>Someone pulls the chair-pulling prank on you at the game store
Is this acceptable behaviour?
What should the owner do?
>Someone pulls the chair-pulling prank on you at the game store
Is this acceptable behaviour?
What should the owner do?
How well do I know the person? Is it a stranger?
The owner? Nothing.
You? Punch the guy in the face.
You've played against him half-a-dozen times.
>What should the owner do?
Kick him out and ban him form entering.
What if you broke something?
It was just a prank
There are not enough videos of "pranksters" being beaten to within an inch of life on the internet and it really saddens me.
What game?
Because if it's MtG or 40K, the guy did me a favor by pulling back the chair so I can break my neck on it.
>the store owner orders one of his champions to block the door
>the other champion presents you with the chair
>the store patrons gather around in a circle chanting THE CHAIR THE CHAIR THE CHAIR
>you must bludgeon the prankster with the chair to preserve your honor lest you be permanently exiled
standard anti-dickwad manouvre is to kick the offender in the balls
dont play with people below age 25, moron
>Dude, don't be a fucking asshole. That shit isn't cool.
Then go back to playing my game. If he continues to be an asshole then I tell the owner of the jackass potentially hurting people in their store.
We've had flimsier premises reach bump limit senpai.
>If you can't act like a grown-up, I don't want to see you in here without a parent. That means you, Danny.
>everyone in the game store applauds
>danny leaves to hang himself in shame
>dad wipes a tear "I'm proud of you son"
>danny's former girlfriend asks what you are doing later tonight
It's a parody of those stories where the OP tells people about an unlikely occurrence that happened where they said just the right thing at just the right time and earned the praise and admiration of complete strangers.
Unless you intercede on the prankster's behalf, the owner should have the fellow removed from the store. It's really dangerous and can end in severe injury and paralysis, as well as being a childlike and autistic thing to do.
Straight up punch him in the face as hard as you can
this guy gets it
>Not Breaking him upon the chair like the Priests would the Wheel.
>Draw knife
>Stab him in the kidneys
We don't play no fucking games like that here.
how is that a prank
that's just physical abuse
1d4 isn't going to bring him down.
Just get him back with the old pins on chair prank. Escalate to syringe as needed.
I saw a dude break his tailbone when some fucking idiot did that in highschool.
I punch him in the face for being a fucking idiot. The owner need not intervene.
Does he seem like an asshole or just a regular dude who doesn't understand boundaries yet?
If the former, jam my foot up his ass. If the latter, tell him that shit isn't cool and make sure he gets it, but forgive him and get on with my life.
Why isn't this stock photo memed more? The guy's face is priceless
Pranks are best suited for those you are personally familiar with. Pulling a prank on a stranger and expecting no consequences is the realm of the fool.
>he doesn't understand boundaries
>I'll sexually assault him
Pranks are never acceptable outside of kindergarden.
I seriously hope you don't truly believe this.
The Magic Infraction Penalty Guide lists this scenario as "Unsporting Conduct-Aggressive Behavior" and recommends disqualification and a polite request for the offender to leave. That's what the owner should do. You proceeding to punch him, while also definitely an Unsporting Conduct infraction, will probably be downgraded a few levels if they're pulling this shit.
Pranks and traditional games don't mix well
>The students of Service High School in Anchorage, Alaska, had a long-standing tradition—a scavenger hunt. In 1992, Clyde Thompson and a group of friends decided to participate. On the list of 46 items to collect was a helium balloon on top of Lo-Mark furniture store.Thompson and his friends climbed the store to retrieve the balloon but were seen by its owner, who came out with a gun and began firing warning shots in the air to scare the teens away. One of those shots hit Thompson in the back as he was running to the truck. He died in the back of the truck as his friends raced to get him to the hospital.
But once they're disqualified, they're no longer part of the game; therefore, The Magic Infraction Penalty Guide no longer applies to you punching them.
Why not smack him in the face with the chair?
It's not a parody if it's exactly what you did.
Happened to me recently. Except it wasn't literally a pull, it was leaving faulty chair in place that will "fold" when you sit on it. I retained my balance and laughed off the "Geez, user, you're third to run into this today." What else would I do?
The thing is, you should never drop yourself down like a sack of shit you are, the same way you don't jump into unknown water, the same way you don't lend random bum a tenner. The best way to avoid disappointment (and injury) is to take precautions.
I mean, you got a point that whoever set this up is a cunt but the world around us is full of such a cunts, and worse.
Aie. Always keep a dagger at hand and an eye to the exits.
Real life isn't D&D. Real life is GURPS.
Beat the shit out of him.
pranking strangers is indeed not acceptable.
I did the chair pull trick to one of my good friends in high school and everyone saw it. I felt really bad immediately afterwards. I still think about it sometimes like it was the worst thing I've ever done.
Acceptable behaviour? That's grounds for a fucking knife fight.