose 2 life for discarding, a lose lose lose.
Is that actually your opinion? Maybe it ruined standard, but it's barely strong enough to have note worthy cards. Torrential Gearhulk? Snapcaster and baby Jace are still things.
He's voting with his wallet.
>Still Playing the Paper Jew
>Top LeL
He doesn't play anymore, which means his money isn't going into the game. Thus, his rights to protest the company is invalid and he's pouring useless salt all over his pants. Does the price of the cards and how balanced the game is actually affect him? No, because he doesn't play anymore and he's sold all his cards. OP should stop being a massive horse loving faggot and go buy something that'll make him happy, like a dildo for his wife's son.
I quit the cardboard in favor of the plastic Jew, which is far more addicting. GW and Wyrd have me by the balls now.
But if he was putting money into the game, you'd just tell him to quit. Is this some Catch-22 of just having to accept and swallow the massive doodoo feces coming out of wotc
No, don't accept anything. Best advice for OPs like this: quit the game, move on with your life, stop making threads like these.
It doesn't matter friend, the set is fun
Its called enjoyment and fun, you wouldn't understand, Sheldon
I just like this set for the flavor and commander worthy cards...
Personally I thought prerelease was a boring slog, I haven't given up completely like op though
>he plays standard
Challenge accepted.
Draft will age very nicely compared to HoD and Amonkhet.
Vampires have access to the most good-great uncommons, and because people are all looking for the dino's, it will be super easy to build a great vamp deck for a while and dominate early drafts.
Complaining about lack of support, half of dino support won't be used anways...
Among a 21 creature heavy deck you have at least playsets and random 3 &2 ofs.
Kaladesh block has been pretty high-impact on most formats. It has three banned cards in Standard, and energy shells are still strong. In Modern and Legacy, it provided Fatal Push as an incredibly important removal spell, and it gave Paradoxical Outcome to Vintage. It's also very relevant in competitive EDH (lol), with Dramatic Reversal, Paradox Engine and Aetherflux Reservoir.
You didn't draw it faggot, if you can draw something and not just copy paste, you can bitch.
>He doesn't think dinosaurs are cool
It must be hard to live life as a soulless husk of a man.
>Fun fact, every artifact block without fail has ruined the game.
It's weird because we've had colored artifact spells for a long time now and we know that what makes artifact blocks broken is that all the powerful cards have no color restrictions.
Just put fucking two and two together, Wizards.
Bet you're fine with critics that get paid though, right?
Ohhhhhhhh shit
I think they've made marionette master viable deck
>Bet you're fine with critics that get paid though, right?
What? Like Siskel and Ebert?
Terrible curve. What are good turn 1&2?
I wish I had played back in Antiquities because I played during Urza's Saga, Mirrodin, and today and only Urza's Saga was actually broken.
Affinity and Marvel were just top tier and alone in top tier. That is not what defines broken.
Not him, but does turn 1 in standard even matter?
Even so, duress and push are things.
God damn son. He told you.
You should quit too
>you'd just tell him to quit
Is this supposed to mean something? One quitting magic because one is sperging out too much otherwise is fine advice.
One quitting magic and then still sperging out regardless is just fucking stupid.
(Lol) commander will eventually be solved even if a simple mind like yours can't understand
>being mad so you call the other posters what your mom calls you when you get mad at her
This, how is this thread still alive?
What good critic is there that doesn't just shit on things?
Every turn matters pleb
Even so only play B
Also opt but that's probably not going to happen unless you're on the draw.
And cycling censor.
Not very much in standard. Temur energy has been top tier for a year and all it does turn 1 is attune half of games.
I even hear feather fags complain about it. Most everyone who plays grew up on JP movies so you think they would pander to that.
Instead we get inaccurate people and accurate animals. Weird.
1 drop flying pirate that can sac to counter or 1 drop black pirate that can explore or push a dork if you deem necessary
2 drops is Fathom Fleet Captain, pirate mana leak, and duress flying pirate
The whole point of ix dinos is that they're all tropical and shit. Their feathers look like parrots on purpose.
Is anyone still reading this thread?
Has anyone found a non-terrible draft deck in this format that isn't just aggro? Dinos does nothing and dies, control might as well not exist, midrange just loses to the decent aggro decks because they're all doing more powerful things than you are.
Sadly when there are so many good 1 drops, aggro is easy and will always be on top until decks flow through
>Fun fact, every artifact block without fail has ruined the game.
was besieged really that weird
i mean perhaps I'm letting affinity and mirrodin over shadow it but didn't seem that bad
>pic relate
i've been doing that since theros
and it hasn't been working
I think the only way to pull it off is if you get very particular things in your other pulls. Aggro as a deck can just be built from commons. Control or midrange needs some rather specific build-around cards at higher rarities to really work.
I saw a Pirate deck with that Rare Siren locking things down with an excess of flicker effects, but it seemed really unreliable
>preorder prices
Con diez cañones por banda,
viento en popa a toda vela,
no corta el mar, sino vuela,
un velero bergantín;
bajel pirata que llaman
por su bravura el Temido
en todo el mar conocido
del uno al otro confín.
Dinos do great if you get cards to curve into them like the human that lowers their cost and gives them haste or the raptor hatchling that turns into a bigger dino
I just threw all the dinosaus plus a bunch of basic lands and a couple "you draw a cards when a big ass creature etb" enchantments into an EDH deck and have been beating anything not turn-2 combo or turbowraths.
Dinos are pushed as hard as vanilla/french vanilla creatures can be and the actually good ones are really good. There's also a handful of great Modern cards and the Spyglass and Torpor Bear are Legacy playable.
If they don't do shit in standard it's because standard is shit.