>Its good to show contempt for your main demographic.
What? How is that contempt?
>Equal representation is contempt
You sound like you have a victim complex.
500 Ruble's have been added into your account, Sergei.
Having a balanced cast isn't contempt you moron.
Get that chip off your shoulder.
>equal representation in a game with 90% male playerbase.
that's still not contempt you retard.
>>equal representation in a game with 90% male playerbase.
>Those two completely different things should be linked
Ok, from now on, we should try to have as many countries on Earth than Saturn has moons
So that's how MtG ends
>I hear you like tall, dark, and handsome. Well, I got you two out of three.
I gotta remember that one.
By definition. Not representing males because you are trying to backtrack from 2007 when social justice wasn't a thing... Is contempt.
>not representing males
that's not what they're doing. males are still there. males are still represented. they didn't make it 90% female to give a finger to their audience, that would be contempt.
Replacing men with nonwhite women 5 sets straight.... It's contempt.
>Tranny Arlinn
>Sassy black lady Kaysa
>Dot head Indian Saheeli
>We Wuz Queens Samut
>Southern dino lady Huatli
All literally back to back. Seriously. Stop being a faggot.
We already have a ton of male planeswalkers. They didn't suddenly vanish. The poster-boy is still Jace. They're just adding more females to balance out the gender ratio. I don't see how that's "contempt".
If nothing else, they are a company trying to make money. Having identifiable role-models in a medium makes individuals more likely to relate to that medium and thus buy into it. It's sound business-sense for them to add females, as it helps give the impression that MtG isn't only a game for sweaty dudes.
Also waifus sell
Yeah I'm sick of the women planeswalkers as well. I know fantasy isn't realistic, but, let's face it, how many women in the real world did anything life changing? I can think of very few women who did anything significant to change history. Far more men did. Women are so worthless that demon steampunk machines and mountain size eldritch beasts are more believable than a woman planeswalkers actually doing something competent.
>replacing men
they didn't replace men, you fucking mongoloid. they're fictional characters, they didn't fucking retcon vaginas onto them.
>tranny Arlinn
just because you don't find her attractive doesn't make her stop being a white female, especially given the number of people calling her a milf during spoiler season.
>it's a fantasy setting where theoretically anything is possible
>retarded manbabies shit their pants when there are non-white, non-male characters
I thought the sockjuice boogermen were the ones who were so easily triggered over this shit
I'm 99% you're baitposting, but in the case you're legitimately ignorant, I'd love to point out the existence of the wonderful represenation of the MALE planewalkers:
1. Jace Beleren
2. Ajani Goldmane
3. Gideon Jura
4. Garruk Wildspeaker
5. Sorin Markov
6. Tezzeret
7. Sarkhan the Mad
8. Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded
Which outnumber the six female planeswalker cards by 2, if you weren't aware.
Also, why are you so bothered by gender of fucking fantasy characters in a card game? You seem like the type to tell people to stop being triggered by the gender of characters in media. Or is that only when the representation benefits you?
>nonwhite waifus
Uhhh.... Yea... It's called target demographic. In case you missed it in magic. Is mostly men.
>I can think of very few women who did anything significant to change history
Probably because you never studied history past highschool. Just because you're ignorant of something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Fascinating, isn't it?
Ugin and Nicol Bolas are male. Karn is genderless because he is a golem, but he uses male pronouns.
Why does that matter?
The demographics of a piece of media should have nothing to do with the demographics of its consumers. Do you expect all things to be racially and sexually segmented along the lines of its audience? Do you as a man have an issue with female characters? Do they take you out of the story, or make you feel uncomfortable somehow?
For the average person the answer to those questions is 'no'.
Dude, I want more chesecake, don't you? I'm all for 'mirin some beefy walkers (no homo) but I'm always down for some reality transversing tail, know what I mean?
But... There is an sjw under the bed?
Dosnt this just back up OP?
>Not representing
Males are still represented though. The main character is male. The main villain is male. The majority of characters are male. Even with the newer planeswalkers there's still more dudes.
Nobody has been replaced you retard.
Get /out/
Pretty sure that was bait.
If the existence of non-white women in your fantasy card game prevents you from enjoying it, I'm pretty sure you're in the extreme minority who do.
99% of magic players don't give a fuck about stuff like that.
So yeah, you're right. MtG SHOULD appeal to their demographic majority. Because they are and you're not a part of it.
My bad about Tibalt senpai. I don't even play magic, so I used the wiki page for quick reference.
Only here cause this thread is so entertaining.
The real funny thing is the guys sperging out over muh male erasure are also the ones pontificating about how representation doesn't matter.
Yet ive put farrrrrr more money into it than you could imagine. Know your place child. I could buy and sell your ass 5x over.
While OP is an idiot for posting as he did, going for "gender balance" just for the sake of balancing out the number of hatchet-wounds to winger-fingers is a fucking stupid thing to just say. In comics, movies, fucking card games, it just screams out for political/social back-patting and brings undo attention to the company at large.
Just fucking make what looks cool, make characters who are characters on their own right not just a female James Bond just for the sake of a female James Bond, and stop openly trying to signal out to everyone about this kind of shit.
Fucking nu-MtG players. Who the fuck cares about planeswalkers? Or even what gender they have? Get your head out of your ass and enjoy your busted card type
>Doesn't play magic
>Thinks women need more representation
Sounds about right.
You forget:
9. Ugin
10. Nicol Bolas
11. Dack Fayden
12. Dovin Baan
13. Daretti
14. Ob Nixilis
15. Ral Zarek
16. Teferi
17. Karn
18. Koth
19. Domri Rade
20. Xenagos
Against fourteen total female planeswalkers.
>not wanting waifus instead of sausagefest
Fuck of poltard, go back to glorifying your dotard.
You're not wrong
I really don't think the numbers matter at all. That being said, I want more women to ogle. I don't get why people get soad about this tbqh. The race thing (supposedly) breaks immersion for certain archetypes, but even that is just a preference.
You have a problem with this but not with the following?
>We wanted her to be connected to one of the factions. Being red and white meant that was going to be the Dinosaurs. Since many have asked, we like our Planeswalkers on the more intelligent end of the spectrum, so no, she couldn't be a Dinosaur.
Like that is straight up bullshit. One of the most famous dinosaur related thing's is CLEVER girl
Huatli could have been a dinosaur
But no
Fuck this
>Yet ive put farrrrrr more money into it than you could imagine.
That's on you, no need to blame your mistakes on others.
So true
How is making more females is showing contempt for the main demographic?
Is the main demographic gay males?
I mean, I've never met a Magic player who wasn't a faggot.
Unrelated to what OP is raving about, but I'm really annoyed by how in the articles they said they wanted Merfolk to be focused on spell-slinging, but didn't want to make people choose between getting a merfolk and getting an instant or sorcery.
So obviously, they picked a shirty +1/+1 counter subtheme like always instead of using the one mechanic that would work perfectly for that issue.
It also means that we have a lot nore janky merfolk creatures and spells reliant on them because they couldn't figure out how to squeeze spells-matter into Green. A card-draw or explore subtheme would have been way better.
>How is making more females is showing contempt for the main demographic?
This reasoning only works if 90% of the Magic audience is manbabies who hate women.
Realistically, that's probably only about 75% of their audience.
Does this argument not imply that initially the game had open contempt for women?
Is that not itself an argument for a 50/50 split, so at least both sides are burdened with an equal amount of contempt?
Its a known quantity that they tried prowess in merfolk. I don't remember if they ever explained exactly why it didn't work.
>Realistically, that's probably only about 75% of their audience.
I'd put it at 50% or less, manbabies are known to be exceptionally vocal.
Yeah, that's the article I was talking about. I can kind of get Prowess feeling weird in Green, but I think the bigger reason thet gave was that it was hard to choose between the creatures themselves and the spells.
Besides, if they wanted to avoid Prowess in Green, they could have gone for Managorger Hydra style triggers, checking if any player casts a spell.
>the game is played mostly by men!
>this means the game world must also be inhabited by mostly
God, you're pathetic. You are seriously so bothered by them including characters that aren't male or white that you take attempts at diversification as a personal attack. What a tiny, sad world you live in.
And then these kind of people have the gall to tell others they're oversensitive and easily triggered.
Does it really help your argument to continually call people 'manbabies'?
In this particular instance I think I'm actually on your side, but you still manage to be absolutely obnoxious.
only reusing terminology from the user I was replying to.
I can get behind this movement.
It's just this being Veeky Forums, or something. People are unnecessarily hostile, whatever side they're on of any debate.
Sorry, I guess that was aimed at whoever started it then.
>t.16 year old
>Does it really help your argument to continually call people 'manbabies'?
>Sorry, I guess that was aimed at whoever started it then.
I don't even play Magic, I just think these bawwwww threads are hilarious. Every time Wizards puts a black guy on card art, I'm guaranteed at least thirty days of non-stop hilarity.
If you're seriously getting upset about a children's card game having non-white characters, you're 100% a manbaby.
Threadly reminder to just hide, report and move on
Considering I could sell them and buy a house. Don't see that as a mistake.
No. Because women weren't the demographic then. And they aren't now. Do you get upset that yogurt commercial usually pander to women as well? It's called marketing.
>le children's card game meme
I never understood why people throw magic under the bus to insult another magic player. It's fucking retarded.
>Waaah the game is not 100% white guys.
Go be a underage retard somewhere else.
It's ok if they are adding waifus,bigger issue is niggerfication of mtg.
Do you really think having more male characters appeals to men?
MtG never intentionally targeted men. It targeted nerds, who were mostly men, by having magic and dragons and knights and shit. It's never really had a gender-targeted advertising campaign, it's targeted based on interests. It just so happened that more men were interested in fantasy TCG's.
Even now, with this crop of female planeswalkers, their marketing isn't gender-targeted. After all, only gays want sausagefests. They're just noticing that there are waaaaay more male planeswalkers than female, and balancing shit somewhat. Wizards have noticed that women do get into fantasy shit, and are doing so in increasing numbers as the years go by, but they're not trying specifically to pander to women. They know that making the plot about... I dunno... shoes or wedding dresses or whatever isn't going to be smart, and they're not doing that. They're pandering to nerds. ALL nerds.
>make characters to pander to a demographic
>they're all trash
Real successful
What's wrong with them as characters?
I think you'll find they are pretty successful. Only a select group of people have a bone to pick with them, and these people don't care about the quality of characters anyway, only that they're the correct colour/gender.
I don't mind female planeswalkers, but the fact that they're ugly makes my blood boil.
Wat. Even Arlinn isn't really ugly, just older than average.
Are they the demographic though? Or is this just more pandering to a vocal yet tiny portion of people who, after everything is done, never buy the product.
New Ghostbusters
Amy Schumers last netflix special
Dear White People
Marvel comics recently
That Jenner girls Pepsi advert
All these blew up in the creators faces and in the case of films received almost no financial support from the target audiences.
I have no stake in magic either way, but I can see thos going down as another inclusivity failed experiment
Does it matter? I don't see why guys are wetting their pants over more females.
FFS more females is generally considered a marketing tactic aimed at men.
>more females is generally considered a marketing tactic aimed at men
Only if they're hot.
I think it's most accurate to say that the demographic exists, but that it doesn't matter.
There are definitely women that play MtG, and definitely women that read comics, and there's an increasing number of these female consumers. People in general are diversifying their interests; we're seeing the social stigma upon certain things lessen even fade away entirely in many places, and it's having a pronounced effect on demographics.
HOWEVER, and this is the important bit, the female comic readers and female MtG players will read comics and play MtG no matter what female representation is like. The women that want to consume these things are interested in doing so for reasons other than their gender, and will consume them, so long as Marvel or MtG don't become Gor or something.
In this light, there's nothing wrong with what Wizards are doing, mostly because they haven't actually been pandering to an excessive degree. I don't see them running into the same wall as Marvel, because, when you get down to it, MtG is a game. The average player doesn't care what's in the art of his card. They care what the card does. The story is NOT the primary draw. The characters are NOT the primary draw. They're a side dish, a splash of flavouring.
Also, Marvel's real problem is bad writing. They don't actually have that many SJW books running, they just have one or two notable ones and a ton of simply poorly written comics.
The girls in magic are not attractive by many conventional standards?
>Dear White People
That show actually made it clear that that a stubborn "All people are X" is counterproductive at best, and is one of the few shows I know of that has the divisiveness, and times hypocrisy. of the black community as an underpinning of it's topic.
What do you take issue with it, exactly? Genuinely curious.
Is that a shota with a maid squad?
Let's be honest, most of the new females are at least attractive.
Nahiri, Kaya, Saheeli... all hot. Huatli I can't tell, she looks different on almost every card she appears on - sometimes she's a delicious South American treat, sometimes she's a pudgefaced truffle. We'll have to see where she goes when Wizards finalize her design.
Even existing characters have gotten hotter. Nissa was legitimately less attractive in her early days than she is now.
>tfw also play weeb CCGs and TCGs so the influx of women in MtG does nothing to rustle my jimmies
>Probably because you never studied history past highschool
I did. Just not in college where the Jews that run the college cherrypick the few famous women to try to advance their feminist causes.
Well, just for starters they don't have much reason to be Planeswalkers, wince they don't go anywhere, and haven't gone anywhere. Everything they do could be achieved by a normal character.
'Member when the actual players were the Planeswalkers?
>The Jews insidious agenda is putting a few women in my fantasy trading card game
Literally all of those were and are lambasted by people on both sides of the political spectrum though.
>What do you take issue with it, exactly?
Not him but I think the reaction to Dear White People is a clear cut case of people getting up in arms over something they've never seen and never will, simply because other people are doing it.
I marathon'd it, and it wasn't too bad.
I jived with a lot of the issues in the show I see in my community that you won't see unless you are a part of it. The cutthroat, "I'm Blacker than Thee" horn locking was fairly raw in presentation.
>Not pandering to me exclusively is contempt
>But I'm not a whiny asshole overreacting to something that doesn't affect the actual game I supposedly enjoy
>I'm standing up for men like me- by being a whiny asshole
stfu or gtfo youre being a prick
Oh look, it's someone complaining that the representation of gender and ethnicity within a piece of media doesn't match their political agenda.
Where have I seen this before?
Yes but the women in weeb tcg's aren't gay niggers
>We specifically have to make characters female rather than making a character whatever the writers feel like/works better for the character because older characters are more male than female.
Is this news for Magic: The Pandering?
>The girls in magic are not attractive by many conventional standards?
In recent sets? No. No they're the fuck not. Go through the art in Ixalan. ZERO hot/sexy chicks. They just disappeared from the game a couple years back. Before then, there were some in each set, not a huge amount but some, but around the same time this "we're big on diversity now" thing started, all cheesecake just vanished from the game. I don't think that's an accident.
It's one of those things I never realized how important it was to me before it was taken away. I don't even feel like buying Ixalan now, and I barely bought Amonkhet.
I dont take any issue with it. I havent watched it. I do remember the rather large backlash it got on social media it got at the time of its trailer being released and all of the people saying they were cancelling their netflix accounts. I cancelled mine much earlier because of Kodi and have never got round to looking for it
I might watch it now you remend me of it. Remember hearing that it wasnt all what some were making it out to be
>Stop being a meanie head
Fucking nu-males...
If you unironically use this term I hope that you have your testicles knawed into ground beef by rabid ground squirrels.
Maybe because it wasn't important to you until you decided it was.
When all you've experienced is privilege equality feels like oppression.
I'll let you form your own opinions on how relevant (or true) this saying is as it relates to what OP posted and this thread as a whole.
fictitious females enrage male mtg players because they get sad when they realize they can't have sex with them.
they haven't been attractive since I started playin, and that was during Tempest. Hannah was hot in ONE card, Disenchant. She was very plane and had no titties or abs in any other picture of her.
I don't even know what you're trying to say there.
So what, Dovin Baan, multiple Ajanis, Daretti, Nicol Bolas, and Jace don't count now?
Go shitpost about something you know even a bit of shit about
You need to have (roughly) human-level intelligence or greater to have the planeswalker's spark, and I don't think they wanted literal Dinotopia for this plane.
Though maybe they should have. Replace all the Sun Empire humans with more dinosaurs. Intelligent, feathered, Aztec dinosaurs (some of them are just wearing the feathers). And then you get Raptor Waifu Planeswalker.
>So what, Dovin Baan, multiple Ajanis, Daretti, Nicol Bolas, and Jace don't count now?
Do you realize that with the sole exception of Jace, the ones you listed aren't even human?