Did any of your PCs have a Chaste Romantic relationship with their Significant Other?

Did any of your PCs have a Chaste Romantic relationship with their Significant Other?

Isn't that just having a best friend and not having sex?

If you go on dates, kiss and cuddle with your best friend, yeah.

When did dating becomes synonymous with sex?

Nope. There HAVE been one or two "chased" relationships though.
Especially the one who married Manah Razz.
That poor bastard has it rough.

Wife's son

Late 90s

Yes, with the bard of all people. Unsurprisingly, the "chaste" part lasted about two months in-game, but they've remained cutesy as hell in spite of it.

Well, mutual masturbation isn't sex...

Nah, my and my lady fugg. Why let the Rogue get the opportunity to secretly fuck her first?

I may be a paladin, but I'm not stupid. That's exactly how this dude operates.


So you're prepping the bull, gotcha

Mythos don't sleep around that much.

Unless you are talking about shub-niggorth

Abstinent, but not fully chaste.

How do you have a long term chaste romantic relationship? I guess I could see a particularly long lived species like elves getting away with it, but not anything with a drive to reproduce.

Elder Sister of the Woods is pure!
It's not promiscuity if you devour them afterwards.


Would you rather be a murderer or a slut

I know, a slutderer

>If you go on dates, kiss and cuddle with your best friend, yeah.

Right, so basically having a boston marriage or like, a male best friend in the 1800s

My first character, yeah.
He is in a relationship with a woman in a small fishing village, where he was hiding out for many years. He sort of became the father figure for her daughter at the same time, and he loved telling them stories about some of the adventures he had been on, even if they didn't believe him.

He never married her because he knew he might have to leave again, but he will once he sorts out the people hunting him.

I'm playing Pendragon. That's practically the only kind of relationship there *is*.

...do you not?

>Romantic Relationships

I have a hard time keeping my perverted murderhobos in check as it is, don't need to add rape to the list.

He's a sophomore in high school. He's never had any kind of serious romance with anyone.

Still, he's a big kid, he can play drums and is learning to box. I have hope for him.

Chastity != Celibacy
