Take a hard look at this motherfucker, cause it's about to wreck everyone's shit, all other "tanks" BTFO
this right here, this gon be gud
>also, fuck waacs that use it as the new guardfag spam,
Why is that my dude? I don't play Guard but the Russ is as emblematic as the Rhino or the LR so it always warms my heart to see it doing well (but not too well).
Just seem better than ever, the hype train is full carrying tanks, tanks for days
I'd say it's a match for the Dunecrawler. +1T and more gun vs. 5++ R1, the Neutron Laser AKA fancy TL Vanq Cannon, BS3+ base and more mobility since it can move 8", and fire at max capacity.
Guard players have always been WAAC fags and always will be. I bet they're shitting themselves at this codex considering they already ROFL stomp everyone with their index list.
The only way to resolve this is to shame every and any guard player, new and old, just as we shame taufags until nobody wants to buy them or play them ever again and they eventually get the punishing nerfs they deserve.
Be quiet, you silly little boy.
Whats the best Russ variant to support an infantry regiment on the table top?
Depends, do you want anti infantry or anti armour?
This seems broken
it is
>The only way to resolve this is to shame every and any guard player, new and old, just as we shame taufags until nobody wants to buy them or play them ever again and they eventually get the punishing nerfs they deserve.
>He doesn't realize that most Guard players are /k/ crossposters or closet national socialists
Guard players aren't as easily bullied into submissions as the perfidious T/a/u player
>He doesn't realize that most Guard players are /k/ crossposters or closet national socialists
/k/ crossposters AND closet national socialists
>Guard players have always been WAAC fags
Surprised to hear that WAAC fags were playing guard before the 5th Ed codex.
>/k/ crossposters AND closet national socialists
I wasn't trying to paint with too broad of a brush stroke but you're generally (Read: 99.9%) correct there
yeah, i know that i am correct, you are talking about me after all
>yeah, i know that i am correct, you are talking about me after all
The only reason I said "or" was because I wasn't trying to project so hard because I was also referring to myself
Agree. Guard players are the worst. Too bad you're on HFY-Retard Central and almost everyone plays IG because it's le cool with le steel balls xD
Every guard player I've ever met at the store was a fucking pussy. National socialist pussies which is even funnier. Had one spouting some racist shit about africans and when I called him out about it, telling him my father is black, he started sperging out about "how he doesn't just hate minorities but hates everyone and if he had a gun he'd just kill everyone in the world".
Cringy and funny at the same time, especially considering he went full damage control talking about being a mass shooter in front of kids lmfao
>closet national socialists
>not easily bullied into submission
I'm surprised I rarely see this opinion echoed. The HFY-iness and utter disdain for literally other faction as being "snowflakey" exhibited by your typical Guardfag has really soured me on the Guard.
You both forgot /k/loseted crossdressers!
Yeah, everyone knows real men play your faction of choice, amirite?
Did the Russ go anywhere?
I could have seen this as a stratagems but really now GW, Isn't this a bit to much?
>Shit that didn't happen
Yeah it's totally impossible that some retard playing a "totally not nazis" faction who lurks Veeky Forums would be socially inept enough to get called out in public for being a racist, eh?
I know it's hard to accept that other people with your same interests are retards, but you gotta accept it.
And i say this as an ex-guard player which still likes the army.
But yeah, keep ignoring any bad stuff about these people and believe that every guard player is a badass ex-military bro, as long as it makes you feel more like a man or whatever lmfao
Yeah dude I got absolutely nothing against the IG and as I said I even played them back in 7th, but it's really boring to hear people talk all the time about how their faction is better because they're the underdogs and stuff, calling everything else either "le muhreens xd" or "HERESY!!! XD".
Why does everyone always think I'm a nazi?
I'm a guard player and noone ever thought I was a nazi.
because of the swastika tattoo on your chest
just kidding, i have no idea why some people thing that
I'm a guard fanboy, but this is broken, Two rounds of Punishment with the pask in the tank and a conscription blob in front
You forgot to end the part where everyone in the game store stood up and applauded.
And you forgot the part in which you admit being a delusional retard.
You left out how he was visibly shaken and dropped his Leman Russ and copy of Mein Kampf, then stormed out of the store crying.
>IG shitters samefagging to make fun of someone who points out how autistic they are
You're not even trying to hide it holy shit
>Waaaaah, nobody believes my bullshit story!
>People being socially awkward are bullshit
If i said it was some guy playing Tau or whatever you would have believed it.
I didn't even say people applauded me or that he left. He just went on a really embarassing rant.
On a side note, he frequently posts here, especially in WIP threads, usually Krieg.
I think he posted some pictures of a Dark Eldar ship, a beige one with a swastika on it which people didn't like but he tried to pass it as "an indian symbol of peace" or whatever.
Is it really that hard to believe that people try to provoke others with controversial shit?
>he thinks easily photoshopped screencaps are conclusive proof of anything
So what you are saying is that there are multiple cocksmokers on the internet. rather than a handful.
>two comments posted at 90 seconds apart, written in the same style and saying the same stuff to the same person are clearly not made by the same poster, this screen which i could have easily shopped is proof!
just stop you two/three or how many people you are
As a guard player, maaaybe a little bit. Should have been a strategem.
>obvious phoneposter
Lol, did the guard player shit himself as he left too?
that one right there; battle cannon, 2 Hbolters, lascannon
perfection needs no improvement
>you can't edit a picture on your phone
Are..are you stuck in 2010 or something? Photoshop is readily available on phones too dude.
I had an IG player say to me once that his favourite piece of artwork was this. I went on to tell him that it was dumb and would never happen in the 40k universe
It's a great peice but they should have gone with a chapter that actually gives a shit about regular humans
Just figured out how to take a phone screencap, to be honest. I hate smartphones.
Is that not a Salamander?
Definitely a Dark Angel
Im a roman empire larper not a nazi larper. Get it right fag.
I just like drowning the enemy in my own blood. Its hilarious to me that my best bet is to play as if i am zapp branagan
Dark angels. The guy behind with his helmet off is white, no dragon heraldry, and there's no fire in this pic at all.
As if it weren't already hard enough to beat my guardfriend
They could be bringing back the last surviving member of a guard company which was being commanded by a member of the fallen to patch him up before interrogating him forever.
I do kinda feel like buffing Russes while making them cheaper was a step in the wrong direction...
Literally can't see anything new about that Russ but who doesn't like the Guard?
>Russ now gets to fire two shots from its main gun a turn
What if they brought back pseudo-Ordnance and made it so that if you did fire the main gun like that, you couldn't fire any other gun or could fire them at a reduced BS?
I would fly to Britain and throw acid in their faces.
Why? You still get to fire everything normally as long as you don't fire the turret twice. It'd make having less emphasis on sponsons and hull guns, and more on the turret gun an option, not just a way to save points.
Because you use Forge World.
If you called me out for my racism, I'd knock you stiff
Because as-is, with it's unreliable shot count from all those blasts, the Leman Russ isn't viable. It needs the extra power to actually be worth its points.
I just want normal dudes in the future, is that so wrong?
Yes, kys.
>Pask Punishes 7 MEQs a turn
>TK with a BC murders 3 MEQs/Primaris a turn only with his turret, with some luck can kill a Dreadnought
>a TK's Demo Cannon does 7 wounds on average to a LRBT equivalent, murders light vehicles or kills 5 MEQs/Primaris
>and then come sponsons and lascannons
>Regular tanks are 25 % worse than TKs, even with rerolls, but they get a discount
Pask ordering around two TKs is still the best, but now taking additional two regular tanks will be viable.
>Tank Kommanders
Because I play Orks a lot.
But giving Russes the ability to fire twice their turret does not change the MBT one bit, because all the Russes get the buff as well. It's just as shitty as before, compared to the rest of the variants.
Basically every variant of the Russ except the Punisher and to an extent the Demolisher is at best mediocre atm, complete ass at worse. If GW isn't retarded the Punisher will not get much, if any of a point decrease.
> Hello darkness my old friend.
Well, I expected 8E to be ruined much faster than this so I can't complain too much.
>Always liked Guard, Orks, and Thousand Sons
>Happily seeing my factions getting some nice stuff
>Only play open/narrative play, scenarios often out of points balance because agreed upon scenarios that balance out overall
>A couple of months ago everyone starts seeing my Guard and calling me a WAACfag
What the fuck? I've never even entered a tournament, other than painting/modelling comps.
Didn't Longstrike kill Pask?
>implying glorious Elysians will ever be subdued by shitposters and shaming
enjoy having deep striking punisher vultures and lascannons shoved up your ass every game
>tau hammerhead stratagem
>advanced hypersonics
A hammerhead may reroll all failed to wound rolls when firing at a or this turn, in addition the mortal wound effect now occurs on a the roll of a 5+
>WAACfags playing the underpowered faction for the past 6 editions
yeah, nah
and just like that the Russ went from shit to godlike overnight
People are extremely salty that the Guard are finally out of bottom tier.
But will they errata GSC leman russes, which are otherwise identical and also have grinding advance to include this rule?
not until the codex goy
So I haven't been keeping up, does anybody know if the Guard are getting any actual new models with their new dex? I'm gonna be a bit disappointed if we just get the same aging models, it would be nice to have some more modern/better proportioned designs for the basic infantry sets.
I don't get it though. As someone who hasn't played competitive, were people this salty when Eldar became good after languishing? Are people salty that apparently orks now aren't shit? What do "competitive" players want the metagame to look like, because in competitive wargaming there will always be "best meta" choices. Do people want knights to just duke it out, or do they want psychic phase best phase armies, or shooty, or choppy, or what?
No, but the codex is including a bunch of examples of how to convert your own custom regiments using parts from existing GW kits. For instance, Savlar Chem Dogs are Genestealer Cult + Cadian Command Squad parts.
competitive gaming in all circles is beyond fucking dogshit, followed by the biggest powergamers and faggots on the planet, This extends from Veeky Forums to /v/ where esports get rightfully ridiculed as they actively work against games at this point.
I don't fucking get it though, why is it bad that Guard is OP (if it is OP in competitive) instead of Eldar being OP, or instead of Space Wolves being OP, or instead of Chaos Demons being OP, instead of... And so on.
Isn't that part and parcel with playing an inherently unbalanced competitive game?
Shame. I've been doing part swaps for years on my guard so it'll all be old hat for me, might skip this codex until Guard get an actual update
Because Guard were beyond dogshit in 6-7, with only the Nids and Orkz being worse, so now that Guard are Strong as fuck (yes there are some OP units but they're getting rightful nerfs), the previous people who were batshit OP are taking their nerfs out on us, trying to false flag and lump us in with Taudar, even though Guard is nowhere near as cancerous. I fucking refuse to be labelled in the same tier as Fish of Fury shitters because of anal pained faggots.
Nigga you high. Did you forget leafblower meltavets?
That's such horseshit, and i don't even play Guard
Just fucking give us at least one new box GW. They seemed to remember Chem dogs exist so why not a 10 man guardsman kit for them? toss in some spare heads/arms for tank crews and command units, IG players would love that shit
I do play Chaos though, and getting a CODEX yet no new models is the biggest dick move GW can pull
5th edition was a fluke. I always played blob guard, I am not a member of the WAACfag club and have no association with WAACfags, I was only following the codex's orders.
No but really 5th edition was a fluke of pure monobuild, at least Russes were good, 6th edition codex fucking ruined the Guard, they nerfed the units that deserved it (Vendettas), and everything else, as well as removing all of out special characters.
Even Grey Knights and Admech got their special characters released separately. Chaos nor Guard get anything, not even special dice.
>the codex is including a bunch of examples of how to convert your own custom regiments using parts from existing GW kits
It'd be swell if GW would decide if they're going to limit unit options to what's in the box or if they're going to encourage kit bashing.
Only sad part I can see is the official style of various factions becoming what they can easily kitbash together.
Maybe. We know that the codex will have conversion examples, but aside from that, we have no info on new models.
We Dark Eldar lost 5 out of 8 of our special characters. Mind, one was useless, but they all had style. And we lost our "faction leader" as an HQ choice. I feel you on that regard.
Nothing worse than beta nerds acting tough because they see themselves as the top of the nerd pile.
You're disgusting warhammer nerds. You're not bullying anyone "into submission". No one will ever submit to you and it eats you up inside so you act up at the local warhammer store to try and feel better about how pathetic you are.
But mostly you just ruin normal people's days with your sperglord shit.
Betas pls beta more quietly.
Holy shit, I thought we had it bad
>Kept Creed, Kell, Yarrick, Straken, Harker, Nork and Pask
>lose Chenkov, Al'Rahem, Bastonne and Marbo (TWICE)
Not to mention losing Penal Legions, Stormtroopers (rebranded) and Vendettas as of the Index.
Jesus dude you had it even worse than us.
nice fanfiction, post your DA link.