Morning fags
Another beautiful day to see Raiblocks rise and take over the crypto market
Top 15 EOY
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This is the most COMFY hold of them all
>he didn't buy in at $10
Laughing girls .jpg
super comfy
comfiest hold i've had in a while. Just added 750 more to my stash of 2200.
Tfw only have 500
Part of crypto holy trinity.
This is extremely comfy. I've never felt so confident.
Tfw only have 130
it WILL be a beautiful day for Rai ;)
When I started out that was all I could have afforded as well, but making trades on coins like this has blown my portfolio up. This is the easiest buy i've made in months, and i'm planning on holding until around $100.
Thanks for making me feel better anons
Lol, I suggested a rebranding with that logo and the name ReichBlocks and there were some faggots that got offended and asked the mods to ban me. I just laughed at them, and mods didn't care. Although they deleted the post I made an hour after, probably because of redditfags.
oh, forgot to say that it was in the trade discord chat.
Good coin but goes on cobinhood which is literally a scam exchange
not mentioned in
What's the best crypto portfolio tracker?
1000$ reichblock when?
tfw only 59
i feel ya bro, wanted to reach 25k, fml
...I have 33
anyone beat this
All of this because I forgot a wallet
Are you saying you lost access to your raiblocks?
Shill me this coin
>tfw only have 8 XRB, bought for 7$
got 62. bought before it was $2. Just didn't have funds available to get more.
No. I loaded a wallet full of XRB in April and forgot about it.
Found it last week lmao
Well are you a retard, who would want that name
I have only 1000 on my name, how much do I put on Rai and when do I expect returns?
Dev is a jew but a pretty cool jew, comes off as ancap and can handle bants.
I was obviously joking fucking redditard.
Also when Rai on Binance will it moon to Saturn?
Comfy for the listing on KuCoin
Who else is going to profit not only off the gains but also getting a share of the trading traffic holding KCS?