Sup Veeky Forums
I am going to be running a sci-fi space opera game in the near future, and I'm looking for a system. I dont know many good space opera systems, and I'm used to mostly using homebrew systems. The game will be based on a previous game I've run, however during that campaign I used a simple d20 system that I was not satisfied with. Lately, I've been running Delta Green, and I am quite fond of the wide variety of skills and the d100 system, as it adds a lot of elements of specialization.
Could someone familiar with any sci fi systems enlighten me, perhaps providing the pros and cons of each?
Thank you.
In exchange, I will post space ships. Anyone else should feel free to post space ships too.
>space ship thread
Sup Veeky Forums
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My go-to for this would definitely be GURPS. I know, I know, MATHS. But memes from the previous edition aside, GURPS does do scifi and space well. It is a bit fronloaded for the GM, but I think it's worth it because you can make your setting work pretty much exactly how you want.
Furthermore, GURPS also has an expansive skill list and specialisation. the 3d6 roll under system means that it's not too hard to be basically competent in a skill, but it's worth specialising.
So for example, I make sure all my players in my alternate-history Private Military Contractor game have a basic level of the stealth skill (SL 10), though only one is really a stealth specialist. (SL 14+)
Breakdown pros & cons
+Endless customisation
+good skill system
+An entire line of space & spaceship books
+GURPS Mass Combat system for GIANT SPACE BATTLES
+Guns actually make sense and work.
-Endless customisation
-You should make 'templates' for your players to ease character creation (Fortunately there's a wealth of them already made for you in the books)
-GM can get distracted by shiny optional rules.
I got overwhelmed the first time I took a look at GURPS for another game, especially with the sheer amount of splatbooks and how to implement them, but perhaps I'll take a second look at it.
(posting more space ships)
Traveller, either Classic or Mongoose.
Relatively simple to learn
Loads of material inc. premade settings, easy to convert between editions
Has rules for making your own setting
Can feel somewhat dated
Mongoose version has problems with editing
>Could be pros or cons depending on taste
Randomly-generated characters
RAW leads to certain assumptions about setting
Combat can be brutal
Requires some DIY work
And if you're interested, there's a general thread.
Anyone has tried Stars without numbers?
to me space opera is rule-of-cool so I'd suggest Fate. There's a Traveller inspired hack called Diaspora too that's fun to mine for ideas.
I'm gonna post space ships and no one can stop me.
Then post more Homeworld.
cheap easy flexible and not GURPS
Stars without Number is solid. Lots of neat stuff, 2d6 base roll. I've been told it's like a Traveller-lite.
Did you GM it?
Just posting star ships.
GURPS is not actually very complicated in play. However like anything that does not have a setting tied to it there is an enormous amount of work that the GM has to do in order to make a playable campaign.
Essentially the GM needs to compile their own splatbook for their game by extracting the content that they want to use from the various GURPS books. Once you've done that it isn't actually very much effort to play.
>They are making a new LoGH with generic girly anime fops.
How do you feel about it user.
If you want your game to concentrate on spaceships and similar things you could take GURPS-Lite and GURPS-Spaceships and be set for life. The first one is a maximum simplification of GURPS ruleset to its core functions transforming it into more or less a rules-light system. The second is everything you need to make spaceships and use them, including combat that doesn't need any miniatures - as all GURPS books it supports heavy castomization and gives advices on how to make your spaceships to achieve a feel of certain genre.
If you want to broaden horizons of your space you could take GURPS Space and all the other books from the Spaceships line. They have tactical combat, mechas, trade and other things. Even if you won't use crunch you'll still get a lot of information useful to running space based games.
Though for starters Lite+Spaceships should give you at the very least 5 sessions worth of material. More if you allow your players to build their own spaceships.
Going to slightly hijack OPs post to save another thread.
I want to run a fleet based game, think home world or bsg, where each player can have a stable of characters and could control different parts of the fleet. So one would control the fighters, one the screening frigates, and one per big ship. Looking to combine rpg and tactical war game elements.
What system/s should I use or steal rules from to do this?
And if you're gonna suggest gurps which books would have rules to use besides basic and space? And template suggestions?
GURPS would be Ok only if your players like hardcore military stuff. Doesn't matter if it will be space opera or something harder. If you are going to run fleet based game it would be pretty harsh on DM and players. You could as DM remove a lot of workload from players but then you'll probably crumble pretty fast.
GURPS Spaceships is designed to run smaller engagements. 5, maybe 10 ships tops. Especially if you would like to add tactical combat. The "Spaceships" line of books is basically everything to run a game like this. So you can check them and decide if you are in for all this stuff.
Try eclipse phase percentile dice and transhumanism in space
>How do you feel about it user.
it's gonna be horrible.
Space Opera in the near future?
Hmm OK. I think my main priority is some way to incorporate resource management and ship building/upgrades, so a ruleset with ship construction is key. Resources I can figure out.
As long as designing your own stuff and having them interact in a balanced way I think we're pretty flexible on the rest of the rules as long as they work.
So revised question, what rules, rpg or war gaming, allow for the design of your own ships with lots of freedom but minimal broken options?
>So revised question, what rules, rpg or war gaming, allow for the design of your own ships
GURPS, Full Thrust
>with lots of freedom but minimal broken options?
Can't be done, at least not without a lot of bullshittery that will detract from the game. Freedom explicitly allows for broken or seemingly broken options due to simple fact that ships could have very specialised loadouts.
If I were in your place I wouldn't actually fight it and instead incorporate it into the game. Say players get to use some kind of default ships from their star nation. Fight enemies, win/lose. Either way they somehow return home and start making reports. Considering that they will be in leadership positions besides standard after action reports they also get to make propositions/predictions and similar things. So they could propose a new ship design, which with some modifications, could be made and given to them for a test run. If it works good it will go into mass production.
Their enemies do the same. So if players got a new ship opponents try to come up with counters in strategy, tactics, ship design or new technology and use their ideas against PCs and their allies.
>tfw every Imperial ship now looks like the Brunhild
She was supposed to be one of a kind, damn it!
At least the yang faction got new space ships, the space bricks are good and all but lacked the variety of the empire.
Star Trek and LOGH murdered in the same year, what did we do to deserve this.
I came here to vote for Mongoose Traveller. It does require a tiny bit of work to not feel dated, mostly in the itemlists, but is lots of fun. My biggest con is probably that most player characters start out being in their late thirties or early forties based on how character creation works.
D6 Space. It's free and it's also got a broad base of skills built on its six-attribute system. (You can get it free at Drivethrurpg)
It doesn't encourage specialization, but it tends to reward it.
Traveller. A few things, especially from Mongoose, require tweaking (TravGen has had multiple arguments over railguns. Let's not go back there).
Since you know it, I have a question regarding funds and equipment.
From what I've read, funds is a skill to be rolled and there's no clear equipment table for numeric currency.
Is there a workaround for this? Did I miss something?
Check out Swan Song, it's a role play series using that system. There are bunch of expansions too that add a lot to the game in my opinion.
Savage Worlds, OP. It has a sci-fi setting guide and like two/three other independent sci-fi settings that you can rip material and shit from.
-Fast paced
-Good for muh action
-Lacks depth
-Combat's rather simplistic
-If you're going for substance over style you're going to be a bit disappointed
Ah ha! Time to post the only good things that came out of the prequels, the Naboo Royal Star Ships