Accidental Magical Girl CYOA

Welcome to the Accidental Magical Girl thread!

Various worlds and multiverses have become connected together via the mysterious Overcity, a sprawling landscape inhabited by monsters and magical beings. Girls and boys endowed with their new supernatural powers can work together solving conflicts that arise!

>This is NOT a greentext adventure style CYOA with one GM and thread posting to dictate the adventure, but rather a hub thread for multiple storycrafters to use.

This thread houses three systems: First, QuasarBlack's CYOA PDFs which may be used as writing prompts. Second, AMGC which expands on the CYOA character creation and provides rules for combat. Finally, the SCS is an alternative to AMGC with a similar purpose. IRC uses mostly AMGC and Discord uses mostly SCS.

Post builds, roleplay, write stuff.

CYOA Stuff:
Writefag Archive:
Magical Girl Images:!xINWxCqY!HsVA2LnU9RDMMmZieoqv9w

>Addons to the CYOA, currently only the Patron Module:

>Previous Versions:

IRC on Rizon:
In Character RP Pub: #TheWand&Circlet
IC Campaigns: #MGChronicle or #MGPnP
IC Shenanigans: #Overcity
IC Cafe: #MGCafe

The Discord Server for Roleplaying and Campaigns:

Other urls found in this thread:

The CYOA's Patron Module, which determines just who bestows your character's magical abilities. But be wary, for not all of these patrons are after your best interests...

This PDF is for AMGC 1.15.1, one of the two usable PNP systems for playing as a magical girl.
It features 10 additional powers and 20 extra perks, as well as combat actions, point buy, and more. Note that this is NOT the same as the CYOA, and uses its own methods of character generation.

>Character generator for AMGC, made by Doxy using RandomGen by Orteil.
Just one click and your mahou will be finished!

>Add-Ons to AMGC Core including the Corruption, Fusion, and Puchuu docs, now in one semi-convenient spot!

>Character sharing thing made by emperor_

>Spec Trees (spells for all 19 normal Specializations, and all recorded Oddball trees. Updated often):
>Magic overhaul by Drakon in progress. Teaser located here:

>Google Docs AMGC Character Sheet (made by Torque)

>AMGC Character Archive:

>Previous Versions:

The SCS was made as an addon to the CYOA to cover the combat side of roleplaying. It allows players to easily take characters made in the CYOA v1.5 and use them in Quests and long-running campaigns alike. Note that this system DOES require you to have a character made in the CYOA in the OP first.

This PDF covers the core rules of gameplay, as well as the methods of improvement and various spells and items magical girls use.

>Expansions to the SCS can be found in this link
These expansions include
>Order & Chaos; Friend & Foe (OC&FF): Details on the mechanical workings of Patrons, Dark Magical Girls, Monster Girls (both natural and corrupted), and also includes a bestiary
>Worlds & Wishes (W&W): Details various GM tools and a few player tools, including the function of Mundane weapons, Alternate/Optional Rules, Various tips and tricks for GMing and Roleplaying, as well as Augments for players looking for a little extra power after CharGen. It also includes the conversion process for AMGC characters into the SCS.

>Previous Versions:
>Character Sheet, which includes a Character Generator:

Has your mahou ever been tempted by a servant of evil? Promised money? Power? Everything they might ask for? What did they do?

Its happening right now and they are panicking.

Yes, actually. A seductive vampiress attempted to subvert my character, induce her to take a certain item from another character that the vampiress wants, to bring her realm into the Overcity.

My character kept her girlfriend -firmly- in mind and screwed her eyes shut - while it didn't save her from being bitten, doggedly clinging to it kept her from falling under the vampiress' thumb.

She's also got another vampiress who's "helping her through" the residual mental affliction.

Rolled 7, 5, 5, 10, 20, 4, 18, 7, 1, 5, 14, 13 = 109 (12d20)

Rolls for the Roll God, Girls for the Girl Throne.

Most of the people on this IRC game don't come form Veeky Forums. Where are they form? Why are they so "normal", as I would put it? Is there another place to recruit people, other than here?
I have interest in this information.

AFAIK people who find the thing from here invite friends who don't use this site, and that's how that happens.
Guess you can't blame them.

Took the power and asked for more.

>Why are they so "normal", as I would put it?
I'm from here and I was pretty normal when I was in the IRC. Not everyone is made of questionable materials here. Like Magic, Magic is questionable.

I actually started at 4+Veeky Forums and worked my way down to here when the activity levels didn't suit my preferences. I'm just really good at concealing my powerlevel.


Also come on and join the IRC, don't be shy its actually fun.

I've been trying to think of how to combine two of my favorite things, Mahous and the Zero Escape series, and I'm coming up dead. When the participants are more hardy to being gone-diddly-dead it makes the idea of death puzzles less deathy. Even if SHIFTing is a thing in the Zero Escape series.

Enough about me, however. Any series you fine folk want to or have mixed with magical girls?

I let the people die because I'm stupid as FUCK.

People on the Discord tend to invite people from other Discords, and also their friends IRL.

I think only about 20% of the population of the Discord have ever been on the IRC these days, and fewer of them have been to Veeky Forums. Additionally, for the IRC specifically it's based out of Rizon, which is one of the bigger IRCs, especially for weebs (who are more likely to get into an RP about being a magical girl).

post cute mahous

rare cute mahous

I got adorable fanart of my mahou (male) ages and ages and ages ago.

wouldn't you know it I also have fanart of my adorable mahou (male)


Thanks, I tried to make him cute. Here's an edit someone did also.

But mahous are not for lewd

Assuming I have no way to evacuate the trolleys first, C3 and 20 lives lost. Regrettable, but... wait, how is this supposed to save them again?

Goddamnit Cheryl, surely there are more efficient ways to get me to murder people than to set up elaborate deathtrap-based moral puzzles. I mean, you had to lay all this track, kidnap 20 people - who you could've just killed yourself, by the way - acquire the trolleys...

*10 minutes later*

...and then get those clowns talking about it just as I passed by the switches, when you could've just asked! I mean, granted, you'd probably have to pull a clever disguise or something, but it's still easier and more reliable than this absurdity. Your seat on the Ominous Omniscient Council of Vagueness (OOCV) is clearly giving you a swelled head.

Wait, why C3? I figured D1.

Good villains are so hard to find these days. It's the unions I tell ya!

Good heroes are good to find these days too. Back in the good old days, even Batman just shot the bastard.

Al knows the letter, Bert knows the number.
Al is certain Bert doesn't know the right pad.
If the number were 5 or 6, Bert would certainly know the right pad, so can't be possible from what Al knows.
Al knows it can't be track 5 or 6, and he would only know that if it *wasn't* track's A or B.
Bert takes what Al just said and figures out the right pad. If it was track 1, he still wouldn't have enough to make that judgment, as it could have been C1 or D1.
Al takes that Bert just figured it out, excludes track 1, and has enough to figure out the right pad. It can't be track D, there would still be D2 and D4 possible.

It's C3.

>Discord users are dumb
>IRC users aren't
Is it fine to exist in the IRC game without ever touching the Discord or are there simply too many cross overs?


Same as , you'll find that a lot of old Veeky Forums is in fact quite normal and socially well-adjusted. At least enough to play tabletop games with a group of friends in person on a weekly/bi-weekly basis.

Not sure how you came up with "Discord users are dumb because they spread the word about the community and get people involved", but no, there's not many cross-overs. A lot of people exist in both, but as far as I know there's not much stuff that happens in one that affects the other.

That's because I got it out of "I think only about 20% of the population of the Discord have ever been on the IRC these days, and fewer of them have been to Veeky Forums.".

>Veeky Forums is the only place where intellectuals, such as myself, are to be found.
>In the entirety of the internet.
I see. Well don't stop on my account.

Are you talking shit? I will teleport behind you.

Too bad. I'm in the SCS, so Teleportation has a soft cap of 5 uses a battle.

Both the IRC and Discord are fine, for anyone reading this. Come join one or the other or both, we'll welcome you.

>Is it fine to exist in the IRC game without ever touching the Discord or are there simply too many cross overs?
Yes it's perfectly fine. I don't think there have been any crossovers at all. Don't think anyone hates the idea, I think nobody just cares to do it.

A few of the people in the IRC previously expressed that they don't feel like migrating or can't, and a number of the Discord regulars aren't particularly interested in going to the IRC, so a crossover event would probably be some sort of showdown thing between the two, which would have to be organized by a community leader, which either don't or can't take that sort of action for Reasons.

But the important thing is, which community is bigger/ has more quality? Or are they about the same?

They're about the same, I'd say.

Yeah, about the same. Each has cool people in it and is decently active.

I would like to know.

Has your mahou figured out what the deal with airline food is?

Could I get a new link to the discord? I think the one on here is expired.

Sure thing.

Here you are.

I live in the IRC and I like it a lot. Can't really speak for the discord but I'm sure its good also.


>"I live in the IRC"
>His Mahou's and him are so poor they have to live in a goddamned chat program because they can't even afford a place in the Overcity, which are dirt cheap due to how dangerous and how bullshit it is.

This is an interesting idea. Mahous who live in the super information highway. Or hell maybe they just pay a visit. What would they see there?

It'd be like an old 90s sci-fi film or something.

There has been at least one crossover that I know of, and a few of the Discord characters were ported from the IRC

She knew it even before she was turned. Pressure difference causes smell suppression similar to what happens during a flu. Due to the fact that smell is an important part of tasting food it subjectively changes its taste. That is one of the reasons why they provide tomato juice while it is way rarer on the ground. Second part of it is quality. In Russian airlines historically food was of the same quality as low class cafeteria at workplaces(because provided by government) and thus it was cheap and badly made.

>A few of the people in the IRC previously expressed that they don't feel like migrating or can't

When you think about it you realize that the Overcity should be big enough to need a "super information highway".
Not that it necessarily has one...

Rolled 13, 5, 4, 8, 5, 3, 17, 6, 6, 7, 20, 10 = 104 (12d20)