>be me
>playing DnD in a setting made by a friend that just has a lot of references to our own lives
>I'm investigating a building
>room is locked
>use thunderwave to knock down doors
>I fucked up
>building begins to collapse
>Get out
>roll 24 on sneak
>innocents died
>Blame it all on forest pyromancers that have different religous and mystical practices
>enitre village plans to go to war.
Who else here has done retarded shit that ended up making things far more fun in the storyline.
Be me
I'm sorry I gave you so much shit, Mr President. You're probably not the worse we've had.
No problem son. No problem
>Star Wars Saga Edition
>We're chasing Kylo Ren after he found the Star Forge and is going to blow up my homeworld (I'm a kel'dor)
>Gunslinger gets Kylo's number, calls him to threaten him (his destiny is to kill Han Solo, transferred to his killer)
>I have the gunslinger give me Kylo's number
>I'm way into the dark side after putting on a spooky force mask
>Also kinda a racist and coward (but who isn't)
>But he's after my homeworld. FuckThat.jpg
>Give him a call, picks up
Keep in mind, at this moment Kylo has wiped out the resistance, has the greatest foundry in the galaxy, and is basically at the top of the world
>Offer Kylo a chance to surrender and die a dignified death
>He long distance force chokes me, but I have a force power that can counter his
>He rolled 20something, I have to roll a 13 or better, always have force points to add so feeling good
>Roll a 1
So yeah, always make sure you can back up your threats, kids. We did end up killing him anyway, and I teabagged him with a Hutt corpse as revenge.
That was a fun game.
It pisses me off that democrats and normies have forgiven this literal war criminal because he painted a stupid picture and is friends with the Obamas. Probably because nobody remembers how fucking insane and bloodthirsty America was following 9/11. If there were any justice in this world him and Cheney would be shot to death on live tv. Instead we have a wonderful little police state using institutions set up by the Bush's now in the hands of Trump
You forget, kids in college these days don't remember 9/11. They don't get why that administration was such a clusterfuck. While I feel Trump is definitely worse as a president, it's hard to argue against the fact that the Bush2 White House was literally cancer for America, and that Cheney is one of the most vile humans to have held office in Washington.
>Play necromancer
>Become lich
>Overcome other evil lich that took over Party fighter's kingdom
>All the bitches want my superbone
>moment of clarity while during hookers and blow
>Realize I didn't want to become a lich just wanted to prove that faggot ass fighter that I could become a lich
>Suddenly have all the time in the world
>well almost still have to eat souls
>what do?
>can't retire and wait for death and magical alzheimers
>outside of faggot ass fighter's kingdom I am Shunned
>realize the error of my ways
>preach the dangers of becoming a lich
>Say no to lichdom kids
Bush is still worse (so far) than Trump. I don't have any doubt that Trump is going to fuck us up but as someone who remembers how fucking insanely jingoistic the US was for 2001 to 2008 was incredible. Massive build up of an international surveillance state, torture, prison camps, and a war that's resulted in a million dead Iraqis on baseless claims. Bush is probably among the worst human beings alive right now.
It's more like the guys behind the throne that are the worst humans out there.
The president is merely a figure without real power. It's not like the people has any word on how politics should work.
You know what?
The people in charge don't have to hide what they are doing. The cloak and dagger mentality is a formality, lodges, hollywood orgies, all that secret squirrel shit is just pageantry.
They do 90% of their evil shit right out in the open. Hell, they are so arrogant they TELL us what their plans are before they go through with them. They don't waste a single nanosecond hiding their agenda, and neither should we.
I dunno, I think trumps doing a good job so far. No major wars, quick response to catastrophes, hands off laze' faire economic policies, hes like a delightful little gnome sent by Reagan to watch over us from heaven.
Of course, things really suck right now if you're broke. I mean free i-phones are nice and all but they won't keep the wolves off your door.
But it ain't like people are starving either, you know what I mean? Even the third worlds getting in on the progress.
Of course, now that I've said that he is probably going to start a pissing contest with North Korea and start world war 3. But if thats how shit goes down after 50 years of deterrance, then thats how it goes down.
I feel safer now than I've ever been.
which is probably why we feel so suspicious, honestly. We don't really expect the system to work and when it does we are surprised and don't know how to deal with it.
Right now, even Nixon's looking like Lincoln, FDR and Winston Churchill combined.
>trump worse
>But it ain't like people are starving either, you know what I mean
People are starving, I don't know what you mean?
>any of that
It's almost like you think rag heads are actual people.
>hes like a delightful little gnome sent by Reagan to watch over us from heaven.
And trigger theeft in progressively more amusing ways, while simultaneously making a mockery of the American political system.
It's wonderful
Only loses are war criminals, cuck.
>quick response to catastrophes
this is how I knew he did a good job on Harvey. Not a single word on the media about him on that subject.
What exactly did Trump do wrong though? I'm not American.
He is mean
He talks without a filter
Is the main reason why people dont like him. Ignoreing both of them is just a "persona" to appeal to americans. I dig that shit.
A major strike I have against him was his respounce to that ((gas attack)) that was so obviously fake. He sent a bunch of missles to hit nothing on some russian base and told them ahead of time to leave the base, but even then he should have just told the world, shit is fake yo. I would not trust news since, even CNN was caught on type saying they are attacking trump purely for ratings, have a heavy anti-trump bias. So even if trump does fuck it, its to late, I cant trust the media.
>FEMA does a good job at disaster relief
>wow trump sure saved the day!
Then why was bush so hated when katrina hit and was panned for not doing anything?
He's a retarded manchild with the attention span of a goldfish. He keeps pushing retarded agendas like the Mexican border wall and ACA healthcare repeal despite not having funds for the former and no formal plan to replace the latter.
He consistently does dumb shit and then has to go back on what he said/did and acts as if nobody could have predicted the outcome of his dumb action
A few things off the top of my head:
Filled executive offices with people guaranteed to ruin them (secretary of education that hates public schools, head of EPA that's former Oil exec, head of FCC that worked for telecoms, etc)
Rolls over whenever Putin does something bad.
Embarrasses the US on the world stage repeatedly (eg bragging to the UN about his election, manhandling foreign leaders).
Constantly attempts to undermine the other branches of government. (Pardoned someone for contempt of court, which is a big deal.)
Demands personal loyalty from other executives, including generals.
Forbids investigation of Russian tampering with voter registration. Even after Russia confesses.
>what are remittance taxes
>All this /pol/ in one thread
Take this anywhere else but here god dam it
The media critized Trump as well. In fact it could be argued trump is worse as he is cutting funding/not appointing heads of gov departments. FEMA was almost bankrupt after Harvey
Let's build a multi-billion dollar wall that does nothing to address the issue of illegal immigration. I am 100% sure that this is a good idea and definitely not a waste of tax payer money :^)
>What is remittance taxes
>the issue is mexico is a shit hole
Rather build a wall then fix that shit hole senpai
and even IF we have to pay for it via taxes, reducing illegal immigration is worth paying for. Fuck being un-able to go to the closest grocery store, because they dont speak english and instead, demand YOU to learn spanish. Luckily I know spanish but I feel bad for those who dont
We accidentally set fire to a field of wheat once and blamed the town drunkard to claim a bounty on it.
the guards hanged the man without any kind of investigation and paid me for the service
Israel has a wall. It worked great.
>What exactly did Trump do wrong though? I'm not American.
Refused to support regime change in the middle east that special interest groups really want.
That's his primary crime.
>voter registration
First it was the voting machines. Then it was the paper ballots. Then it was making memes. ANd now it's registration.
People need to settle on something.
>Rolls over whenever Putin does something bad.
Putin has done SHIT since Trump's inauguration aside from killing ISIS and running his country. Crimea happened years and years before Trump even announced his candidacy and quite frankly isn't America's problem.