MTG in 2010 vs MTG in 2017
MTG in 2010 vs MTG in 2017
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Things are better now
lightning bolt as common was a mistake
>Females are allowed fanservice with nearly bare chested handsome guys
>Males are not allowed fanservice with nearly bare chested beautiful women because it's sexist
Why is this?
Official explanation is that Magic was erroneously marketed to boys for 22 years. In order to make things right, the game will now be marketed to girls for 22 years. Justice will be achieved in 2037.
He is actually rather ugly up close.
theres now 16 gender or even more, this is 352 years of pandering in the making.
If you played Magic: The Gathering after 2000 you are pure cancer
the sooner we go back to non computer drawn art the better
Fucking jews.....
both are shit
neo-planeswalkers are an abomination
Yeah, i get it, but i did used to "like thing". Maybe in a couple years it'll calm down. Everything changes eventually, but i don't feel most of this is a change for the better.
Things like Giddeon being a black dude now or whatever don't bother me. Its the pandering. Even the flavor. It used to be cheesy and fun, now it's just cringy.
>played a lot back in the 90 's.
>art/flavor/fluff wasn't everything but it was fun because it had a d&d feel which i played too.
>haven't played in a while, maybe 6 years.
>thinking about playing a draft or something.
>see what Veeky Forums has to say about whatever the new set is, maybe what mechanics are neat.
>click on first mtg picture in the catalog...
>jace is wearing lady clothes.
>not going to willingly subject myself to smelly siw freaks who are way to into this
>probably just play kitchen table cube with my physically/mentally healthy senpai instead.
So apparently, all of those non-game essentials did matter, at least to someone, and those someones are cancer simply put. It sucks because its a fun game to play in a social setting, and as far as i remember it never excluded anyone. But now i'm excluded because I'm a normal healthy white dude who is good at winning a card game.
I think the new official policy of wizards must be aposematism
>Magic becomes queer and effeminate
>Magic players flee to Warhammer
The Magic to Warhammer pipeline is real
>Cool old idea for a re-imagining of gods retconed into color-coded protagonists to jump from set to set like the Weatherlight crew but even dumber. The blue ranger looks unnecessarily edgy in that hood.
Cool old idea for a re-imagining of gods retconed into color-coded protagonists to jump from set to set like the Weatherlight crew but even dumber. The blue ranger looks unnecessarily romance-novel-ey in that pose.
I hardly see the difference, and yes nuwalkers, and chaigng the metaplot from "wizard battle" to "planeswalker battle, also here are the pre-generated planeswalkers you will be playing as" was a mistake.
>Jace is wearing lady clothes
It's literally his normal outfit, minus the cloak.
>Giddeon being a black dude
>jace wearing lady clothes
Are you writing this from some kind of alternate dimension?
Shhhh, they need to feel like their beliefs are persecuted, it's what lets them get hard.
Rarities were a mistake
Awesome dude vs Captain Swishbeard
isn't Liliana still in the marketing?
Other than a bare shoulder here and there, she no longer shows flesh.
A temptress that hides her curves.
Feels bad man.
They used this for hour of devastation marketing for stores. They are still doing it for her.
More effort was put into the glowing magic effects on the left than the entire image on the right.
Both are shit.
I don't really care. The current game is no longer interesting to me and so I no longer purchase any product. Old magic is best magic, conceptually, aesthetically, and mechanically and we have a format for that.
I'm not seeing a problem.
>Old Magic
>Posts Nu-Walker
The only problem I have with new aesthetic direction is that female fashion feels very artificial in the newer artwork. Other than that, WotC is recovering quite nicely from Hasbro fucking everything up
>WotC is recovering quite nicely from Hasbro fucking everything up
>Every creature is now a sassy black woman
>let's make something interesting happen to Jace for the first time since we made him up twn years ago. Now after suffering a crippling defeat he's a mad castaway in dinosaur pirate land.
>but he doesn't grow a beard because that would be altering a marketable brand icon
>bitch doean't even get a tan
They meant well, but this really shows how their creativity is hobbled by overmanagement
He actually has Polnareff's idiotic outfit from JJBA. It's hilarious
He's just that much of a pasty nerd that he CAN'T grow a beard and that IS what he looks like tanned.
Not being persecuted, shit just sucks now.
Like pic related
No mandella here, this is real life
one on the right looks like he takes it up the ass ngl
>edgelord mage
>gay sky pirate mage
This is an improvement, though?
Jace is literally wearing the same clothes in both arts. The one on the right is missing some of the outfit. That's it.
And how are you getting 'black' from that? That is not in any way black. Though yeah, they've got fucking art consistency problems with Gideon out the ass.
Get your eyesight checked man, you clearly have problem seeing
Why do sjws have to destroy everything I love?
I believe he's talking about 93/94, the format that is sometimes also called old school magic.
What are you comparing?
There is a reason jace looks like that now: because he's literally been planar-ship wrecked. You can't really compare them because he's not even really changing his look. As soon as he get off dino-land and back to his loft in Ravnica it;ll be back to the old robes.
Wonder if we'll get to see Chandra, Nissa and Liliana with torn clothes on Dominaria.
I assume they're going to drag this out by having everybody walk to a separate plane, personally.
Jace and Bloodbraid elf should be unbanned. They are basically the most fair cards on the modern ban list. Jund and control, while very strong are honest and fun decks. When you ban the honest decks everything turns into a Rock Paper Scissors of burn and gimmick decks. Also damn near everything else on the modern ban list should be unbanned except for infinite combos and turn 3 kills.
I find it hilariously stupid that they ban mental misstep when half of the cards on the list are 1cc and mental misstep would keep them in check (as well as countering itself).
Bro I'm red pilled on all this /pol/ shit, but as far as mtg is concerned, it's all memes. You won't notice at all if you play, and even if small things bother you, the design of the game has gotten insanely better since the "old school" days. Imo Amonkhet, Shadows over Innistrad, and Battle for Zendikar are some of the best blocks ever.
Not surprised, the packaging and promotional art is directed by Mark Winters. The cards are being directed by non-artist SJW Dawn Murin, and former hottie gone christmass cake Cynthia Sheppard.
The EMA box art was also neat.
Snuff Out is old enough to vote.
We had Kid Jace and Baby Jace, now we have Babe Jace
I think the problem with mental mistep was that it countered itself. Everyone was playing it, just so they could counter other cantrips and mental missteps.
MM doesn't cantrip. It's really not that great. Works best against aggro, but the -2 life really hurts against aggro.
>It's really not that great
The fuck are you talking about? MM is great in Vintage and was great in Legacy before it got banned.
Right you are, bud, the game is at its best ever artistically speaking.
adventuring in your office shoes
I'm inclined to agree with Last few sets have felt a lot better. The Jacetace League can go fuck itself but here's hoping Jace losing his memories means they are going to rebuild his character and ease off on the Jace wanking.
If they kept the set themes as fun as Amonkhet and Ixilan and just kinda followed up on the Neowalkers one by one until they.... do whatever they were trying to do. I would not mind.
Nissa next pls.
Yeah...1 manas are just as good in modern as in legacy and vintage...
This, magic isn't perfect right now, but the game itself is still good and there is some real energy right now to try and make magic better.
We just got Ixalan, and we will get an un-set and then dominaria. After that we will get Arena.
>After that we will get Arena
Wasn't arena meant to come out soon, as in before Rivals of Ixalan soon?
What! No, the beta might be out at that time, but arena proper release is going to be a while.
That's the correct spelling?
That's correct, he's just thinking it has something to do with semitic people.
I'm a frequenter of the PTCG thread on /vp/ and about once a general now we're getting people coming in saying they want to swap over or at least double dip.
Given the amount of anti-pokemon snobbery I've seen from MtG players over the years because "muh instants," "we came first," and "game for babbies" it's really been quite a splash to the face to see this many interested now.
The cheaper cost and better run online client with an online booster packaged in every IRL booster probably doesn't hurt things any.
I also know IRL several magic players that are all playing Eternal now.
too bad TSR will never recover from WotC fucking everything up.
>Imo Amonkhet, Shadows over Innistrad, and Battle for Zendikar are some of the best blocks ever.
Ok, listen to me! Let's imagine a really far-fetched scenario why he still looks like that.
Let's just say, and i know this is really unrealistic and completely shatters the suspension of disbelief, but let's just try to say that he just got to that plane only like a few hours before and that's why he's still wearing his old torn clothes and doesn't have a beard/tan.
I know this is way to outrageous to swallow but if you just leave your brain behind you might just make yourself believe it makes sense
SOI was great, but you got to admit the SJW's are slowly taking over
So it's clear these idiots are making an organized effort to tamper with things we like and raid us.
In ye olden days, that's a paddlin', regardless of political leanings. We'd be on them like white on rice.
Why do we take it sitting down now?
>In ye olden days, that's a paddlin', regardless of political leanings. /b/'d be on them like white on rice.
fixed there for you.
They know who not to mess with. /comblr/, /v/ and Veeky Forums are free reign because "nerds are icky" even when normies won't stop talking about superhero movies. Anything we say will be considered childish whining because we play games and read comics.
/pol/ is also a safe target because as much as we demonize them, the only things they've done IRL is save abused animals, they can't kick off a raid to save their lives because /pol/ is a bunch of people bickering against each other's agendas, not a monolithic alt-right nazi entity like lefties want to believe they are..
Can we get another planar chaos to remove planeswalkers and replace them with a new type of card?
MM being legal in Modern would mean one of two things: People stop running 1 drops because of MM, or everyone runs MM to be able to counter their opponent's MM and protect their 1-drops.
Pirate jace is high AF I don't know what the big deal is, he looks lit as fuck...
I have no issue with beefcake, as long as we still get cheesecake. We dont. Even lili is mostly de-sexualized. Most new women art are ugly or old on purpose, and the few that sneak through (looking at you, sexy spanish vampire ladies) are few and far between and still largely clothed.
As a porcelain nord, I would like to inform you not everyone tans.
>Americans complaining about an US company releasing a correct US-centric interpretation of the ancients.
They selling you the world as you say it is is all that's happening.
sooo, whats wrong with the two cards? I really dont see your problem, please explain
Ive been playing magic across the US for a decade and seen maybe two blacks playing. A handful of women (all terrible or EDH only terrible). MtG is mainly white (light skinmed hispanics when ive played in LA/Texas) and asians.
WE WUZ dont play the game. They can blame the decline on shit design all they want, but its not just that. You cant try to 'normalize' DnD: pocket edition and expect nerds to not jump ship eventually.
user, i'v seen plenty of MTG women players, i have nto see any non-white players but on the other hand by country is like 95% white so there is noting wierd about that. Wizards know their audience because they have marketing experts to tell them who playes their game, you are some randome player who has probobly played in less than 100 hobby shops.
If they knew who played their game, they wouldnt have had so many bumos since time spiral. People only play magic because its the only card game that every shop supports.
I mean, /pol/ also took a bunch of Shias flags down. That was quite impressive, honestly.
What happened to her joragas? They look smaller.
>95% white
That sounds like paradise.
The poses in both pictures look weird, but Pirate Jace in particular is posed extremely fucking strange. Like the artist has never actually seen a man hang from anything before and just took a photo of himself with one foot on a stool or something and then tilted it slightly for reference. The pothead face that just screams "I've never been this fucking high before" doesn't make it any better.
>Ive been playing magic across the US for a decade and seen maybe two blacks playing.
Literally has no impact on his point.
They've always fluctuated in size.
I'm just happy she's generally looking more like an elf and less like a disfigured person.
If you honestly get hot and bothered over that image of Jace you're likely to be turned on by a fucking teaspoon. That shit's not beefcake, it's fucking... that one type of Chinese spongecake that's basically just air.
You know the one.
There's nothing wrong with men wearing corsets and historically they used to.
Lets go further back to before magic users in MTG were emo twats.
>Launching smear campaigns against Ben Garrison, David Horsey and Sarah Anderson to make them look like neo-nazies. For irony points, the troll who started doctoring Ben Garrison’s cartoons was a Jew, making the /pol/tergeists pawns of Jews.
>Screwed up the Tay bot experiment to turn it into a neo-nazi and even getting it to harass people.
>Creating false flag #hashtags like #EndFathersDay on Twitter and then spreading it around with sockpuppet Twitter accounts.
>Planning and launching their own raids and doxxing attacks as examined by:
>Buying Twitter ads to send out “kill yourself” messages to people using someone else's name and profile under the hopes that the target will kill themselves. When the accounts used to do this were killed by twitter they got butthurt and claimed that Twitter lets ISIS run amok on their site, ignoring how Twitter has killed 125,000 ISIS affiliated accounts at last count (which was in February 2016 and /pol/ started this in March 2016).
>Impersonating a lawyer online and even publishing an article under his name.
>Attempting to defraud voters, which is a criminal act.
>Edgy Shit vs Fanservice Shit
Both have awful design.
>guy wearing a cloak
>That entire artwork
>Not edgy
It's time to grow up, user. You are no longer a teen for quite a while. Why you still act like one?
...It's a guy wearing a cloak. Hell, he's wearing the same thing as he is in the other image, just without the cloak.
MM has NEVER been modern legal. It also wasn't an auto include in DELVER standard. Think about that.
Also, MM is only good in legacy and vintage because they are extremely fast, so 0 mana is important.
What most modern decks DO ACTUALLY auto include playsets of is fetches and shocks, which means they pay a shit ton for a mana base. You really think every deck is gonna have a playset of pay 2 life counterspells that offer no card advantage on top of the life they are paying for the mana base?
>implying 2 life is a high price to stop ancient stirrings, goblin guide, noble heirarch or the 3 most commonly played removal spells for no tempo lost
>forgetting Death's Shadow
>being this bad at magic
magic ended with the mending, jace exists for sperglord neckbeards to self-insert
by that logic we should ban murder because it's *only* 3 mana to kill a primeval titan
you realize the whole point of control and removal is stopping threats by paying less resources than the threat cost? fuck it, let's ban cancel, someone might use it to counter a 4 mana creature like cloudcrown oak!!!
That's false equivalence if I've ever seen it. Murder costs 1BB and hits only creatures. That's just straight up inefficient in Modern where Primetime is like the only target that costs more than it, and even then it still provides value.
2 life is a very low cost to pay, especially as it is only 2 life to counter any 1 mana spell. Mental Misstep allows you to play your own Death's Shadow and protect it from Path or Push or even other Mental Missteps, or let you can just play your Shadow and then counter your opponent's on his turn. You'd be silly to not play Mental Missteps in anything except perhaps Eldrazi Tron where your opponent's MM's are dead regardless.
That's fair. I don't think it would be an auto playset though. More like 2-3 in the sideboard. I could be wrong, but the worst thing that could happen is degenerate 1 mana cards become weaker, games become more interactive at the cost of misstep being in every deck. There would be no cost to diversity of decks. I would also unban most of other cards on the list. Not dreidel or ponder though.