Be a shame if my basic infantry could shoot at them with lasguns or, say, plasma huh?
Heard you like characters
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Nobody's going to want to buy and paint the ugly hat models.
I'll be disallowing any guard players wanting to use their cadians as 'counts as' anything but Cadians.
Solves the problem for me and lets me characters in peace.
>inb4 cadia is completely bonkers OP
There are other sellers besides GW for Mordian-ish looking minis
>disallowing cadian count ins
sounds like salt, if they are painted like Mordians what's the problem? say they took the time to shave the flak vest to make it as close to the uniform as possible, still gonna be a dick about it? So much for your dudes...
>sounds like salt, if they are painted like Mordians what's the problem? say they took the time to shave the flak vest to make it as close to the uniform as possible, still gonna be a dick about it? So much for your dudes...
That would be different.
He is talking about like a guy always had his painted like cadians, with no conversion work done. Then after this drops, suddenly they're mordians. That is what he, and I, would take issue with.
But if the guy took some effort to paint them, convert them, and whatever to try making them pass as cadians by some means, then that is ok,
I had the same fucking issue with tau players running all their crisis suits counts-as commanders.
>but old commanders just used the crisis kit
Shut the fuck up! The new crisis commander uses a 50mm base and looks obviously different from the crisis suit kit. Unless you add some bits on those crisis suits to make them taller or look more extravagant, then I don't see them as anything but crisis suits.
For a hobby that's so expensive, it sure has a bunch of cheap assholes.
Having different base sizes or heights for counts-as is one thing, but Tactics have always been applicable irrespective of the miniatures.
Do you seriously think GW would go through the trouble of kitbashing those new unique regiments if they were explicitly banned from using Regimental Doctrines because they aren't metals from two decades ago?
Same shit applies to using, say, Raven Guard CTs for Raptors.
For people like you, I actually play a small counts-as Black Legion army comprised solely of Reaper Bones and my old heroscape minis on square GW bases.
It never ceases to amaze me how absolutely anal people get about WYSIWYG. To me, and like 70% of any non-tournament game at my shop, if it looks cool you can field it.
It's your prerogative to have absolutely no pride or respect for the hobby. I don't agree with it, but it's your thing.
Oh I have pride of course, my main army is Deldar, but I feel obligated to piss off turbo autists who pretty much complain all day and kill the drive for newer players.
Like previously mentioned, it's one thing to utterly cheat with bases and shit, but to ban Newbie Nick in a friendly game from switching his Cadians to Mordians to try out their new rules is just asinine.
Hey man, no need to get defensive. I get it, you don't give a shit about the hobby. It's your thing.
I might run my Praetorians as Mordians, seems simillar in doctrines. Though I hope there will be a transport-based regiment, since my guys are dragoons
So when marine players do it, it's fine but when a guard player finally gets some diversity everyone tells them they can only play them as cadians because that is only friggin plastic guard available!
Despite the fact that the Cadian-style flak jacket is the most common IG armor pattern and used by regiments across the galaxy.
You still don't get it. Taking cadian kits, painted like cadians, with no effort to make them not look like cadians, and claiming they are something other than cadians is dumb. But a simple bit swap, or even a unique paintjob can show effort, which is what is appreciated.
Doing it to just try out the new tactics in friendly games is fine, but where it's cheap is when you bring your cadians to a tournament and claiming they're mordians. I take the same issue if a guy brings his black templars (painting, chapter symbols and all) and opts to use the ultramarine chapter tactics.
Now if that guy had a uniquely color scheme on his homebrewmarines, and claims they are an ultramarines successor chapter, then that's cool.
Another example used in this thread is the crisis suits. If the guy made no clear effort to make the crisis team kit look different from the standard crisis suits, then it's dumb to run them as commanders. But if the guy did something like even just giving them bushi banners or some shit, then thats a different story. Would you be cool if a guy brought a space marine simple tac squad with no conversion work and claimed they are 10 captains?
I hope you guys get what we are talking about. It's about taking some pride in the hobby.
I'm honestly more annoyed that Russes get a price drop AND get to literally double their firepower..
>Would you be cool if a guy brought a space marine simple tac squad with no conversion work and claimed they are 10 captains?
... yeah? As long as the bases were marked so I could tell which was which, what's the problem?
No, it's being an ass. If you have a regiment painted up in a unique scheme why is it an issue if you swap tactics? Marine players do it all the time. Generic colour scheme and they claim each game it's something else.
I mean, you don't even need a custom scheme, I'm fine with people saying that Their Dudes are a specialized platoon of that regiment who specialize in [Insert Doctrine Ability Here].
As long as you decide on your subfaction while listbuilding and not in response to what I bring to the table, I'm fine.
I hope you use Rough Riders as well, user.
>I am bad the game so I throw a fit unless to make people using something I don't like spend a lot of money to use it.
People like you are the reason why I got out of the hobby.
Still completely missing the point. I don't know how i can explain it anymore without constantly repeating myself.
It's because you're a faggot who demands that people play the game in a certain way.
Still wrong, try again.
I'm wrong? Well, let's break this down.
>is user telling people that they have to play the game a certain way?
>is user a faggot
also yes
Seems fairly clear cut to me.
>is user telling people that they have to play the game a certain way?
Still completely missing the point I have been making, so it's natural you can only come to false generalizations.
>is user a faggot
Not an argument.
What is your point beyond not wanting people to play with generic Cadian-model armies and claim the benefits of rules for non-Cadians, and equivalent setups, because you feel it's lazy? Because that seems like it's the point you're making, and also something that falls under the category of "demanding that people play the game in a certain way." I mean, the lazy-about-modeling way to play isn't especially meritorious, but it is a way.
My point was that people argue with you because you're telling people how to play. No one gives a shit about your other points, it's that one that annoys people.
Well not only that but other armies do this kind of shit all the time last I checked, he is just whining about IG specifically because he is a little bitch. Let's not forget how expensive it would be to buy two full IG armies just so one can look slightly different so you can play with a different subset of the same factions rules. That is just stupid, and honestly a waste of money.
My point is take some pride in the hobby. Doing all the things which rustle my jimmies are just lazy, cheap, and no respect for the hobby. I am not demanding anything. But if you are not going to respect the craft, I won't respect your army.
Wrong again.
I'm done guys, I am just repeating myself at this point and it's getting nowhere.
>I'll be disallowing any guard players wanting to use their cadians as 'counts as' anything but Cadians.
How about you take your foot out of your mouth then.
>Respect the craft!
It's overpriced plastic army men, get over yourself.
That's a different kettle of fish. List building in direct response to someone's list is a dick move.
Reminds me of going to a GW and asking for a game back in 5th. Ask him if he has a 1k list written up, yes he does he replies. Cool, I start setting up my tau and he starts pulling out his necrons and proceeds to stack his army with wraiths and scarab swarms and all of his fast moving close combat stuff. Err... Can I see your list? Oh, nah sorry it's all memorised.
Sure buddy, sure
Using your models as whatever regiment you want should be a non issue as long as you do it at home before your games.
They only dropped 10 points and they need the double shots to even be relevant honestly. It's not like anyone was taking Russes.
t. not even a Guard player.
Dunno if you have used Russes but they have absolutely no shooting output right now. They are tough and might be able to plink off a few wounds but they are severely underpowered. Firing twice might make them worthwhile
maybe my exterminator russ might finally not be completely outperformed by the predator tank
Lick my balls I have 50 metal mordian models and I'm gonna greenstuff to spam plasmas
>don't give a shit about the hobby
>have to buy a second army to play different regiment rules
How long have you been employed by GW?
Knowing my Exterminators are basically heavy 8 is nice. A real buff to the lesser used tanks this edition.
You know I was looking at the Mordian model and realised GW could release a kit with simple heads, arms with tassels and naked chest piece, as the cadian legs already work with their uniform.
Pic related, the officer in the lower left chest matches the design of the Mordian if you added it to regular Cadian legs. Essentially a Mordian is wearing the standard Imperial Guard fatigues without any flak armour - instead they use tassels and wear a cap.
Saying that, you could also just buy Victoria Miniatures Mordians:
GW has been smart with their conversion sets, I bought a TON of those Genestealer Cult hybrid conversion sets to refit my old guard army. It is shame they're not doing this for the Imperial Guard with custom arms, heads, bodies etc.
I just want plastic Steel Legion because I don't want to spend a ton on Kriegers.
It's also a nice buff to the BC, since it'll almost never have to move.
Still lot sure how they plan to make the Nova worth it though.
Want to make proper mordians, but don't want old metal?
just get lasguns from a bits site
It will be about $42 for 10 models. Which is much more expensive than a box of cadians or the metal ones, but the website has lot of other bits and even can do a cool looking lasgun. Besides I would rather work with resin over metal any day.
Not plastic, but resin. $40