Infinity General: Icy Shithole Edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli where the two most powerful empires mankind has ever known fight for control of a barely habitable snow globe, mostly through passive aggression and sabre rattling.

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lore question: what was the Ur-civilization like before The El?

Ah Morats, don't ever lose your hair and change your skin tones like Klingons.

We don't know much about them other than that they were ridiculously advanced and fucking loved making science. They also had doggo equivalents called Ruaria that Ikadrons are based on.

Troll hunters for Svalarheima when

Helot auxiliaries for Varuna when

Park rangers for Acontecimento when


Blackjack needs a new paint job. Looks weird from that angle.

If you get Troll Hunters, we get Blue Wolves.

I do want to see what Helots look like though. Hopefully not humanoid or another rubber forehead alien.This game needs more aliens.

God I hate soulder-mounted weapons. Gonna take a lot of time to make Blackjack look neat.

>Andromeda looks like a great Vedic design
>instead she's in ASS
>with a statline they didn't need and no-one will use
>laden down with that retarded doggo

What did CB mean by this?

We already have EXO Squad suits, might as well get the Neo Sapiens.

Blue Wolves would be neat also.

Helots are supposed to have big tails and weird transparent brain cases, they'll probably be pretty weird looking. Still humanoid in the 2arms+2legs+head sense, but a bit more exotic than the artichokes or edgelords.

To be fair she wouldn't be much better in OSS. She's just a worse Mk5 Posthuman.

And did Aleph even need something like that? Imagine if instead they got a good spec fire platform, or a sneaky camo unit, or even a named Thorakites made to support long ranged links if it absolutely has to be ASS. All of those would be far more unique and useful than some boring combat specialist that is outmatched in vanilla and doesn't work well in ASS.

>To be fair she wouldn't be much better in OSS. She's just a worse Mk5 Posthuman.

Well, yeah. The point is she should have a completely different profile AND not be Greek.

Agreed. I like her model, and I may pick her up to use as a mk2 hacker proxy but I don't think I'll use her regularly.

I'll probably try her out, but I think that there are too many other more specialized options at that point level.

I play almost all Vedic stuff too, barely even touch myrmidons

>I play almost all Vedic stuff too, barely even touch myrmidons

My high melanin-content lhost.

Fuck the ASS. Fuck 'em.

Wish I could hate you to death.

Is this the first Ur we've seen?

I'm feeling a mighty urge to run him as a proxy for something. He's such a handsome fellow.

He´s not an ur.

She is now a strong contender as a proxy for Zoe. I think Danavas might still be my go to for that but man i want that greek and her robo kitty.

Mechas that hold weapons realistically are cool and badass, while hand/shoulder mounting sucks ass (with only few exceptions). Also, I bet that the model will be wobbly as fuck because of the overweight torso.


>Still humanoid in the 2arms+2legs+head sense
Nah, they've got six limbs.

>300 point list with 10 models, 3 of whom are AD and 1 is irregular

They got six digits per limb, couldn't find mentions of the exact number of limbs, other that they born without the back ones and lose them again at the old age.

Actually there is two irregulars in that box.

The Corregidor box is a great expansion upon the Nomad starter and we should make sure to say exactly that every time someone asks.

Yeah, I don't think anything in the box stand out individually as terrible, but that's not a sane combination in itself.

Not to mention a whole 0 LT options.

Except it's called a 300pt Army Pack, and not an Expansion Pack or beyond Corregidor Starter or Upgrade Box or whatever. A newbie's gonna see "Army Pack" + maybe know 300pt is the usual army format = it must be a complete army, surely the devs wouldn't fuck me over with their own starter?

Where the hell do the pilots arms go?

Except for the fabulous new lt Brigada.

Good question, its hard to see from those angels.

Andromeda's hand isn't molded onto the doggo's head, is it? Like, they're two separate pieces and you can leave the dumb thing out if you want?

Also really digging that Crusader Brethren.

Personally, I'll probably be using her as a Mk. 5 proxy, since I haven't seen fit to get the new Posthuman box yet. Does anyone even use Mk. 3 or 4?

Are TAG pilots usually female?

What new Brigada? The only LT loadout is the multi rifle one, which is not in this pack.

Apparently, they are adding another lt. Profile.

Mk4 looks like a good HI with budget price, Mk3 looks a bit redundant next to him. Of course neither got the proportional discount other proxies get and are just "very cheap" instead of "I'm a literal Hitler for fielding these".

I still can't understand why his guns aren't diagonally opposed. It's bad from an artistic perspective, and fucks the weight distribution.

TAG pilots were prominently display pieces due to lack luster rules and thus pinup models. For some reason they continued the trend even after buffing their stats and releasing them as regular models.
I guess having big robot doing the dirty work was also an excuse to sculpt more slim models -> women.

Well, at least we got Iguana and Gecko pilots + John Scarface.

Boarding shotgun.

Yo back in the last thread people were talking about some dude named Xaos who got dinged for cheating. What's the deal?

I for one don't wish to go back to that shitshow.

Fair enough. But it is Infinity drama and not from some other game? With that information I should be able to go find it myself.

The Mk4 HRL is one I take almost every game. I just sit him up high in cover and make the opponent waste 3+ orders getting rid of him, and it doesn't even take out an order.

>the opponent waste 3+ orders getting rid of him, and it doesn't even take out an order

This is why Posthumans are bullshit and should be in the game.

*sigh* meant to say "shouldn't" but somehow I just proved Aleph players' points.

I thought it said they had six limbs in the RPG Varuna stuff.

I don't think he's any more of a speedbump than a TR bot or linked snipers. One shot in ARO with no visors or visual mods isn't really insurmountable.

Remember the flip side of the order thing. You didn't kill an order, but I paid points for models that don't even generate orders.

Pretty sure they just fit into the suit's arms

It only says six digits with black, retractable claws.

There is a series of pics in gencon seminar with less of the parts attached.

It isn't insurmountable but it doesn't need to be, because it's 20 points. And let's not forget that lovely SMG that can go AP or shock supp fire to lock down a nearby area as well. If you really want your Mk2 to be hacking the Mk4 HRL is a viable replacement for the sniper.

One order split between any selection of 2 or even 3 Posthumans is still fucking cheap. Unless you're fielding mk2+3+4 or something crazy like that, all of them together barely costs more than the most expensive one would as a normal unit and come with 3 units worth of incredible utility.

given what we know about morat culture it seems strange they would have their TAG pilots be female

What do you mean?

Raichos are culturally weird in general. They occupy a space that isn't exactly infantry, but isn't really armour either. We don't know if they participate in infantry sotoraks, but somehow I doubt it considering how different TAG piloting is to foot soldiering. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were unisex.

they are super agressive meat heads that value big armor and big guns and frequently fight to the death over military titles, as per the store descriptions.

They also exhibit a stronger degree of dimorphism than humans, hence why they have their foot soldiers be all-male while the special operatives and others be all female.

It is possoble they might decide driving the mech is not direct enough and this better suited for female morats, but given the wodespread use of power armor and huge guns in their male regiments I would think their men would want to drive the mech too, and probably willing to wrestle for it.

It might also be a matter of it just being more efficient - making a TAG for a female Morat is way cheaper/easier than making one for a male Morat due to the size difference.

What's the status on the RPG?
Any place to download for a poorfag?

I wouldn't count the Iguana just yet. That's a big chest. Could be hiding a big bust.

Being poor and also blind must be hard for you.

It's in the op

>I don't think he's any more of a speedbump than a TR bot or linked snipers.
He has 2 wounds and arm 8 in cover, when he dies nothing is lost. A TR bot usually goes down in one or two orders assuming you don't get crit. The TR bot also costs more. The MK 4 is frustrating as fuck to fight against.

Common conception mistake. A TR bot is scary and powerful, it must be good for defense right? Well. Yes and no. Know what's better? 2 8pt repeater+Flashpulse+Mimetism drones and a Warcor. That's a much nastier defense unless vastly outranged. Because at the minimum you gotta spend three orders to kill them all, probably more. A TAG or Camo attack can kill the TR bot in one.

Lol you could kill those in 1 order with an HMG. Or just ignore them if you're just moving and have good BTS.

This user gets it.

This user does not.

You do realize you can split your burst in active turn, tight?

If you can hit 3 models in their bad range and your good range with a single order your opponent did something stupid. If you're splitting burst 3 ways against 3 flashpulses in good range you're taking a risk I'd be happy to let you take, we're still talking about fewer points than a TR bot.

TR bot can also be repaired with one order and is actually a significant threat that needs to be countered rather than a slight annoyance that can be easily swept aside by literally any mid/long ranged gun in the game.
And if you've got a good HMG you can split burst between 2 of them. A Warcor goes down like a bitch if you shoot it when it's in bad range bands (which you should assume it is at all times if you're planning on covering a lane with it). Scout bots are a little harder and should probably have hyper-dynamics instead of mimetism desu, but they go down pretty easy as well.

It just needs to be in both your good ranged. HMG in almost any core fireteam would shred three 8 point repeater bots and a warcor.

Still bad placement. 24 inches is more than enough to cover many fire lanes, and even if the enemy burns an order to gun down a Warcor from 30 inches away, that's great. He's not guarenteed to do it, and you just spent 3 points (1 percent of your list) to take out an order that's probably around 4-5 percent of all of the orders he gets the whole game. It's even better if he misses.

2 regular orders and a warcor irregular is still 3 targets that can cover 3 places or closely overlap one, while providing more stuff to massacre. Plus, Mimetism and WIP13 flash pulses are shockingly powerful for 8 points. Everyone should max out those fuckers every list, every time. They ARO better than any rifle trooper will, since the goal is to burn orders first, kill the enemy second in ARO.

An HMG and any core fireteam costs 4-5x as much as those repeater bots at the minimum. You're probably losing out on the order exchange since you still need to chase these fucks down to go down the lanes you want to.

>An HMG and any core fireteam costs 4-5x as much as those repeater bots at the minimum.

Yeah, but its sole purpose is not to clear out flash pulse bots and warcors, you retard. It's going to do plenty of other work.

>You're probably losing out on the order exchange since you still need to chase these fucks down to go down the lanes you want to.

If they're not covering the lane I care about, I won't waste orders clearing them out.

You don't need to chase down anything. If they get in the way, they go down. If they don't, who cares? I'm not going to go out of my way to stomp a Warcor, and if a drone wants to drive over and be a good repeater then it's going to have to deal with my ARO stuff.
There's also the factor of active turn uses. Slap assisted fire on that TR bot and it's suddenly a vicious active turn piece, which imo has a little more value than a fat repeater (exception might be in CA where there are few alternatives, but CA's TR bot has mimetism so it's a whole different ball game)

Besides, it's not like they're mutually exclusive. Get a TR bot AND some scout bots, the little guys are best used when there are bigger ARO turrets for them to supplement. They shouldn't be the only defensive unit you have, if they are then after they all die immediately (or at least immediately after they become annoying) you've got nothing. And it's not like you're going to spend an order fixing them up, that would be a waste.

What's not going to be hard is finding an adventure to run, given that 11 (or 13, depending on how you count) adventures have just been added to that folder.

I'm still an SP fag and I think Andromeda is really bad, and the model isn't changing my mind.

>And did Aleph even need something like that?
No. Aleph already has solid infiltration specialists. Andromeda is trying to be one, but with only counter-productive skills.

I was thinking of using her as a Thrasymedes proxy, because I don't really like his mini. It depends on if her hand is molded on the stupid looking doggo's heads or not

How good a value is the CA starter pack for vanilla CA? (the one with the Umbra legate, the Fraacta and the Maakrep)

You probably won't use the Unidrons, but the other models will get loads of play.

>you probably won't use Unidrons

All the units in there are useful. It's a good starter.

is an insane person.

I don't see them used in vanilla that much. I play Onyx, and like 90% of the time it's time for plasma sniper bro.

>what are cheerleaders
Not every order generator can be Ikadron and Netrods, you know.

There are better cheerleaders in Vanilla.

Specifically, the basic Dat is 14 points, way more useful than the basic Unidron if neither can be in a fireteam.

I decided to branch out from my steel phallus, and troll local haters a bit, by playing haqqislam QK.
Now I know my core link is going to be 4ghulams and the dire foes chick. HMG,1 medik, 2 FO an Lt. I also want to take a janisery master dock, and the usual TR bot etc. My question is about the harris QK has. I love how odelisques look like, but they would die to viral and shock ammo in an instant. So maybe a harris of djanbazans, or a more defensive HRL sekban one. I don't have much expiriance playing with or vs haqqislam.

It's pretty nice start, especially if you can get the 300pt army pack for cheap. I recommend the Unidron SWC Box and Dr Worm, who's one of the few must-haves in this game

So you need to get Hafzas, before all the rest of that shit.

Also QK is really good at running MI or HI core links because they can ameliorate the cost somewhat by mixing in Hafzas. IMO Djans are the best all-around but Druze are getting new profiles (by December, I think).

He wants to play vanilla, not Onyx. 300 point box is better for Onyx purchases.

Now you're comparing apples to oranges. Daturazis are fantastic, but serve a different role.

Datz are extremely impetuous and can't act as backup specialists. They're great but they're no substitute for a reliable order base, especially for a new player who is unfamiliar with the finer points of not getting their warbands killed.

I'm not sure why people run Ghulam links in QK desu. It defeats the entire point of the sectorial because Hafzas are more expensive than Ghulams are and thus can't be used to fill out the link.

As an order donor, and for actually putting the hurt on people, they're superior to solo plasma carbine Unidrons. Honestly Unidrons without a fireteam are pretty lackluster; solo Plasma Sniper on occasion seems ok, but even for cheap specialists you have better options (Vanguard infantry etc).

Better of to buy the Datz and practice with them, rather then waste time and money on a unit you're not going to use.

As I explained, for cheap specialist mooks Vanguard FOs are just superior (better wip, better at winning FtF rolls due to higher burst, can go in SF mode, can still act normally and score objectives while in retreat).

>I'm not sure why people run Ghulam links in QK desu. It defeats the entire point of the sectorial because Hafzas are more expensive than Ghulams are and thus can't be used to fill out the link.

I would do it in a mission like The Grid that wants a very high volume of orders.

That extreme impetuous really limit their utility as order donors, especially if the enemy field MSV2+. Also very limited range.

Vanguards are more direct competitor, but they are quite different too, even the specialist profile. Sure extra burst of a combi is nice, as is the possibility to use suppressive fire and slightly better WIP. On the other hand the regular ARO from p-carbine is more vicious. But LI specialists are often used as a last resort and it's there that the dogged of unidron shines, along with their robotic nature let them tank two hits (during single order, otherwise they die thanks to doggeds quirk) and still be going.

But the main point is that you're suggesting buying troops instead of using models you already got from the starter and who do their job well.

Most versatile sectorial?

I think you're underestimating the bullshit potential of super dogged. The standard boarding shotgun drop troop you see around is literally incapable of dropping one in a single order, and even spitfires will struggle. It's even more powerful on the active turn, where you can stare down a multi sniper or multiple normal AROs and know for sure that you will survive it and go on to press buttons.
Not to mention plasma ammo makes them mean defensively as well (I'd rate them as equal to Vanguards in that regard since supp fire is better but requires more setup).

>That extreme impetuous really limit their utility as order donors

Not if you place them very cleverly. But the opponent can't cover the whole table with MSV2 (unless they want to pay the points for 9001 Djanbazans), and taking said MSV2 troopers out with, say, an Overdron on turn 1, or at least making them take cover, gives your Datz the chance to run in and murder.

How many cheerleaders are you really running after 2 Imetrons, 2 Ikadrons, and 2 R-Drones? Solo Unidrons will *not* get the job done, and Dogged for button pushing is *not* as useful as being able to function in retreat + SF Mode.

And if you were paying attention, the person asked *if* the CA starter (really Onyx starter) was a good buy. So they're choosing what to buy still. Insisting that they buy a box and telling them that they'll use models that they won't once they get a grasp on the game is a shitty thing to do.

Qapu Khalqi or Imperial Service.

Ah yes, the Ameriboard argument, or "Fill the table so full of terrain that there simply is no firelanes longer than 8" ".

Maybe you just have shitty meta.

>I think you're underestimating the bullshit potential of super dogged.

No, I'm not. I play Onyx. You're talking about Unidrons like they're Su Jians or some shit. Sometimes, dogged gets you all of jack and shit because your opponent makes the kill shot then leaves the model alone 'till it keels over. Sometimes your WIP 12 model fails its roll to press the button.

You also forget that they can't dodge for shit, and can't cautious move, so where a Vanguard could move between two pieces of cover to avoid a sniper, a Unidron is stuck dodging on a 7. And no prone, either, means they're harder to hide.

>Maybe you just have shitty meta.

Nah it's pretty excellent.

Pic related.

t. ameriboard player, who gets upset if he can't cross the board without triggering a single ARO

Cool beans. I don't play Onyx, and I still use Unidrons fairly regularly. Because despite what you may believe they're a solid option. Dogged and the plasma carbines aren't always useful, but often they are. This isn't fucking Securitate we're talking about, even if other troops have some advantages over them (as well as disadvantages, which you seem all too eager to brush over: dogged may be useless sometimes but more often it's great) they're by no means a bad unit.