Hey guys, I'm going to make this.
Ideas for system to use?
I'm thinking Doctor Who mixed with Risus, The Strange, Fiasco, Atomic Robo, Numenera, Paranoia, and just a smidge of Tales of the Floating Vagabond.
Need help w Ideas
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You're asking for what systems to use after listing multiple. What do you need exactly?
Help me pick one or two
The classic 1e dual system "Chair and Rope" should work really well.
Neck yourself, tool.
Use Maid. Every player is a Morty, Master is a Rick.
Savage Worlds.
No system need. Just be the GM and basically free form it, any time your players come up with a good idea berate them for a minute reminding them how stupid they are and force the exact opposite to work regardless if they were correct. Also keep reminding them how meaningless everything is and generaly just do shit you enjoy doing as a GM It's more in tune with the show than anything a system with dice could replicate.
This sounds awful
buuuUUUrp hey morty we gotta go to buuuuUuurp *sharts* reddit morty
Luther Arkwright.
God isn't real, Morty.
Roll for san check.
check out this Reddit post I made on Veeky Forums
Ok das funny enjoy this (you) m8.
What's the one on the right supposed to represent?
Good luck there, Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Xavier Renegade Angel.
I honestly don't know what level of sarcasm we're on here. Are we shit talking the show or are we the worst part of it's fanbase? Or are we shit talking the fanbase? This is like the sarcasm has gone so far that we've come back around to acting like the mouth breathets who run around saying wubbalubbadudbdub in public.
I'd just use Risus honestly. It fits with the show's shenanigans.
Seconded. Don't even need to make any other changes.
>Wubbalubadubduuuuuub check my digits Morty buuuUUuuUuurRp
>I turned myself into a shitpost!
>Shitpost Rick!
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The endless quotes such as "Zoopidy boopidy wub lub!" and "Poopy poopy penis butthole, such my anus you cheeky cunt" show the expert care the writers took to craft every word and every sentence. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
People say they hate it but it scratches that itch. Sometimes you just want to chuck it all down the drain and watch shit slide. Sometimes you want to win even if you don't deserve it.
I like the show but I hate the fanbase's guts. Anyone who gets pretentious over the CARTOON they watch has issues. I can't speak for the rest of Veeky Forums, though.
Guys what do? One of my players murdered a bunch of NPCs for the XP and when I told him to change his alignment to chaotic evil he insisted on changing it to chaotic smart
Dude, with all the different Morty types this can work
>Rick and Morty: Veeky Forums: the series. A comedy about an alcoholic mad scientist's adventures with his wimpy grandson. Has a instantly recognizable blend of fart humor and soul-crushing, Lovecraftian philosophy. Manages to pack a good amount of emotional punches with enough fun adventures and sci-fi/pop culture references to keep even the most stoic entertained.
Whoever wrote this needs to kill themselves.
Have an army of clones of his character come after him. Have them be extremely organized, and well armed. Or just form a government that is against the party and is headed by an manipulative, charismatic, intelligent version of the least useful party member.
Is this the episode The Ricklantis Mixup, or is this based on a comic where Jerry and Doofus Rick have to stop Doofus Jerry (who is the opposite of normal Jerry; hypercompetent, super intelligent and an evil megalomaniac) after he has vanquished the Council of Ricks and rules over the Citadel?
I dunno, man. Sounds accurate to me. Maybe everyone needs to chill the fuck out and just enjoy a wacky Sci-Fi cartoon for what it is. It's not worth losing our shit over, from either side of the argument.
Try the system from Fluxborn. It's pretty good. Catalogue a few of the species from the show and make them races, as well as offering the option of playing alternate-versions of Morty, Rick, Summer, Beth, and if you REALLY feel like it can work, Jerry. From there, classes can be whatever the hell you want.
>Maybe everyone needs to chill the fuck out and just enjoy a wacky Sci-Fi cartoon for what it is. It's not worth losing our shit over, from either side of the argument.
But user, don't you see? People like something that he doesn't. How could he ever let that stand?
Suicide seems like a good system