Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Nurglings Edition

>Mordian Focus: Overwatch overwatch overwatch, yawn


>Top 5 Squigs


>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas
>Old Black Library Mega

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Adeptus Mechanicus codex (thank you Vladimir)

Still waiting

Guard are going to be the Eldar of 8th, cap this

Never happening. GW Facebook has confirmed multiple times squats were canonically exterminated by the Tyranids.

Yeah i doubt it

>poorfags btfo



I like both, but HH Mechanicum is everything the 40k Mech always should have been, and if they gut all the delicious flavour options in FoC I will be distinctly sad beep, especially since the 40k dex was so obviously half-assed to the highest degree. It was still OK, but it could SO EASILY have been fucking awesome and varied and glorious.
I want to write "Forge Deeps: A Codex:Mechanicus Supplement" with nothing but a page of simple unit fixes and then twenty pages of flavour options, alternative army variants like the Darkmech or the Genetors, more options for existing HQs and some (hopefully decent) fluff and send it to them just to point out that 8e did not have to mean the death of army customization.

Get fucked FWfag.

Lol, not at my FLGS.

Dark eldar

Did they say what happened to the billions of Cadia survivors? Did they resettle and make a new fortress world?

I would presume the Cadian genotype/culture probably pervaded on many Cadian gate worlds rather than just on Cadia itself

>alternative army variants like the Darkmech
This should be done with an entirely unique codex that doesn't share any AdMech units.

Most of them are in refugee ships around Lucius getting lobotomized and turned into war servitors for the glory of the Omnissiah.



>Slight cost decrease
>Turret fires twice at half speed
>Good regiment bonuses so far
Are LRBTs shaping up to not just be viable but really strong/borderline OP now? I'm personally happy to see some love since I had a lot of fun playing Emp's Fist in 7th but this might be too much good stuff and its only the second day of shit being shown off.

Well, Lord Adorable, they haven't made any official statement that i know of.

Probably got dissolved into other Regiments surrounding Cadia, or consolidated themselves into a Fleet-based Regiment.

>The way it's worded as "fire twice" instead of double the number of shots means Cadians can re-roll the random number of shots both times

Incredibly OP but people will still blame Tau?

I'll say only that I'm glad I didn't start a Russ list both before and after the reveal.

>Veeky Forums is mostly made up of guardfags
Well yes.

Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d6)

On a roll of a 7, all Guard players in this thread swear fealty to Nurgle and rise as renegades and heretics.

Ideally, yes. Hell, you could fill an entire game system with Admech, Darkmech, Forge Guard, Pit Servitors, Genetors, OR, all that stuff, but since they don't seem inclined to give that any attention I would probably settle for the ability to trade for and maybe a new Canticle table or Hellforge Traits or something to give the chance for sweet allied armies or DarkMech conversions.

You mean Catachans, obviously, but holy fuck, yes, I didn't notice this.

You mean Catachans, user?

Guard need something to keep them even with all the Primarch bullshit the power armour factions got, I suppose.

Also every time you read how strong this shit is, remember the playtesters said Tyranids are the scariest codex coming out this year.

I feel ya. The AdMech codex was basically the Index with the absolute barest minimum of addendums to reach the price tags. And looking them up 30K Mechanicum have so much cool shit, it's such a waste.

cadia has quite a few "daughter worlds " which were taken by cadians who were then orderd to settle there

>dat buff to leman russes
holy shit

Also, I just picked up pic related as my first 40k novel. Did I do good?

>punisher russ firing twice for a points decrease
whoever gets their codex last will have the most powerful army in the game

Guard need someting dude, Russes have been pretty shit since 6th

And it´s not like GW would ever deus ex machina any shitty idea out of their ass to defy their own canon, right?

Heaven forbid, user.

Get fucked, heretic

Call me optimistic but I think Dark Mech will eventually get a book, GW seems to want to expand the CHAOS keyword across more subfactions so they can actually compete with the huge variety available to the Imperium.

What's up with that though? How is it relevant to Catachan at all? Surely a bonus like that should have gone to Steel Legion or something.

how about no ?

>all the Primarch bullshit the power armour factions
>Codex CSM
>Primarch count: 0
>implying every player of every army with a Primarch is going to bring them to every game, especially Guilliman in Marine lists considering the massive amount of non-Ultra players
>considering this a good reason for Guard to be buffed so high that they're high-op out the gate and will walk all over any army that DOESN'T bring Primarch cheese

Quick! Whats your favorite guard regiment?

Yes, meant Catachans, my bad anons.

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Not so fast! I use a command point to reroll the 2.

If I get a 4, you fall!

Kek, there was a guy in another thread that started sperging out and accusing people of being taufags when someone talked about unpainted Guard armies. Like this dude was legit triggered by the notion that there are IG players that play with unpainted shit cause it's FOTM, that if you play IG you're somehow superior to WAACfaggotry by definition.

Dad is was the golden standard for imperial guard regiments since m38 (the traditional green-and-khakhi is the pre-m38 uniform of the cadian 8th).

In that time they've been marshalling out millions of troopers too old or infirm to fight and settling them on non military worlds.

There are Cadians EVERYWHERE.

Nah, they'll be the tau. Eldar players generally had some awareness of how batshit powerful their army was, guard players in 8th so far have been doing that thing tau players in 7th did of pretending their army isn't that cheesy and/or that it's fluffy to be this strong.



Steel legion!

fuck metal models though.

Big Action Movie Explosions.

Playtesters have said a lot of stupid shit. I'd take them with a grain of salt.

Why do so many people still not know about the FAQ?

a...user, what happened to that sponson?

Shit, good point.

Then who will be the Eldar of 8th?


>tfw I don't even want to play my guard right now because of how overpowered they are even when I'm playing suboptimal lists


Hadn't looked much into them previously, but Harakoni Warhawks are winning me over right now.


Allying them both together using GSC will be the new Taudar/allied Riptide Wing.

I spent like 45 minutes trying to get it to fasten in place. It wouldn't, so I just decided 'fuck it' and glued the sponson together. Some day I'll put some plastic glue to keep it fixed in place, but eh.

I love the sound of heretics in retreat.

is that destro? i like your style user

>the FAQ
>when there are like, 20 FAQs out already
>unrionically expecting us to memorize all that

What are you talking about.

Well, we have hope that Bligh's Last Gift will dollop some of those tasty tasty rules on our heads, but I have a sneaking suspicion it will be the usual 8th Statblock Bar fare.

When you use a CP to reroll a single roll that used multiple dice, you reroll all the dice you rolled in the first place. Would with a melta in melta range and roll a 1 and 2? Reroll both dice.

Doesn't work for multiple dice you roll at the same time for different reasons though such as the damage for two different meltas that weren't in melta range, but it's great for rerolling shit charge rolls or psychic tests.

I'm doing all my characters as GI Joe

Got commissar destro, callidus Storm Shadow, Company Cobra Commander, Vindicare Baroness...

Repainting my platoon commander tonight, no idea who to paint him as.

>posting some fat fuck's twatter bemoaning Forgeworld
Stay mad
>your mother's basement
Sure thing, kiddo

Vostroyan firstborn

>When you use a CP to reroll a single roll that used multiple dice, you reroll all the dice you rolled in the first place.
No. That's the opposite of what the FAQ stated idiot. The command re-roll is a single dice, not a single dice roll.

You have to re-roll both dice when you have an ability that says re-roll, for example Black Templars Chapter Tactics which says re-roll charges, that means both dice, not one. If you spend a Command Point, you re-roll one (1) physical cube with numbers on it, period.

Savlar Chem-Dogs
I love those cheeky fuckers

fuck off

But that's wrong you fucking faggot.

That's only for rules which say 'reroll charges' or so on which don't specify numbers, so they do now.

Depends on whether or not they get a "-1 to hit" doctrine. If they don't, there's still going to be ways to cheese harder than guard. If they do, we all better pray to the Emperor.

Until the chapter approved drops in January and everything is nerfed to 5th edition rulebook but 4th edition codex level.

There is 1 (one) FAQ for the rulebook right now, keep up pleb.

It hurts you because it's true. Accept it faggot or you're as bad as the taufags.

Death Korps


You like my rules, user?

Just use the price in the CSM Codex holy shit it's not difficult.

who`s that ?

Best way for DG to kill Guard?

I'll need some anti-tank presumably.

And some way to clear hordes. Maybe Poxwalkers and tons of Plagueburst Tanks?

The best 40k rules writer

Wait, are there people who actually think FW is fine and not over powered? I mean, I get not everything they make is op but I thought most FW posters were just trolls.

Flails and Silence.

guy who ruined tyranids

Krieg all the way.

Cruddace, who let you write the 8e Imperial Guard codex?

>Farsight "Crisis of Faith" novel
>Imperial fleet pops into their path while most of their guys are in stasis
>one flagship gets blown up
>billions of tau die in the wreck, the entire shas'la population of the invasion fleet
>billions of tau in one ship
>billions of tau in one ship out of literally thousands
>and this ship was at the front of the fleet's formation
>one third of the invasion force's troops packed into one ship at the head of the fleet

Literally only conscripts are the issue and they're being nerfed, rightfully so. Russes fucking sucked until today, and the codex isn't even out yet.

who ?
I have no idea who he is, but i want to now

Probably around half of them are completely unironic manbabies that get buttflustered and start turning red when you imply you won't let them play with their expensive resin shit they sold a kidney for.

It's not the same unit because it doesn't have the same rules (DR + access to DG lore) hence the need for a FAQ

Gav Thorpe

Russes deserve the buff, but conscripts are far from the only issue.

When Scion plasma squads and HWT spam is also nerfed, then we'll be talking.



Oh lol, how pathetic

thanks m8

Flails of Corruption, Plaguespitters, Fleshmowers, and Entropy Cannons. I don't know how good the Blight-Hauler will be.