What is the difference of playing a female character from a male one, roleplay wise?
What is the difference of playing a female character from a male one, roleplay wise?
Depends on context. Gender is significant, but how it affects a character can happen in as many ways as there are potential characters you can play.
Depends on the setting. If we default to D&D (Forgotten Realms) there's no difference.
One is normal, the other is gay.
I'm gonna sum up this thread now:
>argument about -4 strength
>it changes difficulty GET IT?
>only weirdos play the opposite gender
>-4 strength memeing again
>only weirdos don't want to be something different than themselves in an RPG
>rinse and repeat
Why do you keep making these threads?
Depends significantly on the society the character grew up in, probably.
females are atractive, males are default
Trying this out right now in a 5e DnD campaign, the only difference is that most people forget that you're playing a girl if you're a guy and vice versa, and that the wierd guy at the table makes it a point to describe how his character has a crush on yours.
She can get pregnant, he can't.
>and that the wierd guy at the table makes it a point to describe how his character has a crush on yours
It's even more of a problem if you're the female player with the female character. I know it, because I am the creepy guy
-1d3-1 STR
+1d3-1 DEX
-1d3-1 CON
+1d3-1 CHA
Female privilege.
Almost nothing, the things I can think of are
The way other characters look at you;
It hurts in the boobs, rather than balls;
Your cunt stinks after travelling instead of your balls.
>What is the difference of playing a female character from a male one, roleplay wise?
soggy-knees aside, go look at Pendragon. You're playing slightly uplifted Dark Age characters and evolving them over ~100 year to the TH White Romantic Arthurian mythos.
Women basically NEVER fight. They don't go on adventures except in extraordinary circumstances. Any time they in to mess with the affairs of men or state, they get sent back to the kitchen to fix a meat pie.
With that said, they are holy terrors to deal with during Court and the Winter Phase because they can do intruge and rumormongering that can dishonor the shit out of a knight, or even break you up with that little Cornish waif with the 6 enfeoffed Manors who you've spent the last years of your life trying to woo. And you can't do anything about it except to be nice to a girl yourself so she can do counter-rumors in your defense; if you try any sort of accusation against the lady fucking with you in the first place, you can bet dollar to donuts that she'll have at least 2 knights to choose from to "defend her honor", and it's a good bet at least one of them will be some Round Table fuckknuckle.
Additionally, it's unmanly for men to run a household, so if you want to be able to afford armor and horses, you'd best have the support of a woman with a Stewardship score. This is actually a huge advantage for the extremely rare female knight***, they can learn Stewardship and Surgery skills and don't lose Honor for using them.
***Female knights are a RARE thing in the game. It prety much says straight up there should be between 0-3 female knights in Briton at one time, and reserve a slot for your one PC who wants it. Also, they get treated slightly worse than Brienne of Tarth until they have double the glory (want to be treated like a 3,000 Glory Knight and have a vagoo? You need 6,000 Glory) or 1.5 times the Glory (3000 needs 4500 to be treated evenly) depending on GM desire.
You have the same ability scores as men, and benefits to arbitrary social skills.
But the downer is that you've a higher weakness to poison, have poor saves from the scores you are equal in are prone to flinching when faced with violence, and have to put more work in to maintain the bare minimum of equal footing with men as a way to stimulate noted biological differences between men and women, and will lose will-saves on various emotional situations pertaining to maternal instincts Period length, duration and strength, and are susceptible to corruption roll tables and such areas related to monsters aligned with Objective Evil as a force. The way of making up for this is however, to worship a Greater goddess that is the entire reason for Female adventurers being able to compete at all due to using her powers to help you reach actual equal footing with men, but the downside is, her blessings only are given out to women until they are thirty years of age, the longer holders of the blessing often being of the clergy or chosen religious figures and heads or those sent on missions of the goddess.
So Women are functionally closer to reality and the actual equality bit is sort of a gesture of goodwill in faith they find their place in a family at a certain age.
Depends on how much you want to emphasise the whole "hey look at me i'm a girl/boy" angle
So, in most cases, hopefully not a hell of a lot.
The only way I can describe this is via movie analogy.
Watch Aliens, and observe Sigourney Weaver as she is simultaneously (and quite successfully I might add) performing the roles of being an action badass and a woman.
Notice how there is no meaningful difference between her character and a hypothetical male lead during any of the action scenes: just as dumb, just as lucky.
So now that we've got that out of the way, try going back and watching any of the non-combat scenes. Notice the emphasis on how she is feeling, not acting. Pay special attention to her life before getting recruited for the mission, and her actions during the hearing. And finally, observe how she reacts to children.
Depends on the setting and in what context
That role was specifically written for a male character. All the feelings stuff, those are scenes guy action movie characters get too. In the case of Ripley, there is absolutely no gender difference in how the character should be played.
Which isn't to say there CAN'T be. A female adventurer doesn't have to act exactly the way a guy would. They can be anywhere on the spectrum from
>Good fight, now let's chew jerky and scratch our armpits
>Good fight, everyone! Wow, together we really can do anything. I haven't felt so surrounded by love since my mother disappeared. Aw, geeze, now I'm crying and my makeup is running, I need a minute.
And a male character can be anywhere on that spectrum too. Emotional fops can be lots of fun.
Written for a male character, but played by a woman. You're assuming Weaver is just some acting robot and didn't put her own spin on the writing and direction.
The answer is
LOL, you fail... So far.
>that guy
My female barbarian orc would disagree. Maybe for human woman your petty view applies
Not a lot. I had a fellow player (guy) who played a female character that was a cannibalistic witch intent on I don't exactly remember what. That character being female was more of a quirk rather than anything. He used that quirk to "marry" some dude (who was later eaten) but the same could have been done with a male char and female npc.
Now in games like pendragon where the roles of the genders are pretty much set in stone (women are stewards only, men can be knights &stewards) playing a female char is not really a possibility without massive house ruling, and even then it is weird because that game contains reproduction heavily and it is a bit longer commitment for women to do the actual deed.
So in general are mostly what I can consider correct opinions. Mechanically differentiating chars because muh vagina in most games (ie d&d, 40krpgs, traveller etc) a really stupid move. While settings force different roleplaying requirements, just don't mess with the crunch.
You have been watching movie and TV since childhood, right? What's the difference between male and female characters in film?
Even if you're not a woman, you probably can emulate the behaviour and actions of on-screen females well enough. Don't make it too complicated and laugh at every dude who tries to tell you "A woman would never be like this, you're just a virgin betacuck! TROLLOLOL!". If you can imagine happening in an equivalent TV show, it's fine.
You can seduce creatures.
Wait, which is the one that can't? I'd think the difference here would be which particular creatures you can seduce.
When you play a man, you fuck hot bitches and jerk off to the idea later
When you play a woman, you fuck hot bitches and everyone jerks off to the idea of it later
> -4 STR
> Barbarian rage, no matter the class, last a few days but comes with a bleeding effect
> Care-based morality destroy alignment system.
> Depending on group maturity, death can be prevented because of rape
Seriously, OP, games go great length to use the female pronouns and make females exactly the same as males, it doesn't change a thing, unless you want things changed.
As an aside, kys.
Kneeing a woman in the groin is still incapacitating
Bitches are less intelligent
You are a bitch?
Who is bitching?
underrated post.
People play what they want to play end of story. Just like how male writers can write a female character, or female protagonist. Nothing wrong with it, nothing to read into.
With that out of the way, play a girl how you think a girl might be, difficult, I know.
Ripley in Alien? Sure, that was written for a male actor. Ripley in Aliens was written for Weaver.
Sigourney Weaver had initially been very hesitant to reprise her role as Ripley, especially because Cameron had cut the scene where Burke had brought Ripley the news of just missing the death of her character's daughter (which Weaver felt would have completed the circle of the mother-daughter bond with Newt) she had rejected numerous offers from Fox Studios to do any sequels, fearing that her character would be poorly written, and a sub-par sequel could hurt the legacy of Alien (1979). However, she was so impressed by the high quality of James Cameron's script - specifically, the strong focus on Ripley, the mother-daughter bond between her character and Newt, and the incredible precision with which Cameron wrote her character, that she finally agreed to do the film.
I'm a dude, but one of the main characters I run is female, and two are male. The first male is a gimli-ersatz life cleric, and his maleness is important for the "stubborn but wise old grandpa" thing I go for. The second male is a wood elf hillbilly rogue, and his gender doesn't matter as far as his character goes. He's male because I'm male.
My female character's gender matters. She was once a member of a Christian-y crusading order of paladins. As an aasimar, she was held up to be super-holy, but because she was female there were a bunch of stupid esoteric rules about virginity and other stuff fored on her too. These rules were a big part of why she wound up questioning the order's beliefs and her beliefs, and eventually leaving the order to become an adventurer. Without it, she might never have left the order, so yeah, being female is important for her character.
Beyond the way society treats the characters and how characters react to that treatment, however, there really isn't much difference RP wise.
Your butthole.
Monsters are attracted by the smell of menstruating blood.
What about traps?
Those aren't his rules, and those rules are absolutely reasonable for a semi-historically accurate game.
Very nice anime girl you got there friend
Listening to you guys unironically discuss IRL politics and shit always makes me cringe despite that I pretty much agreeing with most of what is said which is this isn't really any difference.
Idk, all the new people on this board talk in this Reddit-y matter-of-fact kind of way that annoys me. Just be normal and stop pretending like you're writing a blog
Star Wars is reddit
Your face is reddit.
I do not know what you are talking about fellow 4channer! I have been here since 1977 and I can tell you that in fact this has always been so! :^)
so let me get this straight
1. you are not attractive
2. you are as attractive as every other male on earth
yeeeah... I don't think you think like that about yourself
Essentially it's just about what kind of character you want to play and how typical or atypical you want that character to be. Unless your group rp is top tier, it won't make a significant difference to actual play, just pick whatever you like better in your mind's eye.