As the title says, in campaigns where such things come up, how do you decide your character's sexuality? I've only really done it in two games, and in both it was done for comedic impact. (A D&D game where I play a ghost who's exactly as horny as you'd expect someone who hasn't gotten any for more than a hundred years to be, and a Vampire game where my tremere got a crush on a scary hunter girl.)
Anyway, I was wondering how y'all do it.
How do you decide your character's sexuality?
depends on the setting
It pretty much never comes up in my group. I just assume my characters are bi unless there's a relevant story reason for them not to be.
make them straight unless you have a reason to make them gay/bi
Roll 3d6, on a 3 or 4 they are gay, on a 5 they are bi, any other roll and they are heterosexual.
Until the GM starts trying to insert romance plot threads, asexual. Being the only one in a campaign trying to woo fair maidens or court chivalrous knights is a great way to wind up being That Guy.
If the GM does dangle the prospect of romance, I decide if I want in and adjust my character's sexuality accordingly.
Notable exception is for characters with alien mindsets, where I want to figure all that shit out in advance.
Neon haired lesbian ninja chicks ruined 2 seperate campaigns for me.
I take into considering my character's lifestyle and the state of their mental health. If they were raised by traditionalist parents or other guardians and are relatively sound of mind I figure they're most likely hetero, if they were left on their own with no good parental figures I wager that they might have at least experimented, etc etc. The more abnormal their young adulthood the more likely I assume (when confronted with a romantic or sexual scenario) that they have bizzare tastes, niche sexual preferences, or none at all, depending. Generally this though , I'm not much interested in ERP or romance plots so until I'm confronted with said romantic situation I don't pay much mind to that particular facet of whatever character I've made.
I've done this once before, and will vouch this as a viable method of warding off, in what happened in my circumstance, as the GM trying to seduce me via fucking my character with a PC in game. In about five seconds I made up an entire relationship that I was able to use later on. This incidentally, led to me defining what her relationship was like with her boyfriend and that ultimately made her a more interesting character as a result.
And I think that's a much more interesting thing to explore than simply what kind of hole your character wants to rub up against. What does your character see or value in a relationship? What kind of person do they tend to date? If they only care about sex, is there a type of personality that they find easy to lure into the sack?
Do I ever intend on doing any erp?
If so, proceed below.
If not, pick whatever the fuck I feel like if the issue EVER arises.
Is the character a guy?
Heterosexual or asexual.
Is the character a woman?
Lesbian or bisexual.
Is the character a guy that LOOKS like a woman?
Gay as fuck.
Is the character none of the above?
Everyone who made or replied to this thread should be purged.
I never player a character that wasn't male. And it never mattered in any campaign I ever played.
I've had a bunch of different characters with a bunch of different sexualities. It mostly stems from me loving romantic backstories. Honestly though, I kinda just build my character and then see what they seem like they'd be.
In doubt, make them bi so you can seduce all the things.
>I never player a character that wasn't male
and? you do realize dudes can be gay too
>and? you do realize dudes can be gay too
No, gays can be gay. Males are male.
I kinda just know after making the character. It seems pretty intuitive.
Usually it never comes up.
"Is it a boy or a girl?"
"It's a gay."
It usually doesn't come up, and when it does, I go with what is funnier in the situation.
Usually hetero unless I happen to feel otherwise, degree of activity depending on what makes sense for their personality and social skills that I'd already determined.
Boils down to the rest of the group and the setting. Aftet that i guess culture your character was raised in, religion, and line of employment. Makes sense that a bard would go both ways. A paladin might have to affix his/her sexual preference arouns there religion.
But before any of that its always whether or not it has relevance to the games plot
Good on ya mate. If it ever comes up you can just roll a d10 or something
They're always heterosexual because most people in general are heterosexual, so for me to make an explicitly non-heterosexual character would first require me to care at all about what my character wants to fuck, and I really just don't care.
>not a faggot: check
Wow. That was easy. Fuck the hell off.
I don't typically play characters with mental illnesses.
If you are playing a game where what your character wants to do sexually actually comes up, something has already gone wrong.
wtf is wrong with you people
I just give all of my characters the same exact sexuality whether they're male or female: bully. They're all bullysexual.
go back to /pol/
Considering "what they want to do sexually" is very near the top of the motivational list of most sentient beings, human or otherwise, I think that if you haven't at least thought of it at some point you have pretty much missed the boat on the whole "roleplaying" thing.
Drown yourself. We don’t have to put up with your mental illness and bastardization of our hobby. We are objectively, scientifically correct, and we even answered on-topic. You have fucking NOTHING, you “bastion of tolerance”, you. Shut the fuck up about your faggotry. No one cares about them. Our characters’ sexuality is decided by not being mentally ill.
I keep sexual shit out of my games so it never comes up.
People who bring that shit to the gaming table are scum that deserve nothing but hate.
Lolis. Always the lolis.
I mean, when I was 14 sure.
>Anybody conservative is /pol/
>Veeky Forums has no political diversity
>caring about someone calling faggots mentally ill on the internet
Back to /pfg/ with you.
>being this afraid of your gay tendencies
if you are writing the great american novel then go ahead and put your character's sexuality on the forefront
if we are playing a goofy cartoon goblin killing game the best you should expect is a rape joke or two
I leave it nebulous until necessary to determine in game or when I'm just bored and I'm talking to someone about the character
>conservatism = bigotry
Based on the sex of the first NPC that hits on my character.
They are automatically the opposite.
>Neon haired lesbian ninja chicks ruined 2 seperate campaigns for me.
Yurifags truly are the worst.
Except the characters of most traditional games are not rational. They have motives like "I want to be stabbed in the face as much as possible" or "I'm going to throw away a perfectly good and interesting life to go stab wild animals until I die at the ripe old age of 28, due to being ambushed by Owlbears".
I mean, I don't care, but can you realistically say that any given tabletop character ISN'T fucking nuts?
One of my players is into lolicon as am I, and to get him, I planned on him being seduced by a pigtailed 13 year old vampire in school uniform.
In terms of political ideology, no, but the "good old days" conservatives often speak of were not so good if you weren't white in America.
Tell my sharecropper grandma how good it was in the 40s.
Let us know how that turns out. Sounds like a good storytime.
>In terms of political ideology, no, but the "good old days" conservatives often speak of were not so good if you weren't white in America.
That's okay. They weren't good at all if you weren't in a white country.
We're generally busy enough that it rarely comes up. Saving the world leaves little time for romance.
And since I'm not particularly interested in sexual encounters of the non-romantic kind, it really rarely comes up.
But, over the years we have had some "after the campaign" stories, which one of my goals is to generally get married. Almost every character I play does want to get married, but it comes later in life and generally "off screen" after the world is saved.
It isn't always true though, right now I'm sorta-dating another party member, but it's something that sort of developed and wasn't planned.
To answer the question directly though, I would at least advise against starting with sexuality. Make your character first, their class and personality and beliefs and outlook on life, and when you sit and look at them holistically, you'll get a feeling. A lot of my characters are what I would want to be like, so a lot of my characters happen to share my irl sexuality, I think that's an easy way to go about it as well.
The game ended before I could snare him.
And why is that?
Shouldn't that be a 3 or 18 they're gay, and then 4 they're bi if male, and 4, 5, 16, 17, they're bi if female?
I decide based on how it's relevant to the character.
If the hero of justice robot doesn't have time for the complicated feelings of organics because THERE BE EVIL TO SMASH, the robot will not be interested in such feelings. If the charming, gentle thief does so out of rebellion of constrained social classes and has worked their way up in the world with their thievery in hopes of one day being able to marry a noble they had a childhood crush on, that'll be part of their character. If the notorious elf pirate has a lover in every port and an enemy around every corner, a reputation that precedes them, then I'll have to decide on just how many booty jokes the players will try to make, so we don't end up spending the whole night making those jokes instead of doing something productive for a fifth time.
It's a feel thing. How the character turns out informs what they're into.
Most of my characters have been straight, regardless of if things come up or not. A few have been bi (mostly in the sense of 'I don't care what you've got, I care about YOU' though one wasn't). One lesbian who thought she was horrible and wrong because of it. One who liked other girls and just kinda kept quiet about it (I don't think the other players ever caught on, even with her crush on one of the NPCs). One who happened to be in love with a single person who happened to be female (not reciprocated). Couple characters who were honestly asexual (and not just 'it didn't come up')
Usually play ERPGs, almost always a "straight" healslut fuckboi, prefer getting dommed by strong females, but a cute boy is good too
If there's no cultural reason to make them straight, bisexual, or gay (for example, the orcs in my setting are all pretty bisexual, because sex can be either social dominance or emotional intimacy from either gender), I roll a d100. 1-5 is gay, 6-8 is bi, everything else is straight.
Of course, it very rarely comes up, so it's not a big deal.
first time was because i just felt like it was apt for the methhead slut to be bi
second time was because i drew a silly picture, gave the anime gril a beard, labeled it as "gay wolf", and my gm told me I should play it as a character
the first went fine, she was fun, the second pains me now. He's not a bad character concept once he got fleshed into being more than just a joke image, I just don't enjoy it personally, am not the person to play him well, and don't really do anything because of that.
Roll 1d20, 1-20 is a lesbian loli.