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What are your favorite moments or characters in a game you were in?

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How would you make Vyvyan Basterd from the Young Ones in your favourite gameline?

What do you guys think of "Hell-Born Investiture" from Vampire? (The daimonion 6 power)

I think the 2 most interesting options are "Fire Immunity" and "The Chained Beast".

>Fire Immunity: The Baali’s skin takes on a bronze glint. He is totally immune to flame, suffering no damage from it. He is also immune to fire-triggered Rötschreck.

>The Chained Beast: Demons in the breast are nothing next to the Lords in Hell. The Devil loses her Road and aura, but gains immunity to frenzy. The Beast is totally under control of the vampire and may be called into frenzy like an obedient hound for as long as the character desires.The Devil still possesses Virtues.

The former has some hilarious (combat) applications:

Cover your self in petroleum and light yourself on fire. Act like you are panicking and grab on to an opponent. Enemy vampires won't understand why you are taking so long to die.

Use incendiary bombs as melee weapons, contrary to what was intended.

Work as a volunteer firefighter.

Forge iron weapons while naked.

>implying Beast is my favorite gameline

Family: Anakim. Can break through obstacles, like walls.

Hunger: Tyrant. Dominates and humiliates those around him. Except for Mike, why is that?

Atavisms: Cyclopean Strength and Relentless Hunter. Certainly very strong, but also astonishing powers of endurance and recovery.

Lair: Decayed, Stench. Easily invoked where he lives. Decayed is a major lair trait but it's Vyvian's real-world habitat too. Replace Stench with Flooded if you like striking oil in the basement.

Nightmares: You Can't Wake Up, You Deserve This. Both Presence-based. Long-term, spirit-crushing intimidation. No wonder Neil keeps trying to kill himself.

Legend/Life: Vicious/Content

There's a Space spell I've been kicking around, and what it is essentially the inverse of Ground-Eater, in that instead of stretching or compressing the Space around a subject , the subject's movements through Space are enhanced. Moving farther with each step (more Speed), being able to melee attack at range, and a bonus to dodging and escaping a grapple. I think it would be a Weaving spell, and for the duration you can choose any of the extra bonuses for an action on top of having your base Speed increased. The main concept of the spell is dirty Space brawling. Primary Factor is Potency, and I think it would be fair for it to cost a Mana point.

>Disciplines of a clan - Vigor, Resilience and Celerity

Would such a clan automatically be more violent than other clans?

>What are your favorite moments or characters in a game you were in?

When my hermetic from House Flambeu. A character whom i told the DM when we started.

"Look, i dont care about changing the consensus in a game nor do i care about how to bullshit my way through nullifying gravity with some bullshit explanation of mage wankery. Look i am a firemage, i will solve my problems with various uses of Fire and fireballs"

Ended up being the moral center of the group and the medic.


Not necessarily, they just might have Clan rituals involving extreme sports. Really extreme.


I heard that archmastery is a trap of some kind in magethe ascension.

it prevents you from acsending or something.

what exactly is the details and where is it mentiond?

I think it's just a theory.

Changeling Cult: Cult of September Eternal. Global extended wing of Autumn Court dedicated to recognition, recording, and classification of supernatural. Lost of Autumn Court who choose to become cult managers are introduced to mortals as veteran field operative extracted and recovering from long infiltration missions. Cult of Eternal September is most likely to cross paths with Null Mysterii and Network Zero, investigating and recording paranormal activity with Hunters usually brushing off Cultists and fae-supervisors as amateurs and shams.

I think it's something like the path to Ascending involves letting go of your Paradigm and realizing that what you're doing isn't actually pyromancy, or miracles, or super science, or any of that stuff, while going into Archmastery involves doubling down on your Paradigm.

I could be incredibly off the mark.

Anyone'd like to help me out with Mystery Cult membership progression?

Apparently god rank spirits are more limited than people think

Daily reminder that Onyx Path is overcommitted and will never be able to finish their gamelines before Paradox pulls the plug.

People who have read IM already know this shit, its the woof fags crying muh Luna that know shit and cry like bitches

Short Hunter chronicle with climax being their True Fae antagonist cultivating so much Foe Yay for the Cell it starts to understand humanity and turns into human.

Chronicle Theme: When does vindictive, petty, inhumane monster that tries to get under your skin by turning your life into nightmare for crossing it becomes indistinguishable from yandere?

Hard to say but I did have a laugh when my players forgot they have staked vampire in borrowed car.

This implies that White Wolf isn't going to be even slower and more overcomitted.

>Over 50 sourcebooks planned
>Core MIGHT come out in 2018, since it needs to be a video game bible first

Not that this lets OPP off the hook, but let's at least at admit that all of this is the best we'll get got out of a 90s/early 2000s flash in the pan fad.

OPP has taken on people full time with the express purpose to help them get their shit in order, at least. Like that's their job. According to the last couple monday meetings, anyway.

I stopped reading them and just checking the book updates. Are they up to more than the like 3 actual non-contracted employees they had before?

They've basically taken on a couple of full time whipcrackers to help organize them and get books out.

All I can see is them using their Dots in two of their Disciplines as a bonus to any rolls involving the third.

>"Hey!...That tickled..."

>What are your favorite moments or characters in a game you were in?
The big reveal when it turned out we weren't stalking ghosts all over the city. Instead we discovered that we had just force fed a group of really sneaky real estate agents a half pound of salt and iron filings each.

>Instead we discovered that we had just force fed a group of really sneaky real estate agents a half pound of salt and iron filings each.
What sort of supreme being could condone such irony?

The kind that lets you dramatically fail an occult research roll and perception checks.

Anyone new on layout? Because that's been the biggest hold up aside from art assets occasionally going to shit.

Well I could have been worse...did any of them actually die?

They all had to die, since we'd fucked up hard enough that we'd assaulted and kind of tortured a group of completely law abiding innocents. Didn't want to go to jail, after all.

Found out later that the st was just running with our fuck ups and had abandoned the story a while back.

They admitted in a roundabout way that maybe their creative processes aren't perfect for efficiency, and said to that end they've brought on somebody to organize their Kickstarter efforts, James Bell, and somebody to assist developers in organizing their shit, Eddy Webb. Full time. Apparently Webb is the guy who kept White Wolf actively publishing back in the day, so that's promising, I guess?

I'm sure I remember seeing something where a dev complained he basically used a cattle prod on them.

>Found out later that the st was just running with our fuck ups and had abandoned the story a while back.
Your ST sounds fun.

Let's hope he's upped his game to bullwhips.

Wraith 20th Edition is almost two years late.

I didn't think I should have specified it was their worst mainline book. It was no Changing Breeds or Book of the Wyrm. But it was still jarringly out of place in oWoD compared to the rest. It was basically a nonstop rave party. I really like that they retooled it into Geist, which is both solemn and light-hearted.

Was Kindred of the East a mistake?

Does Asia need its own special snowflake vampires?

They seemed fine enough in Bloodlines.

It wasn't THAT bad.

Yes it was faggot

Do you want some identical Christian culture in an area with no Christian influences? That would make even less sense than your alleged 'snowflake' splat.

>the whole continent of Asia has no Christian influences
>literally every other continent has normal vampires

also checked


If they were just regular Kindred who didn't buy into the Noddist stuff with some bloodline differences, they'd be fine. If they were just a backdoor pilot splat for Wraith's revanants, they'd be fine. Instead they try to be both and it doesn't really work.

Storyteller who's been running HtV here.

Players have requested vampires, so they are getting vampires.

Without resorting to just copying straight out of VtR, how should I do them?

Note that my players are VERY familiar with vampire/horror literature, far more than me so they will instantly predict my entire plot if I get even a little tropey.

WoD: Vampire - what Disciplines covers the stereotypical "turn into a swarm of bats" or flight in general? Of what I could find:

>Protean (4) Shape of the Beast: Transform into a specific animal.
Presumably of the same mass as you were, and largest flying bird is barely 50lbs, so that doesn't really work.
>Protean (7) Animal Swarm: Transform into a swarm of small creatures.
Can this be bats? Or more like locust swarm?
>Vicissitude (6) Chiropteran Marauder: Transform into a huge, flying bat.
Beware of large reflectors.
>Thaumaturgy - Rego Motus (4)

Anything I'm missing?

Make them as gay as possible.

Maybe try Necroscope style vamps? All you'd need to do is make a few extra Dread Powers.

>If they were just regular Kindred who didn't buy into the Noddist stuff with some bloodline differences, they'd be fine.
But Laibon suck, too.

Aztec cult of blood sacrifice.

I'm not a fan of the Laibon, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying it'd have a better reception and put less stress on the setting.

>Make them as gay as possible

>and sparkly

I would do it like Salem's Lot. An infestation creeping on a small town, you don't know who's turned or who the mastermind is. You can fight the symptoms (kill off the lesser vampires who aren't exactly hot stuff and have predictable weaknesses, like fire, sunlight, stakes, threshold, etc) but that can only hold back the rot for so long before you have to go for the heart of the disease (the powerful ancient vampire who is aiming to turn the town into his own little blood kingdom).

Salem's Lot is a good book. One of the few stories where you really would rather not be a vampire. Loss of all will and a fate worse than death.

>Note that my players are VERY familiar with vampire/horror literature, far more than me so they will instantly predict my entire plot if I get even a little tropey
Oh, will they now?

Maybe use OWODs vampire variants? Like the Laibon or the Kuei-jin.

It's only the type twos that get to be like that. Stephen King's vampires get explained in Wolves of the Calla, where Callahan makes a reappearance. Basically divided up into three types. You've got the type ones, normal vampires by WoD standards. Powers, immortality, smart, practically indistinguishable from human, no sunlight. But they're rare. Like very rare. They create type twos by draining a human of their blood. Type twos do not become type ones, ever. It's like generations, they're stuck as weaker. Dumber. No independent will, driven just by their cunning (by animal standards) instinct and their equivalent of biological imperatives . They beget other type twos by draining humans of blood, and can create type threes with a bite. Type threes are thin-bloods, basically. Can go out in sunlight, mostly eat food, and don't need a lot of blood. It's unknown how smart they are, but they've been described as mosquitoes.

And the ultimate outliers are the Grandfaters, ancient type ones who become monstrous in appearance and have much more power. Elders, basically.

Do werewolves 'hunt' mages? Or would they, rather?

Is it a thing? If yes, there's probably a werewolf that would hunt it.

Werewolf: The Forsaken -- pg 44

>"Iron Masters also claim as their prey other supernatural beings that hide among the masses of humanity: vampires, mages, and stranger things still fall under the Iron Masters’ purview. "

I know it sounds silly, since no Pack is going to be stupid enough to threaten a Cabal, but w/e. Stories happen because of dumbasses all the time.

There's also a Lodge that hunts and captures sorcerers, though they're most likely not Mages.

A werewolf could have mages as his sacred prey, for whatever reason, and forever ago Chris Allen shared details here on a magician hunting Lodge.

Yes. It's called natural selection. Dumb fucking dogs. You should be thanking your local Cabal for killing them off.

I know mages are powerful but I'd think werewolves would have them beat in combat.

Maybe for once there could be something to terrify mages, yeah? surely not at a distance, but in close encounters.

Listen. You're probably new. I hope you are, for your sake. But you're getting dangerously close to discovering a terrible truth. Quit now. Lest this place turn into poo.

It depends.

There's always one mongoloid
That one fucking mongoloid
That mong who asks it

>could X or Y take on Mages

Fuck me up the ass

When a PC vampire got fucking obliterated the very first fight after learning Juggernaut's Gait

>Fuck me up the ass
Gladly bitch, now spread em

Is this place not for discussing all things chronicles?

What even is the point of the Forsaken playing custodian to the Shadow when mages are flat out better at it than they are?

Sorry I'm not a raging furfag

Werewolves respect and revere the Shadow, mostly
Mages take massive dumps in the Shadow, mostly

Figure it out

Spirit Mages are better overall, but they're not as intimate with the Shadow.

Take this comment from DaveB, now switch Sin-Eaters with Werewolves and the Underworld with the Shadow.

They don't play custodian to the Shadow anymore. 2e makes it pretty clear that Werewolves hunt stuff in the Shadow because hunting is what they do. Any policing of Spirits that occurs just happens to be a bonus.

Perhaps because Mages for the most part don't give a flying fuck?
Read these threads. You think Mages would care enough to spend their time playing Border Protection for all Shadow denizens?

Sure they might fix a problem if they wander over it, but they're not going to go out of their way to ensure that their territory is secure in the same way the Forsaken will.

>Werewolves respect and revere the Shadow
>the spirits fucking hate them and want them to do stupid makework to earn their favor
>Mages take massive dumps in the Shadow
>the spirits are neutral to Mages unless Mages are going full hubris
The woofs are suckers?

How would they be better at it? Spirit gives you a lot of sway over spirits, but spirits hate Mages especially, and would not respect or cooperate with them at all unless they had the Honorary Rank attainment at 4-5 dots, and even then it would be a grudging kind of respect, not genuine. There's also how spells work to consider. You can't just magic away all the problems. Durations run out, actions beget consequences (especially in the Shadow's precarious ecosystem), and unless you happen to be a Spirit archmaster, there'll always be bigger fish to contend with, and they won't be as impressed by your honorary rank.

Werewolves can intuit the Shadow better, interact with spirits better, and can do a better job of maintaining the delicate balance so that things don't get too fucked on either side. If they choose to deal with the Shadow like that at all, that is. They don't have to. And of course there would have to be a Mage who would want to play janitor with the Shadow instead of just going after his Obsessions.

Gee, you could ask similar questions regarding the other lines.

Spirit Mage > Werewolf
Fate Mage > Changeling
Death Mage > Sin Eater
Mind Mage > Vampire

What does this cunt have against mountain climbing?

>spirits hate Mages especially, and would not respect or cooperate with them at all unless they had the Honorary Rank attainment at 4-5 dots
you wat m8

Dave is a brit. So naturally he's bitter over the lack of notable mountain ranges in his homeland.

Werefaggot detected

>and even then it would be a grudging kind of respect, not genuine
Nigga, that's YOUR interpretation of the section, nowhere does it say it's begrudging.
Such a Mage is considered, bare minimum, the equal of a Rank 4 Spirit.

I can't wait until WW pulls the plug on OPP

No more Awakening

You said it, goodbye Atlantis hello lawnchairs

No because Swedracula will nerf Ascension

He's already nerfed vampires, I'm sure mages will still come out on top.

Mysterium book. Phoenix Brethren, New Atlantis in the Shadow, it all went horribly. Spirits hate Mages because of it.

Read the book all the way through. There's a big picture to be considered that you don't get if you just run off to look at distinct sections.

"Werewolves are natives of the Shadow and material realms.
Mages invade the Shadow instead. They’re almost never welcome
visitors, and the spirits offer them grudging respect at best."

>Mysterium book
Not canon

Yeah, until Honorary Rank. Then Mages are seen as equals per their honorary rank.

Pretty retarded of Spirits to get all fucking salty just because they're a Mage, even when they have honorable rank.

I mean fuck, this guy could annihilate your ass and you're going to not treat him with the respect he deserves, even when he's got a fucking Attainment built for the sole fucking purpose of getting respect?

That's poor game design, and any GM who decides to take fluff direction over explicit, mechanical direction, is missing the point.

So if Luna is a rank 8 spirit god. A Spirit 10 Archmaster could slap her with her Ban, huh

That's fucking hilarious

>any GM who decides to take fluff direction over explicit, mechanical direction, is missing the point.
Isn't that what the werido kept trying to argue about Gravity inversion? That because the spell talks about aoe you have to cast it that way? Even though the spells are explicitly made to have the same default factors.

The 1e supplements aren't being throw out the window entirely. Dave himself has said that Signs of Sorcery is intended to work in conjunction with material from the 1e books, and that he doesn't intend on retreading the ground covered by them. I doubt there will be new Order books when the fluff in the 1e ones are still fine.

That paragraph seems to be referring to Mages without 'Honorary Rank', if anything.

Otherwise the Attainment would be disqualified. So yes, a Spirit 4 Mage would not be looked at with antagonizing eyes.

"Grudging respect at best", say it with me. And then look to the screenshot about honorary rank saying they need it to get respect instead of naked hostility.

>"Grudging respect at best"

Still doesn't really neutralize the Attainment. You're getting honored no matter how you look at it. A spirit is going to consider you their equal. If anything, this grudging outlook is just going to boost a Mage's ego.

Not really
It's literally the same joke that's been told for going on 25 years
"A level 20 Archmage could beat Cain/Luna/God/Dr. Doom, hehe that's hilarious"

No, two ranks above and you can physically apply a spirit's Ban.

So, quite literally, slap Luna into submission. Yes, I find it hilarious.