EDH/Commander General /edhg/

"Planeswalker When?" Edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question: What's your favorite strategy, archetype, or wincon, /edhg/?

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thread question:
tokens + stax

Punisher. Rakdos Charm all day erry day.

QOTT: Flying beatsticks :^)

>What's your favorite strategy, archetype, or wincon, /edhg/?
I like UW tempo/control but in edh I like playing Abzan reanimator just because it lets you play all the things that casual decks like to do

He's not fast anymore.

He's fast in our hearts user.

I absolutely love that art desu senpai I NEED ONE

He has a tail. Is this the first treefolk art with a goddamned tail? I love it.


>Wanted to get legendary danosaur to make a stupid fun deck
>get vraska instead
At least I got a new thing for gitrog

>Thread Question: What's your favorite strategy, archetype, or wincon?
Commander dmg with commanders not built for it like Newzuri, strategy wise I like using cheat out tactics like T&N or Selvala's Stampede or stupid fun combos like Devoted Druid

Best strategy is either stax or combo.
Also a question: if I control a Smokestack with x counters and a Tombstone stairwell, during opponents upkeep, do I or the other player choose which trigger is put on the stack first?

>I love enchantments
>recommending fucking Blaxos
What a chit shart.

How do I make her work /edhg/?

ashnods + value etb + hatebears

Blasting Station+Karmic Guide

Seriously? One of the commanders with high combo potential? Are you going to ask how to make Krenko work as well? Let me tell you a secret: you play goblins

blasting station + almost anything

i love that deck

we're supposed to get some info from RC today, aren't we?

So because I'm more than slightly autistic and very bored, I took a random sampling of 120 legendary creatures from the 703 on magiccards.info and divided them by gender.

Flavor text was the first criteria, with cards like Iname, Life Aspect referring to "him" and "his." Cards referencing, though not representing a character were used as well, such as Ogre Clever referring to Kazuul with male pronouns.
Lore knowledge was second. Liliana is female, Baron Sengir is male. Included here were characters like Emrakul, who have no gender but are referred to in lore with one.
Third was miscellaneous non-lore articles from magicthegathering.com, such as one referring to Yomiji as "he."
Fourth was guesswork, though I only had to rely on this once.

At the end of the day the total was 66 male, 46 female, and 8 mixed or neither. If the ratio continues with that trend the final total would be 387 male, 269 female, and 47 mixed or other.

Before I'm asked - multiple characters on one card only count once, one character on multiple cards were counted (both Akromas), and Alesha didn't appear but would have been counted as female.

>counting as female

Want to make a edh deck with pic related. Wat do?

Be a speedster.

Ape tribal.

I want to build Feldon of the Third Path. Is it worth buying the whole goblin pope for it? It'd be nice to instantly have a lot of the staples for the deck.
There's a LGS in a nowhere town 25 minutes away that I'm pretty sure has it. Problem being I don't know the price and it'd suck to drive out there just to find out they're gouging it.

Also Wurmcoil engine without the phyrexian watermark is fucking gay and annoys the shit out of me.

take any given marath deck that tries to abuse birthing pod and slide her in the command zone

I'm sure was prompted by the discussion last thread about WotC's "representation". Regardless of your stance on transexuality, you have to acknowledge that Alesha would count as female for WotC's intentions.

>are you a furry
>Ink Eyes and Kemba

How did it know brehs

>Thread question
Glass cannon ramp. I like making ridiculous plays in the first few turns and forcing everyone else to deal with my boardstate. I like being the aggressor.

>phone posters

>Problem being I don't know the price and it'd suck to drive out there just to find out they're gouging it.
Phones exist.


Then don't buy Daretti. Keep in mind that Daretti himself is pretty good in Feldon. Kamahl?

Pretty good but Leo's banned and you seem to think Isamaru is mono-white equipment voltron over 8.5 tails.

That pic is old it still has Griselbrand on it too

*blocks your attack*

How the fresh heck would someone end up with Greasy B and Leo on the same pic? At no point were both of them legal together.

So im going to run pongify, rapid hybridzation, swan song, counterspell, rewind, arcane denial, summary dismissal, redirect, and willbender. Is that too much or too little for monoblue? I was also thinking muddle the mixture or cancel

Are you a furry?
:3- kemba kha regent
also the rainbow gay boys

I wish instead of doing wizards they did rats for C17, cats vs rats would've been fun and Wizards was easily the worst constructed deck because there was too much going on with no focus

That's about 90 cards and a commander short.

Keiga, ive been working on it slowly. The rest is every clone i can get my hand on

What are some creatures that become HUGE? Serra Avatar is one, for starters


Negate > Arcane Denial unless meta calls for immediate creature counters

Insidious Will is an expensive but modal counter that has uses outside of just countering something, Mystic Confluence is quite possibly the best 3+ CMC counter in the format, Mana Leak can do surprising work in green or white-heavy metas, and Desertion is just hilarious.

Non-counter removal has a few decent options. I like Imprisoned in the Moon and Venser, personally, but mostly because I nurse a harmful addiction to ETBs.

>Negate > Arcane Denial unless meta calls for immediate creature counters

Do you not have a lot of creature combo going on in yours?

Managorger Hydra.

Without going infinite, nothing gets bigger faster than Thromok.

my friend plays this in a 5c mediocre stuff deck

not terrible

taurean mauler
ajani's pridemate
managorger hydra
sunscorch regent
primordial hydra

how long until drana drops? it's rotation week

You want a piece of meat, boy?

hol up

lets do this

She's like $5 that's nothing, if she was going to drop a significant amount then she would've already since she sees no play in Standard

you picture is almost as retarded as you are

oh god

is this the day I finally make an orzhov deck?

you know what must be done


>last 2 decks built were BUG and UG
>"ok that's it no more UG"
>the next archetypes i'm interested are
>tokens into mass polymorph, RUG has the best support
>threaten effect value deck, RUG has the best support (yasova)
>already own a RUG deck that I still kinda like having around

how do i free myself from the UG building curse

nevermind that, how much is kalitas going to drop? i kinda want to build a "fuck everyone lmao" deck for him but i'm not "pay 15 euro" interested in it


I honestly prefer the original art over this.

I can't see him dropping much honestly, he went from being $25 at the beginning of the year to $10 currently and will probably stay around there because he's good in other formats. Especially now with Edgar out every vampire has gone up in price.

tfw theres literally nothing positive about invocations

Build mono-red of course.

Any Esper autists want so share some wisdom to a newer player that's really only played craw wurm.dec? Are cards like Detention Sphere or Nevermore worth it when you can just exile or destroy most anything you want?

sadly i love to grind people out and the color that loses to 1 board wipe is kinda bad at that

usually o-ring style stuff is bad in EDH unless you have some crazy synergies with them. those enchantments tend to just die to board wipes and often come at sorcery speed as well. most good creatures in EDH tend to be ETB stuff as well. like, do you really want to put a woodfall primus behind an o-ring?

dont be a bitch, faggot
>plays UG
>is a bitch
like pottery

Maybe you'd like an Alisha deck?

If you can't find joy in tapping for Goblins then I don't know what to say.

excuse you

see my first decks were aggressive red and black stuff, but it turns out my compulsive need to optimize shit just made my decks hard to have a fun game against, so i started building more laid-back grindy stuff with very few wincons. nowadays i tend to win mostly by attrition and value, which is the most preferable way for me to win because i won't feel bad over it


Well control really gets my almonds activated, I used a friends Oloro deck the other night which was mostly just removal and draw spells, and it was much different but really fun, it felt like I had answers to everything.

>mfw being on the other end of a huge creature getting exiled for 1 mana

My first commander deck outside of a preconstructed one came in the mail today, please clap

Is spell slinger Mizzix with one infinite combo and two tutors (firemind and mystical teachings) rude fa/tg/uys?
I'm new and the other guys are running Cascade man, Scion and edgar

Who did you end up building?

Marchesa the Black Rose because I love Undying

Patron of the Orochi was my go-to for a long time. I could consistently kill the board by turn 5. It was capable of turn 3 wins, though rare.

Allright folks, how hard do you commit to pillowfort in a deck, espcially in Zedruu. What cards make the cut? Including >pic related

Spicy tech for helping/ "helping"

Marchesa 1.0 looks really fun and just dumb with something like Mikaeus.
>Any (non-human) that dies without a +1/+1 counter will come back with a +1/+1 counter
>Anything with a +1/+1 counter dies comes back without one
Shame he's 25 dollars a piece.

Yep I plan on getting him and maybe Wurmcoil Engine for some degenerate stuff next paycheck

I remember when black mike was like six bucks tops.

Yeah this meme deck made him really popular


I have the chance to buy doubling season for $47 right now

do I do it despite being a poor college student, or do I just wait 2 years until I graduate and get a high paying programming job

You could just get Parallel Lives and wait until you have money to blow to get a $50 card.

Holy shit, I don't think I've seen a worse case of "creature looks like it's flying but doesn't have flying" since the original Blinking Spirit.

that's $2 too much for a card that sees no use. fucking markov, piece of shit. i only need her for annyfenzy

I'm playing Vorel counters tho

I have Primal Vigor in there right now but I can't even play it in my group because one of my friends also plays a lot of counter/token bullshit and it'd help her more than me most of the time

this one is pretty bad

All of the muses look like they could have flying, and none but Windborn do.

It's great in a few popular decks like Alesha, Marchesa, General Tazri, and Edgar. She has her niche and she does it well, I can't see her going lower than $4

I sold an invocation Aggravated Assault for double what I bought it for so that's pretty positive

Is Angels tribal expensive? It looks expensive.

but I prefer marrowgnawer

generally speaking tribals are retarded expensive to build if you consider how bad they usually are

poor fags gtfo