Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

Khorned Edition

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So are they living or dead?
In the old White Dwarf that introduced these models it says something like "they are alive, but they are so close to the undead that the same rules apply!".

And I've only skimmed around AoS material, but what I read always dances over the issue of whether their heart is still beating or not.
I get it, they mutated and went insane, and got exposed bones everywhere, but do they breathe?

Whatre you working on

Doing some kitbashing for my freeguild. Still a lot of green stuff and cleaning to do

Forget about casks on their back. Why the fuck this guy is running around with a beastclaw's ham on his rifle?

Shit, I'm an idiot

the gors are probably better in a 30 blob, they're ALWAYS better with a shield over paired hand weapons

this list is way over burdened with battleline, mostly shitty ones too

the 30 blob is also much better for having mystic shield cast

what warlord trait/relic are you taking?

I don't think you'll be able to exploit having two great bray shamans with this list though, like one casts mystic shield and the other does nothing pretty much every turn

Also you can't use malagor in a brayherd army because his warscroll doesn't exist anymore, he's just a GBS so drop one of your GBS and take another 10 bestigors

You can also drop the raiders and top up the bestigors, at 1000 your list looks like

30 Bestigors
30 Gors

Ends you at 940/1000 with 200/200 as your allies giving you a shot at boon rolls

Imo crown of command is the best relic because if both your blobs have inspiring presence you can charge them forward and laugh but there's lots of good options.

For traits take Malevolent despoiler I guess or Lord of War from the Chaos command traits
Chaos Talisman or Crown of conquest are your best options for relics to keep your beastlord alive to buff your gors mayhem rolls while insatiable beast gives you a prayer at your beastlord keeping up with your units (they can run and charge, your beastlord can not)

>Not keeping your ham handy at all times

Have Forsaken been discontinued?

Thats his Warham


Living. They're delusional cannibals.

Degenrate mortals. In WHFB they were created by Nagash's shenanigans and they would also naturally occur in people when they canibalised corpses, which would typically absorb the winds of Dhar (dark magic). This is also why Ushoran's vampire bloodline degenerated so much as well and why Vampires in the World that Was would avoid drinking the blood of the dead.

Warham - Age of Sandwich

That's a lot of casks, I love it

>whatcha workin on?

Base coat and some drybrushing the dark purple to light fur of these stonehorns. The cannon conversion was a success imo. About to give the brothers a few more skin shades, and going to hit the leather straps with some much needed nuln oil. Frostlord is basically done.

>Not keeping your ham handy at all times
this user has his priorities in order.

And I'm so far digging the freeguilds!


So despite looking pretty much identical, a Ghoul King and an old Strigoi are different in that the first one breathes and the second one is straight up undead right?

...Or are Abhorrant Ghoul Kings vampires too, like Ushoran, and thus dead?

If he is fighting Beastclaw Raiders, then that will make certain that they come right into his sights.

What seems like idiocy is actually genius because the enemy is so dumb. Or something like that.

Currently assembling the 4 dudes you get in Gorechosen. Next up is my Karadron admiral, and then some Scourge Privateers for skirmish. Intermittently working on Dark Angels and Death Guard

Try and find a way to fit 40 clanrats into the list. Especially if you have your heart set on weapons teams.

If you're playing against melee lists then having weapon teams surrounded by inspiring presence'd clanrats guarantees you a win, against tzeentch or other high quality shooting your weapons teams will be sniped and you'll probably lose, but you might get your clan rats into close combat and win.

Scratching my noggin' for a brief joggin' leaves me with:

Arch Warlock

5 Acolytes

3 Stormfiends

40 Clanrats

Ratling Gun Weapon Team
Ratling Gun Weapon Team

You can use a warpstone spark to double the doomwheel's damage which can sometimes be devastating, but using a spark to cast warplightning is pretty good.

Optimal stormfiend damage is warpflame projectors for shooting, ratling guns for long range and shock gauntlets for melee

But user, the musket ball will not harm the ogor at all - you would have to put the barrel into his urethra


that's what the ham is for, get him nice and close so you can dickshot him

Abhorrant Ghoul Kings are Vampire, yes and most of them are probably of Ushoran's bloodline.

What's this? Did they trade minds or is that Bloodletter actually a Slaaneshi Cosplayer.

60 lead balls will kill anything

So I finally did it. After wondering if I should for a long time, I went to my local games workshop and ordered in store for the Spire of Dawn box set.
I'm extremely nervous thinking of putting all those models together but also I will finally be able to play age of sigmar.
It feels like I've kinda signed away my life though.

Wait until youve dropped $10,000+ on models before you wonder what youve done with your life

get two before they're gone, although if you want to play high elves I suggest you get three (total)

>Lets take an expensive old metal model with only 2 sculpts and make it a battleline unit

Thanks GW

I honestly don't think it'll ever get that bad. I think.
I mean with this and like another box of swordmasters or 10 more Spire guard bought off Ebay I have a 1000 point list and plus with only a $12 add on of a skaven assassin theirs a 1000 point list for skaven.
Beyond that Im just hoping they release more stuff for high elves. I want to make like an order Draconis army but thats only 2 units currently.


have you looked at the skryre formations though? all of them have mandatory stormfiends, like we get it, fantasy players didn't buy enough during the end times because they were rares

honestly the acolytes aren't THAT expensive, like they're in line with sternguard/swordsmasters even some of the new KO stuff

it's just their rules are shit

That's a thicc rat

Can your allies be battleline?

eh the 3 sets of spireguard let you run 30xSwordsmasters and 30xSpireguard along with giving you three sets of five reavers for general high elf battle line filling which is nice.

If you want to get into skaven the clanrats basically need to run in bricks of 40 with spears for maximum effectiveness, so two sets of spire is great for filling these out

it's one of those things where spire of dawn saves you such a ridiculous amount of money it's sad to see it go


I'm looking for a cheap casual army that has fancy accessories and a battletome to collect. I want to build a small, "petite" force to improve it and perfect it over time - a handy army of your dudes like a jewel in the crown.
At this point I have three candidates that fit my requirements - Sylvaneth, Ironjawz and Beastclaw Raiders. I like their lore, their aesthetic and they all seem to be okay to build them on budget (2 start collecting boxes, a megaboss for IJ or Ironblaster/Scraplauncher for BCR and I can call it a day).
Which one should I pick Anons? Are there any players of said factions? Try to sell me your army, I want to know about them as much as I can

Ironjawz, skirmish box, sc!, battletome, warboss, away you go

I mean I will probably buy more at some point. It seems like its not as limited in the states like it is in the UK.
What I'm sad to see is that the bolt throwers aren't for sale any more. They seem like something you need in some match ups.

you can still buy the gondor bolt thrower

But user, there is no Spireguard battalion anymore so you can not use Swordmasters with Swifthawk Agents like you used to do - I just noticed it on the warscroll builder and I'm mad right now. It was here last week, what the fuck

How are the rules shit? 60 points for 5 with -2 rend d3 damage guns is fucking cool

I don't think I will be allowed to say my Hobbit bolt Thrower is high elf, not with the people I will be playing with.
The Spireguard battalion is included in spire of dawn, I doubt if you bring that piece of paper with you everytime you play anyone will be like NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT.

But it has no point value at this point. It seems to be squatted like clawpack battalions mate. It's printed in the pre-GHB17 booklet so it's not legal in tournaments I think

>I don't think I will be allowed to say my Hobbit bolt Thrower is high elf, not with the people I will be playing with.

>bolt thrower
>gw made
>pointed high elf helmets on the crew

what's the problem

These 5 spare arboyz trigger me desu. You can not even add them to the SC! ardboyz unit

But they make an even 20 with an ard boy box set.

Orruk Megaboss (140)
- General
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)

10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
- Ironjawz Battleline
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- Ironjawz Battleline
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
- Ironjawz Battleline

Ironfist (160)

Reinforcement Points (0)

Total: 1000 / 1000
Allies: 0 / 200

Fuckin perfect 1000pts. Shame that IJ battletome is the first-generation one with no allegiance abilities. GW should update it and re-release it with the GBH17 allegiance abilities included

'ardboyz are sold in 15s and you take them in squads of 10s

if your autism is really bad then get two skirmish boxes

How's clan moulder?

waves of giant rats backed up by huge monsters and ogres sounds cool as fuck

giant rats have absurdly high damage output when they're in a giant brick

How about hellpits and rat ogres? Seems they got cheaper too. Might pick up some rat wolves and brood horrors as well

Where can I still get the old compendiums?


What would you want/do you think we'll get out of a 2nd edition?


A Time Machine.

>playing the NPC Skaven clan
I mean, it's still not as pathetic as pretending that Verminus or Eshin exist, but c'mon. Moulder's most important innovation is letting Skyre have Stormfiends.

What about master clan?

This sub-faction garbage has gone far enough

the army is SKAVEN and all the little pieces form ONE ARMY

Still a good model. With the current design paradigm, new ones would have 50 pipes on his backpack with obnoxious smoke sculpted coming out, dozens of skaven symbols including on his goggles, a rat somewhere on his body, and his blade would be bigger than his body. And if you had the audacity to express the opinion that the model may be slightly overdesigned, you would be met with a chorus of 'why are you here?' and people posting pictures of the very first GW model ever released and saying, 'I guess you prefer this shit eh oldhammerfag?'

you sound like a nostalgia fag.

has nostalgiafag replaced oldhammerfag?

Its a much older phrase then that. Its literally what it sounds like your over romanticizing the past and being a big fag about it.
Yes some new models are over the top, but that doesn't mean that all of them are bad, old sculpts are straight up ugly, squat like and made of poorer quality materials then new models, and by the same coin that doesn't mean all old models are bad. Unironically jacking off to the past, or overpraising the current/future are both horrible view points and only someone with little to no self awareness would hold such a viewpoint.

Whatever they can use to argue that the new shit looks better I guess.

it's not a good model

Not even what I said lol. Thanks for trying to make me into a strawman though, the desperation is appreciated.

aelves soon please

it's a collegiate arcana character in one of the short stories

no aelves

Anyone else fucking hate kharadron?

I hate how the models look on the table. I hate fighting them. I hate that literally everyone at my shop got them

Its been fucking months since this teaser, im so fucking sick of waiting for new cool shit

We still have to suffer through another stormcast release before we can get to something else


No one at my store has them

What are you working on /aosg/?


My first two minis ever.
I'm experimenting on Liberators, and I honestly don't know which kind of color scheme I want to paint them. I'm just sure I don't want to paint them ultramarine blue.
I should have probably gone for white marble armor, but someone said it's hard as fuck to pull decently.

Also working on Stormcast Eternals

Hello Michael J Fox

I uses that works, I can even put the left over 60 points into a summoning pool so icons either summon a Beast of Nurgle or a Razorgor (those were the units I remember being 60 points)

Whelp shit. Blurry pick from earlier today. Guess that's what you're getting tonight Veeky Forums

Why is thred so ded

Finished my last Stormfiend

Fuck it second try

Quality stuff user

I feel like I can either run 40 clanrats or 3 stormfiends without cutting my firepower too much but not both.
And also I do want to field my cannon just because I love it so much and the jezzails because I built them myself...

Then again, stormfiends with vigordust and ratling guns with the overseer trait should do a lot of damage on their own, but they do lack range.
And the mortar would be good at devastating an enemy tarpit unit by using a spark to deal 12 damage.

Though I guess both the doomwheel and the cannon might both be a tad too random for a tournament.

Can you run a single Enginecoven, or can you only run Enginecovens as part of Clan Skyre?

Only as a part of clan Skryre sadly
Stormfiend are too good to pass on

Are there Aelfs yet?

No Aelfs, only Brayherd

Brayherd Start Collecting when?!

just find an old battleforce

Yeah, they're pretty neat.

I could run:
Arch warlock
40 clanrats
5 acolytes
2 warpfire throwers
2 ratling guns
3 stormfiends

Steadily advancing, tarpitting enemies in the clanrats, mowing them down with fire and a buttload of nasty needlepricks.
But nothing beyond 18" range.

this is better but lacks the warplightning which user was drawn towards

also post your custom jezzails

I am that user.
And I can't post them right now, not at home.
Basically made them from stormvermin and left over galvanic rifles from my skittles.

Might also exchange the fire throwers with jezzails to get some range.


B... Bakaaa~

Seriously though, what do you guys think of the WIP theme? Neave is the only one that's finished, on the right there

Here's my 2k Try-Hard Skryre list:

Clan Skryre


Gautfyre Skorch Engine Coven

3x Warpflame Stormfiends
Warp Grinder Weapon Team
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team

Gascloud Chokelung Engine Coven

3x Stormfiends either Ratling or Shock Gauntlet depending on the MU
5x Skryre Acolytes
5x Skryre Acolytes
Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team
Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team

Not an engine coven

Ratling Gun Weapon Team


40 Clanrats, Spears

Arch-Warlock takes Overseer and Esoteric Warp Resonator

If you don't think flinging D6 mortals 22" forwards or alpha striking with 2d6 + 6d3 mortal wounds is worth 300 points then you can manipulate the weapons teams numbers and cram in a balewind vortex which lets your arch-warlock fling warpstorm 36" effectively turning him into a super warp lightning cannon

If you do this then an engineer takes the Overseer trait because the warlock is too busy swirling around pooping out lightning to oversee anything

If you don't need the body count from clanrats then the list is filthy

Arch Warlock, Engineer, Engineer, 9 Stormfiends, Warp Grinder, Warpfire Thrower, Warp Lightning Cannon
Skryre Battalion, Skorch, Voltik, Balewind Vortex
You can swap Voltik for Threshik if you feel like warpstoning the doomwheel for double damage

Skryre either reks face or gets rekt hard, partially by itself.

Let's make that mostly by itself.

Doomwheel has some ok range with the upside of being able to use warpstone sparks.

As far as I can tell you can spend the warpstone sparks at any time, including after failed saves, and damage rolls.

Meaning when you get that 6 damage warplightning shot off you pop a spark and turn whatever you shot into a pile of goo

It also seems like you can use the Clan Skryre Arch-Warlock re-roll whenever so you can do filthy things like trigger as many engine coven abilities as possible and use the re-roll at the first failed attempt

if you're skorching mortal wounds onto them you usually wreck face

but if you're worried about getting wrecked then you hide weapon teams inside clanrat blobs

something hits your clanrats, then dies to 2d6 mortal wounds

I hope they eventually release a Clan Moulder Battletome, with some new mutant beasts and atrocities

They've always been my favourites

Spending sparks with random damage is quite iffy until errata. The most fair scenario would be spending it before rolling for damage.

And using the skryre battalion on a 1000 points game is also not the best option since you basically have to spend at least 400 points for the battalion, two cheap covens and two warlocks. Add in 140 for the arck warlock, 120 for two five man units of acolytes, which also means getting 300 points of stormfiends to use the gascloud coven aaaand you don't have enough points left for the second coves units.