What are the downsides of having high charisma and/or being very beautiful?
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Are you asking what possible downsides might be? Because what actually is the case will vary on setting/system/GM.
For ideas, unwanted solicitation/attention would probably be the main one. If you're extremely beautiful, people will take note of you even if you aren't doing anything noteworthy, and people are likely to remember you. If you want to get from A to B unnoticed, that'll be a lot more difficult for an unbelievably beautiful individual than a random nobody.
you will be a slut
literally everyone with high power levels will try to magical realm you
high charisma means people are gonna expect you to be able to talk and come up with a decent argument, if your gm is not brain dead he will actually expect you to use words instead of rolling to brainwash
Many people will assume automatically that you're dense and/or vain if you're beautiful. Charismatic ones set off alarm bells in a lot of people that they're scamming or looking to take advantage. That goes double if they're charming *and* beautiful. People will actively look for and point out your flaws as if to say, "See? You're not such hot shit, are you?" The benefits far outweigh the downsides, but some people will always hold your physical and social traits against you no matter what they are.
Drawing attention to oneself. Hard to pass unnoticed.
Being regarded as dumb or having not succeeded on merit.
Overeager flirts who get angry when you reject them.
Jealous rivals.
People may think you're vain or egocentric.
It's easy to rely on looks and therefore neglect skills.
All of these.
More like rape bait.
G-good thing we're ugly, r-right, guys???
slavers try to kidnap you to make tons of cash
and various monsters trying to kidnap you for various reasons (mostly perverted reasons)
Probably the Halo Effect. Everyone thinks you're cooler/nicer/smarter than you actually are. You become inured to people complimenting you, because you aren't sure if they're really impressed by your abilities or if they just want to fuck you. You will get people you aren't attracted to hitting on you, and possibly have to deal with tantrums or violence if you turn them down. Upsides are everyone likes you more, wants to please you, gives you more help, etc etc.
On a related note, does anyone have any pics of a supernaturally charismatic/beautiful character? Like a Dryad from Shadowrun or someone with Mega Appearance from Aberrant. I'm curious to see how people portray this and if they do anything interesting with it.
Pic-related is the Nymph in 3.5 DnD, with "supernatural beauty" being shown as "thin white woman with a weird face wearing a wet sheet"
I have a idea for a adventure were one of the party with high charisma gets kidnapped in a orc attack only to be claimed by the tribes resident (female) ettin who is intent on making the pc her wife (translated from orcish as the lower one in the relationship) can the other players save their comrade form a shotgun wedding? pic one of the only female ettin I found.
If you have supernaturally high charisma then you are going to have a fan club of obsessed stalkers who follow your every move and action with religious fervor, and you will probably never even know about it. An entire guild whose sole purpose is to keep tabs on your sightings.
That's pretty cool. Do you want the quest to be serious or crazy shenanigans? Because I imagine the rescue like this:
>party enters camp impersonating ambulant performer group
>party makes classic "now we make the bride dissapear"
>some illusion fuckery
>party flees with PC
>still wearing ceremonial crap
>shackles and chain optional
>orcs realize what's happening
>orcs go full redneck hillbilly
>party gets on conveniently placed carriage
>redneck hillbilly orc chase ensues
3.5 was infinitely better for the nymph.
I know Veeky Forums hates reddit or whatever, but I saw this thread a while back and it was sort of interesting. At the very least the people replying consider themselves attractive and believe their stories to be true, which may not be the most objective stance but it might give you some ideas.
Ignoring the "very beautiful" part, history is rife with people who were so charismatic that people end up remembering the person rather than their message.
It's how you end up with things like Che Guevara baseball caps and Martin Luther King Jr. smoking a doobie with Bob Marley on an airbrushed T-shirt.
You would be surprised how much skill went into that drawing.
This thread remembers me of pic related.
That it's an interesting aspect that could be explored on the table.
But... its still just "a white woman in negligee". Like, its not particularly supernatural looking or anything. Something like warhammer high elves would be better, something so perfect it goes into uncanny valley.
I'm not saying it wasn't hard to draw, I'm saying its not super creative as far as "supernatural beauty" goes. Also:
>Her mouth is smaller than her eye
Y-yeah! Who needs to be beautiful!
Bobby is a beauty.
I was planning to go the comedic route wedding dress shaman trying to keep a straight face bloodthirsty orc warriors snickering and making lewd jokes when they think the ettin isn't listening scared shitless hafling chef who hopes the orcs like the wedding cake the works.
>What are the downsides of having high charisma and/or being very beautiful?
>Kidnapped by a nobleman to become his wife
>Kidnapped by slavers to be sold as a sex slave
>Kidnapped by a wizard to become his waifu
Extremely high charisma means you have to wear a burqa at all times or end up a damsel in distress.
it's not really possible to represent pure concepts with mundane tools, human skill, and no point of reference. it's like trying to draw an eighth colour, or what it's like to be blind, or the sound a tree makes when it falls in the woods.
It doesn't have to be pure, just different or interesting.
>Forced into Waifu-dom
Not if I take hemlock first desu
I always play low CHA characters. All my characters have high STR and CON because they are easy to replicate even if you suck in real life. High INT, WIS, or CHA can only be done justice with a player that is high in the respective stat(s), and I sure as hell don't have CHA.
>The Chad Waifu
>The Virgin Moe
There are no downsides to being beautiful. If you get the beautiful advantage, that means that you will automatically be more convincing toward other people.
If it was a disadvantage, it wouldn't cost so much to get it as an advantage, now would it?
The Very Attractive edge in Savage Worlds brought me nothing but trouble. Kidnappings, death threats, and attempted murders.
charisma has nothing to do with physical beauty
>death threats
>attempted murders
Wut? Why?
I mean, I can sort of understand the kidnappings because people said that their characters were being coerced into marriage and stuff, but why would someone want to kill you just because you're beautiful?
>Many people will assume automatically that you're dense and/or vain if you're beautiful.
>Being regarded as dumb or having not succeeded on merit.
Only by uggos. Normal and attractive people will actually consider you to be more intelligent and capable than you really are due to the halo effect.
Because they're not.
Women 101. And the entire reason behind the body positivity movement.
>death threats
Nobles be crazy, especially when they've grown up hearing they're the most beautiful person in the world and taking it at face value.
>attempted murders
Mad scientist wanted to skin the character and make an eternaly beautiful android in his image.
In my opinion, that sounds like something Wick would do: punishing players for taking an advantage that he doesn't want them to have or simply to fuck with them. (not in the literal sense of course)
So yeah, change your GM. That's my advice. I play beautiful characters and it might happen only from time to time that I get a slight annoyance because of it.
Don't get your panties in a bunch. The DM is great and it's all in good fun.
People always have high expectations. If they cant do something, they like to hide behind you and put it all on you.
People have presumptions of you and its either good or bad. And if you want to change it it takes a lot of time. Thats all the downsides i can think of.
You can make some shiny lines around her.
high charisma would offset the downsides of being beautiful
the real problem would be if you had the charisma of an unwashed potato and the looks of a sex bomb
Why does it bother you that it is a white woman? Thats seems such a weird thing to be hung up about.
>Like, its not particularly supernatural looking or anything
Neither is the Pic you posted, its just a bunch of different coloured women with tumblr-noses looking sad/happy.
>Shy girl
>inviting a guy on date
Well is she is inviting him then she cant be that shy in the first place, can she?
Being awkward is not the same as being shy.
There's a peak point.
In general handsome people are seen as more trustworthy and capable, but beyond a certain point of attractiveness it starts to go down again. Most notably scientists are less trusted by the general public if they're too good looking.
Wanna know the downsides of being beautiful ? Like the most beautiful woman in the whole known world ? Then read this faggot
>"go mad with jealousy."
That's actually a great flaw. They are forever surrounded by scheming backstabbers suffering tall poppy syndrome.
Alternately, people go stark-raving mad in her presence, like some kind of Lovecraftien monster.
Lack of pain relief in a hospital
We associate health with beauty and vice-versa - so nurses and doctors alike often think a pretty person is more healthy than an ugly one and as a result pretty people in hospital get fewer check-ups and pain meds.
only difference is that one fights their fate, the other accepts it
>Mercedes from the Count of Monte Cristo
>Lucy and Joanna Barker from Sweeney Todd
Also, you tend to get noticed and remembered, which can be a big problem.
Very recognizable.
Nothing. You shouldn't punish people just for having a high rating in any stat. Now if they do something stupid with that high rating, that's when you should start thinking of ways to punish them. But on it's own high Charisma is no more punishable than high Strength or High Intelligence.
>On a related note, does anyone have any pics of a supernaturally charismatic/beautiful character?
Literally can't be done. You can't draw this, only denote it with visual effects.
IMO 3.5 Nymph is one of the better examples, because at least she looks somewhat fey and ethereal, implying that she's not entirely human. Most supernaturally beautiful characters are just attractive characters with glowy effects around them.
>people go stark-raving mad in her presence, like some kind of Lovecraftien monster.
so like Tomie?
>Not if I take hemlock first desu
He's a goddamn wizard he will become a Lich in order to bring you back to life
Having the charisma of an unwashed potato does actually solve some of the issues of extreme beauty, largely because the lower your charisma gets the more it permeates the air around you, like some kind of anime battle power aura. This is stuff like body language, social cues, and that sort.
Isn't that Shinobu's backstory in Bakemono?
>Launching a Thousand Ships with your CHA
>ever a downside
Uggos GTFO.
patrician taste, user
It would be a downside if Paris was ugly.
>eighth colour
You know there are more than seven basic colours in Western culture right?
I think the issue isn't that shes white, the issue is that she looks normal. You can view a person like that walking down the street, she is beautiful maybe, but not what the original poster felt was "mind-blowingly beautiful".
Already been posted that no drawing is going to do the concept justice.
overattention, rape and jealosy
People assume you're in charge and target you first
Your entire nation will follow you into a war you have no ability to win
Alex, am I allowed to buy some punctuation?
>Already been posted that no drawing is going to do the concept justice.
They could have drawn her hiding her face and allowed imagination to fill in the rest.
Virgin Moe a CUTE!
People think you're out of their league and leave you alone.
Jealous people want to see your downfall.
People assume you're the person to go to for advice etc.
If you ever get taken alive by your enemies and you're a woman, your death will be awful. The uglier ones will just get their throats cut, while you'll be raped to death.
>The uglier ones will just get their throats cut, while you'll be raped to death.
A hole's a hole, everyone's getting raped.
>People think you're out of their league and leave you alone
He said downsides, user.
Everybody thinks you are out of their league. The most attractive person you have ever seen wouldn't ask you out because they think you are way out of their league, if you take the initiative they will become extremely possessive (I have to keep them close so they don't leave me for someone better). Have fun being locked in the house all day.
High CHA doesn't stop at big boobs. It means a strong sense of self and confidence that you can project outwards. You can basically make people do what you want, so if anyone would be locked in the house it would be them, and they would like it.
High CHA means jack shit. Just having different politics can dehumanize even the most likeable human being. Hell, you can destroy someone with inexorable influence by exposing him to be a pedophile.
And even if CHA=mind control, all you have to do to avoid getting mind controlled is to know as little about a person as possible, which isn't too hard if you're an assassin.
Trump would disagree. If people like you (CHA) they will go out of their way to disregard your shortcomings.
Trump's supposed CHA is weird. It seems to only work in imbeciles.
>If it was a disadvantage, it wouldn't cost so much to get it as an advantage, now would it?
Sure are a lot of expectations in your post.
>lost to negative will save imbeciles
Really not helping yourself here.
> Charisma doesn't work on autists.
>if you insult trump you MUST be a ctr shill!
must be 18 to browse Veeky Forums kiddo
>downsides of having high charisma and/or being very beautiful
Depends on the system [insert rainbows here], in D&D Charisma has only ever been linked to good looks by idiots who don;t actually read what Charisma as a stat is supposed to be about.
>manages to be wrong three times in a single sentence
Impressive. That's A+ retardation right there.
I don't know if it's autism but there are people who are immediately turned off by deliberate attempts to be suave and charming. Usually it's people who've seen the kind of fucks who use it to manipulate people enough times to be jaded to its effects.
Nomatter what your opinion on the subject is, bringing up a real world politician, political party, or political ideology in any capacity on Veeky Forums will immediately derail the thread as the worst members of every related faction insist on communicating with each other.
>Ribbon's PC has tits
every time
You didn't insult trump, you insulted the people that voted for him.
A degenerate minority of poorly educated cattle, yes.
Black people vote overwhelmingly for clinton, tho.
That's because Trump made it clear from the word go that he did not care for, nor would actually address the issues confronting the black community.
Low and behold, he hasn't.
How did he do that?
>issues confronting the black community
are entirely self inflicted.
47.5% of voters? Jesus Christ. America is never going to get better until after half thr population stops treating the other entire half of the populations as demons. This goes both ways, of course. When the majority of a population considers political labels to be more important than "American" you are forcing a situation that can only be resolved through civil war, and the insane momentum of populism and backlash against everything status quo is effectively the cultural version of that which we are already seeing. Your digging your own country's grave (if American) with your rhetoric, and accomplishing nothing. Hatred and refusal of respect and cooperation breeds more of the same in a cycle, and there will be no winners in the end.
>entirely self inflicted
It wouldn't be the first time people expect somebody else to solve the problems they brought upon themselves. Nor the last.
Y'know what?
I'm not gonna touch this. I'm going back to the 40k general.
47.5 is not above 50% fucker. and we only have about a 60% voter turn out in the US. there were about 60 million elegible voters that did not vote in the election.
Let me clear up those numbers.
60ish million voters voted for clinton.
60ish million voters voted for trump.
60ish million voters did not vote.
120ish miilion people couldn't vote due to a large factor of things from age (by far the majority of these), status as a felon, inelegibility due to voter ID laws and similar things.
>America is never going to get better until after half thr population stops treating the other entire half of the populations as demons
Only about half of americans even vote, so it's more like a fourth of the population thinks that another fourth of the population are demons.
This. Women showing any dating initiative whatsoever basically precludes being shy.